OT - A Poll and a place to Chat.

Have year were you born

  • 1950 and older

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1951 - 1955

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1956 - 1960

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1961 - 1965

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 1966 - 1970

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 1971 - 1975

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • 1976 - 1980

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • 1981 - 1985

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • 1986 - 1990

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • 1991 - 1995

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • 1996 and younger

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mind your own business Buddy/Mate/Cobba/Dude !!!!

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters
I'd be happy to answer your questions if they came to my emailbox from the Diplomacy Judge. Until then, I really can't say much - I'm sure you understand ;)

But I can tell you, Italy has been a ... what's the word?... unpredictable person to deal with so far. If you sign up, you'll likely get a taste of what I mean :lol:

p.s. - I guess the 'Thanks' was a bit formal - but it seemed appropriate, as I was posting something completely OT.
As in our current game.
Well I thought it was time to bring some new wind in. :D

I wonder if I can play on my own without assistance of my mentor :shifty:

At least the Archduke cannot complain this assault was too mean.
You rarely witness a backstab where the victim gets another build... :crazyeye:
If that was a backstab, then I have little to fear. Hardly a scratch. ;)
Okay, it was no backstab but am illegal manouvre. Sorry for that, my troops will move out again and say sorry. Okay then? :)

I was losing interest (just as donsig) and thought we should try something new. Maybe this makes it exciting again. :rolleyes:
Too bad donsig did not profit from my last minute negotiations... :cry:
Losing interest in a winning game? Pah, and here I was counting my winnings and looking forward to the next game. Seems it will take a bit longer now to triumph, but I'll get there eventually... ;)
Just an update for my teammates ….

I’m actually posting this from the hospital, as we've had to check my daughter back in to place a feeding tube.

My daughter still just isn’t eating/drinking enough food. Things were still “ok” – but she was slowly going downhill on her food intake, so my wife and I made the decision to act before things got to a critical state. It’s no fun being back here, but we’re optimistic that this will be one step back for two steps forward.

Not sure how long we’ll be here (depends on when they get her scheduled for the surgery) – but I’m still hoping to get some time off and on to check in here… as distractions are always welcome.

Just wanted you all to know what the scoops was if my posting is a bit more spotty over the next few days. Thanks for all the support/prayers/well wishes. :)
Sorry to hear that, but I hope it will all work out for the better for her. :)
I second that Niklas. It is good that you can be proactive about the situation. Things still aren't moving very fast in the MTDG - you'll probably not miss a thing.
General_W, that is sad news. I hope she gets better soon. :)
I know that there is a strong Folding@home community on these forums. But I'm part of a different one: Seti@home.


They need more computers - a lot of them. The software works on almost all common platforms (only mac's OS 8.x isn't supported). I've got it running on my work computer and my home one.

Just imagine when a signal is uncovered: the feeling you'll get knowing that you were part of the project that changed humanity's place in the universe forever! :)
:lol: That was my first thought peter. I had one of the proteain folding programs going once but gave it up since I tought the program allowed entry into my computer. Anyone have any thoughts on how safe these things are? I'm running Avast's free home edition anti-virus software. Haven't even gotten around to see about firewalls. I would like to help out with these types of projects but not if my computer becomes a spamming robot because of them.

I just went through their info, but I don't see anything at all about viruses or firewalls. The program only connects to the server twice in a cycle: once to get the work packet, and once to report the results.

You can limit it's access to the internet by telling it not to connect automatically - that would eliminate any spam potential.

But I really doubt that a group of scientists would script up a program to be used by the international scientific community and leave it susceptible to comandeering.
if you have a firewall, you can set up the firewall to automatically not allow access to the internet without explicit permission - that's the way I have my machine set up.

Pain in the butt, because everytime Firefox updates it's version, the firewall thinks it's a new program and I have to bring up the interface, but it's better than the alternative!!
Just imagine when a signal is uncovered: the feeling you'll get knowing that you were part of the project that changed humanity's place in the universe forever! :)
I love your choice of preposition. :lol:
I just hope I'm still alive when it happens ;)

But I think it's way more likely that we find evidence of non-communicating life sooner. :yup:
Only three days left to submit COTM 43. Looks like I'm the only Council member that has submitted a game so far. Looks like we'll have frigates in time for the closing of submissions. :)
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