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OT improvement suggestions


Ok, so everybody has been complaining about OT for roughly the last month, right? So the question isn't about a "gradual downfall of OT" or whatever, but rather we need to ask WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN THE LAST MONTH?

Then, it hit me. OT is virtually the same as its always been the last month, except for ONE NOTABLE OMISSION

Ladies and Gentlemen, THAT is the reason for all this grumbling.


Deny it all you want, but the evidence is clear.

Ok, so everybody has been complaining about OT for roughly the last month, right? So the question isn't about a "gradual downfall of OT" or whatever, but rather we need to ask WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN THE LAST MONTH?

Then, it hit me. OT is virtually the same as its always been the last month, except for ONE NOTABLE OMISSION

Ladies and Gentlemen, THAT is the reason for all this grumbling.


Deny it all you want, but the evidence is clear.
Or, your PDMA aside, it could be because I was on vacation.

Ok, so everybody has been complaining about OT for roughly the last month, right? So the question isn't about a "gradual downfall of OT" or whatever, but rather we need to ask WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN THE LAST MONTH?

Then, it hit me. OT is virtually the same as its always been the last month, except for ONE NOTABLE OMISSION

Ladies and Gentlemen, THAT is the reason for all this grumbling.


Deny it all you want, but the evidence is clear.
He's back now anyway.
No, OT is just as bad when Perfection's around; it's simply that compared to him, everyone else appears rational and intelligent. Only when he's not around do people realise the unpalatable truth!

Ok, so everybody has been complaining about OT for roughly the last month, right? So the question isn't about a "gradual downfall of OT" or whatever, but rather we need to ask WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN THE LAST MONTH?

Then, it hit me. OT is virtually the same as its always been the last month, except for ONE NOTABLE OMISSION

Ladies and Gentlemen, THAT is the reason for all this grumbling.


Deny it all you want, but the evidence is clear.

Or, your PDMA aside, it could be because I was on vacation.

No, OT is just as bad when Perfection's around; it's simply that compared to him, everyone else appears rational and intelligent. Only when he's not around do people realise the unpalatable truth!
Or maybe it wasn't Perfection? :mischief:
Go for it. :goodjob:
Very well, I'll see what I can do.

The only one you can really appeal to is TF. Appealing to the mods is not going to work - since we're all equal anyways. We don't go after each other with knives, not anymore. Appealing to the 'public' is worse. Just bring it to the Big Boss. ;)
Again, that is not quite the point.
And I have long time since given up complaining neither to mods nor "Big Boss". The only time I can remember doing this was when one of the most notorious low-lifes expressed a wish that my illness had killed me.
After all, that was slightly on the extreme side and he deserves all the bad he can get.

And holding your dissatisfaction is bad for digestion. :p
Bah, I have experience in these matters. My stomach may be weak, but my will is all the stronger.:D

When there's a mod discussion, it's always whether on how the issue is be dealt with within the rules, or whether it will be good for the forum, or etc.
There are rules and there are rules. As far as I remember some of us found out about a year ago that there did not exist any precise definition on trolling, for instance.
Also what is "good for the forum" is one of those

A poster's (or mod's) political background never comes into the picture at all. I don't even know what's the orientation like, for most of my fellow mods. :p
A political background always comes into the picture, it is not quite like a shirt you take on and off.
And I have a pretty accurate idea of where in the political landscape almost every moderator of OT is situated, since most of them are posting relatively frequently.

BTW, Rik is left AFAIK. I have no right or left, since I don't bother with politics much. :p
As I said, I can find a couple of moderate social democrats.
As for the last sentence, well then I can't understand that you fail to see the problem. Incidentally everybody "has a right or left", not caring about politics is the same as being content with status quo - which would be a typical right position.

Uhm, what does politic orientation have to do with a bunch of Moderators on a Civilization fan site? :confused:
That said site is having a plethoria of threads concerning politics. Then political orentation inevitably comes in; the rightwing toffs has "allies" among mods, we poor Bolsheviks have to struggle on alone.

Sorry, I fail to get the connection here.
Sorry, I can't say it clearer.

Well, there is Eyrei....
...who recently declared that if Hillary Clinton would be the Democrat's presidental candidate, he would vote Republican. Really a reincarnated Ulbricht...:crazyeye:

I assume that some people believe that the moderators are harsher towards left-leaning people.
I discussed this with "some people" who complained about this last year, and there seemed to be an indication that this could indeed be the case.

If any moderator would be affected by political orientation, they should be demoted instantly.
There is a difference between should and is. And to repeat myself, political orentation is not something you decide to wear for dinner, it is always a part of you, influencing on everything.
But again, I don't expect everybody to see the problem with this, if they are never touched by it.


Ok, so everybody has been complaining about OT for roughly the last month, right? So the question isn't about a "gradual downfall of OT" or whatever, but rather we need to ask WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN THE LAST MONTH?

Then, it hit me. OT is virtually the same as its always been the last month, except for ONE NOTABLE OMISSION

Ladies and Gentlemen, THAT is the reason for all this grumbling.


Deny it all you want, but the evidence is clear.

Ok, just one question: who or what the heck is "Perfection"?
Enough. We don't talk about restrictions here, for good reason.

One of which is to allow the fellow to come back to posting from his 'downtime' w/o people knowing what sort of idiotic crap he pulled to get restricted in the first place... :p
I say most mods are very leftist, we should have atleast on real conservative.

Compared to neo-nazi's Ronald Reagan is a leftist.

The mods are fine and do a nice job. If, amongst themselves, they think they needed to add 1 or 2 to beef up the ability to patrol, then I'm fine with that. But they have my respect.
Tongue in cheek, I believe it was!
Indeed it was.

I say most mods are very leftist, we should have atleast on real conservative.
How can they be very leftist, when you can't find at least one socialist, not to mention communist among them?:rolleyes:
And what is a real conservative, anyway?

Compared to neo-nazi's Ronald Reagan is a leftist.
In some ways, at least...

The mods are fine and do a nice job. If, amongst themselves, they think they needed to add 1 or 2 to beef up the ability to patrol, then I'm fine with that. But they have my respect.
I would say most of the mods are fine, but as repeatedly stated I think it wouldn't hurt with a bit more political diversity among them. So adding one would be nice.
How can they be very leftist, when you can't find at least one socialist, not to mention communist among them?

I'd be inclined to call myself at least vaguely socialist, though perhaps you're looking for a bit more commitment than that. You won't ever catch me moderating OT though.

However, I'd agree that the political makeup of the moderators, as a group, seems to me to reflect more or less the political makeup of the site's posters (ie, more to the right); but that is simply my probably imperfect impression.
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