I'm about 360 turns into this one. I went a mixture of Honor, Tradition, and Rationalism, plus the Patronage opener. I settled 4 cities pretty quickly. I tried to not build many wonders, preferring to capture them, but I did get Great Lighthouse and Hanging Gardens. Built lots of archers and city walls on my 2 cities closest to Monty. When I got composite bows I was going to attack Monty, but of course I didn't have to wait that long. He declared war and swarmed me with units. (they killed all my warriors and spearmen, which was annoying) My cities were never in danger and I destroyed his army with archers and a couple of newly-built composite bows. I upgraded all my archers and pushed back with a half dozen composite bows. I captured his 2 cities (razed Teotihuacan) with a horseman, who would later upgrade to my first elephant. Tenochtitlan had Stonehenge, and a religion with Holy Warriors. That was kinda handy when I had pagodas in all my cities, and I had enough inquisitors stockpiled and didn't want any more great prophets. BTW, inquisitors make great artillery spotters.
Maria was next, and Lisbon was easy to take down with composite bows and elephants. I upgraded to crossbows and puppeted Porto and razed Braga. William was ahead of me in tech and I didn't want to lose all my experienced units trying to capture Amsterdam because it was well fortified, so I beelined Dynamite while my caravels and scouts explored the world. At some point I saw that I could build Statue of Zeus in just 4 turns so I went for it. Also built Forbidden Palace,
Notre Dame, the Oracle, and Brandenburg. I annexed Lisbon because the long road thru the swamps connecting the eastern and western parts of my empire was slow and annoying.
[edit: I was mistaken about ND, Pedro beat me to it]
Science is moving along very fast in this game, but the AIs are keeping up with me. Brazil picked an ideology just a couple of turns before I did and he picked Autocracy. This was probably a good thing; I picked it too, and his tourism is keeping the Order civs (which also have a lot of tourism) from dragging me down. I did beat him to Prora. Anyway, back to the war effort: William had a *lot* of cities, and he was building riflemen almost as fast as I could kill them, so I don't think I took any casualties at all but the war took a very long time. And my artillery and cavalry (a mix of cav and elephants at this point) were really racking up the promotions. William was the only one who picked Freedom, so I left him alive with a couple of decent coastal cities so he could build Statue of Liberty. Eventually he did, and I declared war and captured his last 2 cities with a battleship and privateer built in Lisbon and my caravels that were finished exploring. The privateer even managed to capture a sea beggar. I razed the city that had no wonders, but at least it did build some polders that were within range of one of my other puppet cities so I grabbed them with a great general then built a trading post on top of the citadel.
My navy was on the wrong side of the isthmus to go after Indonesia so I built/bought another couple of battleships and submarines to attack Jakarta. I captured it with a tank (former elephant.) He put up a good fight too; I think I did lose a couple of units. I just finished wiping him out completely and now it's time to figure out who my next victim is. Probably a quick war with the Incas mainly to raze a city on the isthmus so I can plant a new city in the same place but where it's only 1 tile wide so I can move ships across from one ocean to the other without having to go the long way around. Make peace before pushing all the way to Cusco, then go after France or India next, then a second war with the Inca capture his capital, then Brazil and Mongolia (if Mongolia is still alive, I suspect Pedro will take him out.) I'm building lots of missile cruisers.
I still have 5 capitals to go. Y'all probably would have won by now. 
Domination on large maps is my weakest game because I try to keep my empire happy and positive cashflow as it sprawls. Pedro has hated me the whole game even though we have the same ideology. He also has the strongest military. I may move him up on the priority list but not eliminate him completely, just take Rio De Janeiro. It would also be good to start a war between him and Gandhi and let them nuke each other.