Well I half-feel as though I've conceded away my right to determine anything much about P666-05 in light of the waivering position on my involvement!
But seeing that I was asked

I've always believed that the game set up for this P666 series should be reasonably close to the default settings because the further you stray from these, the more you distort the game, and I'm concerned that for what was intended to be 'a good general learning experience' becomes a bit too affected by the irregularities that might stem from strange map settings. A bit of variation doesn't concern me (e.g. P666-04 on Low Sea Level Panagea) but for my money I think that some maps will push you towards certain map-specific strategies, and I'm not sure if that's all that helpful.
Personally I'd go back to a Space Race victory condition instead of a Domination because P666-04 was so war-oriented that a developmental game with a bit more focus on triangular diplomacy could be good. If that was the plan, then I'd accommodate fbelintani and select Mahatma Gandhi as the leader for P666-05 ... for the reasons set out already; Spiritual has its attractions for this type of game. Philosphical will put a greater slant on Great People use and the Farm Economy, and given that the game's going to Monarch, the lightbulbing of Great People will be a useful learning topic. You start with the 'Fast Worker', so no bee-lines for the UU needed, while the Mausoleum is just 'ever so useful'

so no need for a bee-line there either I'd suggest!
For a Spiritual leader with less dominant traits than Gandhi's Philosophical, I'd consider Asoka (Organised) or Isabella (Expansive).
With all that said, if the 'pure' educational thing isn't really what the roster's after, then that's fine. If the decision is to play on a non-standard map or play with a self-imposed game variant then that's more than OK by me.
b.t.w. ... I'm another one who's never played as Stalin! If the verdict is a Stalin-lead Domination shot, then that's fine too.