• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Patch 1.09 released!

It is a poorly tested game that is at issue. Not anyone at this forum.

The game is buggy beyond the possibility of enjoyment for many people who have the stated system requirements.

What version nVidia driver are you running??

If you have a newer version, try rolling back to the 71.89 version. It worked wonders for me- no more stuttering graphics or blackout, and better performance in general.

Good luck.
Hi Folks,
Does anyone know if any more patch's are going to become available or do we have to live with what we have been given? The work done by the inventive users of this software and posted in this forum is very good and thay deserve a great "HAZZAH" (so "HAZZAH!! HAZZAH!! HAZZAH!!!"), but it would be nice to have the people who can really make the software run right come up with true program fixes to the problems it contains.

Many thanks to all,
Yeldaoh50 said:
Hi Folks,
Does anyone know if any more patch's are going to become available or do we have to live with what we have been given? The work done by the inventive users of this software and posted in this forum is very good and thay deserve a great "HAZZAH" (so "HAZZAH!! HAZZAH!! HAZZAH!!!"), but it would be nice to have the people who can really make the software run right come up with true program fixes to the problems it contains.

Many thanks to all,

Given that Take2 are "experiencing very high technical support volumes" or whatever, they must know there are lots of problems, so you imagine that they are working on something. If they're not, word is going to continue to spread that Civ4 has many issues, and they're likely to find Civ5 (when, not if) doesn't sell very well at the start as all the unhappy Civ4 buyers let others "beta"-test Civ5 for a few months...
I've got the min sys requirements, play on Small World, and my biggest problem is it will crash often after hitting "enter" to go to the next turn. Much of the time this is repeatable, meaning reboot, hold shift key down, whatever, and the crash keeps happening. My only fix is to redo the previous turn to get units & stuff different somehow and eventually I get things enough different that it won't crash.

Pretty crappy s/w IMHO. Pretty crappy playtesting too IMHO. I design & playtest military boardgames all the time, I do tons of technical writing in my day-job, and implement/test new engineering s/w all the time. While I do love Civ4, I am rather shocked at how poor the QC obviously was and how poor some of the high level planning was. Sheesh, if they'd had me "playtest" it, in 1 day I would have red-inked all over the Civilopedia, the game itself, etc. Great work in one respect in that it is indeed a great game when it works, but just atrocious work/quality in other respects. Word spreads, getting full up on production before Xmas and meeting their time-to-market schedule maybe wasn't such a good idea ...
Chris, I agree with your comments regarding playtesting etc. I think a lot of us feel that way - and word will spread - I for one won't be buying Civ5 when it first comes out!!

If you are experiencing the CTD issue, a fix that worked for me is described here:

I'd also recommend you email firaxis/take2 about your problems - not just tech support, but Firaxis too - there are plenty of likely candidates here:

including Fan Concerns and Game Feedback.

I for one have been telling my friends about my experiences with Civ4 - basically if you can get it to work it's a good game, but they released some seriously buggy software, which is very disappointing.
To put the other side I can't recommend the game highly enough not yet experienced a single CTD.

Though I play on standard map or below - haven't tried a larger map so maybe that is part of the reason identified earlier in the thread. Apologies for posting on a more cheerful note I was keeping out of all the negativety - but I think a positive angle is needed to keep this in perspectibe lest we believe everyone has an issue with the game.

I feel for anyone experiencing issues - would really love to add something to assist but their seems to be so many variants to it :(

In terms of high technical support volume - don't read too much into that unless you have previously experienced Take 2's support :) I logged an issue a week ago, its no longer an issue - if they're still working on it then they're wasting their time.

I would suggest the best place to air problems is here - swamping the guys who are developing the product is not going to assist and push resources in the wrong places. Particularly if the problems are similar - a more organised breakdown of the problems would be more productive than that.

Tals back into Lurk mode
tals said:
To put the other side I can't recommend the game highly enough not yet experienced a single CTD.

I realise that many people haven't had any issues, and think that's good, but also how it should be for everyone. The number of people with issues does seem disproportionately high.

I feel for anyone experiencing issues - would really love to add something to assist but their seems to be so many variants to it :(
....I would suggest the best place to air problems is here - swamping the guys who are developing the product is not going to assist and push resources in the wrong places. Particularly if the problems are similar - a more organised breakdown of the problems would be more productive than that.
I think a lot are either video card or memory leak related from what I've read - by directly telling Take2 of your issues, they (I hope) will create a profile of the most common issues and direct their resources to those areas. I'm sure they have some common sense here and retain an overview of the problems occurring at the same time as dealing with the specific issues people email them about. If they never hear about some problems, they may never be addressed.
While the forums are great, I have yet to see any official comment from Take2 or their tech support about "this is being worked on" or "this is the fix we recommend" - I'm not saying not to use the forums, on the contrary, but to -also- tell Take2 (and email them back if you fixed a problem).
patch fixed the black map / leader faces problem on my dell inspiron w/ ATI mobility 7500. very happy!
AMD64 3000+
PC3200 512meg x2 (dual channel)
6600GT 128meg - latest non-beta nVidia drivers
Audigy2 ZX sound
Turned off virus scanner and non-needed services
WinXP Pro SP2

huge map, 8 civs (including myself), noble level

The good after the patch:
- wonder movies now play much smoother, not choppy*
- dont crash to desktop in the start/middle of the game**
- several of the gameplay bugs resolved as noted in the patch read me

*except gets choppy near the latter stages of the game, see below
**Again, near the latter part of the game crashes are worse then pre-patch

The bad after the patch
- stablilty quickly decreases near the latter part of the game. By the time I hit the year 1900 or so (and the map fully reveiled) things started to take much longer. Not only the AI turns but during my turn scrolling across the map became a nightmare. At times takes 30+sec for the main screen to refresh and draw the units/terrain. At times the scrooling is smooth, othertimes tiakes quite some time. Animations/sound became choppy as well at this stage in the game. Seems like a memory leak when the units/civ size gets beyond a certain point.

The ugly after the patch
- The crashes become quite common when you get to this stage of the game. early/mid 1900s. When the game crashes about 50% of the time its to the desktop, the other 50% of the time causes a blue screen of death with a reference to a nvidia driver .dll At this point I can only play 5-6 turns at a time before one of these crashes happen. In essence my game is unplayable.

I am very disappointed in this game and lack of quality. I realize and accept some amount of bugs. The world is not perfect nor is the s/w industry. But to release this with game stopping bugs is unacceptable. There was no way these bugs could not have been noticed before ship unless their QA dept is compleatly inept.

I shall think twice about buying another game from Sid or his company.
I just wanted to put my 2 cent's worth in regarding the 1.09 patch.

Hearing all the bad reviews of the patch, I was very reluctant to upgrade, in fact, abandoning the download after reading many negative comments in this forum. However, I decided to give it a try last night after wrapping up a game. Initially I tried installing the patch through the in-game update option. It downloaded no problems, but I got an 'access denied' error when trying to update civ4.exe, afterwhich the game didn't work. I turned around and downloaded the patch from the web and installed that, and it fixed the problem.

Furthermore, while playing I noticed dramatic improvement in performance. So much so, that I turned the graphics options up from 'low' to 'medium'
with no loss in performance at all. Load times seem to have improved and so far I have not seen any bugs.

I was not having any problems with the game before, other than bugs, so I was happy to see that it only got better.

P4 @ 2 Ghz, 512MB RAM, 64MB GForce3 Ti 200
I have two computers: One that has 256 RAM, and my laptop, which has 512 RAM....I downloaded the patch yesterday, and on a lark installed it with the game on the 256 RAM computer.....Here is my report:

Before the Patch on 256 RAM computer:
Game would load to the Main Menu screen, but when I would start a game, it would CTD immediately...Also, with my lame Intel 8 series graphics card, I couldn't see the leaders, or much of the map when it did load

After the patch on 256 RAM computer:
Game loads...
I can see the leaders, and the map...
I can play a game to conclusion on a small map with 3 rival civs, without any discernable slowdown or CTDs....

Needless to say, I quite content with that, and I haven't even tried it on my laptop yet...I much prefer playing small worlds with a few civs than a big one with lots of civs, so I am esctatic this morning, to be sure....
Rhomal said:
AMD64 3000+
PC3200 512meg x2 (dual channel)
6600GT 128meg - latest non-beta nVidia drivers
Audigy2 ZX sound
Turned off virus scanner and non-needed services
WinXP Pro SP2

huge map, 8 civs (including myself), noble level

The good after the patch:
- wonder movies now play much smoother, not choppy*
- dont crash to desktop in the start/middle of the game**
- several of the gameplay bugs resolved as noted in the patch read me

*except gets choppy near the latter stages of the game, see below
**Again, near the latter part of the game crashes are worse then pre-patch

The bad after the patch
- stablilty quickly decreases near the latter part of the game. By the time I hit the year 1900 or so (and the map fully reveiled) things started to take much longer. Not only the AI turns but during my turn scrolling across the map became a nightmare. At times takes 30+sec for the main screen to refresh and draw the units/terrain. At times the scrooling is smooth, othertimes tiakes quite some time. Animations/sound became choppy as well at this stage in the game. Seems like a memory leak when the units/civ size gets beyond a certain point.

The ugly after the patch
- The crashes become quite common when you get to this stage of the game. early/mid 1900s. When the game crashes about 50% of the time its to the desktop, the other 50% of the time causes a blue screen of death with a reference to a nvidia driver .dll At this point I can only play 5-6 turns at a time before one of these crashes happen. In essence my game is unplayable.

I am very disappointed in this game and lack of quality. I realize and accept some amount of bugs. The world is not perfect nor is the s/w industry. But to release this with game stopping bugs is unacceptable. There was no way these bugs could not have been noticed before ship unless their QA dept is compleatly inept.

I shall think twice about buying another game from Sid or his company.

I have a nearly identical computer as you:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+
512 x 4 MB DDRAM (Yeah yeah, I know about the memory controller issue with all the slots filled.)
6600 GT
Audigy2 ZX
WinXP Home SP2

Before the patch, I had several seemingly random hard locks and other crashes where strange artifacts apeared on the screen and then locked up. Since the patch, I have had only 1 such occasion. I don't know what the big difference is between our two systems... Maybe the extra ram? I doubt the slightly higher clocked CPU would make much of a difference. Or maybe it's XP Home? dunno.
Well, I just went out and bought a 512 stick of memory and am going to reinstall this game tonight along with the magnificent patch.

I plan on playing the hugest world possible with as many empires as possible. And so help me God, if the game takes longer than 5 seconds to so much as scratch its ass and ponder the meaning of life - I am going to lay down a Gypsy curse on every single person who helped develop the game...and their children. Just to make an example.

I mean it.
I found a great way to pass the time until the next patch comes out. I fired up Classic Quake 1. :)
Dark Helmet said:
Well, I just went out and bought a 512 stick of memory and am going to reinstall this game tonight along with the magnificent patch.

How much memory will you have then? 512 MB in total will not be enough to play the game on huge maps. 1 GB should do, according to my tests, although I haven't played the savegames I tested with for longer periods. A huge map with 8 rivals in modern times used about 750 MB of RAM (with Win2k and some other processes using another 130 MB).
the new patch puts naked ladies all over my pc...

oh, wait...

never mind....

oops....:smoke: :smoke:
Dark Helmet said:
Well, I just went out and bought a 512 stick of memory and am going to reinstall this game tonight along with the magnificent patch.

I plan on playing the hugest world possible with as many empires as possible. And so help me God, if the game takes longer than 5 seconds to so much as scratch its ass and ponder the meaning of life - I am going to lay down a Gypsy curse on every single person who helped develop the game...and their children. Just to make an example.

I mean it.

You are too naive...
It should work better, but what are you asking...
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