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Patriarchy Debate

My measurement is in my many posts. Of course, in non-hard-science intellectual discussions beauty is in the eye of the beholder (though over & over it can be heard out of the mouth of the fanboy, "His opinion is objectively true").
When I have dick measuring contests with intellectuals I tend to win. Maybe because I've read so much in so many fields & heard so many opinions whereas polarized/polarizing "intellectuals" generally harden their opinions in order to become known (to become famous you must have clear & easy to understand philosophies & agendas).

Good job being the first to start here.

Unfortunately, no one else seems interested, so you might be left standing dick in hand.
When I have dick measuring contests with intellectuals I tend to win. Maybe because I've read so much in so many fields & heard so many opinions whereas polarized/polarizing "intellectuals" generally harden their opinions in order to become known (to become famous you must have clear & easy to understand philosophies & agendas).

Of course I'm the one with the subjective measuring stick. Every author that changes my mind is only gonna to push it 1 or 2% in a particular direction. If I totally flipped my opinions after every "deep" book I read I'd be a pretty shallow person I'd say.
"My dick is is 11 dunnings and 5 krugers long"
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