PBEM Playtest of AWAW v1.2

I got your PM, Duke. And I have no idea how that tech got there.

Happy gaming!
Uhh yah I beleive' that was me when I had not realised the minoraxis were human (still disagree). I could have done that again but I didn't and won't as I now see it's human controlled, my sincere apologies.

(((((If Bo decides he isn't interested in playing the Minor Axis, then I strongly suggest that either I or Duke play them also, and halt this kind of B.S.!!)))))

~Righteously pissed off in Berlin

(EDIT: written November 1st: "I think Bo playing the Minor Axes would be for the best. Truth is though, I have a fear of it being played via the 'AI'. As Duke alludes to... I'd hate, and think it pretty 'crappy', if it goes to the 'AI', and then everyone 'raids' it in-game for my technologies. Not, of course, that anyone would actually DO such a thing...

(2nd edit: just removing a bunch of pissed off anger talk... cleaning things up.)
As far as I knew AI is fair game. I even managed to incite Minor Axis to attack the Germans in the other game.
voltar said:
As far as I knew AI is fair game.

Generally this is true, but at no point in this game was the Minor Axis controlled by the AI. This tech swap was done while Eivind was still playing, I think in the first turn actually, so it had nothing to do with him leaving the game.

voltar said:
I even managed to incite Minor Axis to attack the Germans in the other game.

That probably explains why the Minor Allies attacked me this turn as well.
Well I know I made a mistake. At the time when I did it I did not realize it was human controlled, even though eivind was playing I simply had not noticed. And no I had nothing to do with what the minor allies did to you this game.
I still want to play the Minor Axis. As Duke says they are not powerfull since they are only limited to light tanks and early figher/bombers. So in the long run they should be outclassed.
Death and Deceit

Showing their usual cowardice the UK has decided to run rather than fight. There is no sign of the small fleet they were rumored to have in our area. The idea of facing a turn without inflicting any UK casualties did not allow the Emperor to sleep well at night, so a bomber was sent to look for targets where troop movements were assumed to be happening around Burma. A group of units was found on the swampy road near Mandalay and the Elite Bomber had little trouble dispatching of the group. Survey reports show that 3 divisions were killed. [3 Units destroyed]

voltar said:
The United States is outraged at Japans sudden aggression. Our tech exchange was merely a business agreement. Now however Japan shall pay for their malicious assault on the American people.
Apparently the US 'business agreement' also involved sending their fleet towards the Japanese people at flank speed well before we paid them some retribution for their actions. But, knowing that the US had been feigning 'neutrality' all along our mighty fleet was already in a position to respond to these brave but naive actions and destroyed all the advancing ships trying to threaten us. [5 Cruisers Destroyed]

A short time back we were attacked by the Soviet Empire even after reaching a mutual understanding. Since the only unfortunate casualty involved was on the Soviet side, the Japanese people honorably dismissed the attack as an accident. However, we now see that three other Soviet Divisions have advanced on our positions and the Soviets have remained at a state of war with us. Attempts to communicate with the Soviets failed, and, with its honor now bruised for mistakenly trusting in this agreement the Japanese people responded to protect itself. The three divisions that were advancing on us were attacked and destroyed. Units outside the city of Vladivostok were then bombed by naval units who then took their Elite crew to attack the city itself. After a quick but fierce fight the city fell to the Japanese forces. [4 Soviet Divisions and 1 early fighter destroyed, Vladivostok liberated]
The United States has consulted regarding the Japanese situation. The decision has been made to mobilize the entire nation and annihilate any and all resistance.

The USA chooses to currently ignore the Nazi's declaration of war. We have refrained from attacking any Nazi or Minor Axis units. Do you intend to pursue this insanity?


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Coup De Etat in Rome. New Italian dictator promise reforms of the Italian nation and rebuilding of the Empire.

Declaration of war received from Minor Allies.
Americans send Supplies to Chinese

- Two armoured and one infantry divisions lost near Brest-Lowisk (reinforcements sent)
- Riga and Virpurii occupied

Peaty Treaty formally offered to Japan

What has happened is a reckless pilot seems to have attempted to bomb a Japenese unit and been shot down without prior knowledge of the Soviet Leadership who didn't even know they were at war untill the Japenese ambassador knocked on his door.

Surely you cannot talk about an afront to Japense honour a total of SEVENTEEN divisions where lost in the fighting around Vladivostok You have once agains humiliated the Russian people in the eyes of the world, first with your Navy in the previous Russian/Japenese confrontation and now with your army.

The Russian people HUMBLY bow before the might of the Japenese Empire

(In truth I had comepltely forgotton about the Japense "war" and a few of my troops just occupied my border forts they NEVER had any intention of moving any further south. and it was JAPENESE units that were interfearing with movement on the only great Eastern Road).

In fact how come it is only I who seem to loose units when I attack - are the Soviet troops so inferior to everyone's elses?


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Hey, Boli!

I CERTAINLY know how you feel. I lost multiple... eh... 'things' over Zagreb a while back, and certainly lost units every single turn! I know UK has lost a BUNCH of units... I enjoyed killing them!

(Oh! That sounds good... can I say it again? :)

If you recall, I started this scenario listing each and every loss. I then am told I don't need to be THAT specific... and see the truth of this, as I had to ask Morten what, IF ANYTHING, he lost during his closing of his naval trap.

Personally, while I do not think USSR, USA or anyone else should know of the particular casualties (unless shared) I think the COMBATANTS should at least know! Thus, I don't like the fact that Morten can kill my units... 'me' being present on the battlefield... yet even I can't know what happened.

The only way I can think of playing with these kind of rules... is to ALSO not say what should be said.

**Will try to get my turn in today. Hopefully, my fleet has made good their escape from those 'Slimey-Limies!' :)
I only mention looses if they were important for me to have been lost - an unlucky string of bombers and the failed Brest-Lowist offensive (3 units utterly detroyed not a dent on the defending unit). News like that will certainly circulate through the intelligence networks so I give them that news.

I was just annoyed I seem to be the only player with problems with these damn guns.
Boli said:
(In truth I had comepltely forgotton about the Japense "war" and a few of my troops just occupied my border forts they NEVER had any intention of moving any further south. and it was JAPENESE units that were interfearing with movement on the only great Eastern Road).

Such comments show that you are not genuine about your offer of peace.

When the Japanese command got reports of recent Soviets activity, this is what was found.

As you will see, we are not bordering the road as has been claimed, although we could have done so last round as the 'accidental' attack on our unit left nothing to keep us from advancing towards it. However, in accordance with our agreement, we did not. We only wished to maintain our existing borders with the Soviets. We had no qualms with the Great Soviet Empire. We only wish to rid our area of the Imperialistic UK and those who support them.

Three Soviet Divisions had advanced on Japanese postions. The one division that is to the West we can understand as it was re-occupying a position that was left vacant by the earlier 'accidential' attack by the Soviets. But, the other two divisions to the North are outside their city borders and moved up to confront the Japanese units standing guard at their own existing borders.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Shame brings dis-honor, dis-honor brings death to those who casued the dis-honor.
Losses are part of the 'fog-of-war'. As Boli said, only major losses would normally be wispered through the world, so they can be mentioned, but otherwise you are only providing information that helps the opposing players.

If they truely want to see what the results of the comabt were, let them send a unit back over there to get an updated view of what's left (at their own peril of course ;)).
A Note on that picture:

First of all I did move them back; BUT in the previous turn not the redo... which I forgot to do a lot of things (a city I mean to change produciton to a steel factory I had to get back to for instance.

Secondly BKA: could you define a "starting status" between Japan and Russia when they start neither has recognised each other (as if they have never met). Just changing it to "CEASE FIRE" , "PEACE" or even "WAR" will solve a lot of problems - you will then get a message saying: Do you want to declare war agains XXXX rather than just nothing as it is in the game right now.

Thirdly I admit I most likely DID sent a bomber over... but I just "can't remember it" the first turn I cleaned out a couple of neutral units hanging around Russian cities and I saved it and sent it on its way I don't even REMEMBER sending a unit over there and I certinaly wouldn't have attacked Japan intentionaly (am I mad)?

the attached pictures so a screeny of my ORIGINAL SAVE and my REDO save of the same area.

As it shows there is definatly some difference in troop possitions. the orginal clearly not as threatening as the redo save (which as I said early I rushed and ended up not doing as much as I would like).

Also note the posistion of the troops in accordance of the road and the Japense city. in the ORIGINAL the troops are crealy safeguading the road against any agresion (neutral or japenese alike) - any none japense unit on those sqaures will cause the road to become unuseable

And in the REDO are... well I admit they are a mess and it is far from soviet agreesion more like soviet high command desion not getting to the troops on the ground.


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In the early morning hours, radio Berlin announsed the commensement of a secret war manuever against the hated English called 'Operation Sea Lion'. During the openning moments of this broadcast, while millions of Germans rushed to their sets, High Command informed the people of Greater Germany that the invasion of England had commensed. Explaining that the English naval trap had, in actuality, been cunningly designed by our Fuhrer... units of the German Navy had actually 'led' the english warships further and further into a death trap which the English were silly enough to feed their entire fleet into 'piece-meal'. Berlin announces the complete, and total destruction of all UK naval units within the entire North Sea... as planned... nay, predicted! German transports, sitting just over the horizon of the British Isle, disgorged lead elements of the Wehrmacht, which were pleased to shake hands with the Luftwaffe marching band, that had set up after receiving directions to Picadilly. The english squire providing directions to Picadilly for these 'fine chaps' is rumored to have returned to bed, telling his wife "Those Orkney blighters sure have a bit of an accent, what?" :)

Accompanied by the marching bands playing "Roll out the barrel, and we'll have a barrell of fun!" the skies above darkened as if the Biblical 'Great Locusts of Ancient Egypt' had arrived. Under the screaming, howling engines of several THOUSANDS of snarling Luftwaffe engines, rain after rain of destruction filled the english countryside as more than 3,000,000 metric TONNES of explosives broke the keel of the United Kingdom, and hurled her into the writhing death throes of total, abject defeat!

The Luftwaffe succeeded in destroying at least 12-14 UK Infantry Divisions which were putting up a spasmatic, feeble attempt at playing 'homeland defense'. The Carriers 'Ark Royal', and 'Roscommons' were sunk within the harbors of Hull and Southampton, respectively.

Then newsflashed around the world:


German units roll through and occupy Greater London. Pausing to take snapshots in front of Buckingham Palace, the Wehrmacht proceeded to the residence of Albert Einstein. Gestapo units are reporting his arrival back in Berlin by tomorrow morning!

After the capture of London, the backbone of the English will seemed to snap. With the loss of the 'Defiance of Churchill', it appeared the entire country had gone insane, throwing down weapons and running from the field of battle! Elements of the German Army drove into LIVERPOOL, and quickly established control and curfew in that city. Also, HULL, NEWCASTLE, EDINBURGH, BIRMINGHAM and SOUTHAMPTON taken!

Berlin stuns the world, announcing that in this 'first' opening move of 'Operation Sea Lion', 65% (2/3rds) of all British cities in the UK proper have been secured by victorious elements of the Wehrmacht.

As a 'side note', it is also announced that 'mopping up' actions in the North Sea continue against heavily damaged UK shipping, and that two (2) British Cruisers, in an apparent attempt to evacuate an Mechanized Infantry Division at Dunkerque (with what is believed to be a second mech infantry unit stacked with it) had been sited. Luftwaffe units are being scrambled to this region, and expect to destroy the surviving cruiser (the other being sunk by the 'Graf Spee') and mech infantry "Very soon".

In summary: UK LOSSES:


And also an amount of divisions to be believed certainly no less than a dozen, possibly more (sorry, I lost track! Oh, yeah... keep it 'vague', Gary! :)

(Rumors of multiple german air wing losses are simply that... rumors, as all foreign and domestic news has been 'blacked out' in this new Greater Aryan Colony)

<edit> P.S> Sorry everyone if it sounds as thought I'm EXSTATIC, or anything... but I'm exstatic! :) Please forgive me if I sound to 'flip', ok? This was code named 'The Gamble', for obvious reasons... Germany says "Don't Tread On Me!"... and reminds the world that it was the belligerent United Kingdom who, in THEIR arrogance... declared war against Germany!
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