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PerfectWorld6 7

I'm playing with your script and I love it but in the map I generated I can't find a single thermal hex. Are those features generated in your script?

I use the default code for placing those. They tend to appear along the line of volcanos. If you find a few of those some vents should be nearby.
Geothermal fissures aren't very common overall in the game, regardless of PW6. They only appear where continent borders meet. Check your continent lens and you'll see.
When using PerfectWorld 6 in World Builder the crash provides this data:

Spoiler Lua.log :

DebugHotloadCache: GameDebug initialized!
Test: Test.LUA loaded!
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
Mods: Failed to create mods browser search context!
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
AdvancedSetup: There are 6 participating players.
AdvancedSetup: Building Game Setup
AdvancedSetup: Player Count Changed
AdvancedSetup: There are 6 participating players.
AdvancedSetup: Player Count Changed
AdvancedSetup: There are 6 participating players.
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
AdvancedSetup: Player Count Changed
AdvancedSetup: There are 8 participating players.
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
AdvancedSetup: Hiding Game Setup
GenerateRandomMap: Map Seed = -844520607
Map Script: Generating PerfectWorld6 Map
Map Script: Creating initial map data - PerfectWorld6
Map Script: map size: width=98, height=62
Map Script: OldWorldStart = true
Map Script: random seed for this map is 260569832
Map Script: Generating plot types - PerfectWorld6
Map Script: Generating terrain - PerfectWorld6
Map Script: mc.AllowPangeas = b false
Map Script: mc.maximumMeteorCount = 1089473768 12
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 3467
Map Script: biggest continent = 3447
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.994231
Map Script: biggest ID = 2
Map Script: length of C after createContinentList is 3447
Map Script: length of C is 1089473768 3447
Map Script: highest centrality is 82062
Map Script: A meteor has struck the Earth at 65, 60!
Map Script: meteor damage radius = 4 at 65, 60
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 3447
Map Script: biggest continent = 3255
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.944299
Map Script: biggest ID = 2
Map Script: length of C after createContinentList is 3255
Map Script: length of C is 1089473768 3255
Map Script: highest centrality is 36597
Map Script: A meteor has struck the Earth at 72, 22!
Map Script: meteor damage radius = 4 at 72, 22
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 3416
Map Script: biggest continent = 3224
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.943794
Map Script: biggest ID = 2
Map Script: length of C after createContinentList is 3224
Map Script: length of C is 1089473768 3224
Map Script: highest centrality is 63414
Map Script: A meteor has struck the Earth at 70, 26!
Map Script: meteor damage radius = 5 at 70, 26
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 3371
Map Script: biggest continent = 3179
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.943044
Map Script: biggest ID = 2
Map Script: length of C after createContinentList is 3179
Map Script: length of C is 1089473768 3179
Map Script: highest centrality is 107210
Map Script: A meteor has struck the Earth at 67, 31!
Map Script: meteor damage radius = 6 at 67, 31
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 3334
Map Script: biggest continent = 2339
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.701560
Map Script: biggest ID = 2
Map Script: length of C after createContinentList is 2339
Map Script: length of C is 1089473768 2339
Map Script: highest centrality is 32156
Map Script: A meteor has struck the Earth at 31, 41!
Map Script: meteor damage radius = 4 at 31, 41
Map Script: testing pangaea
Map Script: totalLand = 3309
Map Script: biggest continent = 2051
Map Script: percent of biggest = 0.619825
Map Script: The age of dinosours has come to a cataclysmic end.
Map Script: biggest continent = 2051
Map Script: totalLand = 3309
Map Script: new world percent = 0.300695
Map Script: New World Continent with size 803
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 172
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 3
Map Script: New World Continent with size 2
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 2
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Map Script: New World Continent with size 2
Map Script: New World Continent with size 2
Map Script: New World Continent with size 1
Runtime Error: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\289070\1538122020\Map\PerfectWorld6.lua:321: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\289070\1538122020\Map\PerfectWorld6.lua:321: in function 'GenerateMap'
[C]: in function '(anonymous)'
Lua callstack:
Runtime Error: Call to GenerateMap() had errors
stack traceback:
[C]: in function '(anonymous)'
LoadScreen: OnLoadGameViewStateDone
Mods: Failed to create mods browser search context!
Test: Test.LUA loaded!
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
JoiningRoom: OnFinishedGameplayContentConfigure() g_waitingForContentConfigure=true
Seems to be a conflict with the NaturalWonderGenerator whenever Matterhorn is enabled in game via Terra Mirabilis. I get the following errors in my Lua.log and crash to main menu:
Runtime Error: E:\User Files\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Cephalo's PerfectWorld6 (Ver. 6)\Map\PerfectWorld6.lua:6253: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
    E:\User Files\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Cephalo's PerfectWorld6 (Ver. 6)\Map\PerfectWorld6.lua:6253: in function 'PWCanHaveMatterhorn'
    (tail call): ?
    E:\User Files\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Cephalo's PerfectWorld6 (Ver. 6)\Map\PerfectWorld6.lua:5341: in function 'NaturalWonderGenerator:__FindValidLocs'
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\289070\1461463960\Core\Utilities\Maps\NaturalWonderGenerator.lua:44: in function 'NaturalWonderGenerator.Create'
    E:\User Files\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\Cephalo's PerfectWorld6 (Ver. 6)\Map\PerfectWorld6.lua:346: in function 'GenerateMap'
    [C]: in function '(anonymous)'
Lua callstack:
Runtime Error: Call to GenerateMap() had errors
I have exactly the same problem as Abaxial, have Civ 6 and R&F installed, along with the Australia DLC. Game works fine with no mods, and also fine with all other mods active excluded Perfect World, but as soon as I activate Perfect World it won't start a new map, and same runtime errors in the lua.log

Does this version mod definitely work without requiring the GS expansion?
Hey Cephalo. I loved the allow pangeas (no meteors) option in the previous versions. How do I enable it? I think I know the variable but I'm unsure should it be true or false? On mobile so don't remember the wording.
Looks good but with that many rivers they become less valuable since every city will have them, even if I think the default maps has too few rivers to be fun/realistic. You went a bit overboard there imo. I'm so glad it's configurable.
Last edited:
Map looks amazing, but as the previous poster said, there are way too many rivers XD (and by that I mean, I generated a map with like 10 rivers side by side, lol). What's the setting to change in the .lua to just reduce the number?
So, I recently downloaded this mod from the Steam Workshop and either it's broken or it conflicts with other mods because it crashes the game. I try to start a new game with this mod + all my other mods and it stops at the loading screen... loading for 20+minutes then crash. The moment I disable it the game runs fine. I have all the DLC and the latest version. It just occurred to me that the workshop version may not have been updated, I'll try this version. If it crashes again then it has to be a confliction and/or broken.
So, I recently downloaded this mod from the Steam Workshop and either it's broken or it conflicts with other mods because it crashes the game. I try to start a new game with this mod + all my other mods and it stops at the loading screen... loading for 20+minutes then crash. The moment I disable it the game runs fine. I have all the DLC and the latest version. It just occurred to me that the workshop version may not have been updated, I'll try this version. If it crashes again then it has to be a confliction and/or broken.
If it also crashes with this version you might consider sharing the other mods you use and the Lua.log :). That makes it easier to bughunt.
So, I recently downloaded this mod from the Steam Workshop and either it's broken or it conflicts with other mods because it crashes the game. I try to start a new game with this mod + all my other mods and it stops at the loading screen... loading for 20+minutes then crash. The moment I disable it the game runs fine. I have all the DLC and the latest version. It just occurred to me that the workshop version may not have been updated, I'll try this version. If it crashes again then it has to be a confliction and/or broken.

The game still crashed. I'm not sure how to upload the Lua file, but as far as mods go this is what I have:

[Fixed] Automated Builders + Archaeologists
10x Pantheon
Advanced Cheat Menu (Light)
Allow All Buildings
Better Coastal Cities and Water Tiles
Builders Improvements Mod (BIM)
Canal Enhancements
Capture Unique Improvements
Cheat Map Editor
Cheat Menu For Units
Cheat Spy City Tooltip
Cheat Switch Civilization
City Minimum Distance
CIVITAS Resources
Colorized Historic Moments
Disable Satellite Map Reveal
Environment Skin: Sid Meier's Civilization
Fast Forward AI Turns
Good Goody Huts
Lady of the Reeds and Marshes++
Larger Map Sizes
Map Search Extension
No Resource Maintenance Cost for Inactive Units
No Resource Maintenance Cost for Inactive Units -- Tactical Extension
Nut9931's can build mountain mine + Workable Mountains for Everyone
Nut9931's Improved Improvements (Flat Land Mine!!)
Nut9931's Improved Terrain and Feature
Production Queue
Quick Start (Linux, Mac, Windows)
Radial Measuring Tool Unleashed
Roads Improvements Mod (RIM)
Skip Free Cities From Loyalty Pressure
Slower Pace
Steel and Thunder: Unique Units
Steel and Thunder: Unit Expansion
Sukritact's Resources
Sukritact's Simple UI Adjustments
Unlimited Builder
Wonder Tweaks
Getting a list of mods is easy enough, but where would I get the log?
They are usually in the folder C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Logs.
I can see a lot of potential with this map script, but after editing the settings to my preference I still found two issues that I can't fix. Even with fewer river junctions every tile around the equator has a river where it's possible, and deserts become boring places without even a single river. Continents tend to be narrow in shape and occupied by big mountain ranges that covers a lot of space. This might be realistic in some manner but from a gameplay perspective it's impractical and it takes away part of the fun from exploration. Is there a way to make rivers a bit more spread out and mountain ranges less massive?

One other thing I can see from the screenshots(that I could fix myself) is that tundra and desert comes too close to each other leaving little room for the temperate climate where civilization thrives. Consider pushing tundra and snow toward the edges. I did and it gives you more interesting space to build on while also looking better. I think it would also help the AI who is very poor at placing cities.
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So, I recently downloaded this mod from the Steam Workshop and either it's broken or it conflicts with other mods because it crashes the game. I try to start a new game with this mod + all my other mods and it stops at the loading screen... loading for 20+minutes then crash. The moment I disable it the game runs fine. I have all the DLC and the latest version. It just occurred to me that the workshop version may not have been updated, I'll try this version. If it crashes again then it has to be a confliction and/or broken.

I found one of the conflicting mods and deleted it. The game did not crash this time, but it did not load either. For over an hour and half it was "loading". It was not frozen because I constantly checked the task manager and confirmed that it was still running, it just never loaded. My system got bogged down so much by this that I had to do a hard reset. I will give it another attempt later.

P.S. I never had so much trouble with a mod before for any game.
I found one of the conflicting mods and deleted it. The game did not crash this time, but it did not load either. For over an hour and half it was "loading". It was not frozen because I constantly checked the task manager and confirmed that it was still running, it just never loaded. My system got bogged down so much by this that I had to do a hard reset. I will give it another attempt later.

P.S. I never had so much trouble with a mod before for any game.

It crashed again. The Lua file is attached. I am beginning to wonder if it's even worth the trouble.


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