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Pitboss Earth18


Jan 21, 2007
Is anyone who can run pitboss games interested in running an earth 18 game for civ4? I would run it but can't due to access privileges and the such on comp I use.

I notice it seems like I would have connection problems but regular GS, and IP games work fine just hard to find earth 18 games on GS due to length and they would work great in pitboss. My friend and I would both play and I am sure others are interested.
I see some people viewed...not sure if it was to clear it from unread or what...but, if you are interested in joining such a game post here I may be able to get one hosted...
Ok, I'll bite .. what's an "Earth-18" game?

It's huge earth map with all 18 players unlocked. You can download it here in Creation & Customization section.

I would love to play sth like that! I would even suggest Earth-24 map, if you have Warlords expansion. We just need somebody who would be able to host pitboss. If it's gonna work, please leave me a private message.
My friend is probably gonna run this it will be vanilla civ earth 18...but it will probably start next weekend as he is busy this weekend but I will post here as well as pm everyone who says they want to play as soon as he gets the game up...
i'd like to play also.

One started a bit ago but got beset by problems but that was running 32 player mod. So when the 18 player game hit its first hurdle he had had enough.
Do you want to play with 18 human players?

How are you going to cope with the difference in starting locations to keep the game balanced? Maybe difficulty levels? That would be best, cause Inca starting location really sucks... But if they got low difficulty level I would not mind such a challenge.

And no tech trading! So American civs will have a chance...

What about barbs? I suggest none. If you set raging I take England ;)
BTW players choose civs? I think random for everybody would be the best. If we can choose - I prefer (in following order): China,
Aztec (only with "no tech trading"), Russia or England. But I vote for random!!!

How about absence periods (holidays, etc.)?

And game speed?? I suppose turn timer will be 24h? It's huge map, so why not trying MARATHON? It would be less painful to miss a turn!!!

do u think u can get 18 human players together? 18 is a lot but i hope it works out.
There are already 12 people who wants to join, so that shouldn't be a problem.
do u think u can get 18 human players together? 18 is a lot but i hope it works out.
If we can choose i like to be Ghandi. Peacefull conflict handeling for everyone!!!
With a PB game location wont matter as much.

As far as vacations what I see done is the person puts as much as can into ques and then puts it to AI control.

When the PB goes on vacation then we can have someone else temp host the PB.
I definately agree with random civ allocation and turn set to 20 hrs as you will lose at least 4 hours with people logging in.
i think marathon might take too long but epic shouldntbe too much of a problem.
turn set to 20 hrs as you will lose at least 4 hours with people logging in.
i think marathon might take too long but epic shouldntbe too much of a problem.

I'm new to Pitboss, so could you explain me why you lose ~4h logging in?
And how does turn timer work? If everybody plays his turn within first hour it starts over? So I cannot be sure that when I play my turn early I'll have 40 hours to play next one?

Playing one turn a day it's:
Marathon - 1200 turns - 3 years
Epic - 660 turns - 1 year 10 months.
I would definititely be interested in this, however I am away for one week as of 19/05/07. I would quite happily take over from an AI because of this.
I would be ok with random civs, if we were choosing I would go, Russia, China or after that anyone but England.
I'm new to Pitboss, so could you explain me why you lose ~4h logging in?
And how does turn timer work? If everybody plays his turn within first hour it starts over? So I cannot be sure that when I play my turn early I'll have 40 hours to play next one?

Playing one turn a day it's:
Marathon - 1200 turns - 3 years
Epic - 660 turns - 1 year 10 months.

when people log in the turntimer stops.
turntimer ends when everybody finished his turns and a new 20 hour turn begins.

Hope this anwers your questions.:p
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