• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Platy's Peculiar Pleasant Posh Python

hey platy , whats up?

can i request a little mod for the new american mod we are working on?

i wish for a spawn a civ mod - after an ai has been killed - a new one will spawn on empty slots with some arsenal according to the era, also - will it be able to pre define to wich civs this re spawn will be limited to?

just for the background - i wanna have 1 city native american tribes that if their 1 city destroyed - they will spawn somewhere else that is unowned tile (if theres no unowned tiles - no respawn.

other modders and people can enjoy this mod mod in their games (its like civ 1-2 mechanics i think).

hope you can help platyping :)
hey platy , whats up?

can i request a little mod for the new american mod we are working on?

i wish for a spawn a civ mod - after an ai has been killed - a new one will spawn on empty slots with some arsenal according to the era, also - will it be able to pre define to wich civs this re spawn will be limited to?

just for the background - i wanna have 1 city native american tribes that if their 1 city destroyed - they will spawn somewhere else that is unowned tile (if theres no unowned tiles - no respawn.

other modders and people can enjoy this mod mod in their games (its like civ 1-2 mechanics i think).

hope you can help platyping :)

hey platy , whats up?

can i request a little mod for the new american mod we are working on?

i wish for a spawn a civ mod - after an ai has been killed - a new one will spawn on empty slots with some arsenal according to the era, also - will it be able to pre define to wich civs this re spawn will be limited to?

just for the background - i wanna have 1 city native american tribes that if their 1 city destroyed - they will spawn somewhere else that is unowned tile (if theres no unowned tiles - no respawn.

other modders and people can enjoy this mod mod in their games (its like civ 1-2 mechanics i think).

hope you can help platyping :)
The J already created this, just search for it im sure you will find it. But I believe he did it on a specific date it is spawned. I am assuming he has it based on game turn or something, just switch it so it triggers when the city is destroyed
Rejected :D
I don't do mod components that are useful only in specific mods.
Anyway since The J already made something similar, you might as well ask him to modify his.
He is back in modding mood
About your wonder counter:

I want to change a icon code of silver star / national wonder:

CyTranslator().getText("[ICON_SILVER_STAR]", ())


national = "Art\BUG\National_On.dds"

inside BUG mod

What I'm doing wrong?
sText = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_CONCEPT_BUILDINGS", ())
national = "Art\BUG\National_On.dds"
sNW = ArtFileMgr.getInterfaceArtInfo(national).getPath()
sText += " (" + str(pHeadSelectedCity.getNumNationalWonders() + pHeadSelectedCity.getNumTeamWonders()) + sNW + str(pHeadSelectedCity.getNumWorldWonders()) + CyTranslator().getText("[ICON_STAR]", ()) + ")"
screen.setLabel( "BuildingListLabel", "Background", sText, CvUtil.FONT_CENTER_JUSTIFY, 129, 295, -0.1, FontTypes.SMALL_FONT, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1 )
Icon is not a button.
They are not interchangeable.
World Builder
1) New Diplomacy Page
2) Own Team Members no longer show up in diplomacy page. (Nothing you can do with them anyway)
3) 2.0 released as standalone

Score Board
1) Row Height adjusted, no more partial button showing

Victory Screen
1) Own Vassals no longer count as Rivals for Conquest Victory

Codes overhaul for new pages.
Abandon "Dummy Concept" method employed in Sevopedia to link to new pages.

New code system:
1) No longer requires dummy concepts, which means users can simply use Platypedia without the need to create dummy concepts for their new traits, routes etc, for items without "Jump to Pedia Widgets"

2) Separate pedia python files for each new page.
No longer clustered in CvPediaHistory
Certain files cannot be added as modular anyway, like promotions and projects.
Leaders and civilizations should not be either since they will not be in alphabetical order in selection listthe rest up to you.

Never separate python files into modules
Not sure about loading time, but generally for a mod, I won't use them in modular form.

Pros of modules:
1) Easy to add/delete.
You don't have to search in multiple XML files for their entries and delete when you no longer need them.
If you forgot to delete one, you end up with extra data in your mod which means when there is a loop through all buildings for instance, it loops through some extra unnecessary loops, not a big deal actually, unless the extra data is in thousands...

Cons of modules:
1) Conflicts.
Certain mod components modify same XML entry, such as adding builds to workers.
Mod A may allow workers to build terraform, while mod B allow them to build solar panels.
Separated in modules, only one will work, and you won't get an error message.

2) Arrangement of items.
Leaders and Civs as I mentioned.
Modular ones get dumped to bottom of the list.

Modules are for temporary stuff you have not made your mind whether to keep or not.

1) New Artwork
2) Remove chance based on number of corporations present. Harder to remove when fewer corporations around.
3) Remove Cost lowered from 100 to 50 as a result
4) Added A.I

Financial Victory
1) Added a validity check
2) Target Gold in Victory Screen now shows Best Rival Gold * 10, if it is more than the default 100,000 Gold


  • Civ4ScreenShot0006.JPG
    98.5 KB · Views: 262
Fertile Victory

One for the philosophers.
Might be hard for single player games, but should be easier in team games.

Note that those granted by techs are counted as well.
where do you come up with this ideas??

i hit a brick wall,
im merging your wonders and projects,

the wonders are easy merge,

but projects are different.
when i merge one project, it shows ok, but then i see the the Apollo program and other space related , shows "required silk road (184747467)" this weird number and all sorts of weird info.
another thing is when i add another project - the previous added project info - is going away and im getting in its desc - "required to build ss docking, ss engine....." all the spaceship little parts. and no info on its own effects.

any ideas? it seems that the cvpediaproject.py is the problem i guess?
Add them manually.
Projectinfo.xml dont work well in modular mode
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