• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Post your Windows 7 + Civ experiences please.

Just bought a computer, Win 7.

Loaded Vanilla v1.0.0. Ran it to get to menu, installed patch 1.74. Now it won't run at all, getting message "Error installing Shader files" when I Alt-Tab out of blank screen. I looked around the forums some, but haven't seen anything on this error with Win 7.

Please help.
Got a great computer for Christmas:

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
HP Pavilion dv7
Intel i7 Q820 @1.73G
1TB Hard Drive

CIV installed fine, did it as the administrator as recommended and selected the files from the disk and installed them as XP SP3 files.

The game runs fine... for a while... then it freezes and crashes at the end of a turn as it is "waiting for other civilzations."

For example, in the BTS 1939 Europe MOD, the system crashes at the end of each turn after about 1941. Farthest I've gotten letting it crash, reloading playing a turn, saving, then letting it crash again is April 1942 -- and the problem persists.

Any suggesstions?
Did you install in c:\games\civ4\

The Windows 7 places different permissions in the "C:\Program Files" which may cause issues, especially for "mods".
I'm getting

"Feature Transfer Error"
Feature: DefaultFeature
Component: Civ4Component
File: d:\data2.cab
Error: Incorrect Function

When I try to install Vanilla Civ4 on my new Win7 box. I'm running setup as administrator and installing to a non-default location c:\games\civ4. Any ideas? :confused:

I'm going to try to copy the CD files to the HD and install from there.
I'm getting

"Feature Transfer Error"
Feature: DefaultFeature
Component: Civ4Component
File: d:\data2.cab
Error: Incorrect Function

When I try to install Vanilla Civ4 on my new Win7 box. I'm running setup as administrator and installing to a non-default location c:\games\civ4. Any ideas? :confused:

I'm going to try to copy the CD files to the HD and install from there.

Well, that's embarrassing. It was just a bit of dirt on the CD. :crazyeye:
Uninstalled, but moved my saved games to a folder. Did not dun the install wizzard, one at a time selected DirectX, the setup applications - first, right clicked and selected to run them as XP SP3 files then ran them as an administrator -- created and installed them into C:\games\civ4.

Moved the saved games and then tried to run the one that keeps dumping AND... same problem, no improvement.

Any further suggestions?
Moved the saved games and then tried to run the one that keeps dumping AND... same problem, no improvement.

Any further suggestions?
Sorry ... but the saved games may be lost. Can you try playing the scenario from the beginning again with the game now installed c:\games\civ4.
OK, uninstalled, cleaned the registry and then reinstalled. No it will not load at all. I get a series of XML Load Error messages -- maybe 30 or 40. Any suggestions?
Below is the error report from Windows, any able to translate:

1/12/2010 5:04 PM Windows Error Reporting Fault bucket 570740024, type 5
Event Name: AppHangB1
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: Civ4BeyondSword.exe
P3: 48317e8a
P4: 95ca
P5: 6144

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol: 
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 879133e6-ff9c-11de-b1df-00269e9f5d23
Report Status: 0

1/12/2010 5:04 PM Application Hang The program Civ4BeyondSword.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
 Process ID: 10f8
 Start Time: 01ca93a7f81d6bf7
 Termination Time: 7
 Application Path: C:\games\civ4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe
 Report Id: 

1/12/2010 5:51 PM Windows Error Reporting Fault bucket 679686248, type 5
Event Name: AppHangB1
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: Civilization4.exe
P3: 46671d03
P4: 587f
P5: 6144

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol: 
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 0b76dae1-ffa3-11de-890e-00269e9f5d23
Report Status: 0

1/12/2010 5:51 PM Application Hang The program Civilization4.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
 Process ID: 310
 Start Time: 01ca93af94677b70
 Termination Time: 4
 Application Path: C:\games\civ4\Civilization4.exe
 Report Id: 

1/12/2010 5:52 PM Windows Error Reporting Fault bucket 731018196, type 5
Event Name: AppHangB1
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: Civilization4.exe
P3: 46671d03
P4: 7106
P5: 6144

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol: 
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 3f0f34de-ffa3-11de-890e-00269e9f5d23
Report Status: 0

1/12/2010 5:52 PM Application Hang The program Civilization4.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.
 Process ID: 798
 Start Time: 01ca93aff1c33439
 Termination Time: 5
 Application Path: C:\games\civ4\Civilization4.exe
 Report Id: 

Running windows 7, installed in c:\games\, downloaded the 1.74 patch, still not managing to start the game, get an error saying "Error loading shader libraries"

Any suggestions?
Running windows 7, installed in c:\games\, downloaded the 1.74 patch, still not managing to start the game, get an error saying "Error loading shader libraries"

Any suggestions?

Had that same problem; googled for solution.

Downloaded two missing .dll files to the Civ4 folder, now it runs fine.
uninstalled reinstalled into the folder Program Files (x86) and so far it appears to have solved the problem
I have both a Vista and Win7 partition. BTS is installed on the Vista and when I`m using Win7 (which is most of the time now) I simply run it from its location on the Vista side. This has been working for a while now until I tried to install BUG (which wouldnt work). I had to copy the full game Dir to a third partition (just data) and it all works again.

One thing I have noticed, when running it in Win7 - I like playing my own music when I`m playing and set it up in Options appropriately, but the sound quality is awfull: sound dropouts, going from stereo to mono and sometime the odd popping. Never have any of this when running from Vista. Anyone else getting crappy sound? (The in game sounds are fine)

AND Athlon X2
Win 7 (32 bit)
nVidia 8200
3gig mem
Just want to report that I had no problems installing Civ4 Gold and BTS on a clean Windows 7 64-bit installation.

No need to run anything as administrator (UAC bumps you up if needed anyway) or to install in a directory other than 'Program Files (x86)'. You can also patch BTS to 3.19 straight away. I remember the patch process used to be a pain but it seems all the most recent patches are cumulative. Nice!

I had the voice capture issue and it was fixed as described earlier in this thread.
Ok did a total uninstall, reinstalled (followed all of the directions admin rights etc). I am trying to play the worldatwar mod for BTS. Started in 1939 and it plays fine until about 1944 then it freezes. I tried to install the 3.19 patch and then it got worse, it will not load and says that it failed to uncompress a file (no name). Any help would be appreciated.
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