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Regarding worker rates: It also depends on which game version you have. In C3C the clearing of forests is much, much faster. Also, in earlier versions an industrious civ used to work twice as fast as a non-industrious one. This is also no longer the case. I saw someone above post that it is a 2:3 ratio which is likely. As for rounding the number of turns up, this is true only if you have a single worker (or multiple workers who do not fit into the number of turns evenly). If you have 3 industrious workers build a road, it will be built immediately. If you have 2 do it, it takes 2 turns. If you have one start and then another help the next turn, it still takes 2 turns, etc. Thus, the amount of work seems to be kept track of by the computer.

This is true even if the original worker is taken out of the project, as long as some worker is still there.
edit out;
One more thing: all worker rates are dependent on the terrain movement cost. I found this out in a scenario I made. I had desert take two mp and all of the worker rates were the same as with forests and hills.
thanks eman!- another one (I should know this...): can victories with armies containing elite units produce a great leader in battle?
Turner is right.
That's why you wouldn't put an asterisk-free elite unit into an army in most cases. So you would not "waste" a chance to create a GL from that elite unit.
Most players like to load an elite* unit (=that has already created a GL) into an army, though (e.g. elite* cavs that cannot be upgraded anyways). You would not waste a GL-chance then, but get a HP-strong army.
Because of HP-reshuffling after each army battle, it's sometimes even worth to combine an older elite* unit with modern units in an army - for example, an older elite* cav could just serve as HP-reserve in a modern armor army.

Btw, Turner:
Congrats (or condolences...;)) to your modship!

Hmm, 'avatarless mod'...
Where's 'Killer-Kitty'?
I forgot about the killer kitty. I may have to resurrect that one. Gives new meaning with my new duties, doesn't it?
In this thread I learned there's such a thing as stack attack. So if I got, say, 20 tanks stacked on the same tile and I want them to attack a spearman, all I need to do is press 'J' and then click on the spearman.
That sounds familiar. I use the 'J' command all the time to move large groups of workers.

But what if the spearman dies after, let's say, 3 attacks? Will the remaining 17 tanks all move to that tile? If so, the stack attack command isn't as useful as it seems, for those 17 tanks use up one move point while I may have wanted them to move someplace else.
I believe that they will, since the don't have the orders to attack the unit there, but do have the orders to move to that tile. Of course, by moving into the tile occupied by the spearman it initiates the attack.

I'm also pretty sure that you have to be next to the defending units. Even as far as one tile away will negate this.
The other problem with stack attack that I've made mistakes on before is having Bobmardment units in the stack(catapults or Trebuchets) and doing a stack attack. If the bombard unit has already bombarded somthing it will not move with the rest of the stack leaving it to be stolen by the enemy. I stopped using the stack attack on open field battles. I will however use it on cities if I have no bombard units in the stack because I typically go into the city anyways to rest/ heal my units anyway.
Originally posted by Mistfit
The other problem with stack attack that I've made mistakes on before is having Bobmardment units in the stack(catapults or Trebuchets) and doing a stack attack. If the bombard unit has already bombarded somthing it will not move with the rest of the stack leaving it to be stolen by the enemy. I stopped using the stack attack on open field battles. I will however use it on cities if I have no bombard units in the stack because I typically go into the city anyways to rest/ heal my units anyway.
I suggest that before you initiate a stack attack that you click on one infantry (two would be better) and order him to hold at the current position. That way you will never uncover your artillary. :)
If I want to see what the status (Peace/War) is between 2 AI's, what do I need to have and then do? :)
Simply click on the leaderhead in the F4 screen. There will either be no line connecting civs A and B (they have no contact yet), a green one (they know each other and are at peace) or a red one (they're at war). If you're at war with a civ yourself, you'll see these lines when you click their leader only if you have previously established an embassy with them.

You can hold Ctrl and click all leaderheads in turn to get a complete overview of those lines.
Alot of these questions are just simple no brainers
Originally posted by moondoggi
can u upgrade units in an army? like horseman to knight? btw I am playing the game of the month.

No, once you put them in the army they can't be upgraded.
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