Quick Questions and Answers

How late is too late on deity, to finish the National College? Yeah, I know it depends, but what would be your general view?
Can you use civilian units to provide sight radius that prevents barbarian camps from spawning, like you can use military units?
Not usually. Tradition is often the best followed by Liberty but if you aren't bothered with optimising your civ/like roleplaying then Piety is fine. It can be better for Byzantium to make sure you do get a religion quickly but definitely not necessary.
Is an embargo on city-states a good way to stop Gateway to Africa when you're playing as Venice? All my trade routes are to major civs anyway and can probably afford to move them all out of Moroccan cities, so it won't hurt my economy, although I won't be able to use Treaty Organization, which most people recommend when playing as the Most Serene.
I found a barbarian privateer trapped up in the polar region (surrounded by five ice hexes and one snow hex, where a barb encampment that spawned it once was). I sent a sub up to take it out of its misery, but the software can't seem to target it. The sub is in range but will have to fire "under" one ice hex, or be under the ice next to the privateer. Either way I can't seem to "pull the trigger" on it. Explanations?
I found a barbarian privateer trapped up in the polar region (surrounded by five ice hexes and one snow hex, where a barb encampment that spawned it once was). I sent a sub up to take it out of its misery, but the software can't seem to target it. The sub is in range but will have to fire "under" one ice hex, or be under the ice next to the privateer. Either way I can't seem to "pull the trigger" on it. Explanations?

The ice is too thick (below the surface) and interferes with the sonar software used to track the target. ;)

This is a common experience, though there may be a mod available to "thin the ice" enough.
You could also land a 3 ranged artillery nearby and shoot it that way since artilleries can shoot at naval and land units.
Can you use civilian units to provide sight radius that prevents barbarian camps from spawning, like you can use military units?

Yes, you can. But they are vulnerable to wandering barbs, so that may not be the best plan.

Yep, that's true. But thanks for your reply; by knowing that civilian units work as far as line of sight is concerned, can really help sometimes. For instance, you're sending a settler to a spot that has already spawned two barb camps. The spot is on a corner of a continent, so you know there aren't any barbs around. Now as it takes ~10 turns before the settler is actually built up and has reached that target spot, your worker can guard the area stopping any new barb camps from spawning there - so as a temporary solution like this a worker guard can really help - the worker will be ready also to work on that lux immediately, and all your military units can be used where they are needed most (conquering Venice, usually)
All true, but remember that barbs can come from anywhere, including camps 10, 15, 20 tiles away. A worker sitting in one spot to to prevent new camps from spawning may still be eaten by a wandering barb horseman, for example.
Is there a listing somewhere that would show all possible unit promotion options according to unit type? In other words, an easy list that would allow you too see which promotions will become available for your infantry units, horse units, ships, even scouts, etc.
I'm playing deity domination (BNW) with Spain, and I'm at war with one city state. Now I found another CS that has the Fountain of Youth (!) inside its borders. If I conquer this one, but I will not conquer the first CS I'm at war with, will all other city states go into permanent war mode and I lose all my CS benefits?
Is there a way to lock an escort to a civilian unit? Like a warrior to a settler or a warship to a cargo ship? I'd like to put a settler on auto-pilot to its targeted location, and then forget for a while.
I'm playing a game as Babylon and now have 3 cities at turn 109. The Azetcs attacked me but I defeated his army and now I'm planning on taking his 23pop capital. My question is, after I've taken his capital and I've settled another (so my 5th) city, will it receive a free monument/aqueduct? I've finished tradition ofc.
I'm playing a game as Babylon and now have 3 cities at turn 109. The Azetcs attacked me but I defeated his army and now I'm planning on taking his 23pop capital. My question is, after I've taken his capital and I've settled another (so my 5th) city, will it receive a free monument/aqueduct? I've finished tradition ofc.

The Tradition's free buildings are allocated to the first 4 cities you build, so the Aztec capital should not get them, while your 5th city should. BUT, I have seen some quirks in how this works in practice..
The Tradition's free buildings are allocated to the first 4 cities you build, so the Aztec capital should not get them, while your 5th city should. BUT, I have seen some quirks in how this works in practice..

Thanks! Monty just built walls and now his city strength is 37.. Can't capture it with CB's so have to wait till physics before I can take it down. Anyway, I will post my findings when I'm done with Monty and settled my 5th city.
If you use a worker to chop down a forest very close to an enemy city, to help you with line of fire, for example, will you still get the +production of chopped forest? It does not go to the enemy, does it? Also, does it affect the production amount how far away you are from the city the extra production will go to?

Another one: I'm always fighting against an enemy who's built the Great Wall. It says on Civilopedia that the wall becomes obsolete upon discovering dynamite. Now, in my games the unit movement speed inside that enemy's boorders does not return to normal even after I do discover dynamite. Is this bugged or how does it work?
I am running Civ 5 BNW. Using available information, I created a sceanrio using World Builder. But when I start the game->Single Player->Setup Game->Select Map and then instructed to load the scenario, the scenario won't run. I am obviously doing something wrong and am missing a vital step. Any help?
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