Random Rants VI: See, this is why we can't have nice things!

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I saw this thumbnail on the BBC website, thinking someone was playing a blow-up guitar, but it was a link to something far more sinister :(

Why do people have to set off Fourth of July fireworks one day early or late? It's not the Third of July. It's not the Fifth of July. It's the Fourth of July. I don't need another day where my dog is scared out of her mind and starts whimpering and trying to crawl under the goddamn desk. IT'S THE FOURTH OF JULY, SO YOU SET YOUR FIREWORKS OFF ON THE FOURTH. NOT THE THIRD. NOT THE FIFTH. THE FOURTH.

Not the fifth. Not the third. The FOURTH. Unless you failed kindergarten/had a bad hangover and slept through yesterday, don't set off your fireworks today. Or yesterday.

Oh yeah, my dad takes work off Monday. It's not the Seventh of July either. So learn to count to four and celebrate on the correct day.
Just so you know, it's just as legal or illegal to set off fireworks on any day.
Why do people have to set off Fourth of July fireworks one day early or late? It's not the Third of July. It's not the Fifth of July. It's the Fourth of July. I don't need another day where my dog is scared out of her mind and starts whimpering and trying to crawl under the goddamn desk. IT'S THE FOURTH OF JULY, SO YOU SET YOUR FIREWORKS OFF ON THE FOURTH. NOT THE THIRD. NOT THE FIFTH. THE FOURTH.

Not the fifth. Not the third. The FOURTH. Unless you failed kindergarten/had a bad hangover and slept through yesterday, don't set off your fireworks today. Or yesterday.

Oh yeah, my dad takes work off Monday. It's not the Seventh of July either. So learn to count to four and celebrate on the correct day.

I'll be hearing fireworks all the way through the 10th of July.
There is no law preventing people from setting off fireworks whenever the hell they want.

However, there are laws preventing people from setting off fireworks whereever the hell they want.
In some states it's illegal, the only ones off the top of my head are Illinois, Iowa, and Goergia, although I hear people shooting them off now.
In some states it's illegal, the only ones off the top of my head are Illinois, Iowa, and Goergia, although I hear people shooting them off now.

It's illegal in most densley populated areas, but there's not much stopping anyone from setting them off pretty much anywhere.

RANT: I've been yo-yoing all day and my finger hurts! :(
If you want to shoot fireworks off for the hell of it on the Third of July or the Fifth of July, do so.

Or any other day.
I think my cellphone is broken. This is a big problem. :cringe:

Fireworks scare my kitty-cat too. :( But so do thunderstorms. How does your puppy cope with those?

Exactly the same way, she hides in the back of the closet. :(
If you want to shoot fireworks off for the hell of it on the Third of July or the Fifth of July, do so.

Or any other day.

Yeah we have permission.
My IB exam results come out tonight at 9:15 pm.....I think I did really badly on math HL. I hope I got at least a 2 or a 3. I think that should be enough to pass provided I don't get that low on any other exams.
I shall ask again. I do not like the leaving of members!

Did he leave some sort of farewell message? Maybe that will explain why he left.

RANT: I have to get up EXTRA EARLY tommorow.
Yeah...summer insomnia. I cant fall asleep until 9-10 in the morning and then I sleep to 15-16. It's a really crappy sleep cycle. Though I figure it's partly because of this one girl. I have some...unresolved issues with her. I need to get to her, talk it out and move on with my life but I'll be damned if she's harder to track down then Osama Bin Laden. Even when I finally meet up with her, she surrounded with her friends so I cant do anything.

I'd hate do this over the internet or phone, but unless I manage to deal with this soon I'm gonna have to cause I want to finally sleep to forget.
wow, and awful hail thunderstorm just went down here. the wind cracked open the balcony door of my parent's house and it hailed inside. i had to pick up the ice from the as far as the other side of the house. :lol:

out there it looks like it had snowed right now... :eek:
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