Sheep are welsh.
I saw this thumbnail on the BBC website, thinking someone was playing a blow-up guitar, but it was a link to something far more sinister 

Why do people have to set off Fourth of July fireworks one day early or late? It's not the Third of July. It's not the Fifth of July. It's the Fourth of July. I don't need another day where my dog is scared out of her mind and starts whimpering and trying to crawl under the goddamn desk. IT'S THE FOURTH OF JULY, SO YOU SET YOUR FIREWORKS OFF ON THE FOURTH. NOT THE THIRD. NOT THE FIFTH. THE FOURTH.
Not the fifth. Not the third. The FOURTH. Unless you failed kindergarten/had a bad hangover and slept through yesterday, don't set off your fireworks today. Or yesterday.
Oh yeah, my dad takes work off Monday. It's not the Seventh of July either. So learn to count to four and celebrate on the correct day.
I'll be hearing fireworks all the way through the 10th of July.
In some states it's illegal, the only ones off the top of my head are Illinois, Iowa, and Goergia, although I hear people shooting them off now.
Fireworks scare my kitty-cat too.But so do thunderstorms. How does your puppy cope with those?
If you want to shoot fireworks off for the hell of it on the Third of July or the Fifth of July, do so.
Or any other day.
Why has Abbadon left? A lot of members are saying goodbye lately.![]()
I shall ask again. I do not like the leaving of members!
I saw this thumbnail on the BBC website, thinking someone was playing a blow-up guitar, but it was a link to something far more sinister