Preturn: I decide to do something I very seldom do which is override some of the builds. Were starving ourselves of troops by focusing all our top cities on factories, so I switch 3 builds to infantry. I also upgrade two muskets to infantry and drop science down a notch to pay for it.
IBT- Get landing of Greek cav and Egyptian MI at Umfolzi
1812AD Kill both enemy units. Kill 3 Egyptian cav at the near choke. Kill Greek cav in Egyptian lands with healthy cav army. Tear up and block roads a bit more on far choke. (6-0)
IBT- No landings. Greeks try to work cav south.
1814AD Kill 2 Greek cav at near choke. Draft a pair of conscript infantry to man the near choke. Lay out two settlers for next turn. Pillage more improvements at the far choke. Bombard Egyptian and Greek frigates. (8-0)
IBT- Greece lands a guerilla at Ibabango
1816AD- Our 3 frigates sink 3 Greek frigates and their galleon. Also kill the guerilla at Ibabango. Ivory Coast, Shakaville, Mount Ranier and Mount Hood founded. Kill 4 Greek cav in the vicinity of the far choke and pillage more in that area. (16-0)
IBT- Korea lands cav at New Aleppo
1818AD- Cav armies kill 3 rifles and a cav. Thebes falls. Drop a Greek conscript infantry at Ivory Coast. Kill cav at New Aleppo. Algiers founded. Upgrade a cannon to artillery. Frigate sinks Korean galleon. (22-0)
IBT- Lose a cav to an attacking Egyptian cav. Conscript infantry defeats 3 hp Greek inf and promotes to regular. (23-1)
1820AD- The regular infantry kills the Egyptian cav. Get an MGL killing Greek cav at Ibabango. Build cav army, ship it to our front line and have 4 elite* cav in it. Kill reg Egyptian rifle at Pi Ramses. Kill Egyptian settler pair. Abandon Thebes. (28-1)
IBT Greece lands another cav at Ibabango
1822AD- Kill the cav at Ibabngo. Cav army kills 2 rifles and Pi-Ramses is taken. Kill Greek cav in the Thessalonika area. Sink a Korean galleon by Ibabango. (33-1)
IBT- Lose a bunch of workers to raiding Egyptian cav and Greek infantry. 2 Greek infantry land at Ibabango.
1824AD- Cav army kills rifle and Alexandria falls. Next cav army kills 2 rifles and Bubastis falls. The Greeks are repaid for killing our workers as cav army captures 5 of their workers and kills them off. Kill the Egyptian cav that killed our workers with elite cav and get MGL Dingane. Both Egyptian cities razed after selling off improvements. (37-1)
IBT- Greece lands cav and infantry at Iron Jungle. Espionage> Corporation in 13 @ 0 science.
1826AD- Kill 2 Egyptian rifles and a LB. Abydos falls. Cav army kill 2 conscript infantry and guerilla. Thessalonika falls. Mace army kills guerilla and infantry redlined by cannons and arty. Cav army kills another Greek infantry. Found Salt Petersburg on Saltpeter site. Kill Greek infantry and cav that landed at Iron Jungle. Load the latest army full of cav. (48-1)
IBT- Lose the red cav army I neglected to cover in Thesalonika.
I think that about covers it.
Greece loses infantry. (49-5)
1828AD- Retake Thesalonika killing infantry. Kill 2 Korean infantry in Cheju and the place falls. 2 Egyptian rifles are killed and Giza falls. The area is now clear of AI towns up to the far choke. Jump on 4 Greek workers and kill them near Athens. (54-5)
IBT- Quiet
1830AD- Kill 2 more captured Greek workers and kill a Greek guerilla. Corporation in 11 and done. (55-5)
Post turn- We are at 65% pop and 359 tiles to limit. Settlers and more settlers seem to be the order of the day. Greece has a about 5 guerillas and an infantry in the shadows of the volcano that Greek guerilla is sitting on. So if we keep the rubber source pillaged, that will be the end of the infantry. Next up can decide what captured towns if any should be retained. There are no AI units that I could see in the now large vacant area with the wines, so that is ours for the taking.
I wouldn't sweat control of the seas, the remaining tiles on this big continent should put us close to if not over the limit and these land masses are close enough to send galleons across in a turn safely.
And contrary to the way I may seem, I am not trying to lose these armies!