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Rat37 - Very Random AWE

Turn was mostly quiet. I built a settler and Archers. I also killed 4 Carthage archers without loss.

Taking the attack to Carthage seemed most important. I have a stack of 5 Archers under an Impi heading to Utica. Hopefully that will be enough for the expected 2 Num Mercs. There is an archer next to the Impi, but I advise not attacking. That will slow down going for Utica or have less than 5 archers. I feel 5 is needed because the Num Mercs have a decent chance to promote. It is tempting to attack archers along the way, but we can kill them equally well when they reach our borders.

The settler I was thinking should go next to the 2 Oasis which are like bonus Grassland squares. Two with mines will be 5 shields at size 2 (minus corruption). I will mark what I think is the best square. I think I would go for the Red circle because it is better for establishing a way to Utica when we take it and because the town will have less corruption than the Purple spot.

We are roading to Utica. Worker under Archer

An Impi started toward Carthage to possible pillage more.

Mathematics is not that expensive. Can tell it is a smaller map.

Me again :). Got it.

I agree with the city placement, it might even be productive in later ages :)

I think part of the reason Carthage is so small is they have been whipping archers to deal with our pillagers.
Inherited turn:
Turn lux down to 0%, we don't need it just at the moment. Spot sleeping worker in Ulundi, move him towards Bapedi.

Not much else so hit enter...

Archer moves onto hill :(

1) 975BC
Our vet archer kills archer.
Move SoD towards Utica
Move Impi towards Carthage and spot a NM on a hill, I hope it isn't reinforcing Utica as it will get there quicker than our forces.

Said NM moves towards us, not to Utica.

2) 950BC

Archer leaves Carthage and attacks out Impi and loses.

Zimbabwe archer -> settler

3) 925BC
Battle of Utica
vet archer kills NM
vet archer kills NM and

Looks like we had too many units :D. I think we will keep it and we get a resistor. Move SoD into Utica.

Found Hlobane, start barracks.

We are back under our support limit so science can go up. Maths now due in 4

Ulundi archer -> Impi
Carthage is back down to size 1 so I assume they whipped something again

4) 900BC

Bapedi Impi -> worker

5) 875BC

Our golden age ends

6) 850BC

Zimbabwe settler -> archer

7) 825BC
The rogue NM finally steps onto flat land and we take it out with archers, although it does take one with it.


8) 800BC
Inspired by the flawless victory at Utica (and suitably reinforced) I start the advance on Carthage. I'm not sure how many defenders to expect there (I don't normally count when attacking) so if the next player thinks it is too small then they can retreat the forces.

Utica is unhappy at size 1, combination of whip and aggression.

Maths in. Thinks... we are going to want Monarchy at some point so I start on CB, due in 5 turns at 0gpt
Ulundi Impi -> catapult
Bapedi worker -> catapult
Hlobane walls -> barracks

9) 775BC


10) 750BC
Found Isandhlawna. Start barracks
Exploring near Carthage I see a grassland cow :D. Unfortunately it appears to be on a 1 tile island and is probably useless :cry:

There are 7 archers and an Impi heading towards Carthage, no idea if it is enough. If you don't feel lucky then retreat them. I also have some catapults building, it maybe they will not be needed, feel free to swap them.

Obligatory picture


wow, what a fast turnaround and what a great result :goodjob:

We have done very well I feel. I guess we could swap the catapults as we should be able to take Carthage with arches only. We can then proceed to take our own Island.

As for the next phase, we should try and locate horses and hopefully get to cavalry fast (with all this lousy land we should have saltpeter).
We should also try and irrigate from Carthage and need more workers for all this.

The Roster
TheOverseer - up
Got it, will play tomorrow. Hopefully I can eliminate Carthage. Should we scout the continent seaching for enemies, or work on infrastructure? Things look kinda weak on the homefront, but then again, why let our enemies develop in peace?
After Carthage falls, I would explore the rest of our island and see if there is Iron and build a Curragh to see if anyone (or iron) is on that land near us to the East. I think contact will be ok because they have to ship them across.

Note that Iron to the east would be accessable with harbors.

Agree on checking on Horses - probably after we get cb.
Good news, better news, and bad news: Good is there are Horses on our island. Better, Carthage folded like a cheap suit, I only lost 2 Archers. Bad, we have no Iron and nobody to play with, which makes for a boring playground. Here is the turn-log:
Spoiler :

Pre-Flight: CivAssist 2, Word running. Open the save, look things over.

Civilian units:
Workers 3

Military units:
Warrior 2
Archers 9
Impis 6

Unit Support:
Total units: 20
Allowed: 24
Support cost: 0 gpt

Press enter=>

IBT: Utica tries to build worker, which would abandon the town, I delay production and change it to a Curragh.

Turn 1, 730 BC: Move our SoD to Carthage city. Lower research rate to 50% to go to even gpt.

IBT: Zimbabwe Archer=>Curragh.

Turn 2, 710 BC: Here goes, the hopefully final assault on Carthage begins.
First attack redlines the rNM, but archer dies. Second attack, same result. Third attack, Archer wins clean. Fourth attack, same result and Carthage is ours, 3 gold and 2 slaves taken. Carthage is gone. Move an Impi into the jungle.

IBT: Ceremonial Burial researched, next is the Wheel in 6 turns at -1gpt.
Ulundi Catapult=>Catapult.

Turn 3, 690 BC: Move Impi further into jungle, finds more jungle.

IBT: :sleep:

Turn 4, 670 BC: Curragh=>Curragh.

IBT: Zimbabwe Curragh=>Settler.

Turn 5, 650 BC: :sleep:

IBT: Utica Curragh=>Curragh.

Turn 6, 630 BC: Move Impi further into jungle, find lands end- we are alone on our island…I’m assuming that this is a cold, dry archipelago, 3 byo from what I’m seeing.

IBT: :sleep:

Turn 7, 610 BC: :sleep:

IBT: Ulundi Catapult=>Archer.

Turn 8, 590 BC: Curraghs not finding Iron or enemies.

IBT: The Wheel researched, next is Writing in 14 turns.
Bapedi Catapult=> Curragh.

Turn 9, 570 BC: We have Horses near Carthage, but they need hooked up.
Send Impi out to explore the southwest.

IBT: Zimbabwe Settler=>Curragh.

Turn 10, 550 BC: Curraghs still not finding Iron or enemies.

Civilian units:
Settler 1
Workers 3
Slaves 2

Military units:
Warriors 2
Archers 8
Impis 6
Catapults 3
Curraghs 2

Unit Support:
Total units: 25
Allowed: 28
Support cost: 0 gpt

70% tech/30%taxes/00%luxury

Writing, 14 turns, -1gpt. (6 in the bank)

Here is a pic, I dot-mapped the 4 best sites on a sorry looking map.
Spoiler :


The save:
great job to take out the first enemy. Let's continue to search for iron and other foes. We surely want to go for MM soon.

The Roster
M60A3TTS - up
Nice going :). I had put cities in the same places as you apart from the most northern one.

I would have thought that Monarchy would be our top priority so we can get the most out of our lands. We don't need too many units at the moment as we have no enemies so we can fill out our lands and build workers. Similarly iron is not a top priority currently, we might never build iron based units if we can't get to the AI easily.
I was torn between Writing and Polytheism, but we can go either way with so few beakers invested, Writing leads to MM, and we get nowhere without that, Polytheism leads to Monarchy, pretty much a toss-up, both do very little individually but lead to techs we need.
If we get a leader, I suggest an Impi Army. It can defend a stack of Cats and Archers to take out cities. Even later on, with its faster speed, it is a good pillager, and pillaging is extremely powerful on a small map.

An Archer or Horseman army will not survive without an Impi army to back back it up on another continent and will just die.
Preturn: switch a couple builds and take science down a tad.

510BC- Start some irrigation

490BC- Curragh finds ruins of a town.

470BC- Intombe founded. Get FP message, Sparta completes SoZ. Korea gets Pyramids.

430BC- Mpondo founded. Hittites finish Oracle, Greek settler pair finally appears by exploring curragh.

410BC- Greece up writing, myst, HBR, construction. Tell Alex to have a nice day, and oh by the way- prepare for war.

370BC- Curragh encounters Greek galley.

350BC- More worker action and done.

Post turn: I took off the single scientist, the city wasn’t growing where he was employed. Writing due in 7, but it is necessary to move the slide down every 3rd turn or so to stay financially solvent. Irrigation is down to Ulundi now. A single settler is available outside Carthage.

The Greeks aren't that close to us at all, but the obligatory pillager will land one of these days.

There is an iron source on an adjacent island, so we should definitely go for MM next. We are currently 7 units under the support limit.
ok, just got home
play tomorrow

MM sounds like the proper next tech to go for
our cities have to grow a little I think

1. 330BC
sednign out a new curragh

2. 310BC
with more settlers and units, the deficit is getting bigger

3. 290BC
all of a sudden a Korean city is placed on our island in the north
found our own city nearby, then declare war on Korea that has a mere 5 cities
move units north

4. 270BC
attack warrior with an Impi but retreat. Step up with another archer and impi

IT we get writing, go for MM next

5. 250BC
our archer takes out Nampo
one of our curraghs spots a new enemy to the west, pretty near our land

IT a settler comes into view

6. 230BC
say hello to Hittites and declare
they have 10 cities and are up 4 techs including MM and have 144gold
the good part is that research drops to 11 turns for MM

IT Korea and Greece show up with a galley each

7. 210BC
found Swazi in the north

IT Korea finishes the G Lighthouse

8. 190BC
we need to be careful about the galleys and follow them

9. 170BC
spot the Korean borders in the north

10. 150BC
still following the boats
MM is 8 turns away and we run at 0gold and 0gpt, please monitor this

our cities have to grow a little I think

1. 330BC
sednign out a new curragh

2. 310BC
with more settlers and units, the deficit is getting bigger

3. 290BC
all of a sudden a Korean city is placed on nour island in the north
found our own city nearby, then declare war on Korea that has a mere 5 cities
move units north

4. 270BC
attack warrior with an Impi but retreat. Step up with another archer and impi

IT we get writing, go for MM next

5. 250BC
our archer takes out Nampo
one of our curraghs spots a new enemy to the west, pretty near our land

IT a settler comes into view

6. 230BC
say hello to Hittites and declare
they have 10 cities and are up 4 techs including MM and have 144gold
the good part is that research drops to 11 turns for MM

IT Korea and Greece show up with a galley each

7. 210BC
found Swazi in the north

IT Korea finishes the GLightouse

8. 190BC
we need to be careful about the galleys and follow them

9. 170BC
spot the Korean borders in the north

10. 150BC
still following the boats
MM is 8 turns away and we run at 0gold and 0gpt, please monitor this

From what's visible so far, our poor terrain doesn't look so much worse than anyone elses.

I would suggest with MM coming in 8, we get two towns down very soon. One above Isandhlwana, and another 3 tiles east of there on iron island. Next up could switch the cat build in Isandhlwana to a galley so we can expedite getting settled over there. With the iron island accessible through a 1-turn galley shuttle, shipping troops from the homeland would be a piece of cake.
sounds like a good plan to me.

Greebley can you take this as you are up in the other 2 games as well?
NP is up in Rat36. However, I am also having internet problems at home. I won't post an 'I got it' until this gets resolved (hopefully by friday). The next player(s) can go ahead and take it if I haven't posted yet. If I can I will post a progress or 'lack of progress' report when I know more.

Note that if I fail to get it fixed, I won't be able to post at home during the weekend.

So in other words, Andrew (and Overseer) should just grab the game whenever he can play - unless he sees further an "I got it" post from me.
I can take it tomorrow. If Greebley hasn't got his problems sorted out by the morning (UK time) then I'll play a set.
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