RBCiv Conquests SG Discussion Thread

I'm interested too.
Rome or Carth. is fine. Difficult level should be deity.
2 days until C&C is available :D
I'd be interested in joining, with the same preference as the others: Same diff, but different civs. Although my civ3 skills are probably a bit rusty (haven't played in months), I'd prefer Deity level on this one for the reason Charis mentioned, seeing what happens in the RBC2 game.

I would play any civ, even Rome, with slight preference for one of Rome's enemies. Assuming Rome has some advantages in this scenario, it could be too easy but it may be interesting to see just how much better compared to the AI a human team can take advantage of their power.

I'd love to play, but I've never won at Deity. I can hold my own in Emperor, and obviously have never had the chance to play Demi-god.

I someone will have me, I'll play with any civ.
I am interested to play as well. I am comfortable with playing at Diety, generally favoring bloody means of victory. In my solo games, I have only played Chinese, but I have expanded my exposure with SGs, so any civ is cool for me.
Yea Gods, there has been a rapid response with much interest! I even had to go into Notepad and draw up a little chart of who was in and what their preferences were. :) Here is the preliminary rosters I've drawn up, which can be changed if desired. My goal was to mix up players who hadn't met before where possible and balance out players I know are skilled with those who are perhaps less experienced. All games are on Deity (trust me, the difficulty is easier in these scenarios than in the standard game). Let's see how this works:

RBC3: Ancient Mediterranean Mayhem

Team A: Carthago

Team B: Persia
Sir Bugsy

Team C: Roma
Speaker? (confirm if interested)

Players with the little star (*) icon are the unofficial captains of each game, responsible for setting it up and keeping it moving. This isn't intended as a slight to anyone; I simply have to choose players I've known for a long time to be captains. Roster orders can be shuffled around as much as desired, of course. Carthage and Persia are the first two teams to see what the large, non-classical civs experience in this scenario. Rome is the third team so that we also have the exact opposite view as well, and to make for meaningful Rome/Carthage comparisons. If there are more signups, it may be possible to create a Macedon team as well, though that would probably be pushing it.

The goal of every game is to achieve domination before the time limit is up, barring that simply to win the game (have the highest score when time runs out). Games may start as soon as teams are ready, though it might be a good idea to wait another day or two for everyone (especially non-Amercians) to get their hands on Conquests. This is not intended to be a competiton so much as a shared investigation of one scenario in detail, looking at it from multiple perspectives. Good luck to all - may you all be able to end your games with the words Veni, Vidi, Vici! :D
Woohoo! I made the list. Although from my rather limited experiences with some of the players, Team A looks a little "stacked". ;)
But if it is not a competition, then no biggie!
Excellent, glad to see you're back and on top of things Sulla. And yes, I guessed right on this one getting a good number of signups :p (I would still give 50-50 odds of seeing a Macedon squad form, actually) BTW, I can vouch that "Griselda" plays a very mean 'Rome' indeed!! :hammer:

I'm excited to see fresh blood on the Persian squad, and with those yummy immmortals, gormdragan, you can bet the Macedonian soil will see much blood shed upon it. I didn't see anyone on 'B' who doesn't have the game yet, so current plan would be for me to start it (tonight likely) and use the order Sulla listed. I can delay however if needed and don't want to dash out far ahead of another team -- it will work best I think if we're not reading what our enemy civ will be doing 400 years from now.

I would ask that anyone on the roster of either team familiarize themselves with the RBCiv rules and disallowed exploits (although most already know this). The only issue in doubt is how 'seed corn' works in a conquest-setting. Sulla, would you mind choosing a fixed rule on that for this game? (See the discussion in RBC2 about this. We chose a 'buy no more than one worker per civ' rule in the BC era to make it clear, and this was a DG game. It won't be clear til much later if that had a bad impact on our foes) It sounded like no one had any real problem whether that was zero, one or two, but it's good for multiple teams to be playing under the same 'constraints.'

Also we like to here a "got it" within 24hrs of a turn posted, then up to 48hrs more if needed to play out the turn, so that the game doesn't drag. With lurkers and others reading the accounts of different civs it's also good to keep the pace moving well in all games. Since this is a 'historical' conquest and the maps are fixed and readily known, would I be right in assuming it's ok for players to read the threads of the 'other civs' -- or we do it like previous A/B/C games where you don't read the other 2 threads until your game is finished? (Either way is ok, again it would be good for Sulla to clarify)

The taste of mortal (nay, immortal!) combat shall soon be upon our lips... :p


(PS at Rubberjellos' comment... I can't speak for Carthage or Rome, it should be a good matchup, but... Macedon is going to to pulverized to Jello! :hammer: Oh wait... they have the Hoplite :eek: Just wait til we get iron though!)
One question:

Is it better for players to have some knowledge about the scenario before starting?

Or is it better to play "blind" like a normal SG?

I realize some people will already know the scenario, but for those of us that can choose, does it matter one way or the other?
I vote for zero worker buys. I have played several scenarios in Conquests (but not this one!), and the Diety(ish) level AI does much worse than in the standard game without its additional units (especially its workers).

I'm going to play the game blind having never seen the map before. It will make it more fun, but may result in some weeky moves that my teammates can ridicule. :D

I also vote to have all teammembers be able to read all 3 (4)? threads during play.

P.S. A link to the RBCiv exploits page might help out some of us with foggy memories of reading it once a long time ago.

RBCiv No-Nos
As I mentioned that above, I was about to write (link is found on the very first post in this thread) but thought it too obvious :lol:

Realms Beyond Exploitative Tactics page

"Speaker is in da house!" :D

On workers, I'm fine either way, and if folks who've played more than I with the scenarios suggest that the AI is already in trouble without their unit bonus, it does sound like zero is the way to go.

I would probably enjoy this most playing mostly 'blind' -- although I've been doing some history reading. It seems Persia got trounced and their capital of Perseopolis burned to the ground in this war! :( Then again, the real Greeks had Alexander the Great, and here they just have... AI. :goodjob:
My slight preference would be to read all threads too, since we're not in identical starting positions/civs anyway. (Though a delayed gratification of holding off reading is fun too)

TMcC, there was that one time you went 12 hours without posting :eek: On a saturday night too. Go figure.

I was rereading the explot list...

The "throwaway cities" exploit seems to disallow abandoning a city and immediately building another in the same spot. I am thinking mostly of the late game when AI culture overlaps quite a bit. Am I correct on this? Not that it will be a problem. I like keeping cities in general rather than a raze/abandon and certainly don't mind keeping them all. It just suprised me as I thought that replacement was an age-old civ tactic.

There were a very few things that I personally feel are exploitive that were not on the list. The palace rank exploit (where putting your palace out in the middle of nowhere is actually of beneift) and using a short mobilization to speed up non-miliatry builds being the biggest two. Hopefully the first is actually fixed in conquests.

I do like "non-exploit" games. It makes the wins more satisfying :)
There were a very few things that I personally feel are exploitive that were not on the list.

The RBD exploit list was last updated before PTW came out. It's worked for us so well since then primarily because players have worked to uphold the spirit of the law rather than trying to take advantage of things that are clearly exploitative, but not on the list. A read through the list should give people an idea of the style of play that we were seeking to encourage when the rules were drafted, and that's the most important thing to keep in mind at the moment.

In the Epics, the "no spoiler" rules force each player to make judgement calls. Here in a succession game, at least we have the ability to discuss "grey area" moves with the team before we go forward. :)

I don't know whether Team C composition is my call atm or Sullla's, but I don't see why we wouldn't want to have a fifth. :)

Abandoning does not mean razing. Raze to your heart's content. The Throwaway Cities exploit involves a form of "delayed razing" using the Abondon City command, where you defeat the function of enemy cultural control of their own territory through new loopholes created when they added the ability to abandon a city at any time. If you aren't going to keep the city, then raze it WHEN you defeat it. Otherwise keep it. Just don't "capture" it, move your settlers and units through the cultural zone, then abandon it.

Hope that clarifies. :)

- Sirian
Thanks Sulla for setting this up and putting some thought into creating the teams! :goodjob: And I'm sure you will provide information about historical details for the ignorant ones among us while playing. :D
(Okay okay, I'll better try to find something on the net about this subject until my copy of Conquests arrives...)

Since we're playing different civs, I think we should be allowed to read the other team's threads. Being kept in the dark about the other team's progress was fun during the last competition, but discussion between teams and cross-posting would be very interesting, too!

Sir Bugsy, don't worry about Deity. Not only will this scenario not feel like regular Deity, but also being part of a team will reduce the effective level of difficulty somewhat, especially with your excellent team partners! :hammer: And if you feel comfortable on Emperor, now it's the perfect opportunity to try Deity. :)
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