Realpolitik CIV - An Interactive AAR

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President of the United States
Apr 29, 2010
The West Wing
Hello! I am Lighthearter. Memorize the name. It shall be important later;).

This is Realpolitik CIV. For those of you who aren't players of the Hearts of Iron II games or who don't venture onto their AAR forums, Realpolitik is a type of AAR where you, the CivFanatics, create political parties and then vote in elections to swear in a ruling party/coalition for the nation. This ruler could seize the reins of power and rule with an iron fist or chose to form a senate of all parties, so vote wisely.

All parties will respond to issues presented by the game host (Lighthearter:king:), and the ruling party will either put their policy into action or heed the advice of other parties and figures and follow their course. Again, chose wisely, for bad decisions or strong opposition on the forums to the ruler could lead to me penalizing our nation in-game:nuke:.

I(we:D) am playing Britain, as Churchill.

No mods are used. I will be playing a continents map with Advanced Start to avoid early-game monotony and elections. I will be the first leader and so decide where all of our units/cities/improvements are placed with my initial 1000 points.

A note to new players/readers:
- A lot has occurred since the beginning of the story, and we commonly pick up 2 pages a day or so. I'd recommend that you flip to the end and spend only about twenty minutes at most getting familiarized with the current situation before joining in. You can PM one of the longtime players like Cull, west india man and Ravus_Sol to get the full scoop on what has happened. You could also PM me, but I'd rather you didn't. The PM bit is in the interest of keeping the thread less cluttered.

Realpolitik chatroom:

Here are the rules:

- I as host reserve the right to veto any action any player wishes to undertake: To consolidate the stability of the AAR, to stop interference with the normal functioning of the thread or simply because I feel like it. Don't mess with The Man.

- Rule #1 of Realpolitik: Democracy is absolute. Even when the Nazis or communists are elected into office, they will still have to answer to the opposition and face elections every thirty turns.

- Any member is free to establish or join a political party of his choice. A member can only be member of one party at a time, although he is free to switch allegiance whenever he sees fit.

- I am going to ask everyone to use their own nicknames at all times when playing or in story updates they write. This is to avoid confusion. Exceptions are full names, I.E. arya126's John Arya Armitage, but he must always be referred to in short as Arya.

- Every thirty in-game turns an election shall be held, the first election will be in about one week. During the week, I'll grant the right to all parties to organize, unite and campaign to get as many people as they can to vote. Note that everyone registered on the CivFanatics forums is eligible to vote.

- Parties are allowed to form coalitions. At the end of an election, all votes are tallied and the party or coalition with the largest % of votes wins the election.

- The parties that did not win will be sent to opposition, where they can comment on the policy of the leading faction. I will monitor opposition closely, and the leading players have to understand that failing to appease the public will lead to us penalizing Britain in-game (improvement deletion, raised unhappiness). It is therefore very important to listen to the public, who can demand re-elections as well.

- If the opposition is strong enough, they can call for a General Strike, a Vote of No Confidence, or if things get REALLY ugly, an Armed Revolution,

- The winning party or coalition will come into office the in-game update after the elections. They will have to put forward three leading figures for the government: A national leader, military minister and domestic minister. These three people, backed up by their party members, will be responsible for making decisions in-game. I will PM the leader personally before each play session, where he has to dictate to me the course Britain takes. You can place others in government as well, up to a maximum of ten people.

- An independent(non-party) can run for any position save that of the President of the Republic. To run for office, simply state as much in the thread.

- Elections can be ended early if one side concedes defeat, but their starting strength will be lowered and they will gain it much slower.

- Placeholder :D

- Every reader (including players) has two votes in the elections. Putting in two votes for a single party is not allowed. However, if parties want to play it smart they'll seek coalition with a like-minded party so players can put two votes into their front.

- The host (Lighthearter) retains full rights to ban any party that has violated these rules. Spamming parties, parties using a complaint generator, parties inciting hate or parties that are found obtrusive for the normal functioning of this thread will be banned from the elections indefinitely.

- Please refrain from PMing me for every Realpolitik-related issue. Alternatives are using the profile visitor comments, or simple commenting in the thread.

- You cannot change your vote once it is cast, but you can withdraw your party from a coalition and join another one mid-elections.

- By voting, joining a party or performing any other form of interaction with this AAR, you declare that you have read and understood these rules to the letter. I don't want to be a jerk guys, so keep it clean!

- True Player Measure(10/23/10) - If you only arrive to vote in elections, and come and vote every election but never post in between, then you are going to have your votes taken away because you obviously don't have a stake in the game. In order to get them back, you need to be an active player - even if not the most active - and remain active up to and through an election where you have no voting rights. That's right. You have to prove that you're here to play, not just to vote for a friend. I will be paying strict attention to all lurker voters in the future and adding their names to this list as they qualify.
- Domination3000

- Major Party Rule: A leader (or member) of a Party cannot put himself forward for the position of President unless he has another member (not counting himself) within his own party. He can, however, run for any lower position if he so wishes.

That about sums it up. I'll reserve one post after this for the party listing and one after that for the ruling entities/election status, then feel free to post parties or go independent and simply comment.

The Books of Ravus_Sol - History of Our Nation.

- Book One
- Book Two
- Book Three
- Book Four Part One
- Book Four Part Two
- Book Five
- Book Six
- Book Seven
- Epilogue

Before I go, WE HAVE A TVTROPES PAGE! Come and provide examples of tropes in this game!

- Lighthearter

Green Party of England and Wales
Left-Wing Extremist; Supports legalization of drugs, environmentalism, benefits for the poor, fair trade and is a major PACIFIST
Founder: west india man
Members: None Yet

Imperial Party

Nationalist; Our goal is to defend England's interests by means of the sword. Because a strong military needs a strong economy, we advocate developing commerce and industry. While we prefer military solutions to England's problems, we are willing to pursue alternatives.
Founder: danjuno
Leader: Whosit
Members: Sonereal, Nukeknockout & Cull

English Socialist Party

Left-Wing Communism; Is a supporter of state property and the freedoms of all people. War is only to liberate people. Also the party pursues a secretive policy over being entangled in alliances.
Founder: lopaz
Leader: Aysee
Members: mechaerik & gruekiller

The Party to Restore Sanity

This party represents the sensible, centre leaning people of the empire. We stand for pragmatic policy based on the needs of the people, rather than imposing an ideology regardless of the circumstances. We will sometimes end up on the left, sometimes the right, but we aim to always be on the side of the people.
Founder: Twinkletoes89
Members: None yet

We believe that England should conquer the world! We need to destroy all enemies in our way! Of course, we need a good economy to support our army, so we support a good economy. And we need science to get Modern Tanks, which are awesome, so we support science as well. But most of all we want to destroy and conquer! EXTERMINATE!!!
Founder: NinjaCow64
Members: None Yet

- Ravus_ Sol
- Celticfury
- Dem_Taqat
- ono-neko
- Fellow


The Anonymous Coalition(Peace/Green): 2

Current? YES.



- Lighthearter Administration
- Ravus_Sol Administration
- Cull Administration
- Arya126 Administration
- Whosit Administration
- MathNerd Administration
- Whosit 2nd Administration

- Aysee Administration

Current: Arya 2nd Administration

President: Arya126
Vice President: Twinkletoes
Minister of the Interior: Ravus_Sol
Minister of War: Darth Caesar
Governor, Scotland: Captain Fargle
Governor-General, Italy: Mechaerik

Citation Needed.

Opposition Strength Gauge: Minor. Leader: Whosit


- Insignificant

- Weak

- Minor

- Moderate

- Noticeable

- Fairly Strong

- Strong

- Dangerous

- Murderous

Opposition Actions:

General Strike - Basic action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Based on the strength of the opposition, a certain number of cities will be selected for coin flips. Heads=get off scat-free. Tails=all production shut down. Number of cities depends on opposition strength.

Vote of No Confidence - Action that the Opposition Leader can take. Calls on the President to hold a reelection. I may step in depending on the circumstances, however, for one side or the other.

Sabotage - Basic action. May destroy a random province improvement. To perform, ANY player must PM me with the target city and improvement(or leave it up to me) and I will flip a coin for odds of success. If it fails, I flip a coin again to decide if the President discovers evidence leading back to the instigator of the action.

Call for Desertion - Advanced action. Opposition leader must announce the call in the thread. Some units may or may not be disbanded. Number of units depends on opposition strength.

Armed Revolution - VERY advanced action. Must be declared in thread by opposition leader. Every player who wishes to participate for either side PMs me with this information:

- Allegiance (Government or Rebels)
- A unit type they wish to raise (Era applicable, please)
- Four promotions (in order of priority) for their unit to receive.
- Name of ship (if a naval unit, otherwise, unit will be called ______'s Company. Ships for the Government will be given the prefix HMS and rebel ships will be RNV(Revolutionary Naval Vessel)).

The leaders (President and Opposition Leader) will be represented by a regiment with a Great General attached.

Then I will use worldbuilder to create a small, flat-world map where the fighting will take place and add in the two armies. Me and my brother(Nukeknockout) shall then duke it out over LAN, and you will be provided with every turn updates on the fight.

Armed Revolution Concepts:

The Republican Guards/The Foreign Legions:

The Guards or the Legions will provide extra strength to the Government or the Rebels, respectively, in the event that the battle is upset enough that one side needs reinforcements to bring the outcome back into question. Note that there is a limit to what the Guards/Legions can do to affect the numbers.

Government Actions:

Martial Law - Advanced action. All opposition actions except Armed Revolution and Sabotage are made impossible, and the latter is highly unlikely to succeed. Elections are not suspended, however. Is in effect until repealed, even if the President who ordered it is not the one who repeals it. That's right - it transcends elections. However, there are penalties for this action . . . .
I shall lead the Green Party of England and Wales. We support legalisation of drugs, environmentalism, a little Euro-scepticism (Don't like the EU, but I personally disagree with that), benefits for the poor, fair trade among other things.

Note: Anybody who's really left-wing can join.
Looks interesting. Considering all my stories have failed, I think I'll set up shop here. Hmmmm......
Martial Nationalist Party. For those of you who are intrested in Victory via conquest or domination. Supports wars and nationalism, but will generally leave people's religon alone.
I'll represent the Liberal Marxist Party. Our party is a supporter of state property and also the freedoms of all people. Basics: War to liberate people. All Freedom based civics except state property instead of free trade. Also the party pursues a secretive policy over being entangled in alliances.
The Green Party supports only Diplo, Cultural and Space. Also, we are pacifists who never want war.

Civics we like: Representation, US, Bureaucracy, FS, Emancipation, Environmentalism, Pacifism, FR.
Civics we don't mind: All default ones, HR, SP, Merchantalism, OR.
Civics we hate: All other ones (PS, Vassalage, Nationhood, Slavery, Serfdom, Caste, FM, Theo).
Excellent! One more party and I'll launch.

The first 30 turns will be played with me as the President of the Republic, and all parties will have to respond on issues to build up a voter base. After twenty of those thirty turns the elections will be held. The remaining time will be played DURING the elections, making any actions taken points in the campaign.

- Lighthearter
I'll join as a member of the Green Party of England and Wales, with a preference towards a cottage/specialist economy and pro scientific research.
By the way, how excactly are we going to stage an armed revolution should it occur?
west india man - I don't know how to mess with my sig:(

danjuno - I think what will happen is:

1) - Every viewer chooses allegiance & picks an era-relevant unit type(I'll add the force compositions in-game after a certain period of arming-up, which I will dictate at the announcement of Armed Revolution;))
2) - I go into worldbuilder after a few days of the factions arming up and perform a massive battle between Barbarians(rebels) and Britain(loyalists).

I'll launch after we get one more party - perhaps one of the people who have joined an existing party can make their own?

Either when one new party is formed or the day after tomorrow, this launches, even if we only have 3 parties. First set of issues come tomorrow!:D

- Lighthearter
I will lead the Modernizational party. We support the advance of technology above all else (in other words, we prioritize GP farms and commerce locations and want lots of libraries and such). We also support production and military if it is necessary, will advance science, and will require minimal effort (so we can attack someone with good land who has a power rating below ours). The people are our second priority, and we will support the rights of people of other nations as well. We support a mercantile or state owned economy (favor merchantilism/SP). We will rule with the support of the people(we must switch to representation once it becomes available and cannot adopt another gov. civic other than US). We want a strong national identity unless it will impede progress (favor nationhood or FS if the economic bonus is sizeable). We believe that not all are created with equal ability, but that they may have equal opportunity. Slavery is looked down upon but seen as sometimes necessary (favor caste system or emancipation, disfavor slavery). We believe science disproves the existence of God and will not adopt a state religion, although we may use it to further our ends (religious civics can be adopted, but we will stay out of religious blocs... unless we capture the Minaret or the UoS. If we are in an area dominated by people of one religion, we will adopt it for self-preservation). We will support any nation that favor their people(once in rep., we will show favor to those in rep.). We also believe autocracy is an evil concept (we cannot refuse a DOW on a police state or monarchy AFTER that nation has another choice besides it (excluding the first civic).

When I say that I will favor a certain a certain civic, I mean that if we believe our current civics are not working, these will be the civics we will want to switch to. If we are getting a very good benefit from slavery, we will stay there, but if not, we will switch. Our autocracy policy is basically the USA policy (we will fight to liberate the oppressed, and if we gain a benefit from it (like oil ) that is an extra plus). And yes, I am American :mischief:.

So our policy is :science: :hammers: :commerce: :) :pat:!
To edit your signature, go to the top of the page. Underneath the thread title, there should be a bar with a few links. One of them should be "My Account". Go there, and on the left there are more links One should say "Signature" or something to that effect. You can change it there.
People's Consortium of England-Money and exotic resources is what we want. We support creating overseas colonies, and vassal-izing them so we can trade our resources for their $$. We try to avoid war as much as possible (unless the war would open up a new trade setup) and want open borders so we can get those lovely trade routes! We think free market is key to happiness, and tech is medium priority (we can sell it!). Religion is just another key to making trade agreements.
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