Red Death

Oh... I am disappointed that this is what the apparent clues were linking to. I was hoping a 3rd expac announcement might have been on the horizon.

I don't play multiplayer or scenarios, so this isn't for me, but I'm happy that those who do like those features of the game are getting some love.

That said, multiplayer has been ignored so long I'm glad that community has got something.
From the live stream it looks like it came up as a hobby project from Firaxis employees. I'm more inclined to be satisfied with that than if it were meant as a market focused venture.

Color me slightly mollified.

As long as they keep working on improving the game, I don't mind. And the patch itself seems really good, so I'm alright
Come on don't be kids. I read Reddit, some YT comments, even several posts here and I feel a mini Blizzcon Diablo drama in the air...
None in Firaxis deserved this!
We still got a normal good patch, maintenance of the game is very good. They are listening the fans. Apart from that, they made something completely out of the box... so what?
Just try new coastal cities.
Well the geeky multiplayer programmer had a good idea for a fun game and the Civ team made it a reality. I'm not going to bash that kinda story. So what if they spent some time making it real. This is what fun game development teams do.

Yup, and I think this is a good sign for future plans for Civ 6.

I don't play multiplayer, but I'm interested in giving this mode a try. The assets could be used for modding too.
Come on everyone. This is free content, and it's released as part of a larger pack. Let's not look at a gift horse in the mouth too much :)

I don't think anyone is lambasting them too hard, in fact most comments I see trend towards damning them with faint praise for the effort.

Personally I think that this was a neat effort but a mistake to release alongside a scheduled patch, especially while getting hyped, and billed as big of a deal as it seemed to them. It clearly shows that they aren't in lockstep with (at a minimum) a significant portion of the community here at Civfanatics, and judging by the YouTube comments on the teaser video. I have yet to check Reddit's reaction but I predict tepid. If you view this community as a microcosm of the community as a whole, well then it was a bit of a blunder. If you take the stance that we are the bleeding edge, fanatics if you will, well then perhaps its no big deal either way.

With regard to the attitudes around here, I suspect some of it is simply Battle Royal fatigue, combined with possibly some loathing for the biggest battle royal game of them all. Strange bedfellows and all that...

Come on don't be kids. I read Reddit, some YT comments, even several posts here and I feel a mini Blizzcon Diablo drama in the air...
None in Firaxis deserved this!
We still got a normal good patch, maintenance of the game is very good. They are listening the fans. Apart from that, they made something completely out of the box... so what?
Just try new coastal cities.

Don't be kids? I think that's a bit of a reach since we as consumers, supporters and fairly dedicated fans, have the right to react to the company we support making what can be viewed as a misstep. Calling people kids because you dislike those reactions seems bordering on rude.

I hope the folks at Firaxis are thick skinned enough to be professional and take the feedback for what it is. Not every move made is going to be greeted with cheers, sometimes one even gets jeers. You gotta pay the cost, if you wanna be a boss sort of deal. It comes with the territory, and I suspect the good folks at Firaxis know that, they probably don't need people springing to their defense, much less stating what they deserve.
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Haven’t watched the Stream yet, but viewed the trailer. Not my thing. I like that they are innovating. Thinking outside the box. Might be fun for the multiplayer crowd, but I hope it’s a one off or a separate property test. Maybe a mobile game?

Knowing that Firaxis regularly monitors these forums I want to give my impression of the trailer script. I get it was meant to be campy, but it veered into try-hard, grandparent trying to relate to their grandchildren tier, bad mobile-phone title cringe. I am sorry if thats too harsh, but out of respect to the Firaxis team, I felt an honest gut reaction was the most respectful and helpful response.

Not every endeavor needs to be a homerun, I respect the attempt, I hope you take the feedback as constructive. The criticism only pertains to the trailer presentation/script.

Edit: I also see the potentially cutting satire of the mobile game genre, not sure that played out as intended. In a single watch, I couldn’t discern if you were marketing or mocking.
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This sounds a lot like Red Death Redemption.

It appears to be a reference to Edgar Allen Poe's "Masque of the Red Death" about a prince who throws a costume party for his court in a barricaded palace during a plague. Someone attends the party dressed as a plague victim. The prince pursues them from room to room until the guest is unmasked to reveal no one inside the costume. Then everyone dies of the Red Death.
Okay well I am having fun with the mode
Are there any post apocalyptic 4x games? I wonder if they are testing the waters with this...
Are there any post apocalyptic 4x games? I wonder if they are testing the waters with this...
In theory, some space 4x games are. But I don't know of any terrestrial ones. (Although, one might argue that At the Gates is post-apocalyptic from the Roman perspective).
On the off chance you are reading this, kudos to the player that got the nuke from the supply drop when it was head to head and completely wrecked me
I was planning on not getting Civ 6 ever.

Then they made that Australia scenario and I was like "maybe I'll get it in a few years if Civ 7 is not realistic like Civ 5"

Now I just have to get the damn game, because hell if I don't play this. It looks super fun!

Also, I got a serious "Beyond Earth 2 test mode" vibe from this. The escape ship, the radical and fleshed out factions that reminds SMAC factions, etc.
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