If you would allow me, I will now present my vision of the whole 1UPT thing and how it developed in CIV.
I don't have CIV5, and I will not be buying it. But I have read about it. And I know why they implemented 1UPT into it.
They implemented it because it was a bad solution to a misunderstood problem. And the problem in turn was just another bad series of solutions to a problem they could not solve.
Civ 4 has a problem. That problem is that the AI has the mental capacities of a ******** 2 year old that is button mashing while blind folded and sedated.
So to correct that, they gave the AI a lot of bonuses. Among these is cheaper unit maintenance.
This in turn caused the AI to build huge stacks of doom that would become unstopable and were considered lame by most players. (I say most becouse I quite like them.

So when they started making CIV 5, they were swamped with complains about the bad AI and the SOD's and they decided to find some other solution to the problem of brain dead AI.
So they went the way of 1UPT.
So they went from one extreme to another. All the while dancing around the problem without actually fixing it.
The SOD's were not the problem, just a more or less fun symptom of it.
The same goes for the 1UPT.
And no mater what they do it does not and will not mater. Becouse they have failed to do the one thing they should have done in the first place. Make a competent AI.
However, the people here have read the reports and goten fired up like fangirls at a rock concert. So they imediately jumped into action without thinking.
Hence, Civ 4 got 1UPT as well.