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[Religion and Revolution]: Feedback and Questions


Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
We (the Religion and Revolution team) have decided to give some selected people access to our SVN.

Basically it is the first step to a "Partner-Program" that allows us to better support other modders and share our work.
Of course, it will make it easier for modders and selected people from community to support us, too. :)

Spoiler :

We are giving access to:

  • CivCol-Modders (that are or have been working on interesting projects)
  • People from community that have continuously participated in our discussions

For a start, it will be read access (Watcher status) only.

If these people show interest to actively help with creating our mod, the read access might be upgraded to full access.

This might also lead to a team membership. :)
(Which will allow to participate in our decision and planning processes.)

If you are considerer for this program, you will get a Private Message from us. :thumbsup:

This thread is meant to give a platform for

  • Feedback and suggestions
  • Clarifying features and asking for advice
  • Technical questions about our features / our mod
  • Support to create a modmod
  • Offering help with maps, translations, graphics, ...
  • Discussing or planning joint ventures
Several of our new partners (that now get access to our SVN) have asked how they could support us.
Thanks for that. :)

Even if you are not a programmer or a graphical modder, there are tons of possibilities:

1. Testing and reporting bugs
2. Simply giving feedback
3. Supplying savegames (from midgame or lategame)
4. Trying to create maps
5. Posting nice screenshots
6. Writing a story about your game
7. Creating a guide for other users
8. Letting us know if you found cool pictures or other graphics we might use

And as I said, if you want to get involved deeper, we will also find ways for that. :thumbsup:
That is a really good idea what you have done Ray. Somehow I have been unable to find a way to send a private message.:(
That is a really good idea what you have done Ray. Somehow I have been unable to find a way to send a private message.:(

You probably simply need to have a few more posts, before being allowed to write private messages. :thumbsup:
I don't know if this is the right place to post this.
I installed the mod yesterday and began playing.

The bad

I had 3 Colonization 4 has encountered a problem and closed. I'm running an xp sp3 OS.
There is no turn specific when this ocurred, after the 3rd problem I kept playing and had no further crashes.

The good

The initial screen music is awesome. The amount of yields is almost unbearable but great. Now you can have lots of cities doing different stuff althogether.
I got the african slaves and native convert event. (Were those a phyton events?)

I had a seasoned scout discover 3 treasures, but 2 of them were attacked by an aztec warrior. When I checked the diplomacy screen I discovered that we were not a war. Is that supposed to happen?

If you find gold in a mountain, wow, lots of cash and fast.

I'm going to keep playing to try out the new stuff.


Is there is a way, once a map is generated, to change the expert provided by a native tribe. (Ex. Change Expert Indigo Planter to Expert Fisherman).
I don't know if this is the right place to post this.

It is. :)

I had 3 Colonization 4 has encountered a problem and closed. I'm running an xp sp3 OS.

There already were several reports of problems with XP and old computers. :(
(On newer OS and newer computers feedback was pretty good so far.)

Maybe also you had not cleaned your cashes properly. :dunno:

But we are still in improvement, fixing and finetuning phase.
(This is not the final release yet.)

The initial screen music is awesome.

Yes, I really love our music, too. :D

The amount of yields is almost unbearable but great. Now you can have lots of cities doing different stuff althogether.

That is the goal about our new economy. :)
(Allowing many different and highly specialized cities.)

I got the african slaves and native convert event. (Were those a phyton events?)

No, these are dll-diplomacy-events. (New features of RaR)

I had a seasoned scout discover 3 treasures, but 2 of them were attacked by an aztec warrior. When I checked the diplomacy screen I discovered that we were not a war. Is that supposed to happen?

Yes that is supposed to happen. :)
(It is part of our new feature Native Raids.
Some Native Nations have a higher tendency for raiding, than others.
If your relations are high enough, they will not raid your treasures or your cities at all.)

If you find gold in a mountain, wow, lots of cash and fast.

Balancing is not perfect yet. :blush:
(As I said, this is no final release yet.)

Is there is a way, once a map is generated, to change the expert provided by a native tribe. (Ex. Change Expert Indigo Planter to Expert Fisherman).

Simply remove and regenerate the native village with World Builder until you can train the expert you want.


Eventually read our Overview to get an idea about all the new game elements. :thumbsup:
Originally Posted by Pallando
If you find gold in a mountain, wow, lots of cash and fast.

But I think gold is already balanced well. It is not "overpowered". Maybe we could lower the possibility to find a gold or silver source a little bit or implement an event "source exhausted".
But I think gold is already balanced well. It is not "overpowered". Maybe we could lower the possibility to find a gold or silver source a little bit or implement an event "source exhausted".
I was not referring to that exactly, I just meant that I found a mountain with a gold resource. With a mine and an Expert Goldminer, I was able to get 10 gold per turn.
Gold based strategies allow you to get buildings early game for production based strategies later. Also, you should concentrate trades in a way that your selling majority of 1-3 goods at a time, such as premium lumber, gold/silver/gems and cloth. As the game progresses and the markets start to crash, sell furnature and dyed cloth instead.

Ive observed this to work quite well, and if you need defense, turn to cannon garrison and watch fast expansion because natives do not like that and will fight over it.

immersion based gameplay :)
Several observations:

There already were several reports of problems with XP and old computers.
(On newer OS and newer computers feedback was pretty good so far.)
Ok, but I have played plenty of col mods and I haven't experienced that problem. Tac b, DoaNE 2.00, Dale, Plantation Economy, etc.

Gold based strategies allow you to get buildings early game for production based strategies later. Also, you should concentrate trades in a way that your selling majority of 1-3 goods at a time, such as premium lumber, gold/silver/gems and cloth. As the game progresses and the markets start to crash, sell furnature and dyed cloth instead.
Will the inmense amount of goods available, I think that markets crashing for certain goods are not as important as before.
Does the reverse strategy works? I used to do this when I was mining Silver. When the prices dropped to 3 or 4. I would send several Galleons to Europe to buy huge amounts of Silver. I would wait for it to rise to 8 or 9 to offset the tax burden and make a killing.

Is the concept of Monasteries working? I had a mission but I didn't get the option. I play as the French, and with 10% discount off units in Europe that fits my playing style. If I could convert native settlements into cities, watch out.

I love plastered roads.

I'm still trying to figure out a strategy to play the game now. Not really sure what I need in the buildings, and there are plenty of raw and refined items.
Is there perhaps a table where I could find something like this: potatoes are found in grasslands, etc.
I notice that when I build a colony, I don't see what the city tile is providing.

How do I set up the no hidden flags thing?

Is there a way that I could get say: ore and stone, with a miner? Kind of like the hunter.

How can I know that an indunted servant or criminal will become a free citizen? In the Colopedia say that by working so I give them tools and convert them to pioneers.

Is there and advantage between using a native convert vs an african slave?

Domestic Markets working fine.
those citizens with no expertise can gain one by working a profession, they can also become firebrand priests, and elder statesman for example.

Ore and stone yes, go into the unit XML in XML\Units\CIV4ProfessionInfos.xml and do this.

Spoiler :


The profession "Hunter" is not the unit Hunter, but the job any citizen can be assigned to. Notice, the profession can produce YIELD_FUR and YIELD_FOOD - Go to the desired profession and change it's yield, for example:


This will let you make a profession provide multiple bonuses whenever a citizen becomes that profession (such as "stone cutter", that worker would get both stone and iron if a stone cutter, but if an ore miner it would only get the ore and not the stone.) One possible follow up is to make Ore Miner profession get stone as well - but the reason this works in medieval tech is because the Ranchers are used for luxury food to produce nobles. In this, i don't see it being balanced except for hunters, seal hunters and ranchers producing food.

As for strategy here is a good opening for any map. Go to land, look for a river. Look at the non-food yield in your city, such as tobacco. This tile your city is on will always add tobacco to your town, so you need a Cigar Makers house! First, get yourself a village hall, then cigar makers house. Shuttle workers as needed from Europe.

Your second and third citizens: The pioneer should be settled in the city. Woodcutting and Lumberjack for fast early buildings. Your third should be food and your fourth should be production of Cigar Makers House.

Once you have done that, move your citizens - one to chapel, one cigar maker, one foodie and one guy who bounces from lumberjack to carpenter.

As the game progresses, you will get another pioneer to work tiles, master a second resource and trade crazy. You can get tobacco from the natives, convert it to cigars, and trade the cigars to the natives. You can also sell tobacco first and cigars a little later.

Maybe it's just me but my opening pioneer is a Firebrand Priest so its very important to get church up ASAP, settle that guy in it and use your other guy as the pioneer.

Also, the age old strategy of sail the world before settling is not valid in this - losing too much early production and ruins is a punishment and the AI will be quick to scout those ruins and talk to the chiefs. Settling on turn 10 is acceptable but no later.

Hope this helps.
Is the concept of Monasteries working?

It is not implemented yet.
(It is only planned.)

Is there perhaps a table where I could find something like this: potatoes are found in grasslands, etc.

It is all in the XML. :)

I notice that when I build a colony, I don't see what the city tile is providing.

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. :dunno:

How do I set up the no hidden flags thing?

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean. :dunno:

How can I know that an indunted servant or criminal will become a free citizen?

You can't. :)
(It is a pretty complicated formula that also has a random part.)

Simply let them work in any job and sooner or later they will become free. :thumbsup:

Is there and advantage between using a native convert vs an african slave?

You are probably talking about "Native Slave" vs. "African Slave".
All there is to know about these units is displayed in Colopedia. :thumbsup:

Domestic Markets working fine.

Great. :)
in normal col, the ruling strategy is immediately resail to europe, pick up a veteran soldier, come back, conquer 1-2 cities in the beginning. The AI will usually not have an early defender and if all goes well, that civ won't be back for a very long time - then you settle 1-2 colonies, work liberty bells for sentiment and declare independence. abandon your cities except one in middle of land, and just survive a war of attrition.

If that seems shallow to you then you will enjoy the immersion based gameplay this has to offer.
About the hidden flags, this is what I meant:

Ah ok, you are talking about "No more hidden variables".
Simply start a "Custom Game" and select the game option to activate it. :thumbsup:
in normal col, the ruling strategy is immediately resail to europe, pick up a veteran soldier, come back, conquer 1-2 cities in the beginning. The AI will usually not have an early defender and if all goes well, that civ won't be back for a very long time - then you settle 1-2 colonies, work liberty bells for sentiment and declare independence. abandon your cities except one in middle of land, and just survive a war of attrition.
You couldn't do that in TAC nor in Dale's Mod if I remember correctly. You had to wait a number of turns to declare war against them.

This way is much more fun.

I really like that you can bargain with the Natives though. I have always wondered why is it that you can't trade with your fellow Europeans.
You had to wait a number of turns to declare war against them.

It is the same in RaR. :)

I really like that you can bargain with the Natives though. I have always wondered why is it that you can't trade with your fellow Europeans.

The "Bargaining with Natives" is one of my favourite features. :)

A good trade / bargaining system for goods between Europeans would require a totally different AI logic.
But there are some ideas around.
We will see ... :dunno:
I have a problem with horses. I have the horse resource and I created the pasture, I even built a stable but I'm unable to harvest/grow horses.

BTW, how can I post screenshots of the game so that everyone can see them?
i have the same horse issue and im trying to track it down, i am not sure why this resource is not workable - if i find an answer, ill post the update.

As for screenshots, push "printscreen" button, on your keyboard if it has one, then open paint and press ctrl+v. It also helps if you turn off yields before taking them just for cosmetic purposes but if you want to brag about your yields, let us see an empire with great wealth.

Horses, Cows and Sheep are Livestock. :)
(It is explained in Colopedia an discussed in this thread.)

They work totally different than other yields.
You need to have them stored in your cities in order to be able to breed them.
(The amount you can breed also depends on the amount you have stored.)

Many many small things are very different in this mod.
So if something doesn't work for you it usually is no bug, but at feature.
You simply have to read carefully (Colopedia or Threads currently) or learn by playing. :thumbsup:

We will also try to have a FAQ thread for the Release 1. :thumbsup:
(But currently almost all team members are extremely busy ...)
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