Ray, how do you reconcile selling goods in Europe, Domestic Market and using the Custom House?
1. I try to keep
Domestic Markets of my biggest cities supplied.
(I do not bother with the small cities considering Domestic Markets.)
-> Main benefit is that you will keep your taxes down.
-> Also, if goods have become too cheap in Europe, you will get more money.
2. Then I try to sell the complete rest in
-> More money and more Fouding Father Points than Custom House.
-> I need to go to Europe anyways to pick up immigrants or buy Units.
3. Custom House is only used if I do not manage to transport the goods to Europe.
(I try to avoid it as much as possible.)
My strategy in the beginning is focussed on Europe.
(Cities are too small to generate enough domestic sales to really bother.)
The longer the game progresses, the more I try to rely on Domestic Markets.
(Prices in Europe have fallen and taxes have increased.)
For me, it would be as the game progresses and the tax rate rises, the Domestic Market gains importance, although it doesn't have the capacity of the European Harbours.
Sure, one single Domestic Market does not have the capacity of Europe.
But 5 cities with each about 40+ colonists can generate massive amount of money with
Domestic Market.
Entertainment is also very lucrative in those cities.
I'm curious as to how you use the livestock, cows and sheep?
If a city has a bonus resource
Cows or
Sheep, Livestock Breeding (and Butchering) will get massively used there.
I try to diversify and not simply use Livestock Breeding everywhere.
Usually food is not my main problem. A few cities producing
Wool Cloth and
Leather is usually enough to supply the others and also not ruin prices in Europe too fast.
Are they an important part of your strategy or do you seldom use the cows and sheep to grow your colonies.
They are important. Probably a bit more than other industries.
They are not dominant though.
But that is simply my style of playing.