Republicans and racism


Afflicted with reason
Jul 6, 2002
next to George Bush's parents
Bob Dole, long time Congressman, Senator and Presidential Candidate did an op/ed piece in the Washington Times this week. Never Stop Trying

Over the past two months, America has engaged in a national discussion about civil rights and equal justice for all. It is my hope this discussion will help to ensure that last vestiges of racial discrimination meets the same fate as the Berlin Wall.
There has been an aspect to the discussion, however, that has been very frustrating to me and to many others. I am speaking of the tiresome and shrill rhetoric coming from individuals who somehow can't get through a day without trying to score some partisan political points, and who can't walk by a microphone without branding the entire Republican Party as racist.

Cry me a river Bob, it's not like left leaning parties don't get unfair branding thrown on them either. :rolleyes:
I know many Republicans that are definitely not racist. Then again, I also know several that are. I don't know any liberals that are racist, although several have other prejudices.
Political leaning has nothing to do with racism, it is just a concidence. I hardly think believing in a lower tax rate or bigger government is linked to believing in the superiority of one race over another. I say we should attack the racists rather than the Republicans (not literally, of course).
Originally posted by napoleon526
I know many Republicans that are definitely not racist. Then again, I also know several that are. I don't know any liberals that are racist, although several have other prejudices.
I know people are going to jump on me, but some liberals are racsist. They are the minorities that say all whites are racsists. To me that is racsism. Most minorities and whites are NOT racsist. I have meet Republican racsists, and it really disgusts me. I don't want racsists in my party, because it makes my party look awful.

-The Catholic Republican
Originally posted by Zarn

They are the minorities that say all whites are racsists. To me that is racsism.
It is a significant problem that occurs when any group of people feel victimised. Perhaps the answer is to do away with parties (or other groups) and put an emphasis on individuals instead.
Political stance is irrelevant.

You have all likely made racist comments at some time or another.
Even our good and redoubtable friend, Zarn, I'll wager.

It is to do with upbringing and what company you keep.

And if you say you have never scorned a fellow human being based on their race, I say you are a lair...
Well Im afraid I must be a lair then Curt (carpet lair, woman lair)
Originally posted by Zarn

I know people are going to jump on me, but some liberals are racsist. They are the minorities that say all whites are racsists. To me that is racsism. Most minorities and whites are NOT racsist. I have meet Republican racsists, and it really disgusts me. I don't want racsists in my party, because it makes my party look awful.

-The Catholic Republican

agreed. BTW, did you know that you aren't a real Hispanic ?
Originally posted by NY Hoya

are you not the hispanic republican?

I do have Cuban blood and I am fairly conservative.
Originally posted by Zarn

I do have Cuban blood and I am fairly conservative.
thought so. Read the article, you don't count as an Hispanic according to certain liberals.
You have all likely made racist comments at some time or another.
What is it with you and thinking we are all racists? I don't know about the rest of you but I have managed through life without making a racist comment (unless you count the French as a race). Just like I have managed through life without breaking in a West End (or Broadway) style show-stopping number. It is not like it is hard to not be a racist. Racism is learnt.
Originally posted by MrPresident
Political leaning has nothing to do with racism, it is just a concidence.
It can have do to with it. Someone who really believes in equality (without the "some are more equal" stuff) can't be a racist as that's mutually exclusive.
Of course your stand on other issues doesn't say much about it.
I say we should attack the racists rather than the Republicans (not literally, of course).
Why not literally?
Originally posted by NY Hoya

agreed. BTW, did you know that you aren't a real Hispanic ?
How can someone deny someone's race? To me, that is wrong. You can't say someone is not Hispanic. Maybe he didn't look Hispanic, but that is still no exuse.
Originally posted by Zarn

How can someone deny someone's race? To me, that is wrong. You can't say someone is not Hispanic. Maybe he didn't look Hispanic, but that is still no exuse.

unclear, ask that paragon of virtue Tom Daschle.
It can have do to with it. Someone who really believes in equality (without the "some are more equal" stuff) can't be a racist as that's mutually exclusive.
People find a way of getting round their own beliefs (especially politicians). However if you think everyone is equal then, of course, you can't be a racist. But it is a chicken and egg thing. Do you believe in equality and so can't be a racist? Or are you not a racist and therefore believe in equality?
Why not literally?
The idea that everyone should go round attacking racists doesn't sit well with me. You can believe what you like (including racist beliefs) it is just the expression of those beliefs I don't like. Now if you say a racist comment then you are fair game for the cops (not viligantes).
Originally posted by MrPresident
People find a way of getting round their own beliefs (especially politicians). However if you think everyone is equal then, of course, you can't be a racist. But it is a chicken and egg thing. Do you believe in equality and so can't be a racist? Or are you not a racist and therefore believe in equality?
Only the first one, it's a one sided implication. You can be a non-racist but believe in inequality based on nationality, gender or religion, to name just a few.
The idea that everyone should go round attacking racists doesn't sit well with me. You can believe what you like (including racist beliefs) it is just the expression of those beliefs I don't like. Now if you say a racist comment then you are fair game for the cops (not viligantes).
Certainly true from a certain point of view.
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