RFC Epic

OK, even through I do not have BTS, I will download the BTS version. I just want to look at some Python files....

And this thread had passed the 100 replies mark!! Wohoo!!!
I get an xml load error when i try to load the mod. The error occurs in CIV4UnitClassInfos.xml.
Um, okay... That's wierd. Could you do a test for me. I shouldn't have changed anything in the file, so could you try copying the CIV4UnitClassInfo.xml file from normal RFC to RFC Epic?

I'm downloading what I uploaded now and I'm going to see if that works for me. If it does, I have no idea what is happening to you.
My RFC "standard" for bts didnt have the file. I deleted it (and the other it didnt have), now it loads.:)
I tried starting up a 600AD game as germans. But the number of autoplay turns is 200 (its running now). Im almost certain that this isnt correct?

Thanks alot for your effort btw.:goodjob:
That's strange, my BtS RFC does have it...

Actually that number is right, I think. unfortunately, the 600AD start doesnt work (When you spawn, Arabia and all of the civs that were alive at the beginning will have tanks and the like.

SCRATCH THAT!!! I realized why the 600AD start didn't work! When I changed all of the constant dates and stuff I forgot to change the 'starting turn' value in the File. I'll change that and upload a new version right now. That should hopefully stop the 'Arabian's with Tanks' bug.

Expect it soon.
I havent updated my RFC to the newest version. Could that be the reason the missing files?
That might be it. Also, that would explain the XML error, as this RFC Epic version is for the latest BtS patch. Did you get that?

EDIT: New version with the hopefully fixed 600AD start has been uploaded.
Also, Rhye did change a fair bit of stuff in the CIV4UnitInfo.xml file, so simply deleting it will cause balance issues. (For one, Jungle will no longer be a barrier.)

Yeeeeeeeey! *pounces on Vishaing*

You've made an old man proud :D

I can play BTS now!
Arrrgh. I updated bts with the new patch and download the new version of epic. But now when i try to start the 600AD scenario (again as germans), the game crashes right after "finishing", ie right before the turn-counter-bar appears.:(
Thanks to Rapiduser for the second download link, it is now included in the first post.

About the 600AD start, I tried the same thing and got the same result (crash after game start but before turn timer.) HOWEVER, I had no problem loading as the Arabians. Probably because they are already spawned. I'm running some tests now. Thus the 600AD start is not completely useless, only mostly useless. Consult Miracle Max.

Kweeky said:

O M H R E ?!?

Oh, My, ... Holy Roman Emperor??
I'm the Holy Roman Emperor? Why was I not informed of this?

Man, this is going to make me hated on the CFC forums....

On a related Note, AHHH I've been pounced on!

EDIT: Okay, the 600AD start IS mostly useless it seems. As everything up to France has spawned, but I was not given the opportunity to transfer to the new civs. Unfortunate.
In the middle of an amazingly great game at the moment!

Only thing I've noticed that is a little strange - and this could very well be normal RFC or standard BTS, but I had Egypt as a vassal for a while, and every single city I founded that wasn't on UK soil, kept wanting to "Rightfully join the Egypt Empire". Thankfully it was just a dialogue box that kept popping up everytime I founded a city and then never asked again, but it was a little strange nonetheless!
Kweeky, I got that in my last game on nonRFC BtS. I think its something to do with the new liberate option: You can liberate all overseas cities either to a brand new colony or to one of your vassals. Of course it doesnt make any sense that a brand new city would want to join a vassal which has nothing to do with their home civ's culture but there you go.
Yeah, that sounds like the 'colony' feature of BtS. I Think I might look into disabling the colony feature, as it is mostly useless for Civ.

Actually, I think I'll take a look at redesigning the colony feature so declaring a city a 'colony' just changes the nature of the colony. That was what people originally wanted way back in the days of the Big Old Thread.

Any balance problems? How is the tech pace?
RFC is Updated!

I have decided now that with the exception of major changes or new features, I will likely be updating RFC Epic semi-independently from Vanilla RFC. The main reason for this is its really difficult to figure out what balance changes in RFC need to be made for RFC Epic.

I do still need feedback however. So post stories about your games!
The post 600AD spawn civs, still dont work in the 600AD start. But i guess you know.
I think I found the problem, Compiling a new dll now. You should all be able to expect a new BtS version of RFC Epic tonight.

New version up. Just uploaded a new BtS version, but the 600AD start should work.
I seem to be having issues getting this to run. Do I just override the files in Rhye's directory? I tried loading the mod from the BTS main page and all I got was the normal start options.
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