RFCEurope 1.3

It's okay, I think. Heavy horse archery was never a big thing in Europe, after all.
I think it's fine as well - most light cavalry in the Middle Ages was only equivalent to Mounted Sergeants, and used for scouting rather than fighting. It was only once pike and shot made knights less valuable that light cavalry became more important.

The only improvement I could think would be some more light cavalry mercs - we already have Stradioti, Turkopoles and Tuareg, maybe add Hobelars and Jinites in Britain and Iberia to represent their importance in the armies of the time?

Hobelar could be a mounted sergeant with mobility and sentry promotions
Jinites could be a mounted sergeant with strength 7 and two first strikes to represent their javelins
Latest SVN with the LH art packed seems even worse now for CTD. I've tried to run a Dutch start three times, and every time it crashes before 1100AD.

Not sure what to do, as the mod seems almost unplayable now. Is it just me, or is this happening for others too?
Hi guys, thanks for this tremendous work. I see that mod is still under construction. So when do you plan to make a release? I can help with testing if you need.
I wouldn't call it "under construction". I prefer to call it "under development". Version 1.2 has been release a while ago and is fully playable. The release we are talking about is a new updated version. All we want to incorporate in that version is actually done, but there is a nasty bug that causes CTD we want to get rid of before we release 1.3.
I wouldn't call it "under construction". I prefer to call it "under development". Version 1.2 has been release a while ago and is fully playable. The release we are talking about is a new updated version. All we want to incorporate in that version is actually done, but there is a nasty bug that causes CTD we want to get rid of before we release 1.3.

Can I have a link to the 1.2 version? All I have been able to find is the 1.0 version and it hasn't been working for me. The mod loads fine and the title screen, music and civilopedia are all stellar but there's no scenario, only the WBQuicksave

I went to the configuration settings and unlocked "make public maps available" and the scenario designed from RFCE wasn't there, even when I copied the scenario file and put it into the public map files of my game.

Sorry for being a bother, but I've had the same problem on two separate computers and I really want to play some RFCE.
Ok, thank you for clearing that up.

The problem still happens unfortunately. I'll move to the Bugs/glitches thread. The problem must be me, because the same problem happens to me with RFC:DoC.
Ok, thank you for clearing that up.

The problem still happens unfortunately. I'll move to the Bugs/glitches thread. The problem must be me, because the same problem happens to me with RFC:DoC.

Yeah, you probably moved the RFCEurope (and also the DoC) directory into the wrong place.
For Steam users there are 2 different BtS directories AFAIK, you have to find the one where the game is actually installed.
Hello Absinthe,

I've been taking a quick look over some discussions here, but TBH I couldn't spare much time doing this and I stumbled upon several posts that show some type of big issue with some versions of RFCE lately, which made me stop to consider which version should I download.

Then I remembered SVN got some troubles and I thought I wouldn't be able to download any SVN version anyway. This was before the forum went down because of the migration. Now I've seen that SVN is probably back on track and the forum has been revitalized as well.

So instead of trying to find which version is the best to play right now, I came here to ask you directly. I'm sorry if this info isn't hard to find, but I'm honest when I say I tried to search for it and I wasn't successful. So which SVN revision do you recommend to play with now? Or do you believe it's better to wait for your next release, as it seems only a CTD is pending for that to happen?

I think I have time to play a bit of RFCE regularly and give some tips and feedback from my playthroughs. I have revisited my Byzantine playthrough again and it encouraged me to play a game with them once more. I haven't been playing any serious game of CIV in ages, with the exception of the Massive C2C MP Game, which usually takes half a week to pass a turn, so I have plenty of time to play CIV lately. I really need to play CIV games in a regular basis, and I'm already starting to feel I've been playing quite a few CIV matches :p
I just downloaded the newest version and I've noticed that the bug crashes the game at the start of the first crusade. Idk if that's what "CTD" is referring to or not. I've been playing RFC for 7 years and just made this account today because I want to see 1.3 completed as well as an update for Europe ++. I appreciate everyone's hard work and dedication as I've been entertained by these mods for years.
I just downloaded the newest version and I've noticed that the bug crashes the game at the start of the first crusade. Idk if that's what "CTD" is referring to or not. I've been playing RFC for 7 years and just made this account today because I want to see 1.3 completed as well as an update for Europe ++. I appreciate everyone's hard work and dedication as I've been entertained by these mods for years.

I wanted to add that I played as Germany up until the crash as well as tried to play as Austria as well and Austria crashed at the same point. I'm going to go back and try to play as Burgundy or something and get the exact turn and year that is crashing. Hope this will help.
Well Burgundy crashed ~970AD. Good luck with the bug, thank you all for your hard work. I can only imagine how complicated it is to code everything
CTD = crash to desktop.

The problem seems to be caused by defensive buildings (walls, castles, star forts). It can happen on any turn, depending on when a city with a defensive building is captured, but usually happens around 900-1000AD when most inter faction wars start happening.
I got a suggestion for the HRE (UP), in that they would get a a slight bonus to their catholic faith points, possibly having faster military production, cheaper military or civic upkeep tied to it, since much of the legitimacy rested on being the HOLY Roman Empire. In gameplay terms this would make for a more interesting decision if you truly want to go Reformation all the way.
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