Rhye's Underworld Terrain Graphics

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Can someone please post a screeny showing all the terrain? Computers with both internet and Civ are sadly lacking at my house currently!
Very nice!

My only worry is that the darkness makes it a little hard to make some things out. It does make for an excellent atmosphere, though.

Perhaps a little more colour would be nice, too. It seems that most of the terrain is in greyscale, but it might be better with some dark browns, greens and so on. The trees look excellent in their current brown form.

It would be nice to see some possible underground features too, like fungal forests, moss fields, etc.
Well hello Thorf! Welcome to CFC. Any chance you might be doing some maps for Vic3 now? ;)
It's very nice. I rated it a 4 because it's just a little too dark to make out all the detail (at least on my PC's monitor). :hmm:, maybe I'll up the brightness control and have another look.
My only complaint with the graphics is when you irrigate plains its almost impossible to see
Its a terrain that yould build a scenario around not alctualy a terain yould use for general purposes theres no shield for grassland and no shallow sea and osean water so its meant for either light seafaring or no seafaring

Im considering redoing it so it would be good for general purposesif because it looks so good if thats ok
have you recently removed the fingers from your hands, or was that an attempt at elbow typing?

Huked on fonix wurks fer me.......:)
Nice Job on your work.
slozenger said:
have you recently removed the fingers from your hands, or was that an attempt at elbow typing?
Nah its usualy that I dont care n nobody else cares so why even try im not here to apease you and other minoritys
... my post was particularly bad im suprised you missed even more typos it does make me wonder what was wrong with me at the time... I think I may have bein in a hurry to get back to an IM conversation
Your a funny guy totaly! :lol:
im pretty sure i am not in the majority and you may even find it is within the forums rules not to type like an egit. But i can tell you are going to be difficult about this, and i wouldnt want this thread to be closed for spam/trolling/flaming etc. SO

Great work as usual Rhye, but will we be seeing an updated version with a few more colours rather than just greyscale?
dont think so.. but it should be easy enough to do...
wowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwowwow! Oh my civ! it's ... it's... it's impossible! OK, my vote is 1120/5 . Why not 1121/5? How will the airplanes fly:)
Needs Rhye to tune back into this thread.. does he still play Civ3?
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