Rise of the Pasha [K-Mod]

If we're going to get more hills we might as well get grass hills by moving 1W and not even having to lose a turn to do it.
How about settling on the dye for the extra commerce? We keep 3 Grass hills and have a full river BFC. Also we loose the plain and we loose the desert, which we will get if we move to the W.

Since events are on. The following events can lead to a golden age:

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Prereq: You at war with other Player, other player makes first attack on your plot
Obsolete: None
Active/Weight: 100/800
1.Free Golden Age

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Sports League
Active/Weight: 25/500
Build default number of players for this world size Colosseums (7 for standard)
1.+1 happy face for every Colosseum
2.+4 culture for every collosseum
3.IF you control the Statue of Zeus wonder trigger a golden age

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Guns Butter
Active/Weight: 30/200
Build default number of players for this world size +1 Musketmen (8 for standard)
1.All Musketman units gain the Pinch promotion
2.IF Vassalage civic gain 400 gold
3.IF you control the Taj Mahal wonder trigger a golden age

So there are 3 events that can help. Needless to say statue of Zeus and Taj Mahal should be pursued for this game. As well as the techs that give out Great persons. Burning of the great people should be done based on highest propability of getting. For instance if we are going to get a GP farm for scientists then burn this one the most :)
vran', if you wanted to kick this off with a Warrior move at least before coming to a decision on SiP or 1W or 1S or 'whatever', that's fine by me. I can't comment on settling spots until we've got Bronze Working and Animal Husbandry.

In terms of the variant - 'yeah' - Philosophical leader will help with getting out more than enough :gp: if we make an effort, especially with all of the Golden Ages we'll be running. The Taj Mahal is one way of pushing our target along one notch further. Priests can be run through the Egyptian Obelisks, providing one avenue to Prophets, which can be a bit tricky to spawn. I usually get well over 20:gp:s in my OCCs, so I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to check-off the 'Age of Enlightenment' variant requirement. The Arid map might be one hurdle in setting up a really good :gp: Farm - we'll see.
lol I am UP??? :-D you should have said... usually the one who creates the game takes first TS...

well that changes a couple of things with the "silence"...

I will move warrior today evening when I get to the PC, have we some consensus on the move?


I am inclined to move 1NW and then continue with scouting a bit further west and go clockwise... the south seems like dead end.
Agree on warrior move to NW.
yep, warrior 1NW sounds good to me

Kill - not entirely opposed to settling on Dye. Worth considering, although a riverside dye is like a free early town.
got to PC now... SS after war move

have to say that I now kind of agree with Killroyan's idea about settling on the dye 1NW... we lose 2 flood plains, but get 3 grass hills and some grass riverside.

kind of moving most probably central (the northwest looks a bit jungled) and should have plenty of riverside.

PPP for tomorrow would be then:

1) settle 1NW on dye
2) scout a bit more west, north west, north, north east, east
3) build worker
4) tech pottery x AH... slightly prefer AH to check horses for our super mighty WC's

stop at reaching AH
Agree with PPP, except I prefer AH>Mining>BW. POT can wait. It'd be different if we had a plethora of FPs. We definitely want those cows up and running asap - great for IMP settlers.
I agree with Lymond about the tech path. Working corn/cows/GL hill and chopping two hills will give us an enormous expansion boost and those FP in the SE look mighty tasty :D Hooray for an almost all riverside BFC of our capital.
TS is played

I begin with settling capital on the dye

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we find some more riverside and elephants to north

We meet Mehmed
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from the north...he probably will steel the huts north from our capital :-(

We meet Boubolina
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at the north too...

T12 comes and AH is home
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ton of jungles west and ton of desert north...meh...

prequeued Mining, stopped for handing over or consultation... depends on team...

we most probably will lose that hut south east from capital too.
Ha and I was afraid we might have too little floodplains, lol. If we can settle the surrounding lands then we will have an abundance of cottages. But where are the horses!!!! Boohooo. :(
Yes, flood plains galore. But other than that, very scarce on resources. Is our benevolent game sponsor sure he has not picked "horrid" instead of "arid" ;)? Never mind. I'm just so used to those six foods because I reload my starts so often :D.
Woooops ... did I pick "horrid" by accident again? Darn! Expect an awful lot more desert and flood plains. ;)

I still can't comment (Bronze Working ... cough cough).
V - Are you just walkin' on by those huts? :crazyeye::lol: This is Pangaea; grab em when you see em.

Not much to say on city spots other than a possible FP site on the desert hill where the warrior currently stands, or 1S of that to get the ivories. No food, but plenty of FPs to either farm or cottage. BW may highly influence our decision by then.

In case folks don't yet realize the proximity of our Greek and Otto friends:

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oh well what should I say...we talked about the western area scout first and then when I was like 3 turns from a hut scout from mehmed appeared... hate huts on emperor+ where AI start with scouts

L have a question about particular situation in Crusader Kings (sorry guys for a little bit derailing...will spoiler it all of course)

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Ok I managed to somehow capture almost whole spain as King of Castille, my wife actually holds Kingdom of Aragon and it's regular marriage of course, dunno who killed off or sent other males to bishopry but I don't care... the situation is that my heir will be king of Castille and Aragon merging those 2 kingdoms... so regarding Spain peninsula it is matter of time...

right now we are like after 20 years long invasion of couple of Muslims thinking they can invade...actually first 10 years I was defending against invasion as young guy (from 6 years to 16 years of age...had some unlucky accident with father), then I saw muslims invade aragon and aragon was to lose for sure...that I couldn't have happened and I just bloody murdered like over 40k of muslim troops eventually...

as it seems now (based on those SS's I will include later) it's actually interesting situation to invade northern africa tangier, marakesh, fess seem like best targets, I like best tangier.
The moslim king is weakened (he fields only 10k troops) I can easily get both holy orders each 7.5k and my personal troops are 5k... have like +400 gold/year and some gold so I could easilly employ another mercenaries.
as reserve I can have the whole levies of realm (should be cca 15k) which I won't use unless emergency.

Now why I so hesitate... Actually there was called Jihad against Byzantium right now by Syria. So muslims are in arms... and as you probably know declaring Holy War without alliance is very dangerous since Muslims just dogpile... i had before me against 2-3 moslims and we talk here about king of Alger and Egypt which together had like 40 troops (luckilly they never merged)

I somehow think I am really strong now, but wrong decision now could be bad. I could actually with my older daughter try to secure alliance with HRE in like 1-2 years through bethrotal or eventually when she matures...
I could build more infrastructure since my personal demesne has big reserves in available buildings. I should easilly get my personal demesne into 10k+ size in couple of years.
But I give Moslims time to refresh levies and they have still big potential.

If I do it right I could snap Tangier, Marakesh in 2 successive wars (while breaking truce), but I if I do it wrong I will just ruin good game unless I reload (which I don't want)


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so if you read through the spoiler I hope I got some new players into CK now! :) and sorry I post from another game here. Looks like I get through the threads here quickest response from L ;-)

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Wow! That's some game you have going. Impressive. Spain is a tough place to start, although also one of the most fun places on the map.

Question: Has the Popinator called for a Crusade yet?

Reason I ask is that if one is to start soon, you might want to put resources into a Crusade.You might get lucky and he calls one on North Africa.

Looks like you pretty much have Iberia secure and a great economy, so you could sit back a while, build up more core infra, accumulate gold, wait for Aragon to come to your own, and look for opportunities and allies. HRE or France would certainly be good options.

I like hitting enemies when they are in turmoil. Internal revolts and revolutions. Just taking Tangier gives you a foothold on North Africa but it would be very tenuous. Also, inner Morocco has very tough defensive positions. I learned this the hard way playing as Mali losing at 3 to 1 numbers.

In contrast, Iberia should be easily defended now that you control it.

Have you tried the navy trick? Quick retreats of smaller siege armies?

Are my eyes deceiving me and the Knights Hospitalers are lead by a Muslim? ha

Anyway, not saying you shouldn't hit North Africa. The Holy War with Byz may pull some of their levies away which provides opportunity, but you may want to wait for some revolts to take place. It's bound to happen.

You could also try hitting Ireland.

Ha...sorry about the PMs. I usually read them almost as soon as I see them, but I'm always like "let me think on it and then respond", but then forget.

You are getting me fired up to try Spain again. I had a pretty crazy first game with them when I was new to the game.
Thanks for the turnset ... a bit of peaceweight + warmonger respect going on as well.


lymond << Up
Killroyan << On Deck
does anyone know if "fist" works correctly in K-mod or should we check each turn diplo screen?

still find it disturbing that I see as number of cities by AI nice "0"... so not sure how the things work in scoreboard in K-mod even when turned everything on.
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