• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Neither Company Inc. nor Basque Sepas can fit, sadly. For the record, Company Inc cannot fit, while Basque Sepa can.

FYI, twelve characters is the maximum, but only a name composed of thin and small characters (like "a" or "1") can reach twelve characters.
Neither Company Inc. nor Basque Sepas can fit, sadly. For the record, Company Inc cannot fit, while Basque Sepa can.

FYI, twelve characters is the maximum, but only a name composed of thin and small characters (like "a" or "1") can reach twelve characters.

Basque Sepa it is then.
Damn this launching when I am offline!
Sigh, there goes my chance to actually beat Symphony at this game, now that someone other than the two of us wants to GM. I'll lurk, and hope for a sequel once he's crushed the lot of you. :p

Btw, for next game (if there is one), consider doing what I did in my last game and allow teams of two. That will allow more interested to be involved.
Lt. Dodge, shall be my new commander, now that General Dodge died an unfortunate death. :(
@Players: We are now only waiting for Kol.7 to change Kolist Uprising. He has until May 14, 2008 1200 GMT.

@Niklas: I'll look into it.

Boredism: The Risk 2 AI is weak.
Niklas you can take my place if you want. I really should be revising anyway.
Moderatorism: Lack of determination from player "Kol.7" duly noted. Slot emptied. Game start postponed until a new player or the deadline (1200 GMT of May 14, 2008) comes along.
(well I was kind of offering it to Niklas, but you know, you're the mod)
Sigh, there goes my chance to actually beat Symphony at this game, now that someone other than the two of us wants to GM. I'll lurk, and hope for a sequel once he's crushed the lot of you. :p
That'd be the most boring game in the world, especially with 100% Domination enabled. :p
I'll take it, thanks a lot Kol! Name is Simoom.
Troop Deployment

Territory Allocation

You all get 14 troops, with the possibility of one extra.

You guys ruined my usual North American game of Risk with such quick resolution. I hope you get those placement orders in just as quickly.

Deadline: May 4, 2008, 1200 GMT
Deadline: May 15, 2008, 1200 GMT
So we need a time machine, eh? I forget, do the reinforcement restrictions apply during initial deployment? Haven't played Risk II for about nine months.
D'oh! (Fixed EDIT: and changed)

No, the restrictions do not apply. The "REINFORCEMENTS" section of OP covers that.
Simoom orders sent.
I intend to put all my troops in the Falklands and conquer South America. Anybody deploying there is advised not to unless they want to fight my forces head on.
@Everyone: I have six orders. Only Symphony D. and e350tb haven't sent orders. You may pressure them if you wish, but they officially have until the very generous date and time of May 15, 2008, 1200 GMT to send them in.
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