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RL1 - Readylander's Training Day Game

(8) 2310 we discover iron working (from research)..start on writing (20 turns...still on 100% science...we must have a VAST tech lead on everyone else...we almost have iron...its on a hill just outside salmanaca's border...a fishing village might get it...or in 25 turns and 3 roads...we will have it ...other ones of note are just outside romes borders...and THREE!!..scattered way down by aztec lands. our scouting warrior in the jungles south discovers horses AND iron...again just south of munith/salmanaca...lousy place for a city down there though.desert and jungle and mtns...hmmm..next settler might want to keep it in mind though?

(9) 2270 our northern scout rins around a hill and comes face to face with..a barbarian warrior...eep! (beware...this is about 10-12 spaces due east of where the new city is going to be...get a defender in there) (the romans must have sprung a hut...i guess their luck isnt as good as ours

(10) 2230 dirty unwashed heathen navaho warrior does indeed kill our scout (heathen?.we have no temples yet..lol)

the settler i was thinking of settling right where he stands. once it gets a temple or something in it it will get horses and wheat.good luck whoever is next
some thoughts about what to do now
Our lands are incredibly fertile here..rivers everywhere...i say settlers settlers and more settlers..Salmanaca produces 5!! food from that floodplain wheat alone.so keep pumping them out of there like theres no tommorrow i say

as for wonders...the pyramids i think might be a plan at some point...especially coupled with our expansion plan...with them i think salmanaca might actually grow even while pumping out settlers..lol

I dont know bout the great library...both civs we have met have pathetic tech...if i recall correctly they were FOUR behind us last i looked. mind you we seem to be on either continents or pangea (id say the latter offhand) so we should meet others soon enough
also keep in mind that aztecs and rome dont know each other yet (i think).so once we get writing we have to decide wether to tell them
i just wanted to set few things straight

right now it is SLAVE's turn and then it is READYLANDER and then

and for what kind of victory are we going for?
"What kind of victory are we going for?"

It's only 2000ish BC so it's probly a bit early but here's my thoughts...
We have a massive Tech lead.so space might be an option (altho most of this lead i think is due to the huts)
Conquest is going to be hard i think..what with all the land we have...although a culture/conquest land grab kinda deal might be doable
I dont like the UN thing..how boring is that?
my vote goes for culture..we are religious so temples/cathedrals etc are going to be cheap..altho we should perhaps BUILD a few soon then..lol
But realy..i think its too early to tell
Hey guys sorry I wasn't around more last night. I got caught up in the LK21 game and just couldn't put it down. That is one intense game.

I'll take a look at Ziggy's turns and get a dot map done within the next four hours or so, hopefully quicker. I'm glad we have Iron Working, knowing where the iron is will help with the dot map.
Ziggy's turns:

Really good job. Not much to say here. The only thing that I would say is debatable is the production orders in Munith. A settler will complete in the same time as a temple. I wonder if city expansion is more important at this point than a temple. We don't need the happiness yet that a temple will offer. The culture would be nice. The border expansion is not all that important because we will be expanding our borders with our new cities. So I am not going to make a call one way or the other. This is one of those judgement calls where neither answer is correct. The next couple leaders will be able to offer their input as the production will not complete for 12 turns.

I agree that the Great Library is not important for us due to the tech lead that we have at this point. The Pyramids are another judegment call that I think we should all discuss and keep in mind as our empire grows. I could go either way on it. Another thing that we should decide in the near future is our first military training city that will build a barracks and start producing units to defend our cities. I prefer to produce veteran military as I noted in a previous post and fairly soon we are going to have to start producing some more military for garrison purposes.

I think we have a fairly decent starting point here. We have some decent lands. Reasonable access to the all known resources. And our neighbors are far enough away at this point that an early turf war will not be necessary.

I have drawn up a dot map and will post that shortly with my reasoning.
Originally posted by Readylander
This is one of those judgement calls where neither answer is correct.

Ummm...I hope you mean 'incorrect' otherwise we're all in a lot of trouble here! :satan:

Blue dot - one tile away from where the settler's current position. This position allows less overlap with other cities than if built at the settler's current position. But this is another judgement call. The current position of the settler would allow more plains to the SW to be used by an as yet undetermined city. But one or the other will be built by our current settler.

Red dot - this I think is second priority and should be built with the settler from Salamanca. This is a key city. It is close to the capital so corruption/waste will be small. And it will give us iron.

Yellow, orange and green dots are secondary cities. Yellow is closer to capital and thus will have less corruption/waste but it also has less shield producing tiles than orange or green. The priority of these cities will have to be determined when we get another settler ready.

Grey dot is just a filler city and should have very low priority.

I didn't lay out the cities to the south for a few reasons: The position of blue dot city will affect these cities, there are still some unknown squares in that area that will affect their layout and due to the jungle these cities are of lower priority right now.

Dot maps are a good a planning tool but certainly not a laid-in-stone mandate in this case.

As we move along I will propose another dot map. If anyone else wants to do the same I would appreciate it.
Ziggy's turns:

Really good job. Not much to say here.


the only thing that I would say is debatable is the production orders in Munith. A settler will complete in the same time as a temple.

yeah i debated on that a bit myself..my thinking was basicly..salmanaca is growing so fast now that i think it on its own will fit our settler needs. Munith has all those plain squares...so with irrigation it will have every square pumping out sheilds....so my thinking was to get is decent sized and have it as our resource city (and/or our military pumping grounds)

as for the blue dot....on the blue dot gets the horses right away...but misses both wheats...weather this is good or not is entirely up to debate (which indeed is what we are doing this for..lol)

i do know that whereever we settle it..get a defender in there asap....as i said before theres barbarians to the east...at least one roaming and possibly a hut
Originally posted by Ziggy

as for the blue dot....on the blue dot gets the horses right away...but misses both wheats...weather this is good or not is entirely up to debate (which indeed is what we are doing this for..lol)
Very good point, the wheat will certainly help the new city's growth as otherwise it will mainly be plains.

I agree with Ziggy to found the next city where the settler currently is standing. The final decision is entirely up to you though.

yeah i debated on that a bit myself..my thinking was basicly..salmanaca is growing so fast now that i think it on its own will fit our settler needs. Munith has all those plain squares...so with irrigation it will have every square pumping out sheilds....so my thinking was to get is decent sized and have it as our resource city (and/or our military pumping grounds)

i do know that whereever we settle it..get a defender in there asap....as i said before theres barbarians to the east...at least one roaming and possibly a hut

That plan for Munith appears reasonable.
I had forgotten about the barbs, we should get a defender over to the new city ASAP. Should we switch Munith to a spearman now though? If we first build the temple, (something less than 12 turns due to growth), and then a spearman, (something less than 10 due to growth), we may be leaving that new city undefended for upwards of 20 turns. The new city will probably be at 1 shield production and that would mean it would take 20 turns to build one itself. But with a defender from Munith the new city can first build a temple so that we will get the horses and wheat within our borders quicker and the wheat will allow it to grow and start being productive. Oh, but a temple in Munith is going to get the hills within Munith's borders which will help with production. Everything in Civ3 is a tradeoff, a determination of priorities.
hmm..20 turns undefended you say..not a great plan no..:crazyeye:

we could just ferry the warrior from munith over and run the jungle warrior back upto munith...that might work?
plus id like to see whats on that peninsula se of new city...wonder if theres room for another one in there with the other wheat

the barbarian was (i believe 10 squares away.and since he killed me he has nfi where i came from.so even odds if he goes and plays with our roman friends or us...still better safe than sorry

your right..its 20 turns old and game is more complex than i thought..i usually just wing it
Moving the Munith warrior over would probably be a good bet. And then maybe the new city could produce a quick warrior to do some more exploring.

Yeah, playing a SG brings new aspects to the game. Definitely makes me think of things that I wouldn't otherwise.

I was able to load the .sav file.

Couple ideas:

Have you upgraded to the 1.21 patch?

You are unzipping the file first aren't you?

if its saying it isn't valid..that is exactly what i was getting b4 i installed the 1.21 patch
if you have that...let me know and i can post it again..mebbie it went corrupt?
i think, that we need a settler more than a temple
we must get that city spot asap, there is a spot lil' norther to that city spot, there is a cow with a river there, very close to is the other civ's borders, they will dfeinetely get that spot and then will aim for OUR city spot, we must get it now, so i vote for settlet

after we get that city we definetely should build a culture building in it

prtecting it with our warrior wil be ok for lil period of time and then we can get sum1 else to protect
are you talking about 2 citys up there?...one on blue dot (or beside it) and another one by the cow?.or just the one..because the settler is already there (look at the dot map).we are just debating where exactly to plop him down

i think a second (errr 4th?) city up by the cow would be too far away from our capital?
Readylander.how far away is too far?...one thing i haven't gotten the hang of in civ 3 is the horrid corruption/city distance thing
hey slave..did you figure out what went wrong?
was it the lack of patch?
are ya playing?
I know i'm the one who slowed things up in beginning.but this is taking ages
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