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Rnes4: Allies and Enemies (Board nes)

i just realized that i used the term Neutral for 2 different things in my rules.

new armies(ones built this turn) can take over white (unclaimed) territories the turn they are built.
they cant attack other nations if last turn your relations with the nation was not "enemy".

jason, while the "everyone at peace with everyone" scenario is a possibility in this ruleset (a bit moreso then with standard rules), i'm hoping that it doesnt come to that or atleast doenst stay at that for any extended period of time.
I'd like to ask you to reconsider your early withdrawl, but i wont push it (its your time/decision after all).
to the whole world:
There are still no enemies in our time! Let's all Ally to have the best economy each can have at the first turn!
ok. so....

I've cleaned up the rules a bit. a new army can claim a white terriotry the turn its built. it cant however attack other NATIONS (players) that you have an "ally" or "neutral" relationship to. so no surprise attacks with new armies. you can surprise attack with veterans though (armies built in previous turns).

also, added a rule for marine landings. while i assume its prety self evident, i thought i'd better put it in. you have to clean the sea of all of a nations fleets before you can invade THAT nations from THAT sea.

every nation except England are claimed, that's good.
I still dont have orders from France and Austria though, that's not good.
a couple of you didnt include what you want your relationships to be, so for you i'll look thought the thread and anything not proposed/accepted here i am assuming neutral. considering how detrimental being ALL neutral can be, i'll send you guys a PM asking if you're sure about your 'choices'.

propose alliences to everyone for now. just so that when they're taken by a player, they wont be behind.
ok. update in 2 hours (with change). i still need orders from France.
and i'd like to get an answer from Plexus about germany's orders before doing the update, but i wont hold it any longer.
I'm going home (will post update as soon as i get there) so if you see either Plexus or Spacetrvlr here or on AIM, tell them to read their PMs and respond.
Russia - 1+4-1+13=17
Turkey - 1+4-1+17=21
Sweden - 1+4-1+13=17
Spain - 1+4-1+13=17
Austria - 1+4-1+5=9
Germany - 1+3-1+18=21
England - 1+4-1+13=17
France - 1+4-1+13=17
Italy - 1+4-1+5=9
Africa - 1+4-1+13=17
the formulas above the map are you gold calculations.
bank + province income - upkeep + trade income = how much you have available for spending.

i updated the relations post at the top of the thread. see if you can make sense of the chart. (ignore the little crosses, they're mostly for my organizational purposes)
Can you give an explanation as to what the various symbols on the relations chart mean?
ok. as you can see every country has a row and a colomn (determined by the left and top rows of colors).

to see the relation betwee two countries find the row/colomn where they cross. there's 2 places (1 above the diagonal and one below) where the crossing is, so the chart is a mirror image of itself.

a green square means that the countries are officialy "allies" and are getting trade income from eachother.
a red one would mean that they are officialy enemies "enemies".
a white square, or one with a cross in it means that their relationship is neutral.

The number in the black square that would define a countries relation to itself is the number of territories it has. you can use it to help figure out how much gold you get from your relationships with them.
the crosses (green/grey for now) are my way of remembering of who is claiming what relation to who. you dont realy need to know what they mean, but if you're curious. the stick of the cross that is pointing toward YOUR color is the relation that YOU have declared.
Yeah all should Ally to have top economy for the first 3 turns atleast! Later when problems come, we shall need to neither cancel alliances or fix problems diplomaticly to avoid any war. (if we all allied and control all the world, we all get the economy of all the world...)
To: Russia
From: Sweden

We will take provinces 64, 65, as well as provinces on the Scandanavian Peninsula and maybe elsewhere, but not anymore towards Russia. I hope this is agreeable.
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