Rnes4: Allies and Enemies (Board nes)

still need orderes from Russia and Austria.
comeon guys, i might even be able to do the update today. send them orders.
to Scandinavia:
Nothing is more agreedable that that :)
Shall we sign alliance? to grow our both economies?

Well I have to send them somtime :lol: ... I'll do it in half an hour.
to Austria:
We are asking that you will not enter Russian borders of area 60 :) 57 yes, but not 60. If you will not agree it will cause us to send mroe armies there.
well, you guys are amazing. please be a little more thorough in checking over your orders. here's some lines from your orders (edited a little to protect the guilty):
1 gold:build town
6 gold:build fleet (fleet *1)
5 gold:built 5 armies (army #2,3,4,5,6)
5 armies (12c)
I did the best i could with the mismatched info......


Territory 69 Germany-2 vs Sweden-1
Both Nations sent an exploring force to this territory, but the German's supperior numbers scared off the Swedish army.

Territory 59 Germany-2 vs Russia-1
Here also the Germans' large numbers seemed to carry the day and claim the province for them.

Territory 33 Austria-1 vs Italy-1
Both Armies thought they were alone in settling this territory, but when they met, a trick of the terrain made the Italian's think that their foes outnumbered them greatly and retreated back to their lands.

Russia - 3+8-7+56=60
Turkey - 13+9-4+55=73
Sweden - 4+8-7+55=60
Spain - 1+10-8+49=52
Austria - 1+9-5+54=59
Germany - 1+9-10+54=54
England - 1+10-7+54=58
France - 1+9-4+55=61
Italy - 0+7-5+56=58
Africa - 2+7-7+49=51
i've realized that if a lot of nations gang up on one nation, that one nation will have a VERY negative income and will have NO chance of defending itself at all. so i'm making the negative income from war be limited to no more then the trade income. so basicaly, in those calculations for how much gold you have, the last number (trade income) will never be negative. War with a lot of nations can bring it down to zero, but not lower. so you'll always have atleast your countries territory income (towns, cities) (well less teh upkeep)

to Germany:
You have invaded Russian lands. Retreat from 59 or we will take it by force. Be assured that your moves this year have created many enemies to you that we could pledge support to.

to Sweden:
As you can see, Germany cannot be trusted. They invaded both our homelands. Will you join us in throwing them out of our homelands?

to Austria:
An aggresive expesionist Germany wish to take your hlory as controllers of the German people. Don't belive to their alliances. You can see how easily they attack other countries homelands.

to France:
You have long unfriendly reletions with Germany. Will you aid us in a war that will anyway come t you after he destories our homelands?
To: Russia
From: Germany
We have secured possessions in the Baltic, not Russia. And do not act all innocent, you have invaded the Ukraine, a once sovereign nation. If you invade us, you risk to run the chance of going in to full blown war with the German people.

To: Austria, France, Sweden, Turkey, and Britain
From: Germany
My brethren, do not listen to the mad ravings of backwards Russia, Germany is an ally of all of you all and we do not have any plans to attack any of you. Instead, I urge you to help us against this warmonger that threatens all of us if they choose to attack noble Deutschland.
To: Germany
From: Sweden

We will not stand for you taking lands on the Scandanavian Peninsula which is inhabited by peoples of closer ancestry to ours than to yours, remove yourself at once.
Originally posted by RoddyVR
i've realized that if a lot of nations gang up on one nation, that one nation will have a VERY negative income and will have NO chance of defending itself at all. so i'm making the negative income from war be limited to no more then the trade income. so basicaly, in those calculations for how much gold you have, the last number (trade income) will never be negative. War with a lot of nations can bring it down to zero, but not lower. so you'll always have atleast your countries territory income (towns, cities) (well less teh upkeep)
but when you are at war, you gain the other contries income, not yours. does this mean that if you are at war with a contry, and have no allies, you get both your and your enemy's income?
To: Sweden
From: Germany
We will gladly sell it to you, but we will not just vacate land that we won fair and square. Our price is negotiable, but we will not leave this land without some form of compensation.
To: Germany
From: Sweden

That can be arranged. I am willing to pay you 20 credits up front for the province.
To: Sweden
From: Germany
Good, we are glad that this little disagreemet could be cleared up, ally.
Sauron, i've been debating with myself about the "genosyde" thing (ie destroying your own structures and giving up territories).

this definetly needs balance with the rest of the trade system, so its a tough one.

but i guess for this first version of this game set:
Towns and cities do NOT get destroyed. Barracks and Naval yards are reduced to towns when conquered.
you CANNOT disown a territory, but you can give it to another nation, if they agree to take it(both nations must have it in their orders). mostly i just dont want new white space on the map.

as for the limit on negative income. what that means is:
as before when at war with a nation, you get money for their territories and lose money for your own.
the problem is if you're a very large nation and everyone declares war on you, then you get the income for the rest of the world ONCE but loose your own nation's size 9 times. that would push any nation over 7 territories into negative trade income.
basicaly what i've done is that if your war losses are more then all of your trade and war gains then you will get 0 in trade income, not a negative number.
so your nation will never get less money then your own territories bring in to you (for territory, towns, cities). from that you have to pay upkeep though

i just dont want to deal with "incomes" that are negative for a turn and positive for another. if you cant pay the upkeep then i'll disband units, but atleast there's always some funds that wont get touched by war "unbonuses" that can be used for upkeep and such.

that new rule wont realy affect anyone untill they have WAY more enemies (official) then allys AND are bigger then most of their enemies.

I only have like 4 or 5 of the 10 orders. I think some of us dont visit CFC at all during the weekend (only from school or something) so i guess we wait patiently for now.
about your privious statement: that rule just makes it not possible to control more than half the world at a time, giving equal chances to both small and large nations. this do note is a big change you propose.
I am sending orders now.
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