Role Play Challenge, TNG: Lord Satan and the End of Days!

The more land you have, the less your tech position matters.

If you are short on land tech can be used to reverse that situation, likely costing you some tech position in the process.

The game is very forgiving in terms of allowing catchup thanks to espionage.
Lord Satan and the End of Days: Russian Subjegation!

Satan rolls up his sleeves and examines the world situation. Both Russianms continue to research alot faster than him while Washington and Agustus move along towards peaceful victoires. This cannot be, and Satan vows to do something about this even if it breaks the back of every Aztec citizan to do it!

Research went: Physics/Electricity/Industrialism/Fission/Flight/Rocketry/Radio. Yes, Satan has turned the corner and become a research Monster, getting these techs in about the same time period he once researched sailing!

But onto more important matters, building military.

Once we get somewhat through Physics and use the slider for extra gold to upgrade our firles to infantry, we make a trade with our Dutch Lacky

And order him to research COmbustion.

And while coal is meaningless to Satan, Uranium is different. Do we have any?

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The AP votes comes up, and this time Satan has exclusive control of it

After satan finishes Electricity we look at the tech situation

Only one trade to make here

And while Satan really wants Fission next, it is pretty abvious he cannot wage effective war without tanks and battleships, thus his dreams of Nuclear weapons and energy are put on the back burner for now.

Satan contiues to upgrade and build a decent stack of doom in Sal's lands

But shows considerable restraint at the moment.

Satan does see that Pliny has determined that he is once again at the bottom in regards to research

Bah, it is of no concern!

But waiting has it's benefits

USing the alters savagely Satan amasses a very large number of tanks pretty fast. He also finds he has Aluminum

Excellent for an eventual airforce.

Being that Sal does not have industrialism

We can make this trade

It is time to move our stack of Doom

Sure we are still building Tanks and Artillery, but it is enough for now to start taking out Peter before he ends up getting gunships!

Of course Peter is Cathy's vassal so we muct go through proper channels

Satan laughs with delight and says "Let the good times roll!"

Taking the city went pretty fast, but what should we do with the Mining Inc headquarters????

Satan burned it quickly to the ground! What need goes the Great Evil have for Corps considering all Property belongs to Satan!

Satan quickly get's another Great General

Who is settled in the Naval production city of NOX. All Naval ships are produced at Combat IV!

After destroying Pete's counter attack and seeing Cathy sending a large stack against us

Satan decides to negotiate a bit with the Russian Lass.

So we get peace just as we finish

DO not Worry, Satan has more up his sleeve.

To Be COntinued.................
Lord Satan and the End of Days: Russian Subjegation

Finishing Fission leaves Satan in a better position techwise

Artillery opens up rocketry whioch is something the great Lord needs.

It also allows Aztecia to produce Power

Yes, all cities are made to whip Nuclear Plants! Satan laugh's describing the dangers of these buildings as the Aztec citizans cringe in terror!

The ten turn break has done wonders for the Aztec military, adding a massive number of tanks to crush Russian citizans beneath their tred.

This time satan is going for the Kill!

The newly built city by Peter is quickly swept aside

And in the middle of Satan's fun a new item has been brought to his attention

Almost as much fun as being head of the AP! However, neither person had enough votes to get Chairmanship, so Satan continues along his more "Direct" diplomatic methods.

Once he enters Celtic Lands Satan splits his forces between the mobile tanks/cavalry (pinch cavalry make excellent defense against anti-tanks) and the Infantry/cannon group.

The coastal city falls first and is burned to the ground.

The capital Satan stops for a moment to consider

That city is a goldmine in wonders. Sure a pair of useless corps, but the 3G Dam and the PENTAGON!!!!!!!!! Satan saves this city, the only one of Peter's worthwhile.

Peter is limited to two cities which, and again Satan's forces are divided to attack it properly

Somehow Peter has escaped death, as he has some city off the land mass. Satan is mildly annoyed with this, absent-miondedly sending millions of Aztecs to the Alters as he considers what to do next.

But Peter then decides to break away from Cathy. Satan views Cathy's lands

And makes a separate peace with Peter

One island city apparently

Peter will be a benefit later in backfill trades!

But what about Cathy?

To Be Continued..........
Lord Satan and the End of Daya: Russian Subjegation!

I'll tell you about Cathy!

satan gives this city to Sal and attempts to move onto the next city.

However, Cathy send an enormous Stack of doom to capture it from Sala, which worked out well as out stack of CR III Tanks completely destroyed a massive Mayan stack of units

Satan burned the city completely then figuring Sal was too weak to hold onto it!

Things then got interesting because

Which is just finished researching as the old capital of Sodom finishes

As Satan continues destroying Mayan cities

We see in tech that

we are getting a stronger edge over Washington and Agustus!

As promised, satan begins working on ICBMs as soon as possible

Whipping one out as soon as it can be done!

Satan burns a few more Mayan cities waiting for his first Nuke

Which he immediately uses against Maya

Nuclear weapons are an excellent use at clearing out well defended cities, especially the capital

Do not get me wrong, Satan lost alot of military here but so what, there are always more slaves!

Once again satan Split his forces, one moving east and the other west

That is a combat V/pinch War Elephant by the way!

CAthy's empire is under massive pressure here, although the Mayan Lass is stubborn as hell and refuses to capitulate regardless of the number of nukes Satan drops!

Satan turned off his science slider to gold so he can finally upgrade his galleon/frigate fleet. Once he was able to research flight again he eventually got Sal to go for this trade.

Satan continues marching across the Green colored landscape (and this is not grass people!)

Torching all he comes across!

And just as Satan was thinking he had to completely destroy Cathy the Mayan Queen see's reason

And immediately makes this trade

Catherine gives Satan a mischevious grin, OK dark Lord what plans do you have for me.

Satan stares long at Cathy contemplating! "My dear, I have a special plan for you!"

So Cathy is sent to a distant Monestary, far away from all men, women, and horses. She is completely alone with noone hearing her screams of outrage at this treatment.

Satan is truely a crual leader!

We saved here considering how to approach destruction of the CArtheginian Americans and Agustus's Holy Romans.


Neither are in a position to have nukes soon, the question is who to attack first?

Seams Wahington should be the first as his culture contiues to rise here.

Also Satan need a little time to rebuild his army, the Russian Lass did leave alot of dead Aztec soldiers in her lands. Not that Satan is complaining!
i like that: Greed will grow to size 13 in next turn xD

but... Im sorry Madscientist, i think you have to fight Washington first due to hus Culture rate... and have a very large stack'o'nukes ready for a pausible attack from augustus
mad, you should have switched to police state.
you have so many espionage points towards the Mayas, put them to good use.
Lord Satan: THE END OF DAYS!

Satan see' the fruitation of his plans, using the whip as needed, but now allowing cities to build military normally all in the interest of collecting even more souls overseas.

His next research tech goes quickly

And uses this for backfilling from his vassals.

Next satan heads towards techs that will give him more of a military edge. Meanwhile his invasion force has been assembled

Could be stronger but it's sufficient for his purposes. The armada heads towards Washington's Cartheginian empire.

we backfilled more with Cathy

While Satan would never consider using Democratic techs and enjoys being King too much (The hell with War Weariness!) it's a matter of pride now, and afterall is not pride one of the deadly sins!

Once the Armada gets close to a ticked off washington

The fun starts

Non-stop nuking of Carthaginian lands, followed by the naval force invasion.

Most cities were captured and razed very quickly

And even though washington had mechanical infantry, they were weakened by the nukes and only those that popped up after city razing were a threat. Still satan swept them aside like heads beneath Death's Scythe!

Very soon Washington posed no threat to Culture anymore

And while this shows more damage

Note the message above. Agustus has completed SDI! We quickly divert our research path to Laser ourselves!

After ruthless destruction of the once Culture Empire of the world, Satan accepts Washington's surrender

We open borders and clean him up! Satan wraps his arm around George's shoulder and calls him brother as the two go off to have a drink, much to the isolated Catherines rages!

Washington agrees to this trade

Opening things up more for Satan.

So we ar enearly at tech parity!

A view of Agustus's cities here

Shows he has a significant empire, however his weakness is that all cities are coastal! With SDI, Agustus requires more backbreaking attempts!

To Be Continued...................
Lord Satan: THE END OF DAYS!

He get's this help via the Overwhelm doctirne

Building more battleships (combat 5 from the start!) and jet fighters as of course he takes the free combat I promotion option!

Soon Satan finished

And wait 12 turns while he constructs the SDI. Not that satan is worried about Aztecia being nuked, but seeing a nuke hit his invasion force will simply drag the inevitable out much longer.

The armada is reequiped with modern armor and gunships and ehads off towards the Holy Romans!

Agustus is told the bad news

Satan has a very simply strategy for Agustus, drop as many nukes as he could (actually a few got through!), barrage the coastal cities, and launch amphibious assaults!

And raze the city! Worked like a charm.

In fact satan was still able to utilize his was elephants!

Not caring that the angry Holy Romans tore apart the pacaderms after the cirty was razed, they served their purpose!

This went on all around the island!

Satan also got the thrid GP

And started a late game golden age, for no real purpose except to build nukes faster.

However, satan did ebentually have to land forces to get the land-locked cities

Also Agustus has agressively settled Catherine's former lands

Requiring some nukes/military there.

Agustus was very stubborn but eventually saw reason

And during the last turn Satan went and got as many tech trades as he could, just for his personal pride!

The results were

Tech superiority! Nothing like bullying yourself along the tech tree!

Victory conditions show

we are close, but not at the domination limit.

Very soon

Conquest Victory!!!!!!!!

Demographics show that

Satan number one in the approval rating catagory! Sure life expectancy is low but that's was the desired endpoint!

And the final picture

Well, there you have the ruler of the world! Satan is pleased as to how the earth is beginnng to look like hell, with all the poisionous green smog and continual global warmings! He set's upon the task of further utilizing the old, but nostalgic slave alters to bring more souls to hell, while he enjoys the view on the upper world!

Hope everyone enjoyed this long and ruthless game! Certainly showed that regardless of the tech situation you can still win if you have a strong enough army and land. Hell, after axe-rushing Charlemagne at 1300 AD did you think I could still win? I mean legitimally?

Look for the next RPC game in a few days. I plan to go a little lighter on the next, playing out the Dali Lama as a One City Challenge in Tibet of an earth-18 map! I modified the Dali Lamas land a bit to make things at least playable, but his vision and abilities are completely counter to Satan's!
i was sure of a win, Carasmatic/Agg trait and Resourceless swords... sure win! :D

Well done mad... good game and job! :D

i like all those mad faces on the Diplo screen xD
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