- Added: Abyssinian Empire
- Added: Iroquois Empire
- Added: Assyria
- Added: Siam
- Added: Arabia flavor units Archer, Axeman, Chariot, Crossbowman, longbowman, swordsman, heavy swordsman, heavy pikeman, mounted infantry, chivalry, cavalry, rifleman, grenadier, cuirassier, war elephant, medieval worker, modern infantry
- Added: Aztec UU Eagle Warrior (replaces Heavy Pikeman)
- Added: Aztec flavor units Grenadier
- Added: Babylon flavor units chariot, crossbowman, heavy pikeman, pikeman, heavy cavalry, heavy swordsman, knight, horseman
- Added: Byzantine flavor units Axeman, archer, chariot, mounted infantry, crossbowman, swordsman, heavy swordsman, longbowman, pikeman, heavy pikeman, heavy cavalry, infantry
- Added: Carthage flavor units Chariot
- Added: Chinese flavor units Archer, swordsman, heavy swordsman, mounted infantry, light cavalry, heavy cavalry, grenadier, War Elephant, cavalry (asian)
- Added: African flavor units: cannon, chariot, cavalry, crossbowman, cuirassier, grenadier, horse archer, knight, longbowman, maceman, machine gun, musketman, paratrooper, pikeman, rifleman, SAM Infantry, swordsman, war elephant, worker, explorer, Spy
- Added: Hellenic Wiseman (missionary)
- Added: Greco Roman flavor units Italian infantry, Horseman, Mounted Infantry, Axeman, Pikeman, heavy pikeman, swordsman, heavy swordsman, heavy cavalry, cuirassier, cannon, musketman, grenadier, cavalry, rifleman
- Added: Rome flavor units longbowman, crossbowman + all new greco roman flavor units
- Added: Native american flavor units: maceman, heavy pikeman, light cavalry, warrior
- Added: South american flavor units: light cavalry (same as native)
- Added: Asian flavor units: Cavalry
- Added: Colonist, builds city of size 3 with several buildings
- Added: Pioneer, builds city of size 4 with many buildings
- Added: Modern Paratrooper
- Added: Modern Marine
- Added: Abyssinian Archer
- Added: Iroquois Mohawk Archer
- Added: Assyrian Battering Ram
- Added: Arquebusier unit, req. Gunpowder
- Added: Inquisitor, req. Inquisition civic
- Added: Siam Battle Elephant
- Added: Stealth Submarine, req. Fuel Cells
- Changed: Middle east flavor unit Cuirassier uses now arab cuirassier graphics
- Changed: Middle east flavor unit Horseman uses now Babylon Horseman graphics
- Changed: Middle east flavor unit Swordsman uses now Babylon Swordsman graphics
- Changed: Middle east flavor unit Heavy Swordsman uses now Babylon Heavy Swordsman graphics
- Changed: Arabian horseman uses now Babylon horseman graphics
- Changed: Chariot upgrades also to Horseman
- Changed: Crusader requires King Richard's Crusade wonder instead of Castle so that it's now wonder specific unit
- Changed: America's Early Jet fighter unit swapped to F-86
- Changed: Mig 15 unique for Russia, rest use now P59 by default
- Changed: Remote Controlled Bombers unit graphics changed to Predator UAV
- Changed: Paratrooper upgrades to Modern Paratrooper, bonuses against melee and archer units added
- Changed: all Marine units upgrade to Modern Marine unit
- Changed: Police Squad unit requires now Police Station building in city
- Changed: Iron Frigate requires Military Science tech
- Changed: Ironclad requires Military Science tech
- Changed: Horseman has now +25% bonus against archer units
- Changed: Mali Cavalry has now +25% bonus against archer units
- Changed: Cavalry Auxilia has now +25% bonus against archer units
- Changed: Prodromoi has now +25% bonus against archer units
- Changed: Light Cavalry upgrades to chivalry instead of Heavy Cavalry, Machinery tech req. removed
- Changed: Heavy Cavalry moved to Invention tech, no longer can be built with copper
- Changed: Great Prophet can build new religious shrines: Statue of Zeus, Zoroastrian Shrine, Amun-Ra, Tikal
- Changed: Settler upgrades to Colonist
- Changed: Knight no longer upgrade to Chivalry
- Changed: Cavalry moved to Steam Power tech (longer wars with medieval units)
- Changed: Musketman units moved to Flintlock
- Changed: Heavy Swordsman upgrades to Musketman
- Changed: Longbow units upgrade to Musketman
- Changed: Crossbow units upgrade to Musketman
- Changed: Maceman units upgrade to Musketman
- Changed: Pikeman upgrades only to Heavy Pikeman
- Changed: Early Destroyer moved to Combustion
- Changed: Battlecruiser requires now Combustion
- changed: Cannon moved to Nationalism
- Changed: T72 flavor armor unit for civs: Abyssinia, Ethiopia, India, Babylon
- Fixed: Mig15 filename bug
- Fixed: Mig21 filename bug
- Fixed: Mig25 filename bug
- Fixed: Aegis graphic setting for low graphics
- Fixed: Roman Cavalry Auxilia replaces now correctly Horseman unit
- Fixed: Jeep size
- Fixed: Type 99 armor size
- Fixed: Plasma armor size
- Fixed: T95 size
- Fixed: T17 tanks size
- Fixed: IS2 size
- Fixed: A7V size
- Fixed: L640 size
- Fixed: M3A1 size
- Fixed: Char B1 Bis size
- Fixed: M26 size
- Fixed: PzKpfw VI Tiger I size
- Added: Hellenic Temple
- Added: Hellenic Pantheon
- Added: Hellenic Gymnasia
- Changed: Statue of Zeus is now Hellenic Shrine
- Added: Zoroastrian Fire Temple
- Added: Zoroastrian Pantheon
- Added: Zoroastrian Shrine (replaces monastery because Zoroastrianism rejects all forms of monasticism)
- Added: Zoroastrian holy mountain shrine Pir-e Sabz
- Added: Temple of Amun
- Added: Temple of Mut
- Added: Temple of Chons
- Added: The Karnak Temple Complex (Amun-Ra shrine)
- Added: Abyssinian Stele
- Added: Iroquois Longhouse
- Added: Siam Ho Trai
- Added: Temple of Jaguar (Nagualism)
- Added: Pyramid of Eagle (Nagualism)
- Added: Tikal (Nagualism shrine)
- Added: Assyrian Ekal (barracks)
- Added: Artesian Well
- Added: Oil Refinery graphics
- Added: Weapon factory graphics
- Added: Healer's hut graphics
- Added: Casino graphics
- Added: Water Treatment graphics
- Changed: Observatory requires Glass resource
- Changed: Brothel no longer gives happiness from other buildings (wasn't working properly), just gives +1 happiness
- Changed: Meeting Hall gives +5% bonus to espionage (think it as a tavern/inn where info is for sale)
- Changed: Forge upgrades to Steel Mill now, forge modifiers added to Steel Mill
- Changed: Removed obsolete Masonry tech req. from Aqueduct
- Changed: Casino gold bonus decreased from 50% to 25%
- Changed: Stable requires now Chariotry (can be built earlier), requires Horse or Elephants (Ivory)
- Changed: AI weight value increased for Weapon Factory
- Changed: Alchemist's Lab requires now glassware, obsolete at Scientific Method
- Changed: Fisherman's hut flavors adjusted (AI players should build it more often)
- Changed: Butchery flavors adjusted (AI players should build it more often)
- Changed: Ceremonial Altar obsolete at Humanism
- Changed: Confucian academy 50% culture bonus changed to 20% science and 30% culture (it is place for studying)
- Fixed: Zulu Ikhanda obsolete at Leadership
- changed: Copernicus' observatory requires glass resource
- Changed: Chichen Itza moved to Blood Cult tech and requires Masonry tech
- Changed: Eiffel Tower requires now Steel Mill instead of Forge
- Changed: Statue of Liberty requires now Steel Mill instead of Forge, moved to Representative Democracy tech
- Changed: Aqueduct of Pont du Gard no longer goes obsolete, does not give free Aqueduct in every city, gives +2 health in city where built and +1 health in all cities on same continent
- Changed: Alhambra has now new graphics
- changed: Sphinx has new graphics
- Changed: Supreme Court reduces anarchy length by 25%
- Changed: Magellan's Voyage moved to Navigation
- Changed: Marco Polo's Embassy moved to Optics
- Changed: colossus moved to Bronze Working
- Changed: Alhambra requires State religion to be present in city
- Changed: Palace of Potala requires State religion to be present in city
- Changed: Parthenon is now Hellenistic wonder, requires Hellenism in city and spreads Hellenism
- Added: The Temple of Heaven (Taoist)
- Added: Masada (Jewish)
- Added: Pyramid of the Magician (Nagualism)
- Added: The Brihadeeswarar temple (Hindu)
- Added: Hellenism
- Added: Zoroastrianism
- Added: Amun-Ra (Egypt mythology)
- Added: Nagualism (Mesoamerican religion)
- Fixed: Special Promotion tech moved to future era so that player's don't get it for free if game is started on higher eras than ancient
- Changed: All Renaissance tech costs increased by 10%
- Changed: All Industrial tech costs increased by 30%
- Changed: All Modern time tech costs increased by 50%
- Changed: All Future era tech costs increased by 100%
- Changed: Dualism enabled
- Changed: Polytheism has Dualism as 2nd pre-req choice
- Changed: Horseback riding requires now Chariotry
- Changed: Masonry requires Stone Tools
- Changed: Fundamentalism requires Blood Cult
- Changed: Military Science requires Grand War tech
- Changed: Canal Systems no longer require Machinery
- Changed: Ecology requires Agricultural Engineering instead of Biology
- Changed: Naval Aviation requires Military Science
- Changed: Social Contract uses now Growth Advisor instead of Religion Advisor
- Changed: Nuclear Power requires now Logistics
- Changed: Ship Building requires now also Naval Warfare
- Changed: Constitution requires Democracy
- Changed: Artillery requires explosives
- Changed: Clockworks moved further in medieval techs, requires now Invention
- Changed: Civil Service no longer enable irrigation
- Changed: Rifling moved to later renaissance, requires now Replaceable Parts
- Changed: Semi-automatic weapons has now Rifling as OR requirement, replaceable parts req. removed as it's included in Rifling
- Changed: Flintlock requires Metallurgy
- Changed: Fission requires Refining
- Changed: Explosives requires Flintlock, cost increased from 2200 to 3700
- Changed: Flavor values adjusted for many techs
- Changed: Seafaring cost increased from 72 to 93
- Changed: Metal Casting cost increased from 64 to 90
- Changed: Chariotry cost increased from 100 to 120
- Changed: Trade cost increased from 80 to 85
- Changed: Machinery requires Mathematics
- changed: Meditation cost increased from 80 to 280, now classical tech
- Changed: Literature cost increased from 200 to 350
- Changed: Sculture cost increased from 72 to 95
- Changed: Usury cost increased from 600 to 850, now medieval tech
- changed: Banking cost increased from 700 to 900
- Changed: Drama cost increased from 300 to 350
- Changed: Optics cost increased from 600 to 750
- changed: Heraldry cost increased from 600 to 730
- Changed: Sanitation cost increased from 1000 to 1050
- Changed: Paper cost increased from 480 to 850
- Changed: Architecture cost increased from 1000 to 1050
- changed: Invention cost increased from 1000 to 1050
- Changed: Gunpowder cost increased from 1056 to 1075
- Changed: Matchlock cost increased from 1056 to 1100
- Changed: Political Philosophy cost increased from 880 to 1200
- Changed: Education cost decreased from 1584 to 1250, requires Philosophy
- Changed: Perspective cost increased from 700 to 1075
- Changed: Refining cost increased from 2600 to 3800
- Changed: Oil Painting cost increased from 880 to 1100
- Changed: Chemistry cost increased from 1980 to 2700
- changed: Photography cost increased from 2090 to 2750
- changed: Realism cost increased from 2090 to 2800
- changed: Mercantilism cost increased from 1936 to 1970, requires Banking
- Changed: Economics cost increased from 1400 to 2000
- changed: Corporation cost increased from 1760 to 2200
- changed: Juris Prudence cost increased from 1144 to 1600
- Changed: Social Contract cost increased from 1232 to 1650
- Changed: Realism requires Free Artistry instead of Oil Painting
- Changed: Naval tactics cost increased from 1760 to 2000
- Changed: Grand War cost increased from 1870 to 2025
- Changed: Replaceable parts cost increased from 1980 to 2300
- Changed: Thermodynamics cost decreased from 4160 to 3600
- Changed: Fission requires now Industrialism, cost increased from 5720 to 7200
- Changed: Theory of Relativicty requires now Electricity
- Changed: Representative Democracy requires Liberalism and Social Contract
- Changed: Medicine cost decreased from 5850 to 4700
- Changed: Marxism cost increased from 2912 to 4700
- changed: Labor union cost increased from 3120 to 4750
- Changed: Communism cost increased from 2912 to 4800
- Changed: Psychology cost increased from 3848 to 5250
- Changed: Fascism cost increased from 2496 to 5300
- changed: Screw Propeller cost increased from 4160 to 4200
- Changed: Railroad cost decreased from 5850 to 4200
- Changed: Electricity cost decreased from 5850 to 4250
- Changed: Semi-automatic weapons cost increased from 3900 to 4250
- changed: Artillery cost increased from 4160 to 4360
- Changed: Combustion cost increased from 3744 to 4300
- Changed: Mass Media cost increased from 3744 to 6600
- Changed: Legalized Gambling cost increased from 3744 to 6650
- Changed: Industrialism cost decreased from 6760 to 5300
- Changed: Recycling cost increased from 6600 to 8300
- Changed: Theology cost increased from 500 to 675
- changed: Fundamentalism cost increased from 480 to 700
- Added: Agricultural Tools, req. Machinery and Feudalism
- Added: Fuel Cells
- Added: Knowledge Management icon
- Added: Space Stations icon
- Added: 3D Modeling icon
- Added: Human/Machine interface icon
- Added: Military robotics icon
- Added: Smart Dust icon
- Added: Unmanned Air Vehicles icon
- Added: Weather Control icon
- Added: Sentient Earth icon
National Wonders
- Changed: Statue of Champion req. now level 4 unit
- Changed: National Courier System reduces anarchy length by 25% (word about government changes spread more rapidly)
- Added: Temple of Osiris
- Added: Temple of Isis
- Added: Temple of Set
- Added: Menelik (Abyssinian empire)
- Added: Selassie (Abyssinian empire)
- Added: Deganawida (Iroquois empire)
- Added: Ashur (Assyrian emprire)
- Added: Mongkut (Siam)
- Added: Ramkhamhaeng (Siam)
- Added: Sphinx movie
- Added: Leonardo's Workshop movie
- Added: Hellenism movie
- Added: Amun-Ra movie
- Added: Zoroastrianism movie
- Added: Abyssinian music
- Added: Iroquois music
- Added: Enhanced Tech Conquest
- Added: Religion and Corporation Screens
- Added: Longer techbar in techscreen
- Added: Inquisition - Limited Religions (limited religion mod part disabled for now, wasn't working properly)
- Added: Plot List enhancements
- Added: Great People flavored tech colors (off by default, change setting in config.ini)
- Added: Settlers
- Added: Raw Commerce to city screen
- Added: Civ4lerts (disabled for now)
- Changed: Holy Mountain python will check for presence of Cathedral and Pantheon buildings and points will be calculated from Pantheon specialbuilding type
- Changed: National sports league event checks for Circus Maximus instead of Statue of Zeus (statue is hellenic shrine now)
- Fixed: UI problem when running mod on Civ 4 Complete Edition (
- Added: Blitz speed option, 205 turns, only accessible in Custom Game menu
- Added: Snail speed option, 3072 turns, only accessible in Custom Game menu
- Changed: Coffee gives +1 happiness
- changed: pearls give +1 happiness
- Changed: Lemon give +1 health
- Changed: Cotton gives +1 happiness
- Changed: Sugar gives +1 happiness
- Changed: Spices give +1 happiness
- Changed: Village gets +1 bonus commerce from roads and railroads, -1 to food
- Changed: Town gets +1 bonus commerce from roads and railroads, -1 to food
- Changed: Windmill gets bonus from Agricultural Tools tech instead of Civil Service
- Changed: Watermill gets bonus from Agricultural Tools tech instead of Civil Service
- Fixed: Arcology city ruins art defines were missing
- Changed: Wining monks event, zoroastrian, hellenic, amun-ra monastery building triggers have been added to event
- Changed: Halberd event, shock promotion can now appear for Heavy Pikeman units as well
- Changed: Ancient Olympics trigger tech is now Athletics (was Polytheism)
- Changed: Hymns and sculptures events can trigger now if city has Hellenic, Zoroastrian or Amun-ra Pantheon in city
- Changed: Farm Bandits event can happen on Potato Farms
- Changed: Holy Mountain event can happen with Hellenism and Zoroastrianism
- Changed: Blizzard can be triggered at Shaft Mine, Treefarm, Hybrid Forest
- Changed: Jade event can happen on Shaft Mines
- Changed: Clunker coal event can happen on shaft mine
- Changed: Tin event can happen on shaft mine
- Changed: Bermuda Triangle event can happen to all new modern day ship classes
- Changed: Gold Rush trigger changed from Mine to Shaft Mine (most mines are shaft mines at industrial era)
- Changed: Metal decks trigger tech changed to Naval Aviation which is same when Carrier becomes available
- Changed: Long range fighters trigger tech changed to Aviation
- Changed: Farm plows event can be triggered with Shaft mine and normal mine
- Changed: Stained glass cathedral event requires glassware
- Changed: Personal Computers event requires Microchip tech
- Changed: Tea event trigger changed from Harbor to Commercial Port
- Changed: Girls best friend event triggers include now Shaft mine
- Changed: Harbormaster building requirement changed from Harbor to Port
- Changed: Master blacksmith event gives shock promotion to Light swordsman and Heavy swordsman units too
- Changed: Crusade event can happen after player has researched Fundamentalism Tech
- Changed: Miracle event can happen in city with High Walls
- Changed: Secret knowledge event can happen with Zoroastrian, Hellenic and Amun-ra monastery type buildings
- Changed: Experienced Captain event can be triggered by all new ship units
- Changed: War Chariots event tech req. changed to Chariotry, obsolete tech requirements adjusted
- Changed: Crisis in senate may give espionage bonus to Garrison building
- Changed: Elite Swordsman event gives promotion to Light Swordsman unit, obsolete techs adjusted
- Changed: Warships event requires Naval Warfare tech instead of Sailing, obsolete techs adjusted
- Changed: Noble Knights tech requirements change to Stirrup, Heraldry and Guilds
- Changed: Napalm bombs (mod) event gives Napalm bombs promotion instead of Barrage II
- Added: Mining accident can happen on shaft mine
- Changed: Theocracy moved to Government category
- Changed: Paganism no longer get bonus happiness from Ceremonial Altar, no upkeep
- Changed: Herbalism is default health care choice now (herbalism was used 60.000BC), no longer give +1 health in all cities, instead gives +1 health from healer hut and from doctor's office, no longer give military production bonus in state religion cities
- Changed: Shamanism moved to religion category, gives happiness from ceremonial altar, stonehenge and oracle, gives +1 health from healer hut
- Added: Inquisition choice to legal category
- Added: Sacrifice Cult to Religion category
- Added: Secularism to Religion category
- Added: Industrialism to Economy category
- Added: Idolatry to religion category
- Changed: Lead by Warlord promotion gets 1 extra first strike
- Changed: Veteran pilot evasion chance decreased to 5%
- Changed: Ace pilot evasion chance decreased to 10%
- Changed: Air Refuel moved to Supersonic flight tech
- Changed: Medic II requires now Civil Service tech
- Changed: Sentry I requires Optics
- Changed: Pinch II requires Flintlock
- Added: Improved Radar promotion
- Added: Air to Air Missiles I-III promotions
- Added: Torpedoes promotion
- Added: Chaff promotion
- Added: Heroic promotion, req. Leader
- Added: Loyalty promotion, req. Leader
- Added: Siege Master promotion, req. Leader
- Fixed: duplicate entry for Hi-tech units in some promotions
- Fixed: Berzerker I-III can now be used for Animal, Archer, Melee, Mounted and Wooden Ship unit types
- Fixed: Strategy for Subzidized healthcare
- Fixed: Hover tank typo
- Fixed: Glassmith typo
- Fixed: 3D Modeling typo
- Fixed: Cavalry Tactics strategy entry
- Pedia: Oil Painting
- Pedia: Remote Controlled Bombers
- Pedia: Sphinx
- Pedia: Hubble telescope
- Pedia: Petra
- Pedia: Olympic Games
- Pedia: Encyclopedia
- Pedia: Treasury
- Changed: Aqueduct of Pont du Gard renamed to Pont du Gard
- Changed: Lab renamed to Alchemist's Lab
- Added: Strategy info for many techs
- Added: Pedia info for some techs
- Added: Strategy info for many buildings
- Added: Quotes for few techs
- Combined: JKP1187's Events mod
- Added: New religion icons (bugged still in civ scorelist)
- Added: Wide City bar
- Added: roads get +1 bonus from Automated Traffic
- Added: Bhruic's unofficial patch
- Changed: road movement bonus decreased for Mass Transit tech
- Changed: Max World Wonders in city increased from 4 to 6
- Changed: Max Team World Wonders in city increased from 4 to 6
- Changed: Max Air units per city increased from 4 to 8