• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Saturday at PAX first demo of BNW.

Even though it's my birthday weekend, I'm spending it in a course that cost me a painful 900€, so naturally when I return on sunday I expect to see a full frame-by-frame coverage here and on Arioch's site, along with listings of all tiny tidbits of info and between the lines -theories.

That will be all for now, return to your posts.

I second this, as I won't be able to watch the stream either :p
Don't worry you'll be capable of watching it after PAX and it's going to be hard to miss any new info with a billion of "WHY IS X THE NEW CIV AND NOT Y", "I WILL NOT BUY THIS GAME BECAUSE OF X", "WHY DID FIRAXIS RUIN CULTURE" or "THAT CIV IS GOING TO BE OP NOW" threads popping up the minute the PAX demo is over. :lol:
Here's a page that will show you the time it will be for you, wherever you happen to be:


So in response to Heinage, it's 9:30 AM Sunday for us Kiwis.

Maybe a mod would like to edit this into the OP?

Awesome, thanks for confirming Pouakai.
Guess I'll be finding out on Sunday night (after Paintball) that the Dutch have had changes made to them when they demonstrate the new sea trade route mechanic :D

I'll also be finding out that Harry Potter is listed as a Great Work instead of Shakespeare :p
Time for some predictions!
  • First we will see the start of a new game as Poland
  • They will talk about Poland's UA, UU and UB
  • Next we'll get Assyria revealed when the Polish scouts meets an Assyrian unit
  • Around this time we'll get a demonstration of caravans
  • They jump ahead into the renaissance, demonstrating the Winged Hussar in action and showing us how the new culture works(Great Works)
  • Reveal of the next civ
  • They open the diplo/trade screen and we notice a highly pixilated name and picture of another new civ
  • Slight jump ahead in time, where they show us how tourism and ideologies work
  • Bonus: We notice some inconsistencies during the game, like Assyria owning the city of Jakarta or an unknown green blob

Let's see if at least one of my predictions will be true.:lol:

That's pretty much more or less what I think the demo will be.
Don't worry you'll be capable of watching it after PAX and it's going to be hard to miss any new info with a billion of "WHY IS X THE NEW CIV AND NOT Y", "I WILL NOT BUY THIS GAME BECAUSE OF X", "WHY DID FIRAXIS RUIN CULTURE" or "THAT CIV IS GOING TO BE OP NOW" threads popping up the minute the PAX demo is over. :lol:

One would expect that to happen after the First Impressions thread get up and running. Didn't remember much in the way of Austrian CS monstrousness or Hunnic rams until folks actually played the games themselves
Don't worry you'll be capable of watching it after PAX and it's going to be hard to miss any new info with a billion of "WHY IS X THE NEW CIV AND NOT Y", "I WILL NOT BUY THIS GAME BECAUSE OF X", "WHY DID FIRAXIS RUIN CULTURE" or "THAT CIV IS GOING TO BE OP NOW" threads popping up the minute the PAX demo is over. :lol:
I'm surprised you think they'll wait for the stream to be over.
Well, I for one am interested in what new units will be shown besides trade units and UUs. Last time it was the WWI units and that made me wonder if there will be a new era added. I am sure we will all be suprised by what we see and hear. I can't wait for tomorrow. Perhaps today they will tell us something as well, some official announcement about tomorrow. Maybe even a new screenshot to try to enlarge. Last time I thought the crab was turtle shells. Ooops! :confused:
Probably tomorrow, but they are doing little discussions about various games. So far they've covered borderland cosplayers, bioshock cosplayers, talk about nba2k14 and now they are looking at some tablet app called cipher.

I guess it's not called cipher. I don't really know or care about it. I have the sound off.

Now they are looking at Ridiculous Fishing, another tablet game. I recognize it because I have it.

Now they are looking at a Bioshock action figure.

cosplay again.

Now two of the community members are fighting with foam sticks.

now they're showing off some FPS game.

and now they are playing with some kind of handheld system.

now a kind of cool t-shirt and camera/tv thing where the tv is like a mirror that shows stuff on your shirt when you look at it

More cosplay. Well, cosplay or time travellers.

more merch

a talk about the FPS game again for a bit

now they are videoing an iphone game. so boring.

interviewing a competetive gamer.
I hope they get their lag issues sorted out before the demo tomorrow.
One thing I think would be cool is if they show an early battle and then have that site as an archaeological site in a later time skip. Let us see what it looks like and what you get from it.
I've been watching the 2K show most of the day now. It's odd/interesting that (other than their interview desk area) their various displays are draped with blankets.

The show's over now. They didn't even mention civ in passing except at the end to say the Firaxis panel is tomorrow.
2k PAX people are hinting at juicy details from the panels this weekend. Via twitter.
This post didn't upload the image, so see below :)
Facebook post By Sid Meier’s Civilization

Nine new leaders are introduced in the Sid Meier’s Civilization V expansion, Brave New World, including Casimir of Poland. Who do you think the other eight leaders are?

Tune into the livestream for the Firaxis PAX East panel, Strategy Masterminds Mega Panel - Behind the Scenes at Firaxis Games at 4:30-5:30 EDT, March 23rd and you may find out.

Join the livestream event for a reminder: http://www.facebook.com/events/358922400880533/
I would be astonished if they threw all 8 other leaders (and thus civs) to us all at once just a week after the initial announcement. IMO, that would be a gross miscalculation on the part of marketing. However, stranger things have happened.
I would be astonished if they threw all 8 other leaders (and thus civs) to us all at once just a week after the initial announcement. IMO, that would be a gross miscalculation on the part of marketing. However, stranger things have happened.

Yeah, definitley not going to happen, but I thought the Casimir leader icon was cool!
Really glad I live in the EST zone right now. :cool:

Oh god, let's make it a random green blob too. In fact, recreate the screenshot from last time but actually make it so the Zulu are there :p
Or a 1HP Impi. :lol:

I wonder if trade routes will be displayed on the map somehow. CTP2 trade routes were like that, so I was just curious.

I guess they'll add another overlay option for the map. I think they did that in Civ IV too, right?
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