Saturday at PAX first demo of BNW.

I doubt they'll throw all 8 civs at us at once, that would be the most unexpected thing ever.
Soon we'll find out anyway, let's see if my predictions will come true. :D
I doubt they'll throw all 8 civs at us at once, that would be the most unexpected thing ever.
Soon we'll find out anyway, let's see if my predictions will come true. :D

Well last time we got trolled for an entire day with small macro images of Gustavus to announce Sweden as the last civ ;)

I think we'll probably hear a lot about the mid/endgame. We might start with an Industrial game and be shown Tourism, the new Cultural/Diplo victory tweaks, stuff like that. We might get teased with a couple civs and UA/UU
Well last time we got trolled for an entire day with small macro images of Gustavus to announce Sweden as the last civ ;)

I think we'll probably hear a lot about the mid/endgame. We might start with an Industrial game and be shown Tourism, the new Cultural/Diplo victory tweaks, stuff like that. We might get teased with a couple civs and UA/UU

The Gustav Adolphus reveal was a funny idea on their part.
It was very amusing to read about how people saw a tent in that tiny picture, which meant it's Shaka to them. :lol:
I hope they'll do this or something similar to the last civ in BNW as well.
One of the previews did say that there is a map overlay for trade routes.

Hopefully they show us a few trade routes today. I hope Shaka is announced first, well after the Assyrians leader. The Assyrians against the Huns would be interesting, both are destroyers of cities.

I am going to turn PAX live on about 2:30 pm or so. That will give me an hour before the panel to catch up on what went on.
Does anyone know if this will be recorded. OR is someone planning on recording this? I won't be able to be on during the stream and I want to see what goes on.
Does anyone know if this will be recorded. OR is someone planning on recording this? I won't be able to be on during the stream and I want to see what goes on.

There will be a recording at, then it will be posted here, on youtube, and the like. There will be no chance for anyone not to see it later. :)
These poll results come from my civ poll thread here:

So, with the poll almost up to 200 voters, and, with seven unknown civ slots, here are the current results (rounded to the nearest percent for easy comparison):

1) Portugal ~74%
2) Zulu ~61%
3) Indonesia ~60%
4) Kongo ~55%
5) Brazil ~48%
6) The Sioux ~37%
7) Israel ~33%

Sumer and Tibet were the only others to break ~25%, so if Israel is not present (as I suspect it won't be), Sumer is a good bet to replace it. I wager they'll reveal at least two, prob three civs at PAX this afternoon. Either Portugal or the Zulu will be revealed, possibly both, as a fan favorite. They'll probably reveal one of Indonesia/Kongo/Brazil as a civ newcomer, to get fans excited and to show they've been listening to the forums. Last civ will prob be a total dark horse, prob not even one of the ones mentioned above. Italy, Phoenicia, and The Hittites would be my favorite nominees, but who knows?
My guess is it'll be Poland vs. Assyria and show off a few features. My guess is an early game demo and then a jump ahead to later. I'll definitely check it out after it happens when it gets posted.

From recollection last year they used the G&K demonstration to show a previously unrevealed civ (the Huns, I think). Chances are they'll do so again.

EDIT: Oh, was it the Gustavus reveal? I'd thought that was later.

Hopefully they show us a few trade routes today. I hope Shaka is announced first, well after the Assyrians leader. The Assyrians against the Huns would be interesting, both are destroyers of cities.

Since it's practically certain the Zulus are one of the so far unnamed civs (along with Portugal) I'd rather they revealed one of the less obvious ones; confirming that Shaka's in won't really tell us anything very new.

Sumer and Tibet were the only others to break ~25%, so if Israel is not present (as I suspect it won't be), Sumer is a good bet to replace it. I wager they'll reveal at least two, prob three civs at PAX this afternoon. Either Portugal or the Zulu will be revealed, possibly both, as a fan favorite. They'll probably reveal one of Indonesia/Kongo/Brazil as a civ newcomer, to get fans excited and to show they've been listening to the forums. Last civ will prob be a total dark horse, prob not even one of the ones mentioned above. Italy, Phoenicia, and The Hittites would be my favorite nominees, but who knows?

That poll looks mostly reasonable, except for the Sioux and Israel. I doubt they'd include two ancient civs from the same area in a modern-focused expansion, though (even with the archaeology flavour). I suspect Assyria is the 'wild card' replacement for the expected Sumer and/or Hittites, equivalent to Siam vs. Khmer or Songhai substituting for Mali. If they genuinely are focusing on civs that fit the scenarios, I wouldn't rule out Belgium as a wildcard civ. Personally, I want Southeast Asian representation - either the return of the Khmer or, if they're deemed too similar to Siam, Pagan or Vietnam.
I thought Austria got revealed at PAX as well.:dunno:

1) Portugal ~74%
2) Zulu ~61%
3) Indonesia ~60%
4) Kongo ~55%
5) Brazil ~48%
6) The Sioux ~37%
7) Israel ~33%

Mostly reasonable list, except I'd say Israel and the Sioux might/will be replaced by someone else in BNW.
My bet is on Italy and Vietnam/Burma/Khmer, although this is mostly based on wishful thinking. :mischief:
Israel, Sioux, and Sumer def iffy. I 95% doubt we get the Sumerians with the Assyria inclusion. Sioux is most reasonable guess of the 3 (although I would like to see Israel in)
I would put money on the idea that at least 3 of the top 5 in that list will make it in the game
Israel, Sioux, and Sumer def iffy. I 95% doubt we get the Sumerians with the Assyria inclusion. Sioux is most reasonable guess of the 3 (although I would like to see Israel in)

I don't think Sumer will be in. Sioux probably will be. I'd love to see Israel, but I have second thoughts.

At PAX I have to pretty much watch in 360p, otherwise it is like stop animation.
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