

Jun 30, 2004
We have universities, but what about schools? The introduction of compulsory school attendance in the 19th century must rate as one of the all time major social advances.

Perhaps, instead of just 'education' we might have 'Higher Education' (-> universities) and 'Mass Education' (->schools).

Industrialisation might be a prerequisite for Mass Education.

Consumerism might follow... then the Advertising Agency 'improvement'... (just kidding :crazyeye: ).
its a good idea but would it give u if u get one happy citzen 50% science rate more
hmnn... maybe this is a philosophical question...
does improved literacy actually makes your population happier?
afterall we know (or we thought we know) that a population that is illiterate is easier to be cowed... hmmn...
I think schools would increase science and culture, they would be more important than libraries in an industrial age (big modern libraries mostly belong to universities).

Wouldn't they would increase productivity in a technological society? They seem to follow on from early industrialisation (steam*, printing press) but are required for high tech industry (electricity).

Happiness is perhaps a separate issue.

*Factories drew the population into the cities, were the work was, creating a 'mass' population. Mass education followed, or is that rhyme more than reason - any social historians out there?
YES, we need schools!! I mean schools are basically one of the most important institutions in the country..this is the first improvment i'd add...
Schools should increase the science rate, and add some culture....a little of both would be perfect
I got the impression that the "library" represented basic education system (schooling), and the "university', advanced education system, and therefore "schools" have already been implimented.
but the first libraries were really for the already well educated, not the commoners... With he industrial age came schooling on a mass scale, not just for the privalidged classes. This should improve science and culture.
Pathetic Leader said:
but the first libraries were really for the already well educated, not the commoners... With he industrial age came schooling on a mass scale, not just for the privalidged classes. This should improve science and culture.

You are correct about this. But why would an lower education system (anything under the univeristy level) improve culture or for that matter, science. How many elementary school students have contributed to the great scientific knowledge when they were still at that level? In Civ, I don't see schools as making sense since it is covered by the libraries and universities.

Just my opinion.
the advent of schools increased the amount of the population that could go on to higher education. It also increased the number of people who understood basic math and science etc. (in fact math in the 1900's was probably harder than todays GCSE's. Seeing as we have clculators, that are made by the much larger skilled workforce brought about by educating more people)
If it causes any happiness changes I think they should be negative happiness. As people become more educated they are taught to think for themselves and they may not particularly like your particular style of leadership. Perhaps public schools should increase War Weariness. Good idea but I think would be better suited to a mod focusing on those aspects of society than the actual game itself.
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