Dom Pedro II
Modder For Life
Food From Animals
File: [BTS] Food From Animals (1.99 MB)
What it does:
The title is a little misleading. This can actually applied to any unit and refers to any yield (the Yield called Commerce doesn't count) but you can make it so that when you kill a unit, it will deposit the specified amount of food or production in your nearest city.
This mod now includes Commerces! One commerce is chosen at random from the different commerces a particular unit can give.
Gives the killer's owner an amount of gold.
Gives the killer's owner research towards one of the prerequisite techs of the killed unit.
Example: If your forces kill a Tank, but you can't currently build Tanks, you'll get research towards either Industrialism or Rifling.
Deposits an amount of culture in your nearest city.
Gives the killer's owner an amount of espionage units against the killed unit's owner.
Works for shot down air units now!
New XML tags:
<BaseYieldFromUnits> - gives at least this much yield from ALL killed units.
<YieldFromUnitModifiers> - modifies how much yield you get from a particular unit based on the unit's default yields from kill.
<BaseCommerceFromUnits> - gives at least this much commerce from ALL killed units.
<CommerceFromUnitModifiers> - modifies how much commerce you get from a particular unit based on the unit's default commerces from kill.
File: [BTS] Food From Animals (1.99 MB)
What it does:
The title is a little misleading. This can actually applied to any unit and refers to any yield (the Yield called Commerce doesn't count) but you can make it so that when you kill a unit, it will deposit the specified amount of food or production in your nearest city.
This mod now includes Commerces! One commerce is chosen at random from the different commerces a particular unit can give.
Gives the killer's owner an amount of gold.
Gives the killer's owner research towards one of the prerequisite techs of the killed unit.
Example: If your forces kill a Tank, but you can't currently build Tanks, you'll get research towards either Industrialism or Rifling.
Deposits an amount of culture in your nearest city.
Gives the killer's owner an amount of espionage units against the killed unit's owner.
Works for shot down air units now!
New XML tags:
<BaseYieldFromUnits> - gives at least this much yield from ALL killed units.
<YieldFromUnitModifiers> - modifies how much yield you get from a particular unit based on the unit's default yields from kill.
<BaseCommerceFromUnits> - gives at least this much commerce from ALL killed units.
<CommerceFromUnitModifiers> - modifies how much commerce you get from a particular unit based on the unit's default commerces from kill.