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SGOTM 04 - Geezers

I'm not sure what's going on, I do know Thunderfall said he'd post some more on this sometime today(April 2nd). Until then we'll all be left in suspense over whether or not this is an april fools joke that has outlasted april fools day, or a real merger.
It does seem to have disrupted things somewhat. There have been hardly any posts in any of the GOTM forums over the last couple of days. In two hours it will be 3 April. April Fool's Day was ages ago.
I can just think of a joke. The date is just too suspicious for such an annoucement.
I thought it was a joke but it has gone past funny.

My plan now is to just enjoy the current WOTM and this SGOTM as I don't think if (I still can't help hoping!) they go to a pay service there would be enough participation to be interesting even for the people who may be willing to pay.
I thought it was a joke but it has gone past funny.

They've taken down the announcement from the main page so I think we can assume it was an April Fool that dragged on for far too long.
geez...that joke lasted way too long...if TF's laptop was broken, perhaps they should've had someone else end it at midnight!

I'll get to my turns tonight...until then, classes and homework beckon!

comments please on techs and short term strategy!
I played my turns on 1 April my time, so consider every move I made to be an elaborate hoax. In reality, we met Isabella and she wiped us out. So no further strategies required.
even pros don't always win ;)

truthfully, we had a good shot at bronze for a long time...and we just got unlucky with the diplo relations...coulda won a century and a half earlier if we'd had a different opponent...also we just didn't understand the diplo vote modifiers until it was too late for us to get a medal.
Turn 0(1160AD): Change nothing from previous turns...we'll never catch up in tech if we play catch up...only thing I think we can do is go for Astro and trade for all the other techs we missed.
IBT: Brennus asks us to convert to Organized Religion. I refuse because we don't have a religion. Brennus goes down to Cautious...oops, shoulda considered taking it and converting away later
Turn 1(1166AD): Continue cottaging, explore Gandhi's culture covered area of our continent, move the Yayoi trireme into Gandhi's waters to scout.
IBT: Nothing
Turn 2(1172AD): Discover Kolhaper...very well defended. El Dorado Zerk>Worker. IronSheep Zerk>Worker. We need more workers to cottage/chop all our lands. Attempt to re-up our corn agreement with Hannibal, end up losing a net 3 gpt in the attempt :(
IBT: Great Prophet born in Bombay
Turn 3(1178AD): Continue scouting Gandhi's coast. Worker actions continue. Nidaros Crossbow>Settler. We have at least 2 more city sites to settle, so I'm hoping to finish one during my turnset
IBT: Islam Shrine built in Bombay. Khan resettles where Samarqand was! I never even saw his troops...wonder how that happened.
Turn 4(1184AD): Karachi scouted...worthless ice city. Courthouse rushed in New Sarai for 2 pop.
IBT: Nothing
Turn 5(1190AD): Trade Sugar to Hannibal for 5 gpt. New Sarai grows back to 5, Courthouse>Spear. Kill barb warrior attempting to pillage a town in Ning-hsia. Kill barb Sword trying to same thing at Phrygian.
IBT: Scouting trireme caught by Gandhi's caravels.
Turn 6(1196AD): Settler is about to finish, but I don't know exactly where to send him anymore, now that my preferred site is blocked by Khan
IBT: Nothing
Turn 7(1202AD): Workers continuing to build infrastructure. Nidaros Settler>Caravel
IBT: Hannibal discovered Paper
Turn 8(1208AD): Trade our WM to Brennus, Hannibal, Mehmed for a combined 160 gold. Brennus tells me to fear his musketmen...
IBT: Nothing
Turn 9(1214AD): That felt good...Uppsala Caravel>Caravel. Our new Caravel destroys Gandhi's lurking trireme. IronSheep Worker>Forge. Robert E Lee born in El Dorado-sala. Sleeping in El Dorado-sala for now. Settler goes to sleep in New Sarai until team discussion. Treaty with Khan ends, I demand and receive 1gpt in tribute. He refuses to give us his cash though.
IBT: Nothing
Turn 10(1220AD): Nidaros Caravel>Caravel

Summary: I began a few caravels so we can explore with some and so we can use others to destroy some of Gandhi's naval power and scout his lands finally.

Cottaging is going apace, although we still need a couple more workers to hurry things up where we've got lots of jungle/forest to deal with.

Khan's city is messing up our possible plans for settling the rest of the continent. With our Zerks, we could possibly take him off out continent now if desired. At the least, we could easily take his new city, and 4!! workers at the same time, giving us the position to settle where I feel we should again. I'm marking that spot with a sign for team discussion...declaring again would also allow our trireme to explore Gandhi's western edge.

Astro is done in 11 turns...if needed try to sell our WM again when we start running low on cash. If we can continue this pace, or close to it, we should get Astro first, giving us a big trade boost(once our caravels are patrolling the seas and find some foreign ports, and giving us the ability to trade it with everyone...getting Gandhi the tech most likely, and catching us up quite a bit.

I still think we should settle at least 1 other position, such as the spot with gold between New Sarai and Ning-hsia. We should also build a few settlers for standby, that can go out on galleons to any uninhabited continent we can find to prepare for our migration.

We are currently 2nd to last in Population, GNP, Crop Yield, and Military, with only Khan being behind us in every one of those categories. On the plus side, we are #1 in land area and #4 in production...I figure that means we just need to develop the land we've got really well and we'll have a really good production and commerce base to hand Gandhi.

Side notes: I no longer know what any other teams are doing because I missed too much time to progressively analyze them...also, I'm gonna start working on our spoiler this weekend(I hope). That also got delayed by my computer issues.
Also, I would have researched Banking if it were immediately available, but it was not...once we get Astro and trade it for everything...we should go for Banking next. Mercantilism would do wonders for our research!(+1 free spec in every city=+3 free science in every city!!)
What's a WM? I know it will be something easy but brain isn't working after all these early mornings watching the Cricket World Cup.
We may want to hold onto our main cities until we are much closer to the modern ages or we could end up wiped out by conquest, rather than taken to space by Gandhi...regardless, having our 'goto' continent settled, or covered by insta-cities(sleeping settlers waiting till needed) as early as possible will increase our likelihood of being able to do so before we have to fight someone else for the land :)
Good progress Thrallia. Nice to finally see some more of Ghandhi's territory. :)

Thrallia said:
Khan resettles where Samarqand was!

I thought that was Tabriz. :confused: As usual The-Hawk had already identified that location as a suitable spot to settle.

The-Hawk said:
3) Settle the pile of rubble 3 tiles SE of Haitha.

I can see the merits of your suggested city site although the former spot has got better land for cottages.

Thrallia said:
Cottaging is going apace, although we still need a couple more workers to hurry things up where we've got lots of jungle/forest to deal with.

Guess what Sanchu has a lot of? :evil: Four workers for the cost of 1 Gpt sounds like a good bargain to me. The big downside is that Hannibal really, really likes his bosom buddy Genghis. :cry: So Hannibal is likely to go to war with us if we attack Genghis which makes the workers rather more expensive. OTOH Genghis probably wants that spot so that he can get the horses to attack us again. If we do go to war then it may be worth changing to Police State to reduce WW this time. We'll also have to watch out for Ghandhi attacking us again. Thoughts?

Thrallia said:
Also, I would have researched Banking if it were immediately available, but it was not...once we get Astro and trade it for everything...we should go for Banking next. Mercantilism would do wonders for our research!(+1 free spec in every city=+3 free science in every city!!)

Ah... the Guilds -> Banking tech path that I suggested earlier. I think I could be persuaded of the merits of that approach. ;)

Thrallia said:
I began a few caravels so we can explore with some and so we can use others to destroy some of Gandhi's naval power and scout his lands finally.

The two caravels by Yayoi suggest Gandhi didn't appreciate your success. ;)
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