SGOTM 04 - Trash Team

Okay, it seems that Gandhi has started the rumble on both continents. Heh, it never rains but it pours... Where do we keep our base? I'd rather that there were some kind of barrier between us and Gandhi in the endgame. Shall we take Vinland back? Or secure our future somewhere else? I don't think that we can take on Mehmed. Brennus?

Let's get some ideas together before I play.
Work towards the goal of getting our teching finished so we can start pumping military. Cities in old vinland need to be optimised for either generating cash (for rush buying and spies) or building units so focus on cottages and workshops.

Mehmed is very likely to launch before Gandhi unless we intervene so we will have to take action against him at some point. To do so against either him or Brennus in the near future could jeapordise the game though. We need to wait until we've got clear naval superiority before considering it which means fleets of cruisers and battleships.

If possible I'd prefer the old country as a permanent base since we can strike from there with impunity.
I agree with Patagonia in that I think Mongolia should be our base. Hopefully Gandhi heads north rather than south re. the attack on New Sarai!

Versailles should make his expansion into Hannibal's old turf much less painful.

What's our thinking on :nuke:?
The only problem with Gandhi occupying the northern old world is that we'll then have a very long border with him, which means lots of skirmishes. Can we live with that?

I'm little torn on nukes. They'd be great to have, but do we chase the Manhattan project or just let one of the AIs to build it? Going for fission means lots of extra research.
Maybe let Gandhi take Birka and Jelling up north; defend Nidaros, Uppsala and all points south of them. I'm happy for Gandhi to take all of Vinland.

Gandhi and Brennus seem like good pals. Gamndhi and Mehmed on the other hand aren't so happy; just as well that Mehmed is the tech hog. No doubt much of Mehmed's power rating has come from a massive upgrade to infantry.

Is it worth running a few more merchant specialists, a GM (or two!) would be really helpful in upgrading our military.

Not keen on the nculear option, maybe coz I've never really used it, maybe also because as soon as someone gets UN they vote in non-proliferation.
Once we've finished research upgrading military won't be an issue as we can run 100% tax for the rest of the game.

There are three main reasons I'd vote against the nuclear option. As Stuge pointed out it's a lot of extra research, nukes cause global warming which will hurt Gandhi's economy delaying his launch, and the most dangerous AIs tend to be the quickest to build an SDI giving them a very narrow window of usefulness.

The best bet to delay anyone else is a combination of spies and a scorched earth policy.
Okay, a plan is forming. I'll play&post during the weekend in the longest.
Gandhi, oh Gandhi

He got my hopes up by sending a crossbow and a mace towards Carthage and Hippo. It soon became apparent, however, that the suckers were just on pillage duty.

So they had to die. Gandhi is much better off with whole towns than with the meagre pillage money. If he ever captures those cities, that is.

And speak of the devil.

:bounce: I think I'll start working on a little dance to honor occasions like this.

That's it regarding Gandhi, except for me upgrading a frigate to a destroyer and hunting down some Indian caravels. Again.
"Glug glug glug to you, you annoying little suckmuppets. AHAHAHAHAA!"


I obtained democracy from Izzy. The trade was a bit in her favor but I didn't find it important.

Switching to universal suffrage and emancipation was important. It cost us three turns of anarchy but now we should be pretty set civics-wise for the endgame.

Next up was assembly line.

And then

Now we're going for electricity. Six turns with no beakers invested yet.

Other stuff

Mehmed is still teching like there's no tomorrow. Well, that'll be true once we decide to get Sirian doctrine on his backside. For now it's comforting to know that he has only one source of oil and that's in the ocean near Gaziantep. No tanks for him.

Brennus snatched the Kremlin, which sucks. Not a lot, but still. At least the compensation cash will come in handy.

Samarqand finished the Scotland yard and is currently on spy duty. We already have one lady in black, being ferried to the Indian mainland.

Despite the switch to US, I didn't rush-buy anything. I just let the current builds finish. A crapload of stuff will be completed in the next few turns. After that a factory round will be in order. Rushing should be helpful there.

I haven't got a clue on who's up.

Regardless, play on.

I've not looked at the actual game, but thanks for the good report. Very encouraging on Hippo! :)

I'm not too sure about the roster either - but if it's me, I'll skip until later this week and then cut in.
Looking good. Let's not sink any more caravels. Every bit of power should help boost Gandhi's confidence and encourage him to expand at our expense. In the same vein it might be an idea not to build/upgrade too many units until we're ready to take out mehmed coz we don't want Gandhi becoming all timid again.

I'll have a look at the roster later and try and get it up to date. If anyone wants to volunteer meantime that would be dandy.

Edit:checked the roster.

cabert UP if back from holiday otherwise skip and wait a few days for

Cam_H on deck

followed by MrMahk (if still playing)

then Patagonia

then back to me.
The thing with the caravels is that they spend their time by harassing our fishermen on the west coast. And I don't think that they're very relevant to the power rating. Maybe Gandhi will replace them with some real warships.
cabert UP if back from holiday otherwise skip and wait a few days for
I'm back.
Not fully functionnal though (one kid sick, the house is a total mess, ...).
I'll take a few turns, but not necessarily today or tomorrow if that's all right.
I'm glad gandhi is finally moving.
I think I'll go for a massive factory building round, then military, if that's all right for you guys.
what do we need to build marines, again? (not totally functionnal, as I said :lol:)

edit : got it, played some turns (6).
I think we could declare on mehmed right now.
Here the defenders in samsun

here, the stack I hope will take the city (and burn it of course)
I'm back.
Not fully functionnal though (one kid sick, the house is a total mess, ...).
I'll take a few turns, but not necessarily today or tomorrow if that's all right.
I'm glad gandhi is finally moving.
I think I'll go for a massive factory building round, then military, if that's all right for you guys.
what do we need to build marines, again? (not totally functionnal, as I said :lol:)
Electricity, then Industrialism.

Do we have artillery yet? We'll need that too to speed Mehmed's demise.
For artillery we need physics, steel and rifling. My guess is we've got them already; we'll get artillery much quicker than we get industrialism so if you're really keen on going to war with Mehmed I'd head towards artillery asap.

I never mind stating the obvious; don't forget Ottoman city in Outer Mongolia.
Do we have a spy in Ottoman territory?

Strictly speaking we don't need to declare until he starts researching robotics (mechs will be much more costly to dislodge than SAMs/Infantry). By keeping him in the game prior to that, he'll help to chivvy the global tech pace along, which is worthwhile from the point of view of Gandhi reaching the stars. In any normal game it'd be utterly wasteful, but I do like the idea of a single turn war against Mehmed to eradicate his entire civ the moment we declare.

That would certainly stop WW from becoming an issue.
For artillery we need physics, steel and rifling. My guess is we've got them already; we'll get artillery much quicker than we get industrialism so if you're really keen on going to war with Mehmed I'd head towards artillery asap.

I never mind stating the obvious; don't forget Ottoman city in Outer Mongolia.

I understand you say I should research artillery.
Why did we research electricity?
We have an army in striking distance from the exmongolian ottoman estate.

Do we have a spy in Ottoman territory?
yes, they are 1 turn from plastics.

Strictly speaking we don't need to declare until he starts researching robotics (mechs will be much more costly to dislodge than SAMs/Infantry). By keeping him in the game prior to that, he'll help to chivvy the global tech pace along, which is worthwhile from the point of view of Gandhi reaching the stars. In any normal game it'd be utterly wasteful, but I do like the idea of a single turn war against Mehmed to eradicate his entire civ the moment we declare.

That would certainly stop WW from becoming an issue.
we're not defending our cities, so we're a bit uncertain of production. this doesn't seem reliable
Looking through the last couple of pages patagonia posted a list of required techs which didn't contain artillery ( and no-one (including me!) noticed) which makes it a collective rather than individual oversight. That's why we went for electricity first as a prereq for industrialisation rather than artillery.
Looking through the last couple of pages patagonia posted a list of required techs which didn't contain artillery ( and no-one (including me!) noticed) which makes it a collective rather than individual oversight. That's why we went for electricity first as a prereq for industrialisation rather than artillery.

I'd go for the internet, artillery is on the path ;).
Hey guys. I am here and can probably play a set in an hour or so. I do believe I am up too as per the latest roster.

The way I see things now, our big decision is whether or not to attack Mehmed now. If we are attacking now, we should go for artillery. If we want to wait (which I would prefer), we should go for electricity as it opens up more advanced techs that would give us better weapons for the war (industrialism for tanks, marines, and battleships, and if we go for flight/radio; bombers). My vote is for electricity while finishing up the factories and then start pumping out units. I'll wait for some more input before playing.
Good to hear from you MrMahk.

It appears that cabert is half way through a set (last screenshot dated 1822 and the latest save posted is 1815) so I guess we're all on hold until cabert finishes his set and posts the latest save.

I'd tend to agree that even though we could go for war it would be better to wait until we've got industrialism and artillery. Artillery is the priority imo as we have cannon we could upgrade.

If you're available after cabert plays then you're definitely on deck for the next set.
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