SGOTM 06 - Geezers

Looked at the save a bit more.

IMHO Pharsalos,Iron city and the iron are the priority. Athens will have to take it's chances. For the time being don't reinforce the Kumbi force and maybe grab a cat or two from it but no more. We don't want to encourage Hanny or Mansa up that way.

Machinery will probably take 5 turns given the way our income is declining. :( TBH I would stick with cats and WEs as builds for the time being anyway. I'm not sure that we will have enough strength to head into Hanny's land whilst also defending Pharsalos during your turnset but maybe I'm too cautious.

Both London & Notts could survive being :whipped: next turn but I would leave the rest alone. Trading growth for :hammers: by MM'ing York to work the 4h hill instead of the 2f1h forest might be worth it.
That's long enough for a mid-turn pause. I'm going to play the second half now.
Main points:
  • Leave London, Nottingham working current tiles. Can whip next turn. York can be modified to work hill instead of forest temporarily.
  • Build WEs in London, build cats & axes in other cities.
  • Leave Athens to its own devices. Don't try to rescue.
  • Move a few units from Kumbi down to the war zone.
  • When strong around Iron City and Pharsalos, move SE into Hanny's land.

We have an attack force advancing under cover into Hannibal's lands.
We survived some suicidal attacks by Hannibal. Kumbi has been quiet.
We still have Athens.
Our economy has imploded. We are about 1 turn from Machinery, but have had to drop rate to 0%. Too many units :(


T263 (1238) contd.
MM York.
Sent 2 cats from Kumbi towards south.

Hanny chariot trying to hop onto iron.
Mansa LB moving towards Iron City pass, but keeping to forests.

T264 (1244)
Our spear makes short work of Hanny's chariot.
New WE in London, heads south. London starts another. Whip.
New cat in Nottm, heads south. Nottm starts an axe. Whip.

Mansa's LB walks out into the open at Iron City pass.

T265 (1250)
Some good stuff from RNG for once! Cat kills Mansa's LB at 24%. I'd assumed we would lose it, but soften the LB up for next unit to kill.
New WE in London, heads S. Start another.
New cat in Nottm, heads S. Start another.
New cat in York, heads S. Start another.

Now the pass is safe, send 2 cats from Iron City through to Pharsalos.

Hanny sends a knight + XB to have a look at Pharsalos.

T266 (1256)
New cat in Iron City, moves to Pharsalos. Start another.
Didn't hit Hanny's units (Low odds of success, and would have left winning unit exposed)
I intend to advance via forests, and must leave a good defence force behind.
Moved WE, axe and 7 cats onto the forest S of Pharsalos.

Hanny units vanished.

T267 (1262)
Moved advance party on SE, still on forest.
Another party leaves Pharsalos to join up with them.
More units still arriving in Iron City / Pharsalos area.
New WE in London. Start another.
New cat in Kumbi (stays there). Starts another.
New archer in Pharsalos (stays there). Starts an axeman.

Hanny knight flies out of the darkness and attacks Pharsalos. He is mashed by a common spearman :) (well fortified in a city across a river).
Another Hanny knight+XB has appeared up coast just N of Athens. Bad news if they head for Athens. I suspect they may go north for the iron, though.
A Hanny LB is in sight near Hippo, but I don't think he's heading anywhere exciting.

T268 (1268)
Our split stack joins up in the forests.
New cat in Nottm. Starts another.

Hanny's knight+XB stop for a spot of pillage.

T269 (1274)
Our attack force moves on – keeping to the forests.

Session Turn Log

Spoiler :
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Churchill's Spearman (4.80) vs Hannibal's Chariot (2.22)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Combat Odds: 99.4%
Turn 258, 1208 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: (Combat: -100%)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Churchill's Spearman is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 29 (71/100HP)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 29 (42/100HP)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 29 (13/100HP)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Churchill's Spearman is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Churchill's Spearman is hit for 13 (61/100HP)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 29 (0/100HP)
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Churchill's Spearman has defeated Hannibal's Chariot!
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Michiel de Ruyter (Great General) has been born in Nottingham (Churchill)!
Turn 258, 1208 AD: Mansa Musa has reduced your defenses in Athens to 7%!
Turn 258, 1208 AD: The Mahabodhi has been built in a far away land!

Turn 259, 1214 AD: Churchill's Axeman (5.50) vs Mansa Musa's Skirmisher (4.80)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Combat Odds: 61.7%
Turn 259, 1214 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 18 (10/100HP)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Mansa Musa's Skirmisher is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 18 (0/100HP)
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Mansa Musa's Skirmisher has defeated Churchill's Axeman!
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Pharsalos has grown to size 2
Turn 259, 1214 AD: Zhou (Barbarian) has been captured by the Carthaginian Empire!!!

Turn 260, 1220 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 260, 1220 AD: York has grown to size 6
Turn 260, 1220 AD: The borders of Athens have expanded!
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Mansa Musa's Catapult (5.00) vs Churchill's Archer (7.56)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Combat Odds: 6.1%
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Plot Defense: +32%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Hills: +25%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Mansa Musa's Catapult is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Mansa Musa's Catapult is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's Archer is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Mansa Musa's Catapult is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Mansa Musa's Catapult is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's Archer is hit for 16 (68/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Mansa Musa's Catapult is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's Archer has defeated Mansa Musa's Catapult!
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry (6.00) vs Churchill's War Elephant (15.60)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Combat Odds: 0.1%
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (City Attack: +10%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Combat: +50%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry is hit for 31 (69/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's War Elephant is hit for 12 (88/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry is hit for 31 (38/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry is hit for 31 (7/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Crossbowman (7.20) vs Churchill's Archer (5.65)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Combat Odds: 83.1%
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Plot Defense: +32%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (Hills: +25%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's Archer is hit for 20 (48/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Crossbowman is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's Archer is hit for 20 (28/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Crossbowman is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's Archer is hit for 20 (8/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Crossbowman is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Crossbowman is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Churchill's Archer is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 260, 1220 AD: Hannibal's Crossbowman has defeated Churchill's Archer!
Turn 260, 1220 AD: A Fishing Boats has been destroyed by a marauding Greek Trireme!

Turn 261, 1226 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa has 4 gold per turn available for trade
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman (6.50) vs Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry (0.59)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Extra Combat: -30%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Combat: +50%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman has defeated Hannibal's Numidian Cavalry!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Your Axeman has destroyed a Numidian Cavalry!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman (7.20) vs Churchill's Axeman (7.75)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Combat Odds: 39.3%
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Extra Combat: +30%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman has defeated Mansa Musa's Longbowman!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: While defending, your Axeman has killed a Malinese Longbowman!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman (6.60) vs Churchill's Axeman (3.33)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Combat Odds: 98.8%
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (Extra Combat: +30%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 21 (22/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 21 (1/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 261, 1226 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman has defeated Churchill's Axeman!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: While defending, your Axeman was destroyed by a Malinese Longbowman!
Turn 261, 1226 AD: A Village has been destroyed by a marauding Malinese Longbowman!

Turn 262, 1232 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Clearing a Forest has created 44 ? for Kumbi Saleh.
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Axeman (5.50) vs Mansa Musa's Longbowman (1.84)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Combat Odds: 99.8%
Turn 262, 1232 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Axeman is hit for 17 (32/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 22 (6/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 22 (0/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Axeman has defeated Mansa Musa's Longbowman!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Your Axeman has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: A Pasture has been destroyed by a marauding Malinese Skirmisher!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: A Hamlet has been destroyed by a marauding Malinese Longbowman!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: A Cottage has been destroyed by a marauding Carthaginian Crossbowman!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Hannibal's Pikeman (6.60) vs Churchill's Swordsman (7.50)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Combat Odds: 30.3%
Turn 262, 1232 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Swordsman is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Hannibal's Pikeman is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Swordsman is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Hannibal's Pikeman is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Swordsman is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Hannibal's Pikeman is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Hannibal's Pikeman is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Hannibal's Pikeman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 262, 1232 AD: Churchill's Swordsman has defeated Hannibal's Pikeman!
Turn 262, 1232 AD: While defending, your Swordsman has killed a Carthaginian Pikeman!

Turn 263, 1238 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 263, 1238 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!

Turn 264, 1244 AD: Churchill's Spearman (5.20) vs Hannibal's Chariot (2.22)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: Combat Odds: 99.6%
Turn 264, 1244 AD: (Extra Combat: -30%)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: (Combat: -100%)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 30 (70/100HP)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 30 (40/100HP)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 30 (10/100HP)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: Hannibal's Chariot is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 264, 1244 AD: Churchill's Spearman has defeated Hannibal's Chariot!

Turn 265, 1250 AD: Churchill's Catapult (5.50) vs Mansa Musa's Longbowman (6.00)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Combat Odds: 24.1%
Turn 265, 1250 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Churchill's Catapult is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Churchill's Catapult is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Churchill's Catapult is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Churchill's Catapult is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Mansa Musa's Longbowman is hit for 19 (0/100HP)
Turn 265, 1250 AD: Churchill's Catapult has defeated Mansa Musa's Longbowman!
Turn 265, 1250 AD: A Cottage has been destroyed by a marauding Carthaginian Crossbowman!

Turn 266, 1256 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!

Turn 267, 1262 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 267, 1262 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 267, 1262 AD: A Hamlet has been destroyed by a marauding Malinese Longbowman!
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Mansa Musa adopts Mercantilism!
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Hannibal's Knight (13.00) vs Churchill's Spearman (11.40)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Combat Odds: 70.1%
Turn 267, 1262 AD: (Extra Combat: -30%)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: (Fortify: +15%)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: (Combat: +100%)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Churchill's Spearman is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Hannibal's Knight is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Hannibal's Knight is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Churchill's Spearman is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Churchill's Spearman is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Hannibal's Knight is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Churchill's Spearman is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Hannibal's Knight is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Hannibal's Knight is hit for 18 (10/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Hannibal's Knight is hit for 18 (0/100HP)
Turn 267, 1262 AD: Churchill's Spearman has defeated Hannibal's Knight!
Turn 267, 1262 AD: While defending, your Spearman has killed a Carthaginian Knight!

Turn 268, 1268 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 268, 1268 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 268, 1268 AD: Hannibal has 5 gold per turn available for trade
Turn 268, 1268 AD: Pharsalos will grow to size 3 on the next turn
Turn 268, 1268 AD: A Cottage has been destroyed by a marauding Malinese Longbowman!
Turn 268, 1268 AD: Alhazen (Great Scientist) has been born in a far away land!
Turn 268, 1268 AD: A Village has been destroyed by a marauding Carthaginian Knight!

Turn 269, 1274 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 269, 1274 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Athens!
Turn 269, 1274 AD: Mansa Musa has 4 gold per turn available for trade

Save Game
I have the save.

I will take the big stack to the next hill and find a Hanni city. Then raze it.
I will pull the stray cats into Pharsalos and take that stack and hit Hippo.
We have moved ahead of Hanni on the power graph despite the knights, maces and crossbows, so I intend to roll over a few cities.

I will play tomorrow unless controversy erupts.
We're on our way. No sense in turning back.
Besides, we are bankrupt unless we get some money from somewhere, or lose some units. I can think of nothing better for fulfilling both aims :D
AgedOne said:
Our economy has imploded. We are about 1 turn from Machinery, but have had to drop rate to 0%. Too many units :(

Time to find something for our units to do. :D Nice turnset AgedOne. :goodjob:

@erik - No objections to your plan. Bear in mind that Parthian now has LBs. :cry: That one archer in the forest may not be enough any more. :old:
Turn 0 – 1274
IBT – Hannibal adopts Mercantilism

Turn 1 – 1280 reveal Hadrumetum
IBT – iron revealed by London

Turn 2 – 1286 approach Had, start to Hippo

Turn 3 – 1292 bombard Had

Turn 4 – 1298 – raze Had – machinery in 1 turn
IBT – Athens spear kills xbow, Knight kills spear

Turn 5- 1304 – bombard Hippo
Alex is trying to settle north of York – stack from Kumbi to eliminate and then proceed to Cherokee

Workers are chopping forests for hammers, Athens will probably fall IBT, 2 turns to raze Hippo
Main stack will heal in 2 turns,

Tech to 0% - HBR selected but no research to it, 110 gold @ -10 per turn.

Hanni’s power below ours.

Paused for confirmation of tech decision. save has been uploaded.
Sorry, having a little trouble keeping up. However, as I skim the reports, I see lots of words like "bombard", "raze", "mashed"... so I think we are on the right track ;) .

Erik, is the thought behind HBR that we will not need Astronomy to finish so we go for knights instead? (Seems like a good assumption to me.)
Sorry, having a little trouble keeping up. However, as I skim the reports, I see lots of words like "bombard", "raze", "mashed"... so I think we are on the right track ;) .

Erik, is the thought behind HBR that we will not need Astronomy to finish so we go for knights instead? (Seems like a good assumption to me.)

Not much thought really, but if we get enough gold to turn the tech back on, knights are useful. At this point I just expect to keep as much gold as I can to pay for the troops.
I agree with your choice. Keep it going and have fun ! :cheers: Looking forward to read the full report. :beer:
HBR will do as well as any other tech. I would leave research at a very low level if not 0%.

If I understand your report correctly the Kumbi stack is heading north. Hopefully that won't encourage any of the AI to attack Kumbi. :please:
HBR will do as well as any other tech. I would leave research at a very low level if not 0%.

If I understand your report correctly the Kumbi stack is heading north. Hopefully that won't encourage any of the AI to attack Kumbi. :please:

An attack on Kumbi would be a good thing at this point. There is a mace being chopped there and it would mean Mansa has fewer defenders. After Hippo is razed (3 or 4 turns) I would turn that stack on Djenne, with the intent of following up by taking Timbuktu. Meanwhile the larger stack is taking out Hanni. I think we are getting close to the point (within 20 turns) of being able to turn off military production and with the assumption that we can win a Dom victory on this continent we can start the settler pump.

I am pulling the spear wall units into action in Kumbi and Pharsalos as I don't think we need to worry about the mountain passes any more.
I agree with your choice. Keep it going and have fun ! :cheers: Looking forward to read the full report. :beer:

I'm afraid it won't be much of a report - found enemy, killed same. :mischief: Check the power graphs - it's been fairly routine. I think I lost one cat razing Had.
From what you're seeing, do you think we have pushed this game 'over the hump' and are now starting to find things easier? I'm not saying the finishing line is in sight yet, but (if we can indeed win without visiting another continent) maybe we're just starting the final lap?
The last save of CRC is 845AD. Given the quality of players they are I would guess that they cleared the starting continent fast and had to tech to astronomy. If the starting continent would have been enough for domination they would have had a much earlier finishing date for sure.

Furthermore given the nice starting location I doubt that the initial continent will be enough. This would have been way too easy for the top teams.
Looking at the 'list of saves' on the progress page, I wonder if several teams may also have finished: Fifth Element, Gypsy Kings, One Short Straw and Xteam have not moved for 7-10 days. But all of these went well into the AD period. Nobody's last save has been before turn 200 - 500AD (Except Murky Waters, and they are still playing)
As you said, markh, we must need Astro for this one.
If astro is required then could someone please map out the tech path and also what we need to do for GS to bulb some of the path.
From what you're seeing, do you think we have pushed this game 'over the hump' and are now starting to find things easier? I'm not saying the finishing line is in sight yet, but (if we can indeed win without visiting another continent) maybe we're just starting the final lap?

I think we are over the hump vs Hanni and Mansa. We now have two offensive stacks and I'm not meeting any real resistence. Only 1 knight reinfocement showed up at Had...
Had a look at the save. Looks good. I would consider to keep Hippo. Any settler we can spare will be good and Hippo fits into our pattern.

Pity about Athens. We have to divert forces to take it back. :(
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