SGOTM 18 - Unusual Suspects

I think I fit the stated goals of Losers, but can't guarantee my constant participation, so I am going to sign up for Neil's ''''''''''''''''' team for this one. I hope the experience will be similar to our T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't days.

Good luck, DH! :)
I signed up for A'pos'tro'p'hes. I don't want just any medal, I want GOLD!

It was fun being an observer and watching all the teams compete, but it got to be a bit much to read all the threads and I kept wishing I was playing instead.

Good luck to both teams.
Didn't realise there was a split! I am super rusty in Civ so the suspects will suit me better and university is taking up a HUGE amount of time from me so I may not contribute much at all (although maybe my addiction will take over :p )
Thank you again Deckhand for letting me sign on with the Suspects. I really appreciate it.

A little about myself to the rest. I am a 37 yo male with a wife and 2 kids (4yo boy and 1 yo girl). I work overnights at a major hospital in a major Ohio city. I work 7 nights in a row (77 hour work week) followed by 7 nights off in a row. I keep busy but can find some time for civ. Especially in these colder months

I am an emperor level player, who plays Immortal for a challenge. Never really dabbled in deity.

I made a test game based on what info we have so far. The game runs under BUFFY. If you want the link, let me know and I will pass it along. Otherwise, we'll be discussing strategy in a few weeks. I am finishing up one of my weeks on, so I won't get back to you tonight with the link for the test game if you are interested.

I am really looking forward to this one,
Welcome aboard TK.
It's sad, splitting the team. But each of our teams have enough players (5) to be viable. And everyone agrees that more teams is better.
Good opportunity for A'pos'tro'p'hes to take first with one or two of the top three teams from SGOTM18 not returning. And with our goal of beating A'pos'tro'p'hes we may get 0th place.

I feel liike a grandfather now... I was around for the founding of the Unusual Suspects, although iirc I voted for some other name, and now my child is spawning other teams. Like rabbits, pretty soon... there will be so any of us that you wondered why you once thought we were cute.:mischief:
Thanks Deckhand, good luck to you too.
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