SGOTM 20 - Civ Geeks United

yep, agree about the 2 missionoaries (I'll build 3 in fact ^^)

we dont need to build AP in a hindu city in fact, here is the plan

send Xmissionary to a city with lots of forest prechoped (5 is nice, 4 possible)
use GArt from music for GA (keep GC one in case of music failure), swich christian, start AP, build it in 2-3 turns, swich to hindu after AP is built
We don't need to go hindu before given the production speed of AP with chops.

I know it can be done in endor, i can't check now if it can be done somewere else. It just needs a forge, 4-5 forests and lots of production (endor can reach 40 raw hammer during GA, don't know about other cities)

basic PPP:
build 1 trireme and 1 galley in north cities (whiped at t+1)
build 3 miss in christian cities, micro for ASAP whip
build 2 axes for julius
build an army for sully (cats and a bit of fants)
build wealth when not building units/ necessary buildings
take and keep all xcities (for missionary at least), when healed, prepare the HA for a possible attack on nappy from east side

declare julius next turn
accept any demand of help from our allies (declare nappy or vicky)
bribe chirchill for war declare vicky with aestetic & commerce
try to bribe augustus for julius (he seems reluctant)

use 3 spe in GC, whip a market in midgard to turn into GP farm.

If I'm not using endor for AP, use it for missionary farm, let the 2 other cities free to develop.
for hindu holy city, granary/market ?
I just realized that it would be nice to have Feudalism to vassal the likes of Napoleon and maybe even to peace vassal Victoria.

Yeah, I have been thinking that, but there's also the issue of the barb holy cities. We don't want them upgraded to Longbows. So, we have to time it right. After/During the wars with JC and Suly we should concentrate on taking more holy cities. Then tech Feudalism and try to vassal the two remaining problem civs.

Then again, Churchill and Louis might turn out to be more effective than the AI usually are at conquering. If either one is eliminated, it makes our job easier.
send Xmissionary to a city with lots of forest prechoped (5 is nice, 4 possible)
use GArt from music for GA (keep GC one in case of music failure), swich christian, start AP, build it in 2-3 turns, swich to hindu after AP is built
We don't need to go hindu before given the production speed of AP with chops.

I know it can be done in endor, i can't check now if it can be done somewere else. It just needs a forge, 4-5 forests and lots of production (endor can reach 40 raw hammer during GA, don't know about other cities)

It seems like Endor is really the best choice. As shulec said, there's no race to build AP until Vicky gets a religion or someone else gets Theology. We should be fine starting it in ~10 turns, especially considering how quickly we can build it.

take and keep all xcities (for missionary at least), when healed, prepare the HA for a possible attack on nappy from east side

I don't think the HA's will be all that dangerous to Nappy. I think a better use for them would be to go back to Jabba's Palace and take a boat ride to the Confucian Island.

for hindu holy city, granary/market ?

Given how fast hinduism has been spreading, I think we want the Market ASAP. Granary can come next.
for market, we need a 4pop whip and granary will enable a faster pop production
for market, we need a 4pop whip and granary will enable a faster pop production

True, but that's already a high food city. It should pop borders in 1 or 2 turns, and then there will be two fish tiles available. I can't tell for sure if the other one is netted. If not, maybe WB, then Market. With 2 Fish + Cow, that city will grow fast even without the granary.
If attacking Julius next turn, don't bother with the axes.

I don't want to hurry the AP. AI will switch to the AP religion preferentially over a non-AP religion. We want AIs to spam Hinduism before we get a Christian AP to decrease the chance of them switching to Christianity.
in addition to the PPP i posted earlier, here is final micro for my last set :
I plan to play up to music in 24 hours (can't play more tonight anyway)
I will stop in case of anything weird.

I kept the axe as i expect us some time before the 5 praetorian stack come to fight.
AP will be in endor. the wealth from endor will help us to get research going but will also hurt our hability to attack sully that soon. That mean the 2 hindu cities will have to do the spreading :/

I also planed to sell this turn coL to sully for 100g, anyone against?

any comment appreciated
I don't want to hurry the AP. AI will switch to the AP religion preferentially over a non-AP religion. We want AIs to spam Hinduism before we get a Christian AP to decrease the chance of them switching to Christianity.

It's something like 15 turns before AP is built. We can delay it further, but we want to be able to rush it at the first sign of danger. That means having both religions in the city and a Great Person waiting in the wings. Once we get to that point, we can reassess the situation.
I don't like giving Suleiman any techs. Theoretically, if he is going to research CoL, then Feudalism, then we just helped him get longbows.

Will we be able to attack him in the next 10 turns? If not, demand 100 gold.

I would prefer to pre-chop, or pre-mine in Endor and build units. Once an AI with religion gets Theology, then start building the AP. Build another worker if you need to. We are short workers.
I also planed to sell this turn coL to sully for 100g, anyone against?

any comment appreciated

The trade sounds fine. Shulec's idea sounds better.

If we are going through Lit to get to Music, we should starting thinking about where to put National Epic and Heroic Epic. Not sure if we've had enough experience in any one unit to enable HE...

HE should probably be in Death Star. NE is harder to place. Midgar is going to be a sort of GP Farm, but in the longer term Gondor and Caemlyn are better set up with food resources.

Also, did we nail down what do with the GG that is soon to appear? I think we were leaning more toward settling him. Death Star would also be my choice for that.
I don't like giving Suleiman any techs. Theoretically, if he is going to research CoL, then Feudalism, then we just helped him get longbows.

Will we be able to attack him in the next 10 turns? If not, demand 100 gold.

I would prefer to pre-chop, or pre-mine in Endor and build units. Once an AI with religion gets Theology, then start building the AP. Build another worker if you need to. We are short workers.
Agree with all these points.
thank you for comments, i will follow them :)
I think we can wait 10 turns for sully, our army is quite small at this time.
will play in 12 hours.

I intended to put NE in Caemlyn (that's why i started with a library) but maybe midgard is better. We will discuss that for next set.
request 100 g to sully - sucess
beg 50 to chirchill - sucess
bribe chirchil -vicky war - sucess

build trireme and galley - failed, build 2 galley instead :(
good news is both galley survive to the barb galley :)

music GA - sucess
get a GS, not that crappy GP - sucess

julius have fants :(
failed to take arretium in 1 turn. lost 2 cats and 2 phant for that
good news is that augustus declared so julius is dead meat in few time
we are in position to take antium in 2-3 turns if julius does not attack our stack

bad news, CS and feud are begining to spread. We are ready to attack sully in 3 turns.

I leave the burden to next player, I've already played too much.


Spoiler :
Turn 118, 75 AD: You have discovered Calendar!
Turn 118, 75 AD: You have trained a War Elephant in Geek Central. Work has now begun on a Catapult.
Turn 118, 75 AD: You have trained a Axeman in Death Star. Work has now begun on a Horse Archer.
Turn 118, 75 AD: You have trained a War Elephant in Dagobah. Work has now begun on a Catapult.
Turn 118, 75 AD: You have constructed a Courthouse in Alderaan. Work has now begun on a Wealth.
Turn 118, 75 AD: The borders of Caemlyn have expanded!
Turn 118, 75 AD: Angkor Wat has been built in a far away land!

Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (7.05)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Combat Odds: 63.8%
Turn 119, 100 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 3 (Dagobah) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (6.75)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Combat Odds: 66.4%
Turn 119, 100 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 3 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 3 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 3 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 3 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 119, 100 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 3 (Dagobah) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 119, 100 AD: You have captured Jamesopolis!!!
Turn 119, 100 AD: You have declared war on Julius Caesar!
Turn 119, 100 AD: You have discovered Aesthetics!
Turn 119, 100 AD: You have trained a Catapult in Midgar. Work has now begun on a Market.
Turn 119, 100 AD: You have trained a Catapult in Tatooine. Work has now begun on a Catapult.
Turn 119, 100 AD: The borders of Sindhu Island have expanded!

Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (7.05)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 63.8%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (7.05)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 63.8%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor) is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor) is hit for 19 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer has defeated Mehmed's Horse Archer 4 (Endor)!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 6 (Dagobah) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (6.75)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 66.4%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 6 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 6 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 6 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 6 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 6 (Dagobah) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 8 (Endor) (7.20) vs Barbarian's Archer (6.75)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 66.4%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 8 (Endor) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 8 (Endor) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 8 (Endor) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 8 (Endor) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 8 (Endor) is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 8 (Endor) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Churchill has declared war on Victoria!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 13 (Endor) (8.00) vs Julius Caesar's Archer (3.75)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 98.9%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (River Attack: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 13 (Endor) is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 13 (Endor) has defeated Julius Caesar's Archer!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Hinduism has spread in Geek Central.
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 5 (Death Star) (5.00) vs Julius Caesar's Praetorian (10.80)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 3.3%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 5 (Death Star) is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 5 (Death Star) is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 5 (Death Star) is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 5 (Death Star) is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian has defeated Mehmed's Catapult 5 (Death Star)!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 3 (Geek Central) (5.00) vs Julius Caesar's Praetorian (9.82)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 9.3%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 3 (Geek Central) is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 3 (Geek Central) is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 3 (Geek Central) is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 14 (77/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 3 (Geek Central) is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian has defeated Mehmed's Catapult 3 (Geek Central)!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star) (8.80) vs Julius Caesar's Praetorian (6.86)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 85.2%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star) is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 21 (57/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star) is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 21 (36/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 21 (15/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star) is hit for 18 (10/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star) is hit for 18 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian has defeated Mehmed's War Elephant 2 (Death Star)!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 5 (Geek Central) (8.80) vs Julius Caesar's Praetorian (6.77)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 85.8%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 21 (56/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 21 (35/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 5 (Geek Central) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 21 (14/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 5 (Geek Central) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 5 (Geek Central) has defeated Julius Caesar's Praetorian!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Belisarius (Great General) has been born in Death Star (Mehmed)!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 6 (Death Star) (9.60) vs Julius Caesar's War Elephant (6.56)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 89.5%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Combat: -50%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Combat: +50%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's War Elephant is hit for 22 (60/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's War Elephant is hit for 22 (38/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 6 (Death Star) is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's War Elephant is hit for 22 (16/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 6 (Death Star) is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 6 (Death Star) is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's War Elephant is hit for 22 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 6 (Death Star) has defeated Julius Caesar's War Elephant!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 1 (Tatooine) (5.00) vs Julius Caesar's Archer (3.78)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 90.4%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 1 (Tatooine) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Catapult 1 (Tatooine) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 21 (51/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 21 (30/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Loras Tyrell (Chariot) (4.00) vs Julius Caesar's Archer (1.46)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 99.7%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 20 (5/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Julius Caesar's Archer is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Loras Tyrell (Chariot) has defeated Julius Caesar's Archer!
Turn 120, 125 AD: The borders of Midgar have expanded!
Turn 120, 125 AD: You have trained a Horse Archer in Death Star. Work has now begun on a Horse Archer.
Turn 120, 125 AD: You have trained Hindu Missionary in Caemlyn. Work has now begun on a Library.
Turn 120, 125 AD: You have constructed a Granary in Gaziantep. Work has now begun on a Work Boat.
Turn 120, 125 AD: Augustus Caesar has completed The Parthenon!
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Galley (2.00) vs Mehmed's Galley 3 (Gondor) (2.20)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Combat Odds: 32.2%
Turn 120, 125 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Galley is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Galley 3 (Gondor) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Galley is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Galley is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Galley is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Barbarian's Galley is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 120, 125 AD: Mehmed's Galley 3 (Gondor) has defeated Barbarian's Galley!

Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah) (8.80) vs Julius Caesar's Praetorian (6.43)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Combat Odds: 87.4%
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 20 (47/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 20 (27/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah) is hit for 19 (0/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian has defeated Mehmed's War Elephant 7 (Dagobah)!
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) (8.80) vs Julius Caesar's Praetorian (2.59)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 23 (4/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 121, 150 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) has defeated Julius Caesar's Praetorian!
Turn 121, 150 AD: You have captured Arretium!!!
Turn 121, 150 AD: You have discovered Literature!
Turn 121, 150 AD: The borders of Paulopolis have expanded!
Turn 121, 150 AD: Hinduism has spread in Setia.
Turn 121, 150 AD: Napoleon adopts Organized Religion!
Turn 121, 150 AD: Victoria adopts Bureaucracy!

Turn 122, 175 AD: Hinduism has spread in Death Star.
Turn 122, 175 AD: Hinduism has spread in Midgar.
Turn 122, 175 AD: Merit Ptah (Great Scientist) has been born in Geek Central (Mehmed)!
Turn 122, 175 AD: Hinduism has spread in Istanbul.
Turn 122, 175 AD: Augustus Caesar converts to Hinduism!
Turn 122, 175 AD: Napoleon converts to Hinduism!

Turn 123, 200 AD: Tatooine has grown to size 10.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Dagobah has grown to size 7.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Jabba's Palace has grown to size 6.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Alderaan has grown to size 7.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Caemlyn has grown to size 4.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Caemlyn can hurry Library for 2⇴ with 23ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 27 turns.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Gaziantep has grown to size 2.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Paulopolis can hurry Christian Missionary for 1⇴ with 6ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 10 turns.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Jamesopolis will be pacified on the next turn.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Napoleon has 50 gold available for trade.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Louis XIV will trade Sugar
Turn 123, 200 AD: You have plundered 7ℴ from the Mine!
Turn 123, 200 AD: Clearing a Forest has created 30 ℤ for Gondor.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Gondor will grow to size 4 on the next turn.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Caemlyn will grow to size 3 on the next turn.
Turn 123, 200 AD: Augustus Caesar has declared war on Julius Caesar!
Turn 123, 200 AD: Cao Cao (Great General) has been born in Coventry (Victoria)!
Turn 123, 200 AD: Lysander (Great General) has been born in a far away land!
Turn 123, 200 AD: William the Conqueror (Great General) has been born in Antium (Julius Caesar)!

Turn 124, 225 AD: Death Star can hurry War Elephant for 1⇴ with 45ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 10 turns.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Dagobah can hurry Courthouse for 2⇴ with 31ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 22 turns.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Gondor has grown to size 4.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Gaziantep can hurry Work Boat for 1⇴ with 10ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 10 turns.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Jamesopolis has been pacified.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Jamesopolis can hurry Christian Missionary for 2⇴ with 6ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 10 turns.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Arretium will be pacified on the next turn.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Augustus Caesar has 60 gold available for trade.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Louis XIV will trade Silk
Turn 124, 225 AD: Clearing a Forest has created 30 ℤ for Endor.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Clearing a Forest has created 30 ℤ for Endor.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) (7.80) vs Barbarian's Archer (7.80)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Combat Odds: 50.0%
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Extra Combat: -30%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (City Defense: +95%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor) is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer has defeated Mehmed's Horse Archer 1 (Endor)!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Your Horse Archer 1 (Endor) has died trying to attack a Archer!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) (6.04) vs Barbarian's Archer (6.24)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Combat Odds: 48.0%
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (City Defense: +95%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 20 (64/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 20 (44/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 19 (61/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 19 (42/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 20 (24/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 20 (4/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 19 (23/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer has defeated Mehmed's Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central)!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Your Horse Archer 7 (Geek Central) has died trying to attack a Archer!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Chariot 18 (Death Star) (4.00) vs Barbarian's Archer (1.79)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Combat Odds: 98.0%
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Plot Defense: +40%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (City Defense: +95%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Chariot 18 (Death Star) is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 18 (5/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Chariot 18 (Death Star) is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Barbarian's Archer is hit for 18 (0/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's Chariot 18 (Death Star) has defeated Barbarian's Archer!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Your Chariot 18 (Death Star) has destroyed a Archer!
Turn 124, 225 AD: You have captured a Worker
Turn 124, 225 AD: You have captured a Worker
Turn 124, 225 AD: You have captured Peteropolis!!!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Clearing a Forest has created 30 ℤ for Endor.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Jabba's Palace will grow to size 7 on the next turn.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Gondor will grow to size 5 on the next turn.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Caemlyn will grow to size 4 on the next turn.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Sindhu Island will grow to size 4 on the next turn.
Turn 124, 225 AD: William Shakespeare (Great Artist) has been born in Geek Central (Mehmed)!
Turn 124, 225 AD: You have discovered Music!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Hinduism has spread in Gaziantep.
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Catapult (5.00) vs Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) (8.80)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Combat Odds: 12.2%
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: You have suffered collateral damage! (2 Units)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) is hit for 15 (70/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Catapult is hit for 26 (74/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Catapult is hit for 26 (48/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Catapult is hit for 26 (22/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) is hit for 15 (55/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Catapult is hit for 26 (0/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) has defeated Julius Caesar's Catapult!
Turn 124, 225 AD: While defending, your War Elephant 9 (Death Star) has killed a Roman Catapult!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian (9.60) vs Mehmed's War Elephant 10 (Death Star) (7.28)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Combat Odds: 77.7%
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 10 (Death Star) is hit for 22 (69/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 10 (Death Star) is hit for 22 (47/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 10 (Death Star) is hit for 22 (25/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 17 (32/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 17 (15/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Praetorian is hit for 17 (0/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 10 (Death Star) has defeated Julius Caesar's Praetorian!
Turn 124, 225 AD: While defending, your War Elephant 10 (Death Star) has killed a Roman Praetorian!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Axeman (5.50) vs Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) (5.94)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Combat Odds: 59.4%
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: (Combat: +25%)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Axeman is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) is hit for 16 (39/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) is hit for 16 (23/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Axeman is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Axeman is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Axeman is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) is hit for 16 (7/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Julius Caesar's Axeman is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 124, 225 AD: Mehmed's War Elephant 9 (Death Star) has defeated Julius Caesar's Axeman!
Turn 124, 225 AD: While defending, your War Elephant 9 (Death Star) has killed a Roman Axeman!
Turn 124, 225 AD: Andrei Sakharov (Great Scientist) has been born in Neapolis (Julius Caesar)!

Turn 125, 250 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Arretium!
Turn 125, 250 AD: Midgar can hurry Courthouse for 2⇴ with 19ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 18 turns.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Tatooine can hurry War Elephant for 1⇴ with 20ℤ overflow and +1⇤ for 11 turns.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Jabba's Palace has grown to size 7.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Gondor has grown to size 5.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Caemlyn has grown to size 4.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Sindhu Island has grown to size 4.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Jamesopolis has become happy.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Arretium has been pacified.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Suleiman has 80 gold available for trade.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Louis XIV has 70 gold available for trade.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Julius Caesar is willing to negotiate.
Turn 125, 250 AD: Will Sign Peace Treaty: Julius Caesar
Turn 125, 250 AD: Clearing a Forest has created 30 ℤ for Gaziantep.


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Looks like some good work!

Our HA's took a bit of beating over in the Christian cities, but they did their job.

I saw that Vicky got CS and adopted Beauro, but I didn't see that anybody got Feudalism... I can check the save later.

Any idea who Julius is getting Ivory from? Could we demand they stop trading?
So, who's going to play?

NobleZ, I'm guessing you will be hard pressed to get through planning and playing before Sunday. Do you want to try?

shulec, are you able to step in?

I'll be unavailable most of the weekend, but should have evenings available next week.
It looks like our forces in Julius's lands are a bit thin. We need to focus on Antium for TGL. We need to ask Augustus to attack Neapolis. This could keep Julius's Preats busy. We need to pillage his iron this turn.

Unfortunately, Endor is locked in to building wealth for several turns. There are 90 hammers chopped into the next build. No one has Theology other than Vicky and she does not have a religion, so the AP is not at risk.

Our forces look good for going after Suleiman. We should go after Ankara (near dagobah) and Edirne (the capitol). We need some defensive units to hold off the axes and swords in Bursa and Istanbul if they come after Midgar, Endor or Dagobah. Again, we don't want to waste the stored hammers in Endor. The Courthouse in Midgar needs to be put on hold and build units.

I initially wanted our hammers to go into Feudalism, but CS if fine.

It looks like Napoleon is going to be our big obstacle. We need to feed Louis military techs and hope he vassalized Napolen. We also need to get Christianity spread to Napoleon.

Holy Cities
Dagobah will have to start building galleys once Suleiman is under control.
Our units from Suleiman war can go after Buddhist Holy City, then the Islamic.
Leftovers from Julius war can go after the Confucian Holy City.
Then we go the the barb island east of Confucianland. Presumably this is the Tao or Jewish Holy City, and the other is SE of Christianland.
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