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[BTS] SGOTM 26 - Home Slices

Let's just draft in Canal 145, then wait for 148 instead of 146. On 148 Cows can draft and whip a forge, so Canal stays happy.
I'm imagining we draft as many units as our happiness allows, and then we need something for the army to do, so Astronomy ASAP.
After astronomy the option to buy iron from France will be available. Shall we wait for stronger units like frigate, cuirassier or canon or just start the attack with trebs and muskets?
After astronomy the option to buy iron from France will be available. Shall we wait for stronger units like frigate, cuirassier or canon or just start the attack with trebs and muskets?
I'd like to see us conquer SB + the new world with our muskets. I want to start ASAP to get conquer/pillage gold.
I don't really want to burn 30 population whipping advanced units either.
Drafting saves us so much population and we have to do it on or before 148. It doesn't pay to have them standing around costing us maintenance.
We could skip the capitals until a couple trebs come along.
After astronomy the option to buy iron from France will be available
It will probably take a while to get our galleys upgraded and in place and loaded, so we might see a frigate. I think we already decided they're better than trebs. We have the tech for frigates. Cannons/Cuirs will be a while.
Skipping the Forge in Science, right? It will have plenty of happy. It doesn't have much to build (exec + ch + observ + Lab)
I forget how many capitals are coastal, but we’re collecting a lot of eps. We could put them on an inland coastal AI and run a spy mission to revolt it for capture. Then we don’t need any trebs, except maybe for large stacks.
Preliminary plan for overflows and chops:

Science City
T145 - Catapult +24:hammers: (horse not cottage)
T146 - Catapult +24:hammers:
T147 - Catapult 48/50:hammers: +26:hammers: (horse + cottage)
T148 - Wealth
T149 - Wealth
T150 - Wealth (20:hammers: from down south chop lands)
T151 - National Park (24:hammers: overflow + 16:hammers: natural + 20:hammers: chop) * 1.75 multiplier
T152 - National Park 105/300:hammers: +16:hammers: natural * 1.75 multiplier
T153 - National Park 133/300:hammers: +16 * 1.75
T154 - 4-pop whip National Park 161/300:hammers: goes to 301/300 I think
T155 - National Park online, capital Size 5, should have 3 forest preserves

Silver City
T145 - T147 put 6 hammers into Forge
T148 - Dun (20:hammers: from chop + 2 natural) * 2.25 multiplier (try to run 2 scientists)
T149 - Put 1 hammer into Forge
T150 - 1-pop whip 49/50 Dun (creates a 40:hammers: overflow) Trade away Stone to Peter for :gold: per turn for 10 turns :sad:
T151 - 3-pop whip 1/80 Temple (creates a 64:hammers: overflow)
T152 - 4-pop whip 7/120 Forge (creates a 78:hammers: overflow) lots of hammer loss doing forge last :vomit:
T152 - T154 Wealth (grow population max food and 2 scientists)
T155? - Sushi Exec. (78+3 from working silver mine) * 1.25 multiplier from forge = 101/100 Executive.

Worker near silver city is free to get on our Galley T149 and sail down to the fort near Cow City on T151 and start preserving forests in the capital T152.

No forests north of our capital outside our borders need chopping.
Will give Phillip who is 3N1E of Science City some more thought.

Heh, I'll unpause the real game tomorrow and check what overflows each city has stored in Wealth.
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I forget how many capitals are coastal, but we’re collecting a lot of eps. We could put them on an inland coastal AI and run a spy mission to revolt it for capture. Then we don’t need any trebs, except maybe for large stacks.
HolyRome as 1, Bis 2, Sal 1, France 0
And all of those 4 cities are like city #4 or $5, so not much culture
And only 1 city is on a hill.
How would Science look with a forge?
It pays for itself, I just didn't want to whip one right now, and it didn't make sense to whip one after NatPark and sushi exec. But build one?

145-149 forge built naturally with max OF

Now NatPark whips are 40:hammers:

152 NP 120/300
153 NP 152/300
154 NP 184/300, 3 pop whip
155 sushi exec
156 2 pop whip exec
Silver City
T145 - T147 put 6 hammers into Forge
T148 - Dun (20:hammers: from chop + 2 natural) * 2.25 multiplier (try to run 2 scientists)
T149 - Put 1 hammer into Forge
T150 - 1-pop whip 49/50 Dun (creates a 40:hammers: overflow) Trade away Stone to Peter for :gold: per turn for 10 turns :sad:
T151 - 3-pop whip 1/80 Temple (creates a 64:hammers: overflow)
T152 - 4-pop whip 7/120 Forge (creates a 78:hammers: overflow) lots of hammer loss doing forge last :vomit:
T152 - T154 Wealth (grow population max food and 2 scientists)
T155? - Sushi Exec. (78+3 from working silver mine) * 1.25 multiplier from forge = 101/100 Executive.

That's a lot of waste just to get an exec 1t sooner. I'd rather whip the exec after a forge. Not sure the Dun trick is worth the 1 anger.
I don't think we should chop either. (edit: Oh, I see you're chopping outside BFC) Let's keep the +1 health AND, someday, preserve them both for +2 happy. Health is the real problem. Preserve all 3 forests up there and try to get a new one for whales +1 health.

Get some workers from SB. After PP capture and some pillage, the boats sail back around and pickup everyone for a surprise worker steal. They must all be down south. Capture cities down there and work your way back to the capital which we've been pounding on with siege.
Galley chain the workers back home fast.
Not sure the Dun trick is worth the 1 anger.
Silver has a surprising amount of stuff it should build/whip, and not much natural hammers, so it can't do like Science and build a forge without whipping. It might use an ice-mine? (probably not) or maybe just work an engineer specialist at times.
It's a bit surprising since the General city is supposed to be the least builds.
Roughly in this order...

(overflows of the above go into Temple and Dun (no whip))
(Growing 1 pop/turn after sushi, we can whip all of the above by T165 -- before Steel arrives)
Frigate or two?

We'll use the 4 merchant slots from market/grocer during slavery. Add sushi HQ = 40gpt. (bank, market, grocer) = 80 gpt.
How would Science look with a forge?
It pays for itself, I just didn't want to whip one right now, and it didn't make sense to whip one after NatPark and sushi exec. But build one?

145-149 forge built naturally with max OF

Now NatPark whips are 40:hammers:

152 NP 120/300
153 NP 152/300
154 NP 184/300, 3 pop whip
155 sushi exec
156 2 pop whip exec
That's a lot of waste just to get an exec 1t sooner. I'd rather whip the exec after a forge. Not sure the Dun trick is worth the 1 anger.
I don't think we should chop either. (edit: Oh, I see you're chopping outside BFC) Let's keep the +1 health AND, someday, preserve them both for +2 happy. Health is the real problem. Preserve all 3 forests up there and try to get a new one for whales +1 health.

Get some workers from SB. After PP capture and some pillage, the boats sail back around and pickup everyone for a surprise worker steal. They must all be down south. Capture cities down there and work your way back to the capital which we've been pounding on with siege.
Galley chain the workers back home fast.
Alright, I'll retask the city builds along these lines and start building a PPP.

Our war goal with Sitting Bull is now a war of annihilation and not just a raid?

Here are the updated city builds with max scientists and no merchants.
We want to squeeze out as much research while we still have Monasteries as possible.
T145 Empire updated
Spoiler :

Overflow :hammers:
Science City +7:hammers:
Cow City +1:hammers:
Canal City none
Clam City none
Profit City +5:hammers:
Silver City none
Whale City +1:hammers:

Partial Builds
Canal City - Courthouse 5/120:hammers:
Silver City - Temple 1/80:hammers:

Engineering - 1560:science:
Printing Press - 1707/2496:science:
Corporation - 1866/2496:science:
Liberalism - 2184:science:
Chemistry - 2808:science:
Sci. Method - 3744:science:
Biology 5616:science:

Great People bulb preferences
Our Great Scientists look good to bulb Biology.
Great Merchant can only bulb Replaceable Parts, so trade mission is simply the best thing to do with it.
Great Artist can only bulb Drama looks like, so an unfortunate birth would be saved for Golden Age or to bulb Radio.
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PPP Draft 1
T145 - T155

Continuing from LowtherCastle's turnset

Empire Screenshots
Spoiler :

Civic Changes
- After final 3 drafts, change to Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, and Organized Religion

T145 - Printing Press
T146 - Corporation
T147 - Printing Press
T148 - Chemistry (1 bulb)
T149 - Scientific Method (2 bulbs) // Will lose monastery bonus and Parthenon bonus
T150 - Biology (3 bulbs) -> get Calender in trade -> 1 bulb for Astro after discussing with team about Peter's tech choices
T151 - Liberalism
T152 - Liberalism
T153 - Liberalism
T154 - Liberalism (Choose Medicine as free tech)
T155 - ??? next turnset's choice (Using Great Merchant, Sushi founded in Silver City on T155!)

Cowboy (Starts 1S of Silver City)

T145 - Road Deer and Stop!
T146 - Move to forest 3S2W of Silver City
T147 - T149 Chop forest (+20:hammers:) (Combined with T148 Forge Whip, this chop stored in Wealth will give us a 2-pop Sushi Exec whip on T156)
Cold whipping a Sushi Exec. immediately with a Forge is still a 5-pop whip :sad:
T150 - Board Galley 2S of Silver City and sail to Cow City fort
T151 - Exit Gally at fort west of Cow City and move into Cow City
T152 - T153 Preserve forest 1S of Science City
T154 - Preserve forest 2S1E of Science City
T155 - Preserve forest 2E1N of Science City

Shepherd (Starts 3N1E of Science City)
T145 - T146 Fort 3W1N of Cow City
T147 - T148 Road fur camp 2W1N of Cow City (this road serves a lot of purposes)
T149 - Farm river tundra 2E of Cow City and Stop!
T150 - Move to jungle 2W1S of Science City
T151 - T152 Preserve Jungle (Yes, still 8 turns just like forest)
T153 - Preserve forest 1S of Science City
T154 - Preserve forest 2S1E of Science City
T155 - Preserve forest 2E1N of Science City

Rex (Starts 3W1N of Cow City)
T145 - T146 Fort 3W1N of Cow City
T147 - Road fur camp 2W1N of Cow City
T148 - Farm river tundra 2E of Cow City and Stop!
T149 - Move to jungle 2W1S of Science City
T150 - T152 Preserve Jungle
T153 - Preserve forest 1S of Science City
T154 - Preserve forest 2S1E of Science City
T155 - Preserve forest 2E1N of Science City

Shepherd (Starts 3W1N of Cow City)
T145 - Move to forest 2E1N of Science City
T146 - T148 Road forest
T149 - Move to jungle 2W1S of Science City
T150 - T152 Preserve Jungle
T153 - Preserve forest 1S of Science City
T154 - Preserve forest 2S1E of Science City
T155 - Preserve forest 2E1N of Science City

Joan Dark (Starts 2N1E of Clam City)
T145 - T146 Move to forest 4S of Science City
T147 - T150 Chop forest (+20:hammers: for Science City)
T151 - T152 Preserve forest 1S of Science City
T153 - T154 Preserve forest 2S1E of Science City
T155 - Preserve forest 2E1N of Science City

Heretic (Starts 1N2E of Clam City)
T145 - T148 Workshop 2N1E of Clam City
T149 - Workshop 2N of Clam City
T150 - T152 Preserve forest 1S of Science City
T153 - T154 Preserve forest 2S1E of Science City
T155 - Preserve forest 2E1N of Science City

Draft Schedule
Spoiler :
Here is the look at drafting.
The city order and the 5 cities getting +3:) from Representation are kind of hard to juggle as the populations drop.

Cow City can grow 1 pop at any time and regain the +3 :) Rep. bonus. :hmm:

The anger decay is:
Science City has no anger to decay.

Canal City loses its final whip anger in 1 turn.
Whale City loses whip anger in 4 turns and then another whip anger 10 turns after that.
Silvery City loses its final whip anger in 2 turns.

Clam City loses its draft anger in 3 turns.
Cow City loses draft anger in 3 turns.
Profit City loses draft anger in 3 turns and then another draft anger 10 turns after that.

If Canal drafts twice, it will lose the Rep. bonus and have 1 angry citizen.

T145 - Canal City
T147 - Clam City, Cow City, Silver City
T148 - Whale City, Profit City, Canal City

Science City

T145 - T147 Forge; Rice, Sheep, Horse, Wine, Riverplainsfarm, x2Gem Mine, x2Riverplainscottage, Scientist
T148 - Forge (85/120:hammers:); Rice, Sheep, Horse, Wine, Riverplainsfarm, x2Gem Mine, x2Riverplainscottage (26*1.75 = 45:hammers: +85 = 130/120 -> 10/1.75 = 5:hammers: overflow)
T149 - T150 Catapult; Rice, Sheep, Horse, Wine, Riverplainsfarm, x2Gem Mine, x2 Scientist (starve away our 4 :food:, produces a 24:hammers: overflow due to whip landing T150)
T151 - National Park; Rice, Sheep, Horse, Wine, Riverplainsfarm, x2Gem Mine, x2Riverplainscottage (+24:hammers: from overflow) (Biology Online! +1:food: from farms)
T152 - National Park (80/300:hammers:); Rice, Sheep, Horse, Wine, Riverplainsfarm, x2Gem Mine, x2Riverplainscottage
T153 - National Park (112/300:hammers:); Rice, Sheep, Horse, Wine, Riverplainsfarm, x2Gem Mine, x2Riverplainscottage
T154 - 4-pop whip National Park (144/300:hammers:); Rice, Sheep, Horse, Wine, Riverplainsfarm, x2Gem Mine, x2Riverplainscottage
T155 - Courthouse; Rice, Sheep, Wine, x2Gem Mine

Cow City
T145 - T146 Wealth; Crab, Cow, Deer, x2Riverplainsfarm, x3Fur, Scientist
T147 -

Spoiler :

26% Done
Taking a break for a few hours.
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