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SGOTM3 Rome - Team Ankka

WackenOpenAir said:
Sorry EL_OSO, your post was too late to be considered in the opening play, the first 20 turns have been played already. :) I agree about the wines.
My build que was: warrior-warrior-warrior-granary.

No problem. I was late to getting involved so this is to be expected. Now I'm going to ask lots of questions (because I want to have the mindset to beat Sid level).

What was wrong about my suggestion to go for pottery first?

What's the benefit of researching Writing first?

Are we hoping to trade it to the other AI for the other techs?

I always go for writing first in C3C when I start with Alphabet to get to Philosophy but the rules are different here.

Why did you choose the cut the forest down before you had a Granary in the build queue?

Is the food gained through irrigating that square more important than the 2s it produces by default?
WackenOpenAir said:
hello guys, I am no longer banned ! :banana:

2: How will we fight wars? There basically are 2 options to fight a war. You can use the standard units, mostly fast movers that give you speed and versatillity, but they are fairly expensive and you will lose quite some of them. This is the best way to fight weaker opponents like normally is the case on lower difficulties. The other way is to go for bombardment units with a few defenders and a few attackers to destroy the weakened units. This will allow you to fight virtually without losses but it is much slower. This is used a lot on deity/sid.
It may sound stupid, but i have no experience playing on emperor, i always played deity and sid. Only am i now playing the GOTM (not S) wich is on monarch, and i am amazed to see how backwards the AI is at that level both on tech on millitairy strength. So that is good to do with fast movers. Well, emperor is in between, so i am not sure....

This is a point that I never really considered before. I generally go for a combined arms approach with a balance of units for the assault. I probably don't build as much artillery or the slow units as I should since I tend to grow impatient.

Just for an example, could you list what you think would be a good balance for an assault force?
When we get legions, we should produce a nice SoD of them and then whack everybody in range. After others get infantry, if it gets there, we will have to build artillery, not before that, I'd say...
EL_OSO said:
What's the benefit of researching Writing first?

Are we hoping to trade it to the other AI for the other techs?
I think you answered this question yourself. :)
WackenOpenAir said:

Took some tries before succes, but its uploaded now, have fun !

PS: don't expect much screenshots from me, i only have MS paint to edit graphic files and for some reason at cannot make jpg files anymore (i really remember it used to do someday, maybe in my previous windows version)
Also, the quality after resizing is laughable with MS paint.

Did you play this in C3C?

It won't load in PTW but will load in C3C.
yes i played this in c3c, i thought c3c would do for ptw since it includes ptw. ?

I just found moderator mail that playing it with c3c is not good.

I only have original and c3c disks, what should i do?

In answer to some questions:

I did writing because all the first level techs are usually tradable anyway. i always try to research as much in a horizontal line in the tech tree as possible since that gives you the best chances to get monopoly on a tech by having it first. Also is republic something to aim for.

I cut the forest because yes food is everything, growth is everything in the beginning. The extra growth will more than make up some loss of shields.
Also does the cut give 10 shields.
irrigated it will give 4 food instead of 2 shield+2 food. At this early stage of the game, i consider food to be twice as valuable as shields. It will make growth in 3 and thus a 6 turn settler factory. without irrigating this field, you'd have a 10 turn settler factory (which is not a settler factory, but a city that occasionaly makes a settler)
In early game there is only 1 thing that really counts, and that is growth.

Basic philosoph for strategy games:
You can always spend your resources on 3 things:
-millitairy power
-empire growth.

Usually empire growth is the best thing to do as long as it does not mean the lack of spendings on the other 2 causes you to be defeated. Militairy power is a short term investment and only should be done if needed for survival or if you expect to get more of a profit from it than the cost (victory in the game of course being the greatest profit possible) Technology is kinda in between being a short term spending and a long term investment, but this is not even a subject here since it is about food vs shields.
In all strategy games i have played this far, the nr1 issue is to balance militairy production vs growth where militairy strength is what forces your opponent to spend less on growth.
Therefore, in strategy games it is good to make your opponent think you are stronger than you actually are since it will make him build more army instead of investments in the future. If you manage to survive while investing in the future, you will beat him when you reap the rewards of your investment.
In this case, the opponent wont attack us if we are a little weaker than them, so we should invest in growth.

Well, that was a long story to explain what everyone knows already, food rules in early game :D. But i just came home after going to the bar, so excuse me for long stories (it can get much worse, people write books about such topics :p )

A good artillery army in early game for example would be 16 catapults, 4 spearmen and 4 archers/swordsmen. This stack takes cities defended by a maximum of 4 units without losing any units. Also do i usually add 1 or 2 horses in the stack (instead of archer, not in addition). This way, if you meet a stack of opposing units, after bombarding them red, you first attack with archers until 1 is left, then attack that one with the horse so the horse still has a movement point to retreat back in the stack and you dont have to split the stack.

ankka, i think i agree about starting bombardment later in the game, but am in doubt about the legions attack. I really dislike despotic golden ages. Also, a war needs a reason, you don't just attack a country because the CIA sais it could have bio weapons.... ehm oh well, what i mean is: We should only attack in despotism if somehow the rewards are worth the cost (cost being the bad GA)
Isn't PTW part of C3C? I'm not sure since I bought each one separately but have heard that it is.

Look in your install directory of Civ and see if there is a CIVPTW directory. There'll be an .exe in there if that's the case. It should start up with your C3C disc in the drive if that's the case. Just make sure the version is 1.27f in the lower left hand corner. If not, you'll need the patch.
I have uploaded it, but it was played in c3c.
Since c3c includes ptw, i expected it to function like ptw when beginning with a ptw file. the forest cut costing 10 instead of 4 turns and the tech research 40 instead of 50 made me confident in this believe.

I recieved an email from a mod that it does not work and i must replay the turns in ptw.

I only have the original disk and the conquests disk, am i able to play it ptw?

sorry for my ignorance on this subject.

edit: THANK YOU !

oh i really got afraid i would have to step back because i dont have ptw -sweat-

luckilly, you are right, there is a ptw folder, i am now gonna replay the turns exactly the same way i did them before. expect a new upload within an hour.

edit again:
unfortunately i cannot play it exactly the same, in ptw, the french do not have pottery to trade with us.

edit once more:
Luckilly the greeks now offered pottery so it still is pretty similar, the only difference is we now got different deals in tech trading. I now got:
-pay WC+58 gold for pottery with greece
-pay pottery+WC for bronze + 12 gold with france.

AI movements were also different but that has no influence.

Uploading now.....
I play at monarch level. So we each play 20 turns????
okay, to let you know I have been playing the SGOTM since it began, doing okay I think. However, I have also tried and failed on each GOTM that has been run during that time.

Got it
Wacken: go check the Civ 3 folder you have. It includes folders both C3C and PTW, separately. :)

Then replay your turns in PTW, please.
Shoe35 said:
okay, to let you know I have been playing the SGOTM since it began, doing okay I think. However, I have also tried and failed on each GOTM that has been run during that time.

Got it

shoe you also doing the currrent conquest gotm3? I am pretty close to finishing it and i think im doing damn good :D.

But i'm spending some time do everything very meticulous. For example when i hav 17 production in a city and producing a knight for 70, i will let it produce 1 turn then rush buy the 3 shields for an archer, then need 3 more turns to finish it, making it take 4 turns instead of 5. And basically checking every city every turn and swiching tiles between cities constantly etc....
Takes a while, but works wonders.
So you replayed the turns? Good. :)

I wish I had the patience to do that. :)
That is true. I usually do it in the beginning, as it has a bigger effect and the civilization is small enough so it isn't so hard... later, if the civ is huge, it's a pain in the neck, so I usually just check through the Domestic advisor that no cities are rioting...
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