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Sign up for the next CFC Survivor Challenge!


Jan 15, 2003
Click it. Click it if you dare.

Spoiler :
What is this, I don't even...

That's right. We're going there, All Other Games. Starting May 14, CFC Survivor takes on a reality twist. That's never happened before! This game will coincide with the next season of "America's Got Talent". Two or more teams will compete for tacky talent dominance as they choose and manage the acts that appear on the program. Should your acts keep going, you secure immunities and special abilities. Should they fail, you expose yourself to potential elimination by your teammates. It's like fantasy football, only somehow weirder!

And you don't even have to watch the show. All results and acts from each week will be listed here alongside in-game results and vote tallies.

Game Proceedings

Players are randomly sorted into two tribes/teams. Each round the losing team of the immunity challenge must vote one of their own off. Players are encouraged to conspire through private communication.

Eventually the survivors join into one tribe/team, still voting one person off each round. When there are just two people left, the previous five or six players to be voted off get to vote for the winner.

This particular game, of course, is different with a concurrent TV show involved. Here's how it works:

Weeks 1-3 (approximate): Team Building and Act Recruiting

For the first few weeks, there will be no votes. This is to allow each team a chance to "recruit" acts that sound interesting/lame/for the lulz by spending an allocated number of points. Each act will also have a special ability attached to it that can impact other parts of the game. Only one special ability can be activated each week.

Weeks 4 onward: Elimination

Each player also has a certain number of private points equal to the number of players in his team. If a player wants to avoid elimination, he can choose to put a certain number (or all) of those points into an act. If that act succeeds, the points he used will be deducted from any votes against him/her. On the other hand, if that act fails, that same number of points will be added to his/her vote total, even if no one voted for him.

Example: The Amazing Tongue Face has made it for six straight weeks. CivCube is toeing the line with his team and could be voted off next round. Since there are 9 players on his team (not including him), he has 9 private points. He decides to put 5 points in Tongue Face, who manages to squeek out for another week. When it's time to vote, the team votes 6-3 against CivCube. Because Tongue Face made it, however, CivCube's actual total is 1.

This is where those special abilities come in. At the beginning, act abilities will be fairly weak (e.g. "Adds half a vote against a random opponent", "Adds one point to available spending pool".) With each week, however, abilities will be made a little stronger (e.g. ("Two points against each player, regardless of team size"). Of course, if an act fails to pass to the next week, then that ability can no longer be used.

Rules will be revised as necessary. If you have any feedback, let me know.

If you are interested, the deadline is May 11!

Sign-ups seem to be gaining momentum. Increased the total to 20.

1. Optical
2. ZeletDude
3. JoanK
4. Omega124
5. landlubber
6. Turquoiside
7. SouthernKing
8. hoplitejoe
Never done this sort of thing, but I'm in anyway.
What's this?
I'll have to update with some more rule information. This is a Survivor forum game that uses the weekly results from "America's Got Talent" to decide which team gets immunity each round.
Wow! You've solved an astounding 0 doubts I still have! :goodjob:
Another thing: you don't have to watch the show. All results from each week will be listed here alongside in-game results.

I guess I'm not sure what your question is?
What exactly do you do?
Gotcha. I didn't realize some folks might not be familiar with Survivor.

Players are randomly sorted into two tribes/teams. Each round the losing team of the immunity challenge must vote one of their own off. Eventually the survivors join into one tribe/team, still voting one person off each round. When there are just two people left, the previous five or six players to be voted off get to vote for the winner.

Much backstabbing and behind-the-scenes alliances.
The 11th-20th is going to be bad timing for me (I'll be away from my internet) but I do have interest. I'm in if we can work something out for that first week or so (Even if its just "Don't participate until round 2." I have no issue with that.)
Gotcha. I didn't realize some folks might not be familiar with Survivor.

Players are randomly sorted into two tribes/teams. Each round the losing team of the immunity challenge must vote one of their own off. Eventually the survivors join into one tribe/team, still voting one person off each round. When there are just two people left, the previous five or six players to be voted off get to vote for the winner.

Much backstabbing and behind-the-scenes alliances.
Ah, okay. But what are the immunity challenges?
If I've got this right, we all pick various acts from America's got Talent and the acts that do the best each show win the challenge for that week.
Rules updated in OP.

GhostWriter16 said:
The 11th-20th is going to be bad timing for me (I'll be away from my internet) but I do have interest. I'm in if we can work something out for that first week or so (Even if its just "Don't participate until round 2." I have no issue with that.)

Should not be a problem. Everyone is safe from elimination the first couple of weeks.
Sounds interesting... count me in.
Optical said:
If I've got this right, we all pick various acts from America's got Talent and the acts that do the best each show win the challenge for that week.

:bump: Anyone else?
:bump: One more time.
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