Six-Months War; Take 3


Let's talk Michelle.
Nov 23, 2008
Pennsylvania U.S.A.

The Six Months War; Take 3 is the continuation of my old NES “Six Month's War; Take 2”. After a period of just about 17 years, the World finds itself on the brink of war once again, as power blocks form throughout the world, and each block finds itself at the throat of another.

Players – Anybody can play this NES, but I reserve the right to decline a player a specific faction.

Stories – Stories make the NES much more real, and are interesting to read whilest you wait for a new update, or for diplomacy to resume. Stories that have some form of effort put into them will be rewarded come update time.

Updates: The question "When is the update" will never be answered. On the first post, the deadline for orders and the approximate time for the update will be there. My updates are usually long, and detailed, and as such, take longer then one week to write, usually. So orders are due on the specific date I post above, and the update may come at any point the following week, usually followed by stats.

Nations: Major powers are usually the leader of power blocks (I will list such nations below) while smaller ones usually find themselves affiliated with one power or another. The following is the nations template.

Nation Name
Political Status (if a dominion, vassal, etc.)
Government Type, And Leader
Capital City
Stability: 12
Economic Power: 20/0
Manpower: 500 (+1)
Restrictions: (/150,000)
Army: 10 Infantry Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 24 Fighters
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Nation Name, And Status

Every nation, obviously has a name, most of which you'll already be familiar with. However, underneath of each name may be a certain title, or status, be in Protectorare, Dominion, Occupied, etc. all of which mean different things depending on the nation which you're being affiliated with.


The government of your nation is important for a variety of reasons. Holding elections, having regime change and your government in general will effect the rise and fall of stability and economy in your nation. For democratic nations, you must hold elections every few turns, or the people will become unhappy. With that, the politicans elected must act on the platforms they've promised the people; that's why they were elected! Playing in character makes the game a lot better, and interesting.


Economic Power: (Total Points Generated a Turn)/(banked)

Instead of the previous workings of Industrial Capacity, we now have Economic Power, which represents all elements of the economy, not just industry. Economic power (or points, whichever you prefer) is spent on all other elements of your nation: economy, stability, military, and projects.

You can generically no longer increase your economic power by spending +1 of your original economy. This allowed larger nations to gain more EP every other turn, and less expense to themselves, as smaller nations struggled. In order to increase your economy, you need to either spend EP on building projects, start trading with more and more nations, or decrease your military size.


Stability is how stable your nation is internally, ranked 1 to 10. As your nation gets closer to one, expect more and more rebellions, less EP to send, and frankly a worse military. The closer you are to ten, you may find your economy and military doing suprisingly well, and a happy populace.


Manpower represents the amount of able-bodied people in your nation that could take up arms against an enemy. Manpower is one of the few things that directly effect your restrictions. (see Restrictions.) Manpower also has an effect on EP, but that is ultimately decided by me.


Each nation has a certain restriction to it's military might. I introduced it towards the end of the last NES, but it failed to really work as well as I expected, and end up becoming more of an issue then a solution to the problem of smaller nations fielding massive armies.

So, this time, your militaries restriction, and numbers are more vague. I have begun counting support personal, reserves, etc. among the numbers of total military units. As you're military grows, so does the number of people in your military, be they combat soldiers, or not. As such, I will determine military totals, myself. The reprecussions for having a military too large are minor at first, but grow with time. Reprecussions include loss of stability, loss of EP, military logistics issues, etc.


Experience is relatively self-explanitory. How experienced is your nation's military? A nation in a war, or coming out of a war will obviously have a stronger, more experienced military then one who has seen nothing but peace the last two decade. Experience is lost or gained over time, and through fighting.

Designing Your Military

As is available below, all unique units have their own stats and can be customized by players. You can develop new ships, vehicles or planes based on the technology which exists at the time (No laser death rays in World War 2). To do this You need only pay 20 EPin a single turn to commission your design for a new weapon.

Requests for designs MUST come with details. What are your units strengths? What are your weaknesses? If you don't specify, I'm going to assume that it's mediocre. Take the time to truly design your designs.

Your designs can be shared with as many people as you like and you can even build and sell off the weapons you design to other countries (maybe even make a profit!).

You may also trade designs, and certain types of units (i.e. ships, planes, etc.) at your own discretion. Designs will allow a nation to build whatever unit it is, as they wish. At the same time, if you ever wish to buy a unit it, then rework the design, so you get the designs, and build whenever you wish, you must pay 5 EP, and lose a type of that unit. I.e.

"Germany gives France 30 of its new Kaiser Planes. The French wish to rework the planes, so that they have the designs also. The French pay 5 EP, and lost one of the planes, leaving them with the designs, and 29 Kaiser Planes."

With that, and with the absense of a tech tree, by the usual definition, one may question how military/tech is to advance. Through designs. If your design is relying on tech not yet widely known or not within reach, then I may have you pay extra for the research. But I'd discuss the total with the player.

Military and Mobilization

Mobilization and total war is a key element of modern warfare. Therefore I introduce a revised version of mobilization. If you wish to declare mobilization in the course of a major conflict the following things happen:

1. You can no longer spend your economy on stability efforts or projects. Anything non-military related really.
2. You will increase your output of both planes, ships, and infantry, for the same cost. Instead of 1 Infantry Division, taking 1 EP, and 1 MP, you would get 2 Infantry Divisions, for 1 EP, and 2 MP.
3. Restrictions grow substantially, depending on your nation's infrastructure (which is based off of building projects, and stories.)
4. Reduces the cost of designing new weapons from 20 EP to 10 EP.
5. Your economy would get a slight boost, but eventually (after a few years) will begin to fall.
6. Your people will at first support the war effort, then slowly begin detesting it. The lack of domestic production doesn't help either!
7. Constant mobilization, and demobilization to get the benefits will lead to economic stagnation, if not collapse.

Land Unit Pricing

Infantry Brigade: 1 EP and 10 MP, for 1 Division

Naval Unit Pricing

Destroyer: 1 EP and 1 Manpower, for 2 ships. These vessels can travel on the ocean and on medium to large rivers and lakes.

Cruiser: 2 EP and 1 MP for 2 Ships. They are useful at taking down enemy destroyers.

Dreadnought: 4 EP and 2 Manpower for 1 ship. These vessels can travel only upon the open seas.

Submarines: 1 EP and 1 Manpower for 2 ships. These vessels can travel medium range, they cannot travel too long distances, and must often come up to resurface and to go back to ports for resupply. However, they are deadly weapons, and many a merchant ship will remain at the bottom due to these.

Air Unit Pricing

there is no more normal airplanes, as the spread of the Bordeaux 19' has taken it's place.

Your Nations Map Color

Each nation has a specific map color, though political situations may alter that color. If one nation is highly influenced by another, it will take on a color similar to the influencing nation. If a nation is occupied, it will take on a similar color to the occupying nation. Likewise, if a nation is, say, becoming communist, it will turn red.

Orders, Tips, and Updates

If a question is asked in which the answer is clearly in the above ruleset, I will not answer it and will ignore you until you figure it out.

Orders in on time will always help you.

If anything is not clear or confusing above, please let me know and I will strive to fix it. If you have questions which are not clearly answered here, I will be more than willing to add a section on this page to prevent future confusion.

Thank You

Eq for the ruleset, several (hundred) ideas, among other things.
Dachs for providing an easy to follow guide
And a big thanks to Amon Savag, DarthNader.
Warker Designs
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Light Warkers
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Hindenburg Light Warker
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1917
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: All
Heavy Weapons: 2
Against Infantry: 2
Armor: 2
Speed: 14 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 5

A "light Warker", it sacrifices armor for mobility. Capable of fighting in a variety of enviroments, it's speed is slightly great then that of a normal Warker, and it has better maneuverability also. With a crew of 7, it has two machine guns, and a rotating cannon on the front of the Warker. The biggest single improvement was the inclusion of short-wave radio, in the Warker itself, allowing for communications between Warkers when they are close enough. For now however, this feature is difficult to use, with constant interference between the Warkers radios, and sensetive equiptment. Future models however might fix this.

Because of their speed, they are slightly more difficult to hit from artillery positions, but only to the novice artillery crew. With a weaker structure, a direct hit could effectively disable, or destroy the vehicle, though the speed does make it quicker. Small arms fire, however can still not penetrate the tank, allowing it to take its place protecting the infantry in battle.

Congressional M-1 Warker
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: Sweden, Portugal, Belgium
Nations Approved For Production: Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland
Heavy Weapons: 1
Against Infantry: 3
Armor: 2
Speed: 14 Miles
Reliability: 1
Crew: 6

Made as a mostly anti-infantry machine, this warker sacrifices armor, and heavy firepower, for speed and anti-personal weapons.

Commonwealth “Channel” Class
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Cost 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1922
Developed By: Great Britain
Nations Approved For Production: Great Britain, The Dominions of Canada, Nepal, Bhutan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Transvaal Republic, Qatar
Heavy Weapons: 2
Against Infantry: 4
Armor: 2
Speed: 22 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 4

Created by Great Britain as a sort of all-purpose Warker, able to traverse through Indian, African and Australian wilderness's with relative ease. It's armor is fairly weak, and one well place round from a heavy Warker is usually enough to destroy the “Channel”. However, in an infantry battle, the “Channel” class can prove invaluable.

Showa Hikoki M3
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Cost 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1927
Developed By: Japan
Nations Approved For Production: Japan, Siam, Indochina, Aleyska, Colombia, The Republic of the Andes
Heavy Weapons: 1
Against Infantry: 4
Armor: 1
Speed: 30 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 3

Japan's version of a Light Warker. Made specifically for rough terrain, wether it be the mountains, or the jungle, the Showa Hikoki is a very capable machine. In an effort to woe Aleyska over to the Japanese sphere of influence, Japanese Emperor Shōwa gifted the design to the young republic in 1930.

Hindenburg Light Warker 29'
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1929
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: The German Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria-Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Ruthenia, Estonia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, The Ottoman Empire, The Czech Kingdom, The Transvaal Republic, Chile, Brazil, The Kingdom of Croats and Serbs, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Montenegro, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway
Heavy Weapons: 3
Against Infantry: 4
Armor: 2
Speed: 22 Miles
Reliability: 4
Crew: 4

An improvement over the original Hindenburg design, with better radio technology, and a full 360 tank turret swivel. It has a much longer operational range, and speed then the original design. Effective against other light tanks, and infantry, though its armor is relatively weak. It is used by a majority of German-influenced nations in Central and Eastern Europe, currently. It has managed to spread into the Ottoman Empire, and by extension, Saudi Arabia.

Congressional M-2 Warker
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Cost 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1930
Developed By: Sweden, Portugal, Belgium
Nations Approved For Production: Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, The French Empire, The Spanish Empire
Heavy Weapons: 1
Against Infantry: 4
Armor: 3
Speed: 20 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 5

A vast improvement over the previous Congressional M-1 Warker, it is again, a primarily light tank. It has improvements in terms of anti-infantry firepower, and armor, and even speed. However, it still lacks a heavy armanent.

Hindenburg Light Warker 35'
Spoiler :

Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1935
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: The German Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary
Heavy Weapons: 4
Against Infantry: 4
Armor: 2
Speed: 30 Miles
Reliability: 5
Crew: 3

An improvement over the 29' design, with better radio technology, and a quicker turret swivel. It has a much longer operational range, and speed then the 29' design. Effective against other light tanks, and its improved fire power makes it a threat to even some Medium Tanks, and it's machine guns are very effective against infantry, though its armor is relatively weak.

Medium Warkers
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Warkers Mod I
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 BrigadeDeveloped In: 1916
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: All
Heavy Weapons: 2
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 2
Speed: 10 Miles
Reliability: 1
Crew: 8

A rolling cannon platform, Warkers hold two 6 pounder cannons, and several machine guns, prime for blasting through Infantry lines, and rolling over trenches. That isn't to say it's not without it's problems. The speed of the Warker is severely lacking, with it slowly lumbering over the battlefield, it becomes a prime target for enemy artillery. It also stalls quite often, and communication between the Warkers on the battlefield is usually poor. Despite this, their armament is capable of blasting away both infantry and artillery positions.

Warkers "Bison" Mod II
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1918
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: All
Heavy Weapons: 3
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 2
Speed: 12 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 8

Improving upon the previous design of Warkers Mod I, these "Bison" models have fixed many of the flaws that the original Warker's had. While still nearly identical to the Mod I's, the "Bison" aren't as prone to breakdowns as the previous model, but speed is still an issue.

Warkers “Grizzly” Mod III
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1923
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: The United States of America
Heavy Weapons: 3
Against Infantry: 2
Armor: 3
Speed: 15 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 5

GM's latest version of the Warker. Not only is a 360 degree turret included in the design, but increased armor, firepower and speed have all been included. The crew has been cut down, and the Warker is not as prone to break downs, as the “Bison” was.

Mitsubishi K-24 Imperial Warker
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed in: 1924
Developed by: The Empire of Japan
Nations Approved For Production: The Empire of Japan, Indochina, Siam
Heavy Weapons: 2
Against Infantry: 3
Armor: 2
Speed: 18 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 3

Created by the Japanese Mistubishi company with Jungle Warfare in mind. The Warker is relatively small, and manuevarble, yet it packs enough of a punch to make it a corner stone in the militaries of both Japan, and her vassal states, Siam and Indochina.

VM3 Legionary
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developted In: 1925
Developted By: The Italian Empire
Nations Approved For Production: The Italian Empire, The Dominion of Albania, The Dominion of Egypt, The Dominion of Montenegro, The Kingdom of Croats and Serbs, Greece
Heavy Weapons: 3
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 2
Speed: 15 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 5

Italy's all purpose Medium Warker, created to defend it's vast African holdings. Works well wether it be in the desert, or on the plains of Italy. It's usage has spread to Italy's dominions, and even to some minor nations.

Rabotnik Medium Soviet Warker
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1927
Developed By: Soviet Russia, Soviet Republic of Crimea
Nations Approved For Production: Soviet Russia, Soviet Republic of Crimea, Soviet Republic of the Ukraine, Persia, Afghanistan, The Chinese People's Army
Heavy Weapons: 2
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 2
Speed: 15 Miles
Reliability: 1
Crew: 5

Designed in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War, and heavily influenced by captured Condor Legion Light Warkers, the Rabotnik Medium Soviet Warker is a testament to the military ideals of the new Soviet state. Poor in quality, yet cheap in production, the Warker is slow, unreliable, and lacks signifigant weaponry. Perhaps the only thing it has going for it is it's semi-protective armor. After it's creation, the tank saw usage in the ongoing Ukrainian revolt (1919-1928), and several border skirmishes with both Persia and Afghanistan. It's currently used extensively by the Soviet Union, and it's satallite states, and has been spotted being driven by Chinese Communists, in the Chinese Civil War.

Confederate Forrest "Dixie" Warkers
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1932
Developed By: The Confederate States of America
Nations Approved For Production: The Confederate States of America
Heavy Weapons: 4
Against Infantry: 2
Armor: 3
Speed: 22 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 5

Named after the dreaded Confederate General, these Warkers were designed specifically to counter American Medium Warkers.

Roosevelt-Mark I Warker
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Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developted In: 1938
Developted By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: The United States of America
Heavy Weapons: 4
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 3
Speed: 20 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 5

America's newest Medium Warker. Utilizing a new sloped side design, it's armor is thicker than most. While it can't keep pace with light warkers, and aren't as strong as heavy ones, the Roosevelt-Mark I is by far the best Medium Warker created.

Rabotnik II Soviet Medium Warker
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developted In: 1938
Developted By: The Soviet Union of Russia and the Ukraine
Nations Approved For Production: The Soviet Union of Russia and the Ukraine, The People's Army of China
Heavy Weapons: 3
Against Infantry: 2
Armor: 3
Speed: 20 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 5

The newest version of the Soviet Medium Warker, the Rabotnik. This warker is an overall improvement of it's previous versions.

Heavy Warkers
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Krupp AG Warker
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1922
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: The German Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary, Ruthenia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria
Heavy Weapons: 4
Against Infantry: 1
Armor: 4
Speed: 12 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 5

The first German heavy Tank, constructed by German company, Krupp AG for the Kaiser on his 63rd Birthday. He was pleased, to say the least. The tank initially only saw production by the German military, however, upon Austria and Hugary's reform, and restoration, and the ensuing Berlin-Vienna pact, the Austrians, and Hungarians were both given the go ahead to use the design. When Krupp released the Schildkröte model in 1931, the German's gave the design to it's satellite Kingdoms, of whom all immediately began production.

Commonwealth “Enforcer” Class
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Cost 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1928
Developed By: Great Britain
Nations Approved For Production: Great Britain, The Dominions of Canada, Nepal, Bhutan, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
Heavy Weapons: 3
Against Infantry: 3
Armor: 3
Speed: 20 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 4

Britain and the Commonwealth's first stab at creating a heavy tank. Not nescessarily good, or bad. It does it's job well. It's slighlty faster than later American, German, and Franco-Spanish designs, though it's not as strong in terms of armor and fire power.

Krupp AG “Schildkröte” Warker
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Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1931
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: The German Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary
Heavy Weapons: 6
Against Infantry: 3
Armor: 5
Speed: 18 Miles
Reliability: 4
Crew: 5

A vast improvement over Krupp's last Warker design, the original Krupp AG Warker. Though slow in speed, it makes up for it, with heavy defenses and a 90mm turret. Since it's slow, it's easily out maneuvered by quicker light tanks, and infantry. The long range of it's gun, however, make's it a valuable addition to the German war machine.

Ford “Taylor” Warker
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Cost 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1932
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Approved For Production: The United States of America
Heavy Weapons: 5
Against Infantry: 4
Armor: 5
Speed: 18 Miles
Reliability: 4
Crew: 4

Designed by Ford to counter the German “Schildkröte” Warker, the Taylor Waker lacks the same firepower might, yet is a tad faster, and stronger against infantry. A rolling behemoth, in training excercises throughout the American west, it has shown itself to be a more reliable improvement of the Bison Warkers that GM had been making.

“Conquistador” Heavy Warker
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Cost 4 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: The Third French Empire, The Spanish Empire
Heavy Weapons: 7
Against Infantry: 3
Armor: 5
Speed: 18 Miles
Reliability: 4
Crew: 5

Designed to spread the French and Spanish Empires to the far corners of the Earth. These Warkers were designed to counter the best Heavy Tanks anyone nation had to offer- and at that point, it was the German “Krupp AG Schildkröte”, or the American, Ford-Taylor Warkers. This Warker has massive firepower, and incredibly strong armor, though it is incredibly expensive to construct. Though they've only seen limited battlefield usage thus far, it is expected that the Conquistador Warker will be a major headache for enemy military planners.

Infantry Designs
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Lion Soldiers
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Division
Developed In: 1917
Developed By: Sweden
Unit Size; 10,000 Soldiers
Restriction: 3/4

This unit is designed for the purpose of attacking the vulnerable points of enemy positions. They are skilled at penetrating enemy defenses and operating behind enemy lines. They are equipped with the latest in weaponry and body armor. They can operate in almost any environment, especially in colder climates. Very useful in storming trenches, and even special forces work, to varying degrees of success.

The Iron Guard
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Division
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: Spain
Unit Size; 10,000 Soldiers
Restriction: 3/4

Made up of highly trained zealot soldiers, with artillery and Warkers mixed in. The strongest, and most trusted of Spain's military units, they are useful in almost any situation, be it storming beaches, to taking cities.

Aleyskan Backwoods Militia
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Battalion
Developed In: 1931
Developed By: Aleyska
Unit Size; 1,500 Soldiers
Restriction: 1/3

Hardy mountain-men of Aleyska's interior. Skilled with the rifle, they are incredibly self-sufficient, they are capable of living off of the barren land in Aleyska for weeks at a time.

Chupacabra Irregular Brigades
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Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Brigade
Developed In: 1939
Developed By: Brazil, The Andean Republic, Colombia
Unit Size; 3,000 Soldiers
Restriction: (B)1/3 (A)1/3 (C)2/3

Formed in the wake of the Great Rainforest War in South America, the Cupacabran Irregular's are great at fighting in jungle terrains. That being said, these brigades can easily be self-sustained for long period's of time, and are great at setting traps against enemy units.

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McCourt T4 "Gnat"
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Wing
Developed In: 1923
Developed By: Ireland
Nations approved for Production: Ireland, The German Empire, The Austrian Empire, Ruthenia, The Czech Kingdom, Estonia, The Transvaal Freestate, The Ottoman Empire, The Kingdom of Italy, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Aleyska
Weapons: 1
Speed: 6
Range: 410 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 2

A "scout" plane, the Gnat is truly an ingenious designed, created by Irish mechanics, and funded by the German Empire. It's extreme range, and high-speeds, not to mention reliability, have made this plane a must-have in the air-forces across the world. The Gnat is useful for scouting, and is equipped with a camera. More so then that, it's rough exterior allows it to take off from almost any-where in needs to, be it a country road, or a full-on landing pad. It has two machine guns on it's wings for defense.

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Mitsubishi IS1M
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1918
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire, Indochina, Siam, The People's Army of China, Aleyska, The Confederate States of America
Weapons: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 300 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 1

Fighters specializing in fire-power and speed. Quick, and with a larger armanent then most fighters. However, for the speed gained, they seem to lose some of the extra-protection around the planes hull.

Bordeaux 19'
Spoiler :

Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The French Empire
Nations approved for Production: All
Weapons: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 320 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 1

Fighters equipted with two vickers Machine guns, and a state-of-the-art (as of 1919) engine, allowing for speed and maneuverability.

Curtiss P-1 Hawk
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Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations approved for Production: The United States of America, Cuba, Nicaragua, The Republic of Mexico, Hispanoila
Weapons: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 330 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 1

Fighters equipted with two vickers Machine guns, and a state-of-the-art (as of 1920) engine, allowing for speed and maneuverability. Great precaution has been put into it's performance ability, and thus its a more durable plane.

Commonwealth Scavenger
Spoiler :

Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1924
Developed By: Great Britain
Nations approved for Production: Great Britain, The Dominions of Canada, South Africa, Nepal, Bhutan, Australia, New Zealand, Qatar, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Ottoman Empire
Weapons: 2
Speed: 3
Range: 350 Miles
Reliability: 4
Crew: 1

Great Britain's attempt to counter the Curtiss P-1 Hawk was successful to say the least. Equaling it in firepower, and speed, while surpassing it in power and range, the Scavenger has been a welcome addition to the Commonwealths defense.

Mitsubishi IS2M
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1927
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire, Indochina, Siam
Weapons: 3
Speed: 4
Range: 350 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 1

Fighters specializing in fire-power and speed. Quick, and with a larger armanent then most fighters. However, for the speed gained, they seem to lose some of the extra-protection around the planes hull. All around better then the last version of the plane.

Bordeaux 28'
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1928
Developed By: The Third French Empire, The Spanish Empire
Nations approved for Production: All
Weapons: 3
Speed: 5
Range: 400 Miles
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

Jointly developted by the French and Spanish governments, the Bordeaux 28' is a vast improvement over the 19'. For startes, this is the first recorded monoplane fighter in the world. It's speed is perhaps its biggest advantage, as its improved fire-power over many other designs. It soon found its way into the armanents of Italy, the Netherlands, and several other European nations.

Bradenburg WA3
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1931
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Approved For Production: Ruthenia, Estonia, The Czech Kingdom, Luxembourg, The Kingdom of Austria and Hungay, Romania
Weapons: 5
Speed: 5
Range: 400 Miles
Reliability: 3
Technical: 3
Crew: 1

German engineering at its finest, the Brandenburg WA3 was designed to counter the growing strength of the French and Spanish airforce. While not as fast as its chief competitor, the Bordeaux 37', its weapons systems are much more advanced, and effective. That being said, it can take more damage then the 37', but is not nearly as quick.

Mitsubishi IS3M
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1934
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire, Indochina, Siam, Colombia, The Republic of the Andes
Weapons: 4
Speed: 6
Range: 390 Miles
Reliability: 3
Technical: 3
Crew: 1

Fighters specializing in fire-power and speed. Quick, and with a larger armanent then most fighters. However, for the speed gained, they seem to lose some of the extra-protection around the planes hull. All around better then the last version of the plane.

The Sioux 35'
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1935
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations approved for Production: The United States of America
Weapons: 5
Speed: 5
Range: 400 Miles
Reliability: 4
Technical: 3
Crew: 1

The pinnacle of American engineering, the Sioux 35' is faster, and stronger then most other nation's fighters. Sacrificing speed for weaponry, this fighter is much stronger then almost any other fighter in the world.

Bordeaux 37'
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1937
Developed By: The Third French Empire, The Spanish Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Third French Empire, The Spanish Empire
Weapons: 4
Speed: 7
Range: 420 Miles
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

The latest improvement over the Bordeaux 37', it is considered by many to be the fastest air-craft on Earth, and not many are refuting that fact. It's defenses are lack though, and a few well placed rounds could take down this fighter, but that's if this can be caught.

Yakovlev Yak-1 Fighter
Spoiler :

Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: The Soviet Union of Russia and Ukraine
Nations approved for Production: The Soviet Union of Russia and Ukraine, The Soviet Republic of Crimea, The Soviet Republic of Georgia, The Soviet Republic of Azerbaijin
Weapons: 3
Speed: 5
Range: 370 Miles
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 1

Created by the Soviets, it's an aircraft of practicallity, not quality. Moderately okay in all fields, it's easily mass produced.

Spoiler :

Xiaolong H-I
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1916
Developed By: The Chinese Empire
Nations approved for Production: All
Defenses: 1
Payload: 2
Speed: 1
Range: 300 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 6

These are the first planes with the soul purpose of bombing. They are moderatly okay in that respect, but only with heavy support from fighters, because of their slow speed, and lack of other weapons. But are ideal for blasting troops out of trenches, or buildings, and destroying Warkers and artillery from up high.

Douglass LB-3
Spoiler :
Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations approved for Production: The United States of America, Cuba, Colombia, Nicaragua
Defenses: 2
Payload: 3
Speed: 2
Range: 350 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 6

America's first bomber. Contain's several dozen improvements over the Xiaolong H-1

The Kiki B1
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire, Siam, Indochina
Defenses: 1
Payload: 4
Speed: 1
Range: 350 Miles
Reliability: 1
Crew: 6

Has a better payload then the Xiaolong H-1's, but is much slower.

Xiaolong H-2
Spoiler :
Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1926
Developed By: The Chinese Empire
Nations approved for Production: All
Defenses: 2
Payload: 3
Speed: 2
Range: 400 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 6

The Chinese Empire's latest improvement over their highly successful Xiaolong H-1 Bomber. Cheap to buy, and maintain, it's favored by a majority of the worlds nations.

Kaufmann BT-12
Spoiler :
Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1931
Developed By: The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary
Nations approved for Production: The German Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary, Ruthenia, The Czech Kingdom, Romania, Luxembourg, Estonia
Defenses: 4
Payload: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 450 Miles
Reliability: 3
Crew: 6

Designed by the Austrian aerospace inventor Volker Kaufmann, the Kaufmann BT-12 was created to be the best bomber in the world, and many believe it is. While it may not has a much of a payload as an American Philadelphia v3 Bomber, it certainly has better defenses, and speed, which in combat situations, arguably is more important. This is the first monoplane bomber.

Philadelphia v3 Bomber
Spoiler :
Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1932
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations approved for Production: The United States of America
Defenses: 3
Payload: 4
Speed: 2
Range: 420 Miles
Reliability: 4
Crew: 6

Improved American bomber, with great range, and payload, then the previous Douglass LB-3.

Kyoto 32' Bomber
Spoiler :
Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1932
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Japanese Empire, Siam, Indochina, The Confederate States of America, Aleyska
Defenses: 2
Payload: 3
Speed: 3
Range: 420 Miles
Reliability: 2
Crew: 6

As the Chinese Empire revealed to the world its newest Xiaolong X-2 bomber, Japanese inventors were hard at work looking for a way to top it. The result was the Kyoto 27' bomber. While technically it is a better aircraft then the Xiaolong X-2 in terms of speed and range, it has thus far been plagued by technical problems that its creators did not see in initial test runs. Despite this, the bomber does its job well. In order to provide a counterweight to growing American power, the Japanese government gifted the designs to both the Confederacy and Aleyska in 1933.

Napoleon T13 Bomber
Spoiler :
Cost: 3 EP, 1 MP for 1 Squadron
Developed In: 1936
Developed By: The Third French Empire, The Spanish Empire
Nations approved for Production: The Third French Empire, The Spanish Empire
Defenses: 1
Payload: 4
Speed: 4
Range: 500 Miles
Reliability: 4
Crew: 6

Arguably the best bomber on the planet. Designed just recently by a joint French and Spanish government program, the bomber sacrifices armor and defense for speed and range. If used correctly, its speed and range, toppled with its large payload could be a war winner.

Spoiler :

Subsurface-Class Submarines
Spoiler :

Cost: 1 EP, 1 MP; 2 Ships
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: Great Britain
Nations Able To Use: Great Britain, The Dominions of Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal and Bhutan
Nations Currently Using: Great Britain, South Africa, Australia
Weapon: 3
Armor: 1
Speed: 3
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 70

An improvement on the normal Submarine, with higher speed and better weapons.

Hamburg v2 U-boat
Spoiler :

Cost: 2 EP, 1 MP; 2 Ships
Developed In: 1925
Developed By: The German Empire, The Kingdom of Austria and Hungary
Nations Able To Use: The German Empire, The Kingdom of Austria and Hungary
Nations Currently Using: The German Empire, The Kingdom of Austria and Hungary
Weapon: 3
Armor: 2
Speed: 4
Reliability: 2
Technical: 2
Crew: 70

An improvement on the normal Submarine, with higher speed and better weapons. It can say submerged much longer than the normal submarine.

Aircraft Carriers
Spoiler :

Lexington-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 7 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1920
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Nations Currently Using Design: The United States of America
Defenses: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Capacity: 90 planes
Technical: 2
Crew: 2,200

The world's first Aircraft Carrier. It can carry roughly 90 fighters (or 70-75 bombers), but is relatively defenseless, save for a few machine guns, and light cannons.

Deutsche Werft Haifische Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1925
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Able To Use: The German Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary
Nations Currently Using Design: The German Empire
Defenses: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Capacity: 60 planes
Technical: 2
Crew: 1,900

Germany's first aircraft carrier. It can carry roughly 60 fighters, (or 35-40 bombers), but is relatively defenseless, save for a few machine guns, and light cannons.

Showa-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 4 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1925
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations Able To Use: The Japanese Empire
Nations Currently Using Design: The Japanese Empire
Defenses: 2
Speed: 2
Range: 2
Capacity: 40 planes
Technical: 2
Crew: 1,500

Japan's first aircraft carrier. It can carry roughly 40 fighters, (or 15-20 bombers), but is relatively defenseless, save for a few machine guns, and light cannons.

Drake-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 6 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations Able To Use: The United Kingdom
Defenses: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 2
Capacity: 60 planes
Technical: 3
Crew: 1,700

The newest addition to His Majesty's Fleet. The Drake-Class Aircraft Carrier is better armed and armoured then all previous aircraft designs. While it still doesn't hold as many aircraft as the giant American Lexington-Class, the Drake-Class has many anti-aircraft batteries, and cannons. It can carry 60 fighters (or 35-40 bombers), this ship should be able to stand alone against even some of the most agressive fleets. It's thicker armor means that it will take more then one or two lucky shots to sink one of these behemoths..

Aquila-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 6 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: The Kingdom of Italy
Nations Able To Use: The Kingdom of Italy
Defenses: 2
Speed: 4
Range: 3
Capacity: 60 planes
Technical: 3
Crew: 1,500

Sacrificing armor for speed, the Italian made Aquila (Eagle) Class Aircraft Carrier holds 60 Fighters (or 35-40 bombers). It's armed with several small cannons, though nothing signifigant.

Danzig-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 6 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Able To Use: The German Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary
Defenses: 3
Speed: 5
Range: 3
Capacity: 80 planes
Technical: 3
Crew: 1,800
Carrying a variety of bombers, scout planes, and fighters, the Danzing-Aircraft carrier carries the deadliest payload in the world. The ship has the ability to fight off most fighter attacks, with 8 giant anti-aircraft guns mounted on the ship, along with eight smaller quick-firing guns, and several machine guns. It's speed was also of importance to the ships designer.

Taisho-Class Aircraft Carrier
Spoiler :

Cost: 6 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1939
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations Able To Use: The Japanese Empire
Defenses: 4
Speed: 3
Range: 4
Capacity: 90 planes
Technical: 4
Crew: 1,800
Developed in the midst of the Second World War, the Taisho-Class cruiser is a slower, yet more powerful counter to Germany's Danzig-Class Carrier.

Battle Ships
Spoiler :

Kaiser-Class Dreadnought
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1916
Developed By: The German Empire
Nations Able To Use: The German Empire, The Japanese Empire, The Dutch Empire, Brazil, Chile, The United States of America, The Kingdom of Italy, The Ottoman Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary
Nations Currently Using Design: The German Empire, The Japanese Empire, The Dutch Empire, Brazil, Chile, The Kingdom of Italy, The Ottoman Empire, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary
Weapon: 4
Armor: 4
Speed: 2
Reliability: 4
Technical: 2
Crew: 1200

An improvement on the normal Dreadnought. While the core of it is a dreadnought- using turbines, diesel engines, etc. it will have eight 15-inch guns on four gun turrets along the ship. The range of the guns will be signifigantly better then that of normal dreadnoughts. It also contains several secondary guns with a quicker then usual firing rate, fur use in close up battle against smaller ships. Though still weak against air attack, the ship will have several small anti-aircraft guns on it. It contains several torpedo tubes under the ship also.
The armor plating is slightly thicker, but the design is to mostly emphasive fire power and gun range over speed.

California-Class Battlecruiser
Spoiler :

Cost: 4 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1917
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Weapon: 3
Armor: 3
Speed: 4
Reliability: 4
Technical: 3
Crew: 500

A ship, laying between a cruiser and a dreadnought, capable of out-running and out-maneuvering most current capital ships (as of 1917). It's armanent is still quite a force, on par with that of large capital ships, with 8, 15 inch guns, 16 secondary 6 inch guns, 2 anti-aircracft guns (a first), and several torpedo tubes. It's hull has been slighlty reinforced to rpotect it from submarine attack. However it is still fairly susceptible to the large cannons of Dreadnoughts, or Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, if in range.

Littorio-Class Battleship
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1918
Developed By: The Kingdom of Italy
Nations Able To Use: The Kingdom of Italy
Weapon: 5
Armor: 4
Speed: 1
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 1200

A battleship, much like the Dreadnought, sacrificing speed for fire-power, and hull strength. Carries several triple 16' naval guns, supposedly the first ship ever to do so. It's hull is very strong, and was built to match any dreadnought out on the seas.

New Jersey-Class Dreadnoughts
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United States of America
Nations Able To Use: The United States of America
Weapon: 6
Armor: 4
Speed: 1
Reliability: 3
Technical: 2
Crew: 1200

A beefed up Dreadnought, created by the United States Navy. With an armanent of several 18' Guns, it is one of the deadliest ships afloat.

Nelson-Class Battleship
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 3 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1919
Developed By: The United Kingdom
Nations Able To Use: The United Kingdom
Weapon: 3
Armor: 4
Speed: 2
Reliability: 4
Technical: 3
Crew: 1000

What many believe is England's attempt at rivalling the Kaiser-Class Dreadnought. With a main armanent of 16' guns, along with dozens of support weapons, it is one of the strongest ships in use by the Royal Navy.

Yoshi-Class Battlecruiser
Spoiler :

Cost: 5 EP, 2 MP; 1 Ship
Developed In: 1938
Developed By: The Japanese Empire
Nations Able To Use: The Japanese Empire
Weapon: 4
Armor: 4
Speed: 5
Reliability: 4
Technical: 3
Crew: 500

The fastest battleship afloat, the Yoshi Class is smaller then a dreadnought, but larger then anything else. The ship is great against destroyers, and cruisers.

Spoiler :
The Principality of Albania
Dominion of Italy
Absolute Monarchy: Prince William
Capital: Durrës
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 178 (+1)
Army: 3 Divisions, 2 VM3 Legionary Warkers Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 5 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 2 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The Kingdom of Austria and Hungary
Constitutional Monarchy: Otto von Habsburg
Capital: Vienna
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 34/0
Manpower: 3,074 (+2)
Military Restriction: (/2,500,000)
Army: 94 Divisions, 14 Hindenburg Light 35' Brigades, 6 Krupp AG “Schildkröte” Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: (38,000) 2 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 16 Dreadnoughts, 15 Cruisers, 25 Destroyers, 4 Hamburg v2 U-boat, 20 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 38 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 11 Kaufmann BT-12 Squadrons, 10 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The Soviet Republic of Azerbaijin
Socialist Republic: Mirza Davud Huseynov
Capital: Baku
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 6/0
Manpower: 616 (+1)
Restrictions: (/320,000)
Army: 7 Divisions, 5 Rabotnik Medium Soviet Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 2 Cruiser
Navy Quality: 1/10
Air Force: 4 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 1 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Absolute Monarchy: Ferdinand I
Capital: Sofia
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 63 (+1)
Restrictions: (/30,000)
Army: 5 Infantry Divisions, 4 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 2 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The Soviet Republic of Crimea
Socialist Republic: Viktor Azarov
Capital: Simferopol
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 9/0
Manpower: 316 (+1)
Restrictions: (/400,000)
Army: 16 Divisions, 10 Rabotnik Medium Soviet Brigades, 3 Hindenburg Light Warker Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 3 Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, 7 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 20 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 5 Mistubishi IS1M, 4 Xiaolong H-2, 4 Yak Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The Kingdom of Croats and Serbs
Constitutional Monarchy: King Iko
Capital: Belgrade
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 5
Manpower: 347 (+1)
Restrictions: (/90,000)
Army: 8 Divisions, 3 Hindenburg Light Brigades, 2Hindenburg Light 29' Brigades, 1 VM3 Legionary Brigade
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 3 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 5 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-1 Squadrons, 1 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The Czech Kingdom
German Protectorate
Constitutional Monarchy: Prince Jan I
Capital: Prague
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 3/0
Manpower: 332(+2)
Restrictions: (/150,000)
Army: 7 Infantry Divisions, 3 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 9 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 10 Kaufmann BT-12 Squadrons, 3 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Constitutional Monarchy: Christian X
Capital: Copenhagen
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 9/0
Manpower: 216 (+1)
Restrictions: (/100,000)
Army: 8 Infantry Divisions, 3 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 9 Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, 6 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 4 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings
Air Force Experience: 1/10
Possesions: +3 EP, +13 MP
Spoiler :

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 8
Garrison: 2 Infantry Divisions, 1 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigade, 2 Light Cruisers, 2 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 1 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wing

Stability: 8
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 1
Garrison: 1 Light Cruiser, 1 Destroyer

The Danish Virgin Islands
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 2
Garrison: 1 Infantry Division, 1 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades, 1 Light Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 2 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 1 Mcourt T4 “Gnats” Wings

The Dutch Empire
Exiled Government: Wilhelmina
Capital: Curacao
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 2/0
Manpower: 11(+0)
Army: 4 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg 29' Light Warker Brigade
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 4 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 4 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10
Spoiler :

Occupied Cape Verde

German Protectorate
Constitutional Monarchy: King Andrus I
Capital: Tallinn
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 5/0/0
Manpower: 213 (+1)
Restrictions: (45,000/130,000)
Army: 7 Divisions, 5 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 2 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 8 Submarines
Navy Quality: 1/10
Air Force: 9 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 2 Kaufmann BT-12 Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1/10

The Republic of Finland
Republic: Mikael Uurho
Capital: Helsinki
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 244 (+1)
Restrictions: (/100,000)
Army: 9 Infantry Divisions, 7 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 1 Cruiser, 6 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Experience: N/A

The French Imperium/Communisto
Dictatorship: Louis Stèle
Capital: Paris
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 39/0(m)
Manpower: 4337 (+1)
Army: 125 Divisions, 10 “Conquistador” Heavy Warker Brigades, 14 Congressional M-2 Warkers Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 3 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 2 Dreadnoughts, 29 Cruisers, 36 Destroyers, 51 Submarines
Navy Experience: 2/10
Air Force: 32 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 20 Napoleon T13 Squadrons, 12 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 10 Lasalle Heavy Squadrons
Air Force: 3/10
Possessions: (+2 EP, +2,397 MP)
Spoiler :

Stability: 5
Economic Power: -1
Manpower: 326
Garrison: 4 Divisions, 1 M-2 Congressional Warkers Brigades, 2 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 1 Napoleon T13 Squadron

French West Africa
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 439
Garrison: 10 Divisions, 1 Congressional Warkers, 1 “Conquistador” Heavy Warkers, 3 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 1 Napoleon T13 Squadrons, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 5 Destroyers

French Ethiopia
Stability: 1
Economic Power: -1
Manpower: 317
Garrison: 4 Divisions, 1 M-2 Congressional Warkers, 2 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 271
Garrison: 11 Divisions, 1 M-2 Congressional Warker Brigade, 2 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 1 Napoleon T13 Squadrons, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 5 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 5 Submarines

Occupied Holland
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 403
Garrison: N/A

The French East Indies
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 4
Manpower: 1,041
Garrison: 2 Divisions

The French Congo
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 21
Garrison: 5 Divisions

Occupied Senegal
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 13

Also controls; Kerguelen Islands, Crozet Islands

The Soviet Republic of Georgia
Socialist Republic: Andre Gulizick
Capital: Tbisilli
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 628 (+15)
Restrictions: (/320,000)
Army: 9 Divisions, 7 Rabotnik Medium Soviet Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 2 Armoured Cruisers, 4 Destroyers
Navy Quality: 1/10
Air Force: 4 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The German Empire/Agent89
Protector of; Ruthenia, Luxembourg, The Czech Kingdom, Estonia
Constitutional Monarchy: Kaiser Wilhelm III
Capital: Berlin
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 52/0
Manpower: 7,658/1,744 (+6)
Restrictions: (/4,500,000)
Army: 126 Divisions, 19 Hindenburg 35' Light Brigades, 8 Hindenburg 29' Brigades, 11 Krupp AG “Schildkröte” Brigades
Army Experence: 3/10
Navy: 5 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 38 Dreadnoughts, 30 Cruisers, 65 Destroyers, 84 Submarines, 7 Hamburg v2 U-boats, 3 Deutsche Werft Haifische Aircraft Carriers, 1 Danzig-Class Aircraft Carrier
Navy Experience: 3/10
Air Force: 45 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 29 Kaufmann BT-12 Squadrons, 13 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings
Air Force Experience: 2/10
Possessions: (+1,744 MP, +10 EP)
Spoiler :

German Nigeria
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 250
Garrison: 4 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigade, 1 Brandenburg WA3 Squadron, 2 Dreadnoughts, 7 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 10 Submarines

German East Africa
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 620
Garrison: 2 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigade, 1 Brandenburg WA3 Squadron, 3 Dreadnoughts, 5 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, 1 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wing

German Central Africa
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 341
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigade, 2 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 1 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wing

Stability: 7
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 357
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigade, 1 Brandenburg WA3 Squadron

Stability: 7
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 92
Garrison: 2 Divisions, 1 Brandenburg WA3 Squadron, 1 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wing

German Southwest Africa
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 21
Garrison: 4 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigade, 2 Dreadnoughts, 7 Destroyers

German New Guinea
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 63
Garrison: 8 Divisions, 3 Hindenburg Light 35' Light Brigades, 1 Krupp AG “Schildkröte” Brigades, 3 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 2 Kaufmann BT-12 Squadrons, 2 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings, 2 Deutsche Werft Haifische Aircraft Carriers, 2 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 6 Dreadnoughts, 5 Cruisers, 12 Destroyers, 20 Submarines
Occupied Mozambique
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 5
Garrison: N/A

Also controls; The Marshall Islands, Caroline Islands, German Samoa, Pemba, Zanzibar, Reunion, Comoros Islands, German Suez Canal Zone (+2 EP, +10 MP)

Greece/Julius Ghandi
Constitutional Monarchy: George II
Capital: Athens
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 14/1
Manpower: 338 (+2)
Restrictions: (/300,000)
Army: 20 Infantry Divisions, 5 VM3 Legionary Brigades, 1 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: (24,000) 14 Cruisers, 13 Destroyers,
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Bombers
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Ireland/Commander Gorma
Republic: Alan Wallace
Capital: Dublin
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 7/1
Manpower: 394 (+1)
Restriction: (55,000/60,000)
Army: 4 Divisions, 2 Hindenburg Light Brigades, 2 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigades, 1 Krupp AG Brigades
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 8 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 6 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons, 4 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings, 1 Brandenburg WA3 Squadron
Air Force: 1/10
Spoiler :

The Occupied Azore Islands

Kingdom of Italy/ZeletDude
Constitutional Monarchy: Victor Emmanuel IV
Capital: Rome
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 32/1
Manpower: 2,569 (+4)
Restrictions: (681,366/2,500,000)
Army: 75 Infantry Divisions, 25 VM3 Legionary Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 3 Littorio-Class Battleships, 12 Dreadnoughts, 17 Cruisers, 31 Destroyers, 24 Submarines, 1 Aquila-Class Aircraft Carrier
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 32 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 10 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10
Possessions: (+0 EP, +660)
Spoiler :

Stability: 8
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 131
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 2 VM3 Legionary Brigades, 4 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons

Stability: 1
Economic Power: -1
Manpower: 75
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 1 VM3 Legionary Brigades, 3 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 1 Litorrio-Class Battleship, 2 Dreadnoughts, 4 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 5 Submarines

Stability: 1
Economic Power: -2
Manpower: 423
Garrison: 4 Divisions, 3 VM3 Legionary Brigades, 8 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 31
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 3 VM3 Legionary Brigades, 7 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 1 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons

Also Controls: The Italian Suez Canal Zone (+1 EP)

German Protectorate
Exiled Constitutional Monarchy: Duchess Charlotte
Capital: Berlin
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 3/0
Manpower: 33(+0)
Restrictions: (/25,000)
Army: 2 Infantry Divisions, 2 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 3 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The Kingdom of Montenegro
Dominion of Italy
Absolute Monarchy: Nicholas I
Capital: Cetinje
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 44 (+0)
Restrictions: (/40,000)
Army: 3 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigades, 1 VM3 Legionary Warkers Brigades
Army Experience:
Navy: N/A
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 1 Bordeaux 28' Squadron
Air Force Experience: N/A

Constitutional Monarchy: Haakon VII
Capital: Olso
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 6/0
Manpower: 279 (+1)
Restrictions: (/300,000)
Army: 10 Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 3 Armored Cruisers, 12 Light Cruisers, 15 Destroyers,
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 “Scavangers” Squadrons
Air Force Experience: N/A

The Ottoman Empire/Lord of Elves
Protector of Qatar
Absolute Monarchy: Mehmed V
Capital: Istanbul
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 25/7
Manpower: 3,141 (+2)
Restrictions: (/1,205,000)
Army: 60 Infantry Divisions, 7 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades, 8 Hindenburg Light Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 7 Dreadnoughts, 50 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons, 8 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-1 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Dicatorship: Antonio Gama
Capital: Lisbon
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 15/0
Manpower: 680/102 (+3)
Restrictions: (/800,000)
Army: 23 Divisions, 10 M-2 Congressional Warker Brigades, 3 “Conquistador” Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 1 Dreadnoughts, 20 Cruisers, 6 Destroyers, 18 Submarines
Navy Experience: 2/10
Air Force: 33 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 7 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 5 Napoleon T13 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10
Posessions: (+7 EP, +102 MP)
Spoiler :

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 27
Garrison: 1 Divisions

Portuguese Guinea
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 21

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 10
Garrison: 2 Divisions, 30 M-2 Congressional Warkers, 60 Bordeaux 28', 10 Napoleon TB Squadrons, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 7 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 4 Submarines

Also in control of: Goa, Cabinda, São Tomé and Príncipe
(+2 EP, +30 MP)

The Second Empire of Spain/Karalysia
Dictatorship: Generalissimo Nicholas Estuardo
Capital: Madrid
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 43/0
Manpower: 4,489(+96)
Restriction: (1,120,000/2,500,000 )
Army: 99 Divisions, 12 “Conquistador” Brigades, 17 Congressional M-2 Brigades
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: 6 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 4 Dreadnoughts, 20 Cruisers, 22 Destroyers, 43 Submarines
Navy Experience: 2/10
Air Force: 43 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 12 Napoleon T13 Squadrons
Air Force: 2/10
Possessions: (+3 EP, +2,283 MP)
Spoiler :

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 418
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 30 Congressional M-2 Warkers, 20 “Conquistador” Heavy Warkers, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 2 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 10 Submarines, 48 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 10 Napoleon T13 Squadrons

Spanish West Africa
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 291
Garrison: 9 Divisions, 40 Congressional M-2 Warkers, 15 “Conquistador” Heavy Warkers, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, 5 Submarines, 24 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 10 Napoleon T13 Squadrons

Spanish Guinea
Stability: 5
Economic Power: -1
Manpower: 37
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 15 Congressional M-2 Warkers, 7 Destroyers, 5 Submarines, 24 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons, 10 Napoleon T13 Squadrons

Spanish Arabia
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 39
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 15 Congressional M-2 Warkers, 1 Dreadnought, 3 Destroyers, 12 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons

Spanish Ethiopia
Stability: 1
Economic Power: -1
Manpower: 261
Garrison: 7 Divisions, 30 Congressional M-2 Warkers, 10 “Conquistador” Heavy Warkers, 24 Bordeaux 37' Squadrons

The Spanish East Indies
Stability: 3
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 1,201

Sweden/ Heraclius49
Constitutional Monarchy: Gustaf V
Capital: Stockholm
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 13/5
Manpower: 659 (+2)
Restrictions: (/700,000)
Army: 20 Infantry Divisions, 2 Lion Troop Battalions, 10 M-2 Congressional Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 2 Dreadnought, 10 Armored Cruisers, 21 Light Cruisers, 22 Destroyers, 16 Submarines
Navy Experience: 5
Air Force: 20 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Confederation: Hans Volk
Capital: Bern
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 5/5
Manpower: 385 (+1)
Restriction: (550,204/600,000)
Army: (550,000) 35 Infantry Divisions, 10 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 20 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The United Kingdom of Great Britain/Milarqui
Parliamentary Democracy: James Clinton
Capital: London
Stability: 10
Economic Power: 38/0
Manpower: 37,879/33,945 (+5)
Restrictions: (/1,500,000)
Army: 34 Divisions, 20 “Channel” Class Brigades, 9 “Enforcer” Class Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 5 Nelson-Class Battleships, 21 Dreadnoughts, 11 Cruisers, 44 Destroyers, 25 Subsurface-Class Submarines, 3 Drake-Class Aircraft Carriers
Navy Experience: 3/10
Air Force: 19 Scavangers Squadrons, 10 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10
Possesions: (+33,945 MP, +15 EP )
Spoiler :

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 8
Manpower: 31,192
Garrison: 8 Divisions, 3 “Channel” Class Brigades, 2 “Enforcer” Brigades, 5 Scavanger Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons, 2 Nelson-Class Battleship, 9 Dreadnoughts, 9 Cruisers, 20 Destroyers, 12 Subsurface-Class Submarines

Stability: 5
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 960
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 2 “Channel” Class Brigades

British East Africa
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 170
Garrison: 1 Divisions, 1 “Channel” Class Brigade, 4 Scavangers Squadrons

Stability: 3
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 211
Garrison: 1 Division

British Nigeria
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 1,350
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 1 “Channel” Class Brigade, 5 Scavanger Squadrons, 2 Dreadnoughts, 3 Cruisers, 12 Destroyers

South Arabia
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 21
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 50 Commonwealth “Channel” Class, 72 Commonwealth Scavangers

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 4
Garrison: 1 Division

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 24
Garrison: 1 Division, 12 Commonwealth Scavangers

The Occupied Canary Islands
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 36
Also in Control of: Malta, The Mauritius, Socotra, The Maldives, The Cocos Islands, The Orkney Islands, Swaziland, Lesotho, Prince Edward Island, Bouvet Island, Occupied Azore Islands, Occupied Madeira (+2 EP, +70 MP)

Constitutional Monarchy: Carol II
Capital: Bucharest
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 9/0
Manpower: 679 (+2)
Restrictions: (/300,000)
Army: 26 Divisions, 3 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades, 1 Krupp AG Brigade
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 11 Armored Cruisers, 13 Light Cruisers, 9 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 13 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 4 Kaufmann BT-12 Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1/10

The Soviet Republic of Russia and the Ukraine/Justo
Socialist Republic: Alexander Navibokov
Capital: Moscow
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 39/1(m)
Manpower: 11,284 (+7)
Army: 140 Divisions, 10 Hindenburg Light Warkers Brigades, 50 Rabotnik Medium Soviet Warker Brigades, 4 Rabotnik II Medium Soviet Brigades
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 6 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 19 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 42 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 20 Mitsubishi IS1M Squadrons, 14 Xiaolong H-1 Squadrons, 5 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons, 2 Yakolev Yak-1 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 2/10

German Protectorate
Constitutional Monarchy: King Ivan I
Capital: Minsk
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 5/0/0
Manpower: 620 (+2)
Restrictions: (/135,000)
Army: 8 Divisions, 6 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades, 2 Krupp AG Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 8 Brandenburg WA3 Squadrons, 3 Kaufmann BT-12 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10


Spoiler :

Absolute Monarchy: Ahmed I
Capital: Kabul
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 595 (-1)
Restrictions: (/200,000)
Army: 2 Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: N/A
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 2 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-1 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Dominion of the United Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Ugyen
Capital: Thimphu
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 1/0
Manpower: 32 (+0)
Restrictions: (10,000/10,000)
Army: 3 Division
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 1 “Scavengers” Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1/10

The Chinese Empire
Absolute Monarchy: Puyi
Capital: Beijing
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 14/0
Manpower: 23,262(+20)
Restrictions: (/2,000,000)
Army: 90 Infantry Divisions, 13 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: 8 Dreadnought, 12 Cruisers, 14 Destroyers, 80 Submarines
Navy Experience: 8
Air Force: 13 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-I Squadrons, 5 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The People's Army of China/Luckymoose
Single-Party State: Zhāng Liú
Capital: None.
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 6/0
Manpower: 17,120(+0)
Restrictions: (/2,000,000)
Army: 49 Infantry Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light Brigade
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 2 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 2 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 4 Xiaolong H-2
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Vassal of Japan
Absolute Monarchy: Nguyen Anh
Capital: Hanoi
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 7/0
Manpower: 1382 (+3)
Restrictions: (/1,000,000)
Army: 20 Divisions, 7 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades, 2 Mitsubishi K-24 Imperial Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 5 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 2 Mitsubishi IS3M Squadron, 10 Mitsubishi IS2M Squadrons, 3 Kyoto 32' Squadron
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Japanese Empire/Kentharu
Absolute Monarchy: Emperor Shōwa
Capital: Tokyo
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 43/0(m)
Manpower: 5,544 (+4)
Army: 99 Divisions, 17 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades, 3 Mitsubishi K-24 Imperial Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 6 Kaiser-Class Dreadnoughts, 22 Dreadnoughts, 11 Cruisers, 70 Destroyers, 70 Submarines, 2 Yoshi-Class Battlecruisers, 3 Showa-Class Aircraft Carriers, 2 Showa-Class Aircraft Carriers
Navy Experience: 2/10
Air Force: 34 Mitsubishi IS3M Squadrons, 10 Kyoto 32' Squadrons, 8 Napoleon T13 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10
Possessions: (+4 EP, +3,840 MP)
Spoiler :

The Philippines
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 800
Garrison: 3 Divisions, 1 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigade, 2 Mistubishi IS3M Squadron, 3 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 5 Submarines

Stability: 2
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 130
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 2 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades, 2 Mistubishi IS3M Squadrons, 4 Dreadnoughts, 3 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 11 Submarines

Stability: 6
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 1,200
Garrison: 25 Divisions, 5 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades, 1 Mitsubishi K-24 Imperial Brigades, 10 Mistubishi IS3M Squadrons, 2 Kyoto 32' Squadrons, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 4 Dreadnoughts, 4 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 15 Submarines

Stability: 2
Economic Power: -1
Manpower: 350
Garrison: 5 Divisions, 2 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades, 10 Mistubishi IS3M Squadrons, 2 Kyoto 32' Squadrons, 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 4 Dreadnoughts, 4 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers, 15 Submarines

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 3
Manpower: 1,327

Also in Control of: The Soloman Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuata, Fiji, Sakhalin, The Aleutian Islands, Polynesia (+3 EP, +33 MP)

Dominion of the United Kingdom
Absolute Monarchy: Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah
Capital: Kathmandu
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 3/0/1
Manpower: 75 (+1)
Restrictions: (30,000/30,000)
Army: 4 Divisions, 2 “Channel” Class Brigades
Army Experience: 4/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 1 “Scavengers” Brigade
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Absolute Monarchy: Ahmad Shah Qajar
Capital: Tehran
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 10/0
Manpower: 761 (+1)
Restrictions: (/800,000)
Army: 30 Infantry Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 20 Cruisers, 15 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 4 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Protectorate of the Ottoman Empire
Emirate: Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani
Capital: Doha
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 24 (+0)
Restrictions: (/39,000)
Army: 4 Infantry Divisions, 4 “Channel” Class Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 1 Cruiser, 7 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 5 “Scavengers” Squadrons, 2 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Saudi Arabia
Absolute Monarchy: Ibn Saud
Capital: Riyadh
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 6/0
Manpower: 212 (+1)
Restrictions: (/200,000)
Army: 13 Infantry Divisions, 4 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigades, 4 VM3 Legionary Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 17 Armored Cruisers, 3 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 20 Bordeaux 28', 3 Xiaolong H-2, 5 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wings
Air Force Quality: N/A

Vassal of Japan
Absolute Monarchy: Vajiravudh
Capital: Bangkok
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 12/0
Manpower: 827 (+2)
Restrictions: (/900,000)
Army: 40 Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 1 Dreadnoughts, 2 Armored Cruisers, 6 Light Cruisers, 8 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 Mitsubishi IS3M Squadrons, 2 Kyoto 32' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Spoiler :

The Kingdom of Egypt
Dominion of Italy
Constitutional Monarchy: Omar II
Capital: Alexandria
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 179 (+0)
Restrictions: (/80,000)
Army: 7 Divisions, 2 Hindenburg Light 29' Brigades, 3 VM3 Legionary Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 4 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers, 5 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 5 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 3 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1/10

The Dominion of South Africa
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Parliamentary Democracy: Brian Hiltner
Capital: Cape Town
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 9/0
Manpower: 251 (+1)
Restrictions: (/200,000)
Army: 12 Divisions, 3 “Channel” Class Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 1 Dreadnought, 10 Cruisers, 48 Destroyers,
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 “Scavengers”, 1 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10
Spoiler :

Occupied Mozambique
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 5
Garrison: N/A

The Transvaal Freestate
Republic: Hans Steitz
Capital: Pretoria
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 268 (+1)
Restriction: (/70,000)
Army: 6 Divisions, 2 Hindenburg 29' Light Brigades
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 4 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: N/A
Spoiler :

Occupied Mozambique
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 5
Garrison: N/A

Spoiler :

Respubliki Aleyska/Antler94
Parliamentary Democracy: Alexandr Baranov Rezonov
Captial: Sitka
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 6/0
Population: 19 (+.3)
Restriction: (22,000/22,000)
Army: 2 Divisions, 2 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades, 2 Backwoods Militia
Army Experience: 4/10
Navy: 2 Cruisers, 4 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 3 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 1 Kyoto 32' Squadron, 1 McCourt T4 “Gnats” Wing
Air Force Experience: 2/10

The Dominion of Canada
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Parliamentary Democracy: Wilson Mars
Captial: Vancouver
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 9/0
Population: 103 (+2)
Restriction: (/55,000)
Army: 10 Divisions, 4 “Channel” Brigades, 1 “Enforcer” Brigade
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 7 Cruisers, 15 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 2/10
Air Force: 14 Scavengers Squadrons, 3 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Confederate States of America/Amon Savag
Confederacy: John Kinson
Capital: Richmond
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 21/0(m)
Manpower: 497 (+3)
Restrictions: (/600,000)
Army: 22 Divisions, 16 Forrest “Dixies” Brigades, 2 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades, 3 "Meed" Brigades
Army Experience: 4/10
Navy: 10 Destroyers, 14 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 1 Bordeaux 28' Squadron, 2 Kyoto 32' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 2/10

The American Protectorate of Cuba
Representative Democracy: Juan Gomez
Capital: Havana
Stability: 2
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 181(+0)
Restrictions: (10,000/10,000)
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Experience: N/A
Navy: 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: None
Air Force Experience: N/A

The United States of Mexico
Representative Democracy: Migual Topaz
Capital: Mexico City
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 3/0
Manpower: 413(+0)
Restrictions: (/25,000)
Army: 3 Divisions, 1 Forrest “Dixies” Brigade
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 2 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The American Protectorate of Nicaragua
Representative Democracy: Adam Jones
Capital: Managua
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 2/0
Manpower: 29 (+0)
Restrictions: (10,000/10,500)
Army: 2 Division
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: N/A

la République du Québec
Parliamentary Republic: Gerard Clifft
Capital: Quebec
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 7/0
Population: 42 (+1)
Restriction: (/40,000)
Army: 5 Divisions, 3 Hinderburg Light 29' Brigades
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: 8 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 10 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The American Protectorate of Santo Domingo
Representative Democracy: Jefferson Hiel
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Stability: 1
Economic Power: 1/0
Manpower: 123 (+0)
Restrictions: (X/X)
Army: None.
Army Experience: N/A
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: None.
Air Force Experience: N/A

The United States of America/Nuclearkid
Protector of: Cuba, Santo Domingo, Nicaragua
Representative Democracy: James Cooper
Capital: Washington D.C.
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 47/0
Population: 7,803 (+7)
Restriction: (/2,000,000)
Army: 47 Infantry Divisions, 5 Warkers “Grizzly” Mod III Brigades, 12 Roosevelt-Mark I Brigades
Army Experience: 3/10
Navy: 35 Dreadnoughts, 32 Cruisers, 83 Destroyers, 100 Submarines, 10 California-Class Battlecruisers, 4 New Jersey-Class Dreadnoughts, 5 Lexington-Class Aircraft Carriers
Navy Experience: 4/10
Air Force: 31 Sioux 25' Squadrons, 8 Philadelphia v3 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 2/10
Possessions: (+5 EP, +320 MP)
Spoiler :

Puerto Rico
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 110
Garrison: 1 Division, 1 Warkers “Grizzly” Mod III Brigade, 1 Dreadnought, 5 Destroyers, 1 California-Class Battlecruiser, 1 Lexington-Class Aircraft Carrier, 1 Philadelphia v3 Squadron

The Hawaiian Islands
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 2
Manpower: 15
Garrison: 4 Divisions, 3 Warkers “Grizzly” Mod III Brigades, 2 Dreadnoughts, 20 Destroyers, 1 California-Class Battlecruiser, 1 Lexington-Class Aircraft Carrier, 1 Philadelphia v3 Squadron

The Bahamas
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 5
Garrison: 1 Division, 5 Destroyers

Stability: 4
Economic Power: 0
Manpower: 82
Garrison: 1 Division

Lesser Antilles
Stability: 4
Economic Power: 1
Manpower: 107
Garrison: 1 Division, 10 Destroyers

Also in control of: The Falkland Islands, South Georgia, The Sandwich Islands, The Fox Islands (+1 MP)

Spoiler :

Republic of the Andes/Blackbard
Republic: Leonidas Santiago
Capital: Santiago
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 19/1
Manpower: 685 (+2)
Restriction: (65,000/70,000)
Army: 6 Divisions, 1 Hindenburg Light Warker Brigade, 4 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigade, 2 Chupacabra Divisions
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 7 Destroyers, 5 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 2 Bordeaux 19' Squadron, 2 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 7 Mistubishi IS3M Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Republic: Pedro Montes
Capital: Buenos Aires
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 9/0
Manpower: 61 (+1)
Restriction: (45,000/60,000)
Army: 6 Divisions, 3 Hindenburg Light Warkers Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 1 Cruiser, 15 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 1 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 2 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force: 1/10

Military Dictatorship: Juan Disazo
Capital: Sucre
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 189 (+0)
Restriction: (45,000/45,000)
Army: 3 Divisions, 2 Hindenburg Light Warkers Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: None.
Navy Experience: N/A
Air Force: 2 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Republica do Brasil/Eltain
Protector of Suriname
Republic: Juan Carlos
Capital: Rio de Janiero
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 25/10
Manpower: 2,730 (+4)
Restrictions: (350,000/350,000)
Army: 25 Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 1 Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, 1 Dreadnought, 5 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers, 15 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 13 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons, 5 Xialong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

República de Colombia /Immaculate
Representative Democracy: Adam Jones
Capital: Bogota
Stability: 5
Economic Power: 5/11
Manpower: 446 (+1)
Army: 2 Divisions, 3 Showa Hikoki M3 Brigades
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 7 Destroyers, 8 Submarines
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 2 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 2 Mitsubishi IS3M Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Military Dictatorship: Juan Luco
Capital: Asunción
Stability: 6
Economic Power: 3/0
Manpower: 81 (+0)
Restrictions: (10,000 /10,000)
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Quality: 1/10
Navy: N/A
Navy Quality: N/A
Air Force: N/A
Air Force Quality: N/A

Republic: Desi Arron
Capital: Rio de Janiero
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 37 (+0)
Restrictions: (12,000/12,000)
Army: 1 Division
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 1 Bordeaux 28' Squadron
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Republic: José Tongo
Capital: Montevideo
Stability: 7
Economic Power: 4/0
Manpower: 102 (+1)
Restriction: (22,000/25,000)
Army: 3 Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 2 Cruisers, 2 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 1 Bordeaux 19' Squadron
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Military Dictatorship: Juan Vicente Gómez
Capital: Maracas
Stability: 10
Economic Power: 10/0
Manpower: 521 (+1)
Restrictions: (150,000/150,000)
Army: 19 Divisions
Army Experience: 1/10
Navy: 12 Destroyers
Navy Experience: 1/10
Air Force: 5 Bordeaux 19' Squadrons, 2 Bordeaux 28' Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

Spoiler :

The Dominion of Australia
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Republic: Joseph Blatcher
Capital: Canberra
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 12/1
Manpower: 542 (+2)
Restrictions: (/350,000)
Army: 9 Divisions, 3 “Channel” Class Brigades, 1 “Enforcer” Class
Army Experience: 2/10
Navy: 2 Dreadnoughts, 6 Cruisers, 24 Destroyers, 27 Submarines
Navy Experience: 2/10
Air Force: 5 “Scavangers” Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Experience: 1/10

The Dominion of New Zealand
Dominion of the United Kingdom
Constitutional Republic: Randolf Blue
Capital: Wellington
Stability: 9
Economic Power: 5/0
Manpower: 117 (+0)
Restrictions: (/90,000)
Army: 4 Divisions, 2 “Channel” Class
Army Quality: 3
Navy: (33,500) 14 Cruisers, 10 Destroyers,
Navy Quality: 2
Air Force: 4 "Scavangers" Squadrons, 2 Xiaolong H-2 Squadrons
Air Force Quality: 1/10
The Entente- The United Kingdom, The Third French Empire, Russia, The Confederate States of America, the Mexican Empire, the Dominions of the United Kingdom Dissolved With the Signing of the Treaties of London, Paris, and Boston, in 1917
The Quadruple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, The United States of America Broken, as of 1918
The Commonwealth- The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Bhutan, Nepal
The Tokyo-London Defensive Alliance-Japan, The United Kingdom Broken, as of 1914
The East Asiatic Co-Prosperity Alliance-Japan, Siam, Indochina
The Treaty of Jinan-Germany, China, The United States of AmericaBroken, as of 1927
The Treaty of San Clemente- The United States of America, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, The Republic of Mexico(1917),Ecuador(1919), Chile(1919), Argentina(1919), Nicaragua(1919), Suriname(1919), Uruguay(1919), Paraguay(1919)
The Congress of Nations- Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden, BelgiumBroken, as of 1922
The Ottoman-Bulgarian Alliance- The Kingdom of Bulgaria, The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman-German Alliance- The German Empire, The Ottoman Empire
The Italian-Montenegrin Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, The Kingdom of Montenegro
The Italian-Austrian Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, The Austro-Hungarian EmpireBroken, as of 1924
The Madrid-Berlin Pact The German Empire, SpainBroken, as of 1922
The Italian-Swedish Alliance- The Kingdom of Italy, Sweden
The Franco-Spanish Alliance- The Third French Empire, The Second Spanish Empire, Portugal, Belgium
The Italian-Greek Defensive Alliance The Kingdom of Italy, The Kingdom of Greece
The Italian-Croat and Serbian Defensive Alliance The Kingdom of Italy, The Kingdom of Croats and Serbs
The Mediterranean Prosperity League The Kingdom of Italy, The Ottoman Empire, The Kingdom of Egypt, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, The French Empire, The Spanish Empire, The Kingdom of Croats and Serbs

The Charter of the Congress of Nations, 1915 The Republic of Portugal, Manuel de Arriaga; Sweden, Gustav V; Switzerland, Arthur Hoffman; Belgium; 1918, Leopold I

Treaty of Copenhagen, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; Sweden, Gustav V; Denmark, Christian X; Norway, Haakon VII

Treaty of London, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The United Kingdom, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV

Treaty of Tokyo, 1917 The Empire of Japan, Taishō; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Siam, Vajiravudh; The Russian Empire, Nicholas II; The Third French Empire, Napoleon IV

Treaty of Boston, 1917 The United States of America, Theodore Roosevelt; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George

Treaty of Dublin, 1917 The Republic of Ireland, Liam McCourt; The German Empire, Wilhelm;

Treaty of London, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George; The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV; The Kingdom of Spain, Alfonso XIII

Treaty of Buenos Aires, 1917 Argentina previously La Plata, Earl Stanley Baldwin; Brazil, Venceslau Brás; The United Kingdom, The Commonwealth, David Lloyd George

Treaty of Paris, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The Third French Empire, Napoleon IV; The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV

Treaty of Barcelona, 1917 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The Kingdom of Spain, Alfonso XIII; The The Republic of Portugal, Bernadino Mercado

Treaty of the Balkans, 1918 The Ottoman Empire, Mehmed V; The Kingdom of Greece, Constantine I; The Kingdom of Bulgaria, Ferdinand I; The Kingdom of Romania, Carol I

Treaty of Königsberg, 1918 The German Empire, Wilhelm; The Russian Union, Georgy Gref; The Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph I; The Kingdom of Romania, Carol I; The Kingdom of Montenegro, Nicholas I

Treaty of Taranto, 1919 The Kingdom of Italy, Victor Emmanuel IV; The Kingdom of Montenegro, Nicholas I; The Principality of Albania, Prince William I

Pact of Medina, 1919 The Ottoman Empire, Mehmed IV; Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud

Treaty of Richmond, 1924 The United States of America, Alexander Palmer; The Confederate States of America, Daniel Blaine

The Naknek-Washington Agreement, 1927 The United States of America, Adam Wilkes; Respubliki Alesyka, Ivan Streckli

The Prague Pact, 1929 The German Empire, Kaiser Wilhelm II; The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary, King Otto von Habsburg

The Kiev Pact, 1931 The Soviet Republic of Russia, Mikhail Frunze; The Soviet Republic of Crimea, Viktor Azarov; The Soviet Republic of the Ukraine, Mikhail Tambov; The Soviet Republic of Georgia, Andre Gulizick; The Soviet Republic of Azerbaijin, Mirza Davud Huseynov

The Celtic Pact, 1937 The United Kingdom of Great Britain, James Clinton; The Republic of Ireland, Alan Wallace

Treaty of Trondheim, 1937 Sweden, Gustaf V ; Denmark, Christian X ; Norway, Haakon VII

The Continental Defensive Treatise of South America, 1937 Brazil, Juan Carlos ; The Republic of the Andes, Leonidas Santiago ; Uruguay, José Tongo ; Colombia, Adam Jones

Current Wars
Name: The Lowlands War/The Second Great War
When: 1938-
Who: The Second Spanish Empire, The French Imperium, The Portuguese Empire, The Japanese Empire, Saudi Arabia, Indochina, Siam VS. The Dutch Empire, Great Britain, The German Empire, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, Nepal, Bhutan, Australia, New Zealand, The Trasnvaal Freestate, Austria, Estonia, The Kingdom of Czechs, Ruthenia, Romania

Name: The Second War of Southern Independence
When: 1938-
Who: The Confederate States of America VS. The United States of America

Name: The Great Rainforest War
When: 1938-
Who: The Andean Republic, Colombia, Brasil, Suriname VS. Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela, Uruguay
Name: Lima War
When: 1914-1915
Who: Chile vs. Peru
Losses: 13,000 Chileans Lost; 24,000 Peruvians Lost
Description: Peru, always described as being relatively unstable had apparently planned a hostile take over of Chile. Chile, took the fight to Peru however, and launched a surprise invasion, quickly pushing back their under-powered Peruvian defenders. Fighting was intense though, throughout the jungle, and highly mountainous terrain, ultimately ending in mass amounts of Peruvians surrendering to the Chilean army. Peruvian president Benavides to Brazil was also exiled to Brazil. Peru was annexed.
Other: The conflict resulted in the whole of Peru becoming annexed, though, the Peruvian Liberation Army, or P.L.A, took hold throughout various parts of the old nation. It took another year before the rest of the country could be secured.

Name: The Wars of Scandinavian Unification
When: 1915-1917
Who: Norway, Denmark, (Germany) vs. Sweden (Great Britain)
Losses: 100,000 Danish, 25,000 Norwegian, 90,000 Swedish, 2,000 British, 1,000 German, thousands of civilian from blockade
Description: In Sweden, a odd slightly Fascist movement had been building up in the years leading to the war. The movement clung to the idea that all of Scandinavia should be united under one banner. The war began when a Swedish fleet entered into Copenhagen, and destroyed much of the Danish fleet. From their, and invasion of Jutland went forth, with fighting throughout the Peninsula. Norway declared its support for Denmark, after a diplomatic breakdown between the nations. After another year of fighting throughout the region, and Sweden playing Germany and Britain off against each other, the conflict ended in what is more or less a tie.
Other: Some scholars argue that this was as much a theater of the Great War, as Iberia, or North America. A separate war, but a theater nonetheless. While many Swedes were against the war from the outset, large portions of the original movement remains, with many people joining after the war, because of what they viewed as mistreatment by the British and Germans.

Name: Italo-Albanian War
When: 1918
Who: The Kingdom of Italy, Montenegro vs. Albania
Losses: 4,000 Italians, 5,000 Montenegrin, 13,000 Albanians
Description: Albania, long lacking a stable government, came into conflict with Italy, after Italian ships stationed themselves off the Albanian coast. After a year of unsuccessful diplomacy, Albanian cannons fired at Italian ships, after they went too close to the Albanian coast. Italy soon declared war afterwords, bringing their Montenegrin allies into the battle. The war was fought fairly quickly, and was a very mobile war. The more experienced Italian troops clearly came out on top, as the whole of Albania was occupied before the year was up.
Other: Strong condemnations came from many nations in Europe, such as Germany. A more stable government was set up in Albania, the nation becoming a dominion of Italy.

Name: The Great War
When: 1914-1918
Who: The German Empire, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, The Kingdom of Italy, The United States of America, The Japanese Empire, Bulgaria, Abyssinia, The Ottoman Empire, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia,The Chinese Empire, Siam, Spain VS. The United Kingdom, The Third French Empire, The Empire of Mexico, Bhutan, Nepal, La Plata, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, The Confederate States of America, The Russian Empire, The Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Belgium, Portugal
Losses: Several Million on each side.
Description: The "War to End All Wars" was started when a Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. It did not take long for the Austrian military to declare war on it's small Balkan neighbor. With that, Serbia called in Imperial Russia, it's long time ally, to help fend off the Austrians. The Austrians then called in the Germans, who called in the Italians, and the Americans, as per the Quadruple Alliance. Somehow, the question of Belgian neutrality was raised, and the United Kingdom and Belgium soon declared war on Germany, bringing in the rest of the Commonwealth, and France, and the Confederate states, both of whom were members of the Entente, the alternate European alliance.

The opening moves of the war were in Europe, as the Germany army steamrolled through Belgium, guarded by the then limited Belgian army, and a small British military detachment. The French attempted to push over the Rhine, but were engulfed and beaten back, in the wake of a duel German and Italian invasion. Italy herself was invaded, however, by a large British force. With the Italian military out of the area, the British troops quickly occupied much of Central Italy.

In the East, meanwhile, Austria advanced into Serbia, while Russia advanced into Austria. Germany, hoping to relieve some pressure their Austrian allies pushed over the Vistula river, into Russian held Poland. In North America, the Confederacy quickly went on the offensives, pushing north into Maryland, and onto the Delmarva peninsula.
The next year of the war, was just as bloody, as the fighting spread across every continent, save for Antarctica. The Ottoman Empire joined in, after being persuaded by the British. Romania soon followed too. Their main targets was Bulgaria, and after the decisive Bulgarian loss to the joint armies at Plovdiv, the Bulgarians were out, leaving the Quadruple Alliance's Balkan front weak, and susceptible to attack. The Germans and Russians continued to duke it out, throughout Poland, and up and down the Baltic coast.

The Italians struggled to fight off the British invasion force, and ensuing blockade, leading to the the Italian government surrendering to the British government. Despite what seemed to be the loss of a key member of the Quadruple Alliance, Germany, America and Austria quickly gained allies in Spain, and Venezuela, both of whom had ships sunk by the British the year before.

The Spanish were quick to react- pushing into French equatorial Africa, and attacking French positions throughout French North Africa. Portugal, fearing war being brought to the Iberian peninsula (somewhat Ironically) declared war on Spain, leading to yet another front.

1915 was also a year of naval stand offs, with the battle of Guantanamo checking the joint Confederate-British-Commonwealth fleet in the Caribbean Sea, and the battle of the Orkney Islands securing German naval dominance in the North Atlantic sea.
The war intensified in South and Central America, also, as Mexico began to revolt against the Empire of Mexico, and the Confederate States. Colombia aided the effort, pushing into Confederate held Nicaragua, while Brazil and Venezuela attacked La Plata, and European colonies in Northern South America. The Confederate states, too faced a long year, losing in both the west, and east, managing to only hold onto their gains made in the Delmarva peninsula in the year prior.

As 1916 came along, it was become increasingly obvious that the Quadruple Alliance was winning the war. The English and Commonwealth forces have been devasted throughout the world, while increasing numbers of nations began jumping onto the Quadruple Alliance bandwagon. France managed to push Germany out of its home territory, managing to even free a bit of Belgium. However, after years of fighting, both France and the United Kingdom, followed by Portugal bowed out of the war.

This untied German hands from the western front, allowing them to focus on the Eastern front, much to Russia's dismay. Following the previous years victorious in the region, Montenegro declared its allegiance to the Entente, and along with Serbia and Romania made one final push into Austrian land. However, Austria was more interested in beating Russia back. Using newly developed Chinese X-1 Xialong bombers, crushed a large portion of the Russian army during the Second Battle of Stry, and began slowly pushing the "Ivans" back across the border. Germany with her armies free from the Western front also began pushing the Russians back across the Vistula.

The final blow to the great Russian Bear came in 1917, when China and the Ottoman Empire (switching sides to fight an age old enemy) attacked, and took, Manchuria and the Caucasus Mountains respectively. The Russian Imperial Government collapsed, with a Russian provincial government quickly taking over. The provincial government quickly requested peace with all involved nations, with Romania, Serbia and Montenegro following suit.

The Confederate States meanwhile, continued to fight the United State's armies, with increased vigor, but as the United State's military advantage became more and more evident, and the Confederate's only great victory that at Houston, it became obvious that the Confederate State had to accept defeat, and surrendered in late Spring.
The War in the Pacific has become completely over shadowed by the European War. As soon as hostilities broke out, Japan declared war on Britain and her allies, quickly taking several outlying islands owned by the empire, in the first few weeks of the war. The Japanese also quickly took over Sakhalin island, Sarawak, and jointly attack British positions on the Malay peninsula. They signed separate peace treaties with the Entente, allowing for the Pacific War to end at an earlier date then the European War.

The official end of the war was on June 18th, 1918.

Other: The great conflict in recorded human history, up to this point. Ireland, Finland, Belarus, Crimea, Estonia, Cuba, Suriname, Guiana, Mexico, Alyeska, Indochina, and by extension the Transvaal Republic all gained state ship during this war, or soon thereafter. The British and French Empire's influence in world affairs began waning after being almost completely shut out from the Pacific, and the Americas.

The German and American navy's both ended up becoming the pre-eminant naval forces on the planet, while several other nations greatly expanded influence, and territory. Spain soon after became the worlds first Fascist state, for many reasons caused by this conflict. The Russian Civil War is also a direct consequence of this war.

Name: The Russian Civil War
When: 1918-1924
Who: The Russian Union VS. The Russian Monarchists VS. The Bolsheviks VS. France, Spain, Persia, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, Japan
Losses: 10,000,000 Russians
Descrpition: Brutally bloody, The Russian Civil War commenced almost directly after the Great War, as Russia found itself fought over by Monarchists, Republicans, and Communists, with Western and Eastern powers invading at various points, with some hungry for land, and others want a stable, Monarchist Russia. The War itself lacked any picthed battles, with most of the fighting sporadic, in Central Russia. The invasion of the German-led Condor legion rallied many Russians to the otherwise dieing Communist cause. Despite the capture of St. Petersburg, the Communist headquarters, the Condor Legion, along with French and Spanish invasions to the south were eventually turned back.

Name: The Abyssinian Civil War
When: 1918-
Who: Abyssinian Nationalists Vs. Abyssinian Secessionists Vs. Sudanese Nationalists Vs. The French and Spanish
Losses: 800,000 Ethiopians, 6,000 French, 5,000 Spanish
Descrpition: After the Great War, the nationalists in Abyssinia began to become sick of the Abyssinian government becoming friendly with European governments, and began revolting against British, French, Italian and German influence. The nationalists went on a rampage, eventually killing several French civilians. Napoleon IV eventually sent an invasion force, supported by the Spanish to end the nationalist uprising. Soon the nation became split between the French and the Spanish.[/i]

Name: The Liberian-Spanish War
When: 1924
Who: The Second Spanish Empire, Liberia
Losses: 10,000 Liberians 500 Spanish
Descrpition: Spain invaded the small African nation on the pretext that Spanish civilians were being killed by corrupt Liberian officials. Spain formally annexed the nation three weeks after the wars beginning.

-1914 The Great War begins, Battle of the Rhine, Battle of Cambridge, Battle of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Siege of Hermosillo, The Yellow Sea Engagement, Ottoman Reforms, Swiss Highway Begins Construction

-1915 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification Begin, Ireland Rebels, Mexico Rebels, The Great War Continues, The Battle of Plovdiv, The Battle of the Orkney Islands, The Battle of Veilje, The Battle of Sidi Bou, The Battle of Wilhelmina, The Second Battle of Cambridge, The Battle at Guantanamo, New Orleans assaulted via air.

-1916 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification Continue, The Great War Continues, Both Mexico and Ireland are recognized by the Quadruple Alliance, The Battle of Konigsberg, The Second Battle of Stry, The Third Battle of Cambridge, The Second Battle of Fredericksburg, East Timor is sold to the Dutch Empire, Swiss Highway Completed

-1917 The Wars of Scandinavian Unification End, The Great War continues, France and England, among others sign peace treaties, Finland, Cuba, Indochina and the Republic of Alaska become nations, the Battle for Houston, The Russian Revolution

-1918 The Great War Ends, The Russian Civil War Begins, Alesyka secures its independence, Spanish revolution, Italo-Albanian War, The Transvaal Republic gains its freedom, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction

-1919 The Condor Legion, Spain, and Japan get involved in the Russian Civil War. The Battle of St. Petersburg, Spanish-Liberian border conflicts, Quebec gains independance, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction, get's attacked by Egyptian Nationalists

-1920 The Russian Civil War continues, The Battle of Baku, Spanish-Liberian Trials, Cottonmouth Attacks Throughout The Confederacy, Windhoek-Berlin Railway Continues Construction, The Dominican Republic Invades Haiti

-1921 The Russian Civil War all but ends, Spanish and French Invasion of Ethiopia, Egypt gains its freedom.

-1922-1937 BT

-1938 The Chinese Civil War Continues, The Netherlands are Invaded, The Confederacy Invades America

-1939 The Chinese Civil War Continues, The Great War Begins, The Great Rainforest War Begins, The North American War Continues
Hall of Destroyed Nations (shamelessly ripped from Imago)

1. The Republic of Peru, NPC'd

The South American nation declared it's independence from Spain in 1821, and formally began running its own affairs in 1824. It spent the rest of the Century doing much of nothing. Participating in the Pacific War, was one notable thing, that really set the stage for it's tension with Chile. As the world erupted in war, in 1914, Chile invaded the small nation, claiming it had been planning an attack. With the rest of the world going down in flames, no one really noticed the war, and ensuing annexation by Chile. The short-lived Peruvian Liberation Army also kept the name going for a year, before a crack down by the Chilean military.

2. The Empire of Mexico, NPC'd

Taken by the French Empire in 1864, with the help of the Confederacy. It survived for the rest of the century as a French dominion/puppet state in what remained of Mexico. It's zenith was in 1914 when Imperial Mexican troops fought side by side with the Confederacy in defending against a United States invasion of the north. It's soldiers played an important part in the Siege of Hermosillio, and defended the city before overwhelming American numbers over ran them. From there, various rebellions sprang up throughout the Empire, and it began its steady decline. With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the Empire of Mexico was abolished, with the Republic of Mexico taking its place.

3. The Kingdom of Serbia, NPC'd

Gaining it's freedom from the Ottoman Empire, in 1815, Serbia has long been stuck in the politics of the Balkans, being threatened by both the Ottomans and Austrians throughout it's short history. Serbia, always wishing to see a Slav superstate arise in the region, almost got its wish, had the Great War gone in the Entente's favor. The Great War, was started by Serbia, (or so the Quadruple Alliance claims) when Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip killed Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne. With the Ottoman entry in the war, and with Bulgaria's, a Quadruple Alliance associated power, defeat, it looked as though Serbia might finally of beat off the Austrian forces in Serbia.

Rather, the war shifted, when France and England both made peace with Germany, allowing for Germany, and Austria to focus more soldiers on the Eastern and Balkan front. Before long, the Serbian allies of Romania and Montenegro surrendered, with Russia succumbing to revolution. Serbia was annexed by the Austrian empire in 1918.

4. Abyssinia (Ethiopia), NPC'd
980 B.C-1922

The longest surviving independent nation in history successfully expanded it's borders in the midst of the Great War, throwing off British and French colonial defenders with a surprisingly archaic military. However, after the war, the Abyssinian king became a tad too comfortable with his new European allies, and many Abyssinian nationalists revolted, killing several high ranking Abyssinian officials in the government. The decline of the Ethiopian Empire started when these same nationalists began killing French citizens in the conquered province of Eritrea.

The French and Spanish Empire had a cassus belli for an invasion of the area. Abyssinian forces, split from the civil war, were forced to capitulate to the combined arms of France and Spain.

5. Liberia, NPC'd

Founded by the American Colonization Society as a colony for freed Slaves, Liberia held the distinction of being one of the two African nations retaining it's independence during the "Scramble for Africa" in the late 1800's. However, as the Great War ended, and Imperialistic Spain managed to secure Liberia's neighbor, Sierra Leone. After an initial invasion scare in 1920, in which Liberia was protected by American President, Theodore Roosevelt, Spain against found a cassus belli for invasion in 1924. Since then, Spain has owned the territory.

6. The Soviet Republic of the Ukraine, NPC'd

After being annexed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the Great War, the region of the Ukraine ended up becoming embroiled in a viscous rebellion, in lieu of the Russian Civil War. The revolutionaries fought for the independence of their nation for 7 years before eventually gaining it, thanks to massive Soviet Russian support. In was peacefully annexed by the Soviets in 1938.

7. Ecuador, NPC'd

From gaining it's independence, to falling out of the old South American republic of Gran Colombia, Ecuador remained a mediocre South American nation. An invasion by neighboring Colombia however ended this, in 1938.

8. Belgium, NPC'd

Breaking off from the Netherland's in the 1800's, the Netherland's remained a relatively quiet, weak European nation until it's expansion in the Congo during the Great Race. A century later, it found itself in the midst of the Great War, with two titans clashing on Belgian soil. The British, originally Belgium's protectors eventually left the nation to fend for itself in the face of the German invasion. This ultimate betrayal was reflected in Belgian mind and politics throughout the 20's and 30's, when a fascist party was elected into power, and relations with France became better and better. Eventually, the nation, and it's colony, was peacefully annexed to the French Imperium in 1939.
Reserved in case its needed (1)
Reserved if needed (2)
The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary

After the Great War ended, if only for a moment, Austria revelled in it's new territorial glory, stretching from the Alps to the Dneiper. The archaic King Josef I reigned supreme across the land, attempting to reinstate Austro-Hungarian rule to the newly annexed Urkainian, Romanian, and Serbian territories. But, almost immediately, the new provinces of the Ukraine rebelled. As Austrian troops poured into the region, a newly annexed Serbia rose in revolt, with remnants of the Serbian military aided by the local Croatian population. The Romanians and the Czechs were next, smelling Austrian weakness. As King Josef lay on his deathbed, the Empire he expanded so greatly crumbled within 4 years.

Austrian soldiers were deployed everywhere to limited success. The Serbian and Croatian revolt ended in the independence of the Kingdom of the Croats and Serbs in 1925, as Austrian troops struggled to hold onto the coast, to ensure Austrian access to the sea. Italy, followed by her dominions almost immediately recognized the rogue Croatian and Serbian state, followed by England. Austria and Hungary simply bowed their heads, and looked back east at the growing Ukrainian and Romanian issues. The fighting in the Ukraine intensified each year, as the Russian Civil War came to an end. The Ukrainians were so obviously supported by the Soviets that only a ultimatum issued by the governments of Germany, and her dominions ended the blatant support the Ukrainian rebels were getting. But by then it was too late. Ukrainian independence was bitteraly secured in the wake of major Czech uprisings in Bohemia.

By 1930, however, Germany had enough. Looking at hostile alliance to the East and to the West, Germany needed a strong regional ally, with Austria and Hungary as the only option. Imperial tanks rolled into Northern and Western Austria, and German soldiers aided Austrian soldiers in ending the Czech revolt. But the German idea wasn't to re-patch the old Empire, but rather leave it at its borders. After brokering a peace deal between the Romanians and the Austrians, Romania gained a lot of land lost to the Austrians in the Great War back. The Czech Kingdom was also recognized by Germany and her dominions, with Austria having little choice left in the matter.

With a German military presence holding onto Austro-Hungarian lands, the Austrian military was free to finally enforce a change of government to a more practical Constitutional monarchy, giving Austria and Hungary truly equal representation in the new government, with minor reprersentation to all remaining ethnic groups. The newly christened “Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary”, emerged as a new nation, subservient to only Germany. Though it had lost several major industrial and population centers, with the help of the German government The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary modernized, and rebuilt to become what many consider a power in waiting.

As of 1938, The Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary are militarily and economically growing to heights not seen since the hey-day of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The relations with their old-time ally, Germany is at an all-time high, with the pact of Silesia, while the relations with the rest on the world are depending more and more on Germany's relations with the rest of the world. But the Austrians and Hungarians are just fine with that for now. With a hostile Italy to the south, and an increasingly strong Soviet influence to the east, the Austrians are content being in the German zone of control. At least for now.

Soviet Russia

The Russian bear is split no more. The people have risen in the face of the militaries of not just the monarchists, but in the face of all of Europe. The German Empire, the Italian Empire, the Dutch Empire, The French Empire, The fascist soldiers of Spain, the republican soldiers of Ireland, Sweden, Japan's finest, and even Persia, have all been clawed away by Mother Russia. The war officially ended in 1922, though the last Monarchist soldiers surrendered (and were hung) in 1924. Lenin officially led the worlds first purely Communist state, and quickly got to work spreading his influence.

As the Ukraine gained independence to the South, a hub of Soviet inspired states began appearing around the rebuilding nation. To the south, Azerbaijan declared its independence from Persia in 1925, and formated a Soviet-styled government, much to Lenin's pleasure. Meanwhile, Georgians in the Ottoman Empire revolted, and declared itself a Communist state. Soviet Russia instantly recognized it. Finally, Armenia revolted, against the Ottoman's in 1931, and rather then forming their own state, they simply asked for Russian annexation. New Soviet leader Mikhail Frunze quickly sent several Soviet divisions to the area, and the red flag was soon flying over Yerevun.

Crimea and the Ukraine also remained steadfast Soviet allies throughout the 20's and 30's, with Crimea being a key part of Russian and Ukrainian rebuilding efforts after the Russian Civil War, and Ukrainian rebellion. But by 1935, the Soviet Union was rebuilding itself, with the Red Army training Crimean and Ukrainian soldiers. The signing of the Kiev Pact ensured cooperation between the Soviet nations, at least for the next several years.

Meanwhile, relations with the rest of the world aren't exactly friendly. Germany specifically bears the brunt of Russian anger, mostly based off of it's unnescessary involvement in the Russian Civil War. Ruthenia and Estonia is a constant source of anger between the two powers, as both were imperial Russian possessions, and Frunze specifically wishes to see them return to be Soviet possesions. At the start of 1938, the Ukraine sent a delegation requesting that Soviet Russia directly annex the nation, which Frunze is currently deliberating on. An outright annexation may mean a war with Germany.. but maybe that's not nescessarily a bad thing?

Great Britain

Britain is still an empire. Though it has lost swathes of land to the members of the Quadruple alliance, its mastery of India, and the whole of the Indian ocean remains unquestioned. Following the Great War, however, Britain faced an uncertain future. Yet solid leadership on behalf of Herbert Henry Asquith kept Britain's remaining territories in check, as new education and military reforms spread across the empire, and its dominions. It's navy remained the 4th strongest in the world, behind only German, the United States and Japan.

The main shift of its politics became Arabia, and India, seeing that the treaties of Tokyo and Boston barred Britain from both the Americas and the Pacific effectively isolating Canada from the Commonwealth, and allowing American influence to spread into the Dominion. South Africa stepped up In terms of importants, as German influence on southern Africa became more and more solitified. Arabia attempted to stir up troubles with the British territory in South Arabia, but Asquith kept a cool-head, and simply reinforced the territories, denying Arabia any sign of weakness, or lack of resolution.

As the 30's wind down, the Empire of Britain finds itself stuck between the growing power blocks in Europe. While many still resent Germany's increased colonial presence at the expense of Great Britain, many more are fearing the growing Franco-Spanish fascist power block, which absorbed Portugal and elgiun in 1928, and 1932 respectively. The tensions actually became bad enough that Great Britain withdrew from it's 400 year-old definsive pact with Portugal in 1936.

That of course is not to say that the growing German influence in Europe and Africa isn't worrysome. Though Germany and Britain have been on more friendly terms, Germany's poor relations with both the East and West has led to many in Britain worrying about a defensive pact with the empire. For now, Great Britain is content to be a third-party power, with it's only major political connections to its dominions. Not to mention Prime Minister James Clinton revels in his nation being known as “The Great Arbiter of the World.”, based on its ability to turn any conflict between the blocks to one side, or the other.

The Third French Empire

When Napoleon IV promised the people of Paris “a new France”. Louis Stèle fulfilled that promise. Leader of the ultra-nationalistic Parti de l'Unité Nationale, he seized power from the Royal court in 1921. Following this coup, socialist and monarchist groups began taking to the streets in protest. Fearing a French civil war, in the style of the Russian one, he quickly ordered the French military to put a crackdown on the revolutionaries. The captured socialists, and extreme monarchists were hung in Paris a mere two days later. Stèle kept Napoleon IV as King, though he held no more power over the government, then the average person did.

Following that, a meeting between Stèle and Spanish Generalissimo Nicholas Estuardo in Casablanca led to the signing of the Pact of the Pyrennes, ensuring Franco-Spanish cooperation in both military and political affairs. The Pact also meant that the two powers share any and all technology they had, currently are using, or will create in the future, between them. State of the art French aircraft soon found themselves in the hands of the Spanish, while French tank crews began learning how to operate ingeniusly designed Spanish warkers.

But technology was not the only improvement Stèle added to the French military. Instense training excercises, and army reformation restored some pride in the military, after a new generation of young Frenchmen joined the ranks. Military parades swept the streets of Paris every June 18th, mourning day (started by Napoleon IV, continued through Stèle), in honor of their military defeat, in which Stèle stands under the Arc De Triumph deleviring speeches to raise nationalism to a fervor. Germany and Britain are demonized throughout his speeches, with Britain critiscized more so, as being the ally that left France out to dry.

The French colonies in Madagascar, West Africa, and Ethiopia also grew in importance, as they essentially became giant training fields for the French military, frightening many German and English military planners. It eventually became so bad that in 1934, a French aircraft was shot down, while apparently crossing into British airspace, in Kenya. The French pilot was taken alive by the British to Nairobi, where he was held for several days, as politicians in Europe sorted out the situation. The conflict became so intense, that after a week, several joint Franco-Spanish platoons seized Kenyan border villages, claiming they were in fact in Ethiopia. Imperial German divisions took point on the Rhine, threatening to seize Paris if war with England commenced, with French and Spanish divisions being mobilized, with Stele threatening to “seize Berlin” if he had to.

Only delegation by Italy led to a simmering on both sides, in which the French pilot was released back to French Ethiopia, and The French government pay for damages that were done to the Kenyan villages. This “Nairobi Affair” led Stèle to demonize the German's, and the British even more so then before. Currently, French militarism has led to an all-time high, with the French army once again recieiving a budget bonus at the end of last year. France wants colonies, be they British or German, and with Spanish support, it very well may get a chance.

The Kingdom of Italy

Since the end of the Great War, many have wondered as to wether or not Italy remains a great power. While it's certainly the ruler of all of North Africa, jointly owns the Suez Canal, and uses the Meditereanean as a personal lake, with the increasing influence of Germany and the Franco-Spanish alliance, Italy finds itself between two titans ready to go to war.

Soon after the end of the Russian Civil War, and the following disolution of much of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Italy found itself to be the key Balkan empire. It's recognition of the Kingdom of Croats and Serbs was key to their independence. In fact a Croatian-Italian alliance was forged in 1930. Soon thereafter, in 1931, Greece found itself looking for an alliance with the Italian government, which was promptly accept. Finding itself between the German and Italian sphere of influences, and fearing Austrian reprisals against the small state, Monengro requested dominionship in 1928.

It's relations with the German states are lukewarm at best, with the tensions between Germany and Italy remaining high after the two nations almost went to war over Italy's invasion of Albania, and Italy's early withdrawel from the Condor Legion. Suprisingly enough, Italy find itself friendlier with the Fascist governments of France and Spain, selling Chad to France in 1919, and part of Northern Somalia to Spain in 1923. Though, that's not to say the Italian's are completely friendly with the French and Spanish, with many Italian's fearing the growing fascist movement that has taken root in Central Italy.

Currently, Italy has struggled to modernize, and keep it's own seperate identity in terms of technology, not wanting to fall under German or Franco-Spanish sway. Italy remains more interested in it's allys and dominions in the Balkans, or it's own colonies in Africa. The growing Fascist movement in Italy has become a major problem in Italy, along with the continued border issues with the Kingdoms of Austria and Hungary.

The Second Spanish Empire

Spain has proven itself to be a phoenix among nations. After it's awful loss in the Confederate-Spanish War (1898), Spain grew into a first rate power on the fields of Galicia in World War 1, as Spain managed to fight both Great Britain, and Portugal to a stand still.

In the wake of government corruption, and a destroyed land-scape after the Great War, the Spanish nation soon found itself in the grip of Fascist Generalissimo Nicholas Estuardo. Estuardo took a broken nation, and not only fixed it but made it better. Within the first few years of his rule, Spanish colonial territorial possessions grew, with the joint Franco-Spanish invasion of Ethiopia. Following the “noble retreat” of the Spanish military from the Causcaus, the Spanish government continued to look abroad for ways to flex it's muscles, buying part of Italian Somalia, in 1923, and putting down several tribal revolts in the area with relative ease.

All the while the Spanish people are living a new, higher standard of living as Estuardo's “Estada Nova” gripped the nation through the 20's, and revitalized not only the Spanish economy, but Spanish nationalism to new highs as well. Following the asension of Alexander Palmer to the American presidency in 1924, Estuardo invaded Liberia on the pretext that more Spanish citizens were murdered on the border. When the American government turned a blind eye to the blatant imperialism, Estuardo formally annexed the nation into “Spanish West Africa”, despite protests from both Berlin and London. But Britain hadn't the power to argue with Spain, with the French assuredly siding with the Spanish, and the German's couldn't deal with Estuardo, with the end of the Russian Civil War. And so Estuardo remained unchecked.

The Pact of the Pyrennes also kept relations with France uncomforably well, allowing for Kaiser Wilhelm to comment on the “Unnescessary Love-Affair”, at least once or twice. But Spain was making all the right moves. Portugal fell to it's own fascist revolt in 1925, allowing for the two Iberian nations to sign the Treaty of Iberia, in 1926.

By 1938, Spain and France have become essentially a diplomatic entity among themselves, with Spain finding allys in both the fascist governments of Portugal and Belgium. Estuardo constantly complains of Great Britain and Germany, both publically, and privately, as it has been said. But why shouldn't he? Britain is the reason Spain was in the Great War, while Germany was the reason that Spain was cast to the side in the Treaty of Barcelona.


Despite strong leadership throughout the 1910's, Portugal soon found itself in the grip of a Fascist revolution in 1925, in which many of Portugal's people were calling for Iberian political unity, which it certainly got, upon signing a defense treaty with Spain almost immediately after the revolution. Of course, it also withdrew from the dying Congress of Nations, taking with it the technology the nations worked on, and gifted it to Spain. Portugal's world view reflect that of Spain, with much anger being focused on both Britain and Germany.


The fact Belgium was under German control for almost 4 straight years led to many people in the small nation to look for a new government more capable of handling itself, rather then relying on Britain to do so on Belgium's behalf. In 1927, the Belgian monarchy was overthrown, with a strong nationalist party taking control of the nation. Following this seizure of power, the French Empire almost instantly recognized the new government, followed by Portugal and Spain. Initially Great Britain protested against what it saw as a “French inspired” revolt, it found its cries of “foul” falling on deaf ears.

Sharing a hatred of England for leaving the nation out to dry in the Great War with France, Belgium quickly took its place among the allies of the Franco-Spanish alliance, allowing for France to build several military basis on the nations Eastern border in 1936.


The Emerald island found itself split between two distant powers at the end of the Great War. America and Germany both were major of players in the actions that resulted in an independent Ireland. After the Alexander Palmer took the seat of President in 1924, and Germany found itself looking East and a reunited Russia, Ireland seemed to find itself forgotten by the two nations that had helped create it.

In 1923, a Irish design, funded by German capital, led to the creation of the worlds first fighter speciically used for scouting purposes, the McCourt T4 “Gnat” fighter. The Irish also continued to allow for the German North Sea Fleet to use the Irish coast as a base of operations, as the Americans closed their alloted port down.

Currently, Ireland and Germany still have a mutual defense pact, one many in Ireland expect Germany to keep, as the German's have proved to be reliable friends as of now.

The Dutch Empire

Continuing it's course of neutrality since the Napoleonic Wars, the Dutch have had little influence on world affairs. After Roosevelt blocked Carribean trade between Latin America, and Europe, the Dutch were in the process of losing it's colonies in the south Carribean. Yet a steady slew of blockade runners, and the presidency of Alexander Palmer brought this to an end. Meanwhile, the growing influence of Japan in the East Indies led to a Dutch military build-up of the islands.

The Dutch continue to have moderately good relations with almost all nations, and remain one of the two imperial powers still in play in the Americas, with some people in Suriname even thinking about going back to Dutch rule.

The German Empire

Germany remains a super-power, several times over. Arguably the most successful nation coming out of the Great War, Kaiser Wilhelm has brought his German Empire through a World War, and several other minor clashes, of which Germany has nearly always come out on top.

The German Navy still ruled supreme in European waters, and even expanded to the Pacific, to counter any Japanese attack on the new German posessions in the Marshall and Caroline Islands, New Guinea, and Samoa. As a matter of fact, throughout the later 20's, Germany's Pacific holdings became arguably more important to the Empire, then it's African holdings, economically, and politically. This of course is not to say that Germany's colonies in Africa were meaningless.

The massive Berlin-Windhoeck was finally completed in 1923, with the Kaiser taking the first-full length trip down to Windhoeck. The rest of German Africa was finally growing economically, as more and more businesses moved down to the dark continent, with the German military machine following in suit. But Berlin had more European-based concerns as the 20's winded down.

Lenin managed to peace-together Soviet Russia. And Soviet Russia didn't just exist, it thrived. It's borders expanded on and off throughout the 20's, and early 30's, with several other small nations declaring their support for the lumbering behemoth. The Ukraine's independence, and obvious support from Moscow was a big blow to Germany, as its direct border with Germany led to the movement of several German divisions to border. Germany was relying on it's allies and satallite states to keep it at a distance from Russia, but only Estonia was doing it's job. Soviet inspired protests in Ruthenia led many Germans to fear yet another nation falling to Communism, and as such, the Imperial Warker Corp, was called in, seizing Minsk in 1933. Austria too was falling to shambles, and only German support prevented the ailing empire from splitting even more so.

Germany secured the independence of the Czech Kingdom below it, hoping it would provide a strong counter of the Ukraine, or even Crimea is a satallite state. The rebuilding of Austria as a strong ally was also key to German planning throughout the late 20's, and early 30's. But as long as Ruthenia remains between the two nations, planners in Berlin remain a little safer.

But that doesn't help out with Germany's other growing problem; The fascist alliance of France and Spain, aided by Portugal and Belgium was also become highly worrysome, coupled with Spain and France's military build-up. Yet Germany was powerless to do anything about it. A war with the west would certainly mean a war with the east, as Soviet Russia seemed ready to pounce on Ruthenia, and subsequently German Poland if the German war-machine was focused West of the Rhine, rather then East of the Dnieper.

Germany has struggled to find non-German allies in Europe, or across the world in that matter. Romania has proved to be a valuable ally, after a massive economic collapse in the late 20's. German capital saved the ailing nation, as German armor ended any threat Communist upheavel would have had in Bucharest. Luxembourg too was taken on as a German dominion, following the Nairobi affair. Meanwhile, the British Empire has been a major political concern for Wilhelm, as time and time again, he has attempted to woe the second rate power into his corner, especially considering the German support of Great Britain in the Nairobi Affair. While Prime Minister Clinton enjoys his nations relative neutrality, many British citizens feel safer with a stronger Germany, then a stronger France, or even Spain. But who can blame them? As far as Wilhelm is concerned, Germany is what is keeping the world from exploding into Fascism, and Communism.


Switzerland was content to stay neutral in rising world affairs. Keeping it's military trained, and it's people happy, Switzerland's relations with all are amiable.


A border kingdom, Luxembourg was absorbed into the growing German army of dominions during the Nairobi affair, when war with France and Spain seemed very close.

The Kingdom of Croats and Serbs

After achieving it's independence from a shattered Austria, the Kingdom of Croats and Serbs set out to show the world that it was not another nation waiting to become a dominion. It's tensions with Austria led to tensions with the whole of Germany's dominions, and allies, while the age old Serbian and Croatian fear and distrust of the Ottomans, led to a obvious Croatian and Serbian warming up to the empire of Italy.

The Czech Kingdom

The Czech Kingdom was forged out of Germany's distrust of Austrian ability to successfully rule the area to the South of the German Empire. The Czech Kingdom quickly became a key dominion, in Germany's ring of defense around communism, and many of the Czechs are fine to be a German satallite; it is better then being an Austrian one.


Increasingly defiant towards it's protector, Germany, the ex-Russian area has had trouble dealing with the growing Soviet supported movements in the Eastern parts of the nation. It's population is divided- half pro-Russian, and the other half pro-German. But as long as sections of the German military remains stationed in the nation, Ruthenia will remain a German dominion.


Perhaps the happiest of all of the German dominions, the Estonians fear the growing Soviet influence to the East. Estonia remains key to Germany's defense, as many Estonians know, and as such, many Estonian divisions have had the pleasure of training with the Germany armies.

Sovie Ukraine

A Soviet-satallite state, the Ukraine has become a constant thorn in the side of the German Empire. Initially happy to be free, and independent, as the 20's and 30's wore on, it became increasingly apparent that an anti-Ukrainian conspiracy was taking hold of Austria, Germany, Romania, and the Czech Kingdom. Fearing the iron boot of Germany, the Ukraine has just requested direct annexation into Soviet Russia, which comrade Frunze is still thinking about.


After an economic down-turn in the late 20's, and pro-Soviet riots in Bucharest, Romania looked to Germany for aid, which is received. By 1938, Romania has found itself under the German zone of control, but fearful of Crimea and the Ukraine, many Romanians are fine with it.


Annihilated in the Great War, with heavy Ottoman assistance, Bulgaria managed to make it through the 20's and the 30's moderately well. Currently, it's relationship with the Ottoman's are the best it has been in years.


Remaining an Italian Dominion, the small country experienced some population and economic growth in the 20's.


Fearful of increased Austrian agression, during the Croatian revolution, Montenegro requested Italian dominionhip, which it received.


It struggled to rebuild after the Scandinavian War of Unification, but Denmark eventually found itself on it's way to reinstating it's presence on the European continent. Not wanting to become a German satallite, Denmark has begun formenting new, better relations with Norway and Sweden.


It's relatively successful invasion of Sweden during the Scandinavian War of Unification led to a rise of nationalism in the Scandinavian nation. But after a fascist scare in 1927, Norway settled down, much to where it was before the Scandinavian War of Unification. Currently, it's working on better trade and military relations with Sweden and Denmark.


Called the “5th Fascist nation, Sweden had showed it's pension for extreme nationalism during its war of unification with Norway and Denmark. Though defeated, Sweden's people haven't been entirely deterred from their original dream. However, a more peaceful means is being sought after, as trade between the 3 nations began freely flowing in the late 1920's.


Finland is removed from its neighbors. While it shares the Soviet hating ideals of Germany, Germany doesn't share Finland's republican ideals. It's not fully a Scandinavian nation, though Sweden would like to count it as one. For now, Finland's relations with all it's neighbors are lukewarm, save for Soviet Russia, who would like to see the rebelling province Russian once more.


Fearing an economic take over by the Ottomans, as Bulgaria had experienced, Greece continuelly found itself and Italy allys in political and economic affairs. The two nations eventually became friendly enough to sign an alliance into effect in 1929.

Soviet Crimea

Gaining its independence after the Great War, Crimea has managed to stay afloat, despite being surrounded by world powers. A key nation in the rebuilding of Soviet Russia, in signing the Kiev Pact, Crimea has managed to prolong it's independence in the wake of German and Russian expansion. But don't be mistaken. Crimea loves it's big brother to the north, and will happily aid it in all of it's endeavors.
Soviet Georgia

It's independence from the Ottoman Empire was ensured by more then a little Soviet Russian support in 1926. Georgia quickly signed the Kiev Pact, guaranteeing it's independence, so long as Soviet Russia is a political entity.

Soviet Azerbaijan

Wrestling free of Persian control in 1925, Azerbaijan is perhaps among the most important of the Soviet satallite states, as a key producer of oil for the Red Army.

The Kingdom of Egypt

After gaining semi-independence from Italy, Egypt essentially was content to be left alone. It's foreign affairs remain under the control of Italy, but then again, it's independence is secured by the Italian military. It's a bittersweet end for the African state. But Egypt, fearful of either German or British domininace is willing to accept it.

The Transvaal Freestate

Surrounded by two behemoths, the continuing it's independence is a struggle in itself for the Transvaal free state. But an experienced, well-trained military, and relative German support in the area has left Transvaal truly a free state.

The Dominion of South Africa

A British dominion, it has grown in importance in the last decade, as the Indian Ocean became the key theatre of British operations. South Africa is still licking it's wounds after losing the Transvaal Freestate, and if it had it's way, the ugly orange blob on the map would be South African once again.

The Ottoman Empire

A victor in the Great War, the Ottoman Empire, soon found itself among the world's second rate powers. It's control of the Middle East has been hotly contested by the growing Arabian state to its south, as it lost it's Causcaus possessions to the Soviet Union.

The Ottoman Empire managed to modernize to an extent after the Great War, though it was wasn't enough for everyone to be happy. Lack of major political representation, caused much of the Ottoman territory on the Arabian peninsula to rebel. The Saudi Arabian military quickly swept in, and declared the land to be under it's control. War between the two nations almost came to a head, but obvious Spanish backing on behalf of Arabia made the Ottoman's think twice.

Support for Bulgaria and Qatar have been key diplomatic cornerstones for the Ottoman's, looking for allies in an increasingly tense world. With more then a little help from the British, the Ottoman's managed to keep their relatively split empire together, as rebelllions in Iraq, and in Syria were put down. As the Ottoman Empire enters the 40's, it finds itself more interested in it's eastern affairs, then it's western ones.

Saudi Arabia

Grown in influence since the end of the Great War, Arabia would like to call itself ruler of the Middle East. But the Ottomans and the British stand in it's way. Allying itself with the Spanish, and gaining several European technologies, the nation of Saudi Arabia Is more then capable of causing a massive headache to both Instanbul, and London, as long as Spain gives it the go-ahead.

Currently, Arabia is eying up British positions in South Arabia, and of course, it's small neighbor Qatar.


Fearful of growing Arabian military might, Qatar accepted the placement of several British warships in Doha, and a division of Ottoman soldiers to it's border with British Arabia. It currently remains a trade nation, with little other interests in world politics.


A nation that is a curioisity to the west, more then anything. Since before the Great War, Persia has been fairly silent, except for oe ugly invasion of Russia, that was undone when it's newly annexed Azerbaijin state declared independence in 1925. Persia is frankly more concerned withitself, and it's two neighbors, Afghanistan and the Ottoman Empire, then the tensions growing in Europe, and North America.

However, Soviet styled groups have begun appearing in Tehran en masse, and violence has begun gripping it's city streets.


More of a geographic location, then an actual nation, no solidifying central power has actually appeared in the region, causing intense tribal infighting.

The Dominion of Nepal

A British Himalayan dominion, well known for it's soldier's strength. It's secure geographic location has left it relatively safe in the decades ensuing the Great War.

The Dominion of Bhutan

Similar to Nepal, Bhutan's isolated location has proven to be as great of a defense to the nation, as the British military.


After becoming a vassal state to the Empire of Japan, Siam was finally able to shake off the threat of dominance from the French or the British, and instead shifted its focus inward on internal building products. It wasn't entirely dedicated to the Empire of Japan however, as several economic deals with China showed leading up to the Chinese Civil War.


Swapping one imperial ruler for another, Indochina has begun to regret agreeing to become a Japanese vassal state. Following several attempts at Japanese building projects in the 1920's, Indochinese citizens have become almost out-right hostile to Japan in the 30's. To crack down on this, the Imperial Japanese Army has seized several Indochinese ports and towns in the late 30's, but the government of Indochina is still hesitant to do anything about it.

The Chinese Empire

China was on it's way to become one of the worlds leading most powers in the 1920's, before the whole of the Empire broke into a civil war in 1928. Years of political tension broke open the floodgates of the Civil War, when Imperial Chinese soldiers hung 3 Chinese communists in Beijing, and began a crack-down on other suspected Chinese communists.

Immediately the Imperial Chinese government faced wide spread revolt throughout it's domain, with many making a long trek to the Northern reaches of Manchuria, and Inner Mongolia. The Imperial army found itself fractured, as did the Chinese government. Attempts at invading the Communist held-areas ended in failure, as a growing communist movement in the South began to spring up in 1936. China remains very much alone, and very much splintered by 1938, with a hungry Japan looking at it's weakened classic enemy with great joy.

The Chinese People's Army

A massive movement started in 1928, the Chinese People's Army has held the power in Manchuria and Inner Mongolia for the better part of the decade. Led by a charismatic, young Zhāng Liú, the Chinese People's Army has gained the support from the Soviet Nations of Europe, with Soviet Russia being among it's most ardent of supporters, gifting the movement tanks, and aircraft.

Despite this support, it's ability to actually conquor the population centers of the South and the East have been met with failure. However, the CPA has managed to loose very little territory to Imperial Chinese military. Support for the Army has grown in the South of Imperial China, as the Chinese Empire struggles more and more to deal with the communist problem.

The Japanese Empire

The Japanese Empire has been growing steadily since the Great War. Capturing key islands, and regions across the Pacific, Japan has successfully alienated itself from the rest of the world. Relations with the West, specifically the United States has reached an all time low by 1938. Tensions with Germany, the other Pacific power have also been steadily deteriorating. Japan also has begun hungerly eying up Dutch Indonesia, Portuguese Macua, Australia, and New Zealand, prompting a “Treaty of Perth” (in which a nation attacked by Japan is to be supported by the Portuguese, Australian, New Zealand, Dutch and German army and navy) to be proposed by the Dutch, though Great Britain rejected the offer on behalf of it's dominions, a Portuguese relations with the German's disallowed any long term vowel of the nature.

It's Vassal States, Siam and Indochina have begun to look at Japan much in the same manner they viewed the British and French in the years prior to the Great War. And they have good reason to do so. Japanese attempts at outright annexation of the South East Asian countries in 1929 led to violent protests throughout the three nations.

Despite this, Japan has managed to build various imporvements throughout it's holdings in the Pacific, as nationalism in the Phillipines slowly died in the wake of massive building projects. Attempts at woeing Aleyska to it's side politcally, through gifts of new technology have fallen on deaf ears, so long as the Aleutians are occupied by the Japanese, while the Confederacy has been happily trading with the Pacific Empire, rather then heading it's Northern neighbors warning.

Japan currently is the de facto power in the Pacific, and with a weakened China, America and Germany seem to be the only nations capable of questioning that fact.

The Republic of Aleyska

The fledgling Russian Republic secured it's independence against the United States in the Great War almost twenty years ago. And in that time, it has not only managed to keep its independence, but expand its influence and population at the expense of the United States.

Initially after the war, the primarily Russian population was stuck in the rugged northern expanses of the region, while the Americans held the more lucrative, and warmer southern reaches. American oil companies were guaranteed rights in the North of the country, and the Aleyskan government was stuck under the thumb of the American government, as the trade off for independence was protectorate status.

The Russian Civil War turned out to be a godsend to the fledgling Republic. The remaining Russian soldiers in the colony after the Great War were stranded in the Republic, as swathes of Russian refugees fled to the Republic, wether it be to escape Socialism, Monarchism, or the war itself, the Republic found its population almost doubled in a matter of years. The capital of Naknek grew from 1,200 citizens to 4,000, as the population of Aleyska hugged the American border. As his people struggled in the harsh environment, rampant anti-Americanism took a hold on his people. In 1927 tensions came to a head when several American soldiers were fired upon from across the border. Reacting to the blatant hostile act, the American military built up forces on the border.

The Aleyskan militia showed up in force, wielding Japanese made weapons, and Russian uniforms. The stand-off almost came to blows, but American president Adam Wilkes called the army off seemingly in the knick of time. The American withdrawl was the result of Japanese pressure on Washington, and Wilkes's worry about having a prolonged war on his hands, over what he viewed as a useless peice of real-estate.

The Americans were concerned elsewhere, and through negotiation, Aleyskan president Ivan Streckli secured the rest of what was classically considered Russian Alyeska, in exchange for an American naval base at Dutch Harbor, and free trade between the nations. Despite this, Aleyska was finally a completely free nation. The population moved south, to it's original lands, as families reunited for the first time in nearly a decade. What many found was an Americanized version of what was. The Russian and American cultures slowly melted into one another, and a new Aleyskan culture was formed. The Aleyskan capital of Natnek moved to Sitka, the classical Aleyskan capital.

The 1930's brought a breath of fresh are to Alesyka, as the presidency of Ivan Streckli was turned over to Great War veteran, Sergey Donskoy, in 1928. He struggled keeping Aleyska sovereign in the presence of the Pacific titans, Japan and The United States.

Currently, the Aleyskan state finds itself in a difficult position. To American and Japanese military strategists, Alesyka could be a key to victory in any possible war between the two nations, and as such both sides are making more and more agressive moves towards the arctic nation. But Donskoy's level had has kept his nation thus far out of both the American and Japanese camps, and instead began looking towards other nations for commerce. In 1939, Alesyka signed trade deals with both the Mexican, Confederate and Chilean governments, securing trade through the Pacific in a non-American market, providing a slight boost to the Aleyskan economy.

A bulk majority of the Aleyskans are content with the way Donskoy has been running things. The weak economy however has become a slight problem, as American companies continue to run Aleyskan industry out of business. Another sore-point for much of the population is the continued American presence at Dutch Harbor. Yet relations with both powers are amiable, while other American nations to the south remain possibly markets.

The Dominion of Canada

No one knows what to really make of Canada anymore. The government of Canada has found itself in a diplomatic hole after the Great War. The independence of Quebec has split the population in two, as the rest of Canada finds itself between an angry Eastern and Southern neighbor. While still technically taking orders from Great Britain, the Treaties of Tokyo and Boston have made it impossible for any British soldiers to even protect the Commonwealth, let alone for the British government to govern it to even a minor degree. With no major eastern ports left because of the seperation of Quebec, a small population exodus has began occuring in which citizens of Eastern Canada, and cities such as Montreal and Toronto began moving to the cold Western Coast.

This addled with increased American interest in the area has actually made many Canadians question Canada's continued loyalty to the British Empire. As it is, America does pay the bills. And as Canada's population shifts to the wests, so do Canadian interests. Worried about both German and Japanese control of the Pacific, Canada finds itself increasingly aligned with the United States, so much so, that many Canadians are contemplating more than an alliance with it's Southern neighbor.

As of now, parts of Southern Canada remains in ruins in the wake of the American invasion during the Great War. All business and military interests have shifted to Vancouver, as Toronto slowly becomes but a shadow of what it once was. Canadian prime minister Andrew Jones finds himself stuck between the interests of the British Empire, and the United States, and both nations continue to find each other at odds in world affairs. The coming decade could make or break the dominion. Jones has several options to chose from, as the Canadian people remain split on where their dominion should go.

The Confederate States of America

The Stars and Bars fly above Richmond once again. The Great War was devastating to the North American nation. The United States successfully did what it couldn't do back in 1863- bring the South to its knees. Much of the Eastern Seaboard was destroyed, as was the Gulf-Coast. The Western farmland was burned, and pillaged, as Cottonmouth terrorists ran rampant throughout the country.

The United States dedicated itself to reconstruction of the Confederacy. Southern industry was spurred on by American businesses, as towns and railroads were rebuilt, within two years. Confederate President Daniel Blaine found himself presiding over a richer, more modern Confederacy. Yet, with no actual treaty signed, and defined, the legality of continued American occupation under the Palmer administration was questioned. And so, the Treaty of Richmond (1923) was signed effectively ending the occupation of the South. The terms of the Treaty limited the size of the Confederate to no more than 50,000, and disallowed the Confederacy from entangling itself in any alliances without the approval of the United State's Congress. Palmer thought he had rebuilt himself a strong, American-friendly ally to the South, but was shocked to find himself getting the cold shoulder from Blaine after the American troop withdrawl in 1924. Actually, tensions between the two nations were arguably worse in 1924, then they were in 1914, especially when documents proving the United State's funding of the Cottonmouth terrorist groups years before.

Hotter heads cried for war, but Blaine was a sensible man. Instead, he promised to keep the terms of the Richmond Treaty, to a T. And so he did, all the while building up the Confederate Tank Corp, and Airfoce, instead of the actually military. The Confederate economy was stronger than it was before, and so was Confederate unity. Socially, the Cottonmouths sent racial tensions to the forefront, as African-Confederates found themselves in an increasingly volitile situation. They took on even a more lowly role in new Confederate nation, then they did before the war.

But that is only a percentage of the population. The rest of the Confederacy remains united, as current president Bryan Clifford continues to show the world that the Confederacy is no puppet of the United States. Right now the Confederacy continues to un-officially ignore the United States, and has begun looking towards other American and European nations as possible allies, and trading partners. With or without the United State's consent.

The American Protectorate of Cuba

After the Great War, Cuban president Diego Garcia continued to find himself taking orders from Washington, not the Cuban people. As President Roosevelt continued to push forward his "America for the Americans" diplomacy in the Carribbean, Cuba remained the most important key to American leadership in the region. American businesses continued to run Cuban ones out of business to the extent that a majority of the Cuban population wished for closer ties with it's Big Brother from the north. And so Palmer took on the island nation as a protectorate, and Cuba is fine with that, so long as America remains useful for it. Cubans fought off the Confederates, and can fight of the Americans if they need to. President Carlos Marti, however is nothing more than an American business pawn, and the Cuban people know it.

The American Protectorate of Hispanoila

When Haiti and the Dominican Republic came to blows in the early 1920's, the United States intervened, occupying both nations. That was 20 years ago. Now the nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic find themselves united once again, as a part of the United State's Carribean community. Tensions between the two old countries remain, as United States Marines actively patrol the islands, and find itself constantly at odds with local rebels. President Philip Oscar is nothing but an American figurehead, doing whatever the United States wants.

The Republic of Mexico

After feeling the brunt of the Great War for the better part of 4 years, along with a civil war, Mexico is a weak nation. The Mexican government is continually run by corrupt officials, as it's people struggle to throw off decades of French and Confederate rule. After removing itself from the Pan-American alliance, the Mexican government found itself and American on poor terms. By why should it matter? Mexican president Gonzalo Enriquillo finds him and his government recalling the better part of French and Confederate rule, to his people's dismay. As a matter of fact, in 1936, Mexico's largest trading partners are, in order, The Confederate States, France, followed by the United States.


Following Mexico's lead, Nicaragua also nullified the Treaty of San Clemente when it found itself slowly going the way of Cuba. This put itself at odds with the United States, but as much of the Western Hemisphere also found itself at odds with the power, many Nicaraguans could care less what the giant thought. Frankly, many Americans could also care less about Nicaragua.

The Republic of Quebec

Montcalm's bitter defeat on the Plains of Abraham was finally reversed by a few Quebecois rebels, in the aftermath of the Great War. French Quebec never assimilated into English Canada the way the British had hoped. The Quebecois kept their language, culture, and hate for the British in the 3 centuries it had been ruled by England. But, taking advantage of American support, and poor Canadian leadership in the Great War, Pierre Thomas Brown led a successful revolt against the Canadian's, and secured the massive province's freedom, effectively splitting Canada in half, and disrupting the Dominion more than the Great War did. American expected a northern ally, it certainly did not get one.

Quebecois dislike the United States almost as much as they dislike their old British and Canadian overlords. Yet, they're want for independence, and the American want to end imperialism in the Western hemisphere led to an alliance of convienience, one that Quebecois continue to forget. The distrusting Republic has found itself as an outcast in a world that seems to want to see nothing but its destruction. Under the Presidency of Gerard Thomson, however, the Republic find itself inching towards the influence of their Southern neighbor.

The United States of America

Aside from Germany, no other nation in the Great War came out of it with so much power. Under the 4-term Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt, America not only kicked every major European power out of the Western Hemisphere for the first time in 400 years (Save for Denmark and the Netherlands), it reversed the loss of 1863, and effectively made itself the ruler of half the world.

In his last ditch effort for an American Empire, Roosevelt attempted to begin aligning all South and Central American nations with the United States not only politically, but also economically, through the Pan-American alliance. Yet, with the ascension of the President Alexander Palmer to the Presidency, the Pan-American alliance splintered. Palmer was an awful president by many people's measure. Some surverys place him next to Lincoln, as one of the worst people to lead the republic. He lacked the back-bone and respect that his predecessor had, and it showed when he handled world affairs.

Not willing to use the military as freely as Roosevelt had, and being forced to deal with the problems Teddy simply shrugged off, Palmer found himself attempting to fulfill all of Roosevelt's wants with mediocrity. The Pan-American alliance, lost several members, as relations with a majority of other nations fell to the ground. Japan and the United States almost came to blows in the Pacific, as the Treaty of Richmond was signed, really in benefit to the South. Relations with Europe also began heading downhill, so much so, that at several occasions, German and American ships fired at each other in the South Pacific.

But, luckily 1925 brought a new president, Adam Wilkes, to the world stage. A calm, sensible man, Wilkes suceeded in keeping the United States out of wars with Japan, Aleyska, and the Confederacy on more then on one occasion. He drastically improved relations with Europe, specifically Germany, and also began reconstructing America's image to many South American nations. He served 3 terms as President, finally pulling himself out of American politics in 1937.

A new American president, Andrew Gavler, was just elected. Championing himself as a ardent supporter of "Wilkesonian Democracy", he won his bid for president by a landslide. His first act as President was the signing of the "Berlin-Washington Compact" with an aging Kaiser Wilhelm, signifying the massive improvement of German-American relations in the last decade. The American people are thus far content with the new president. They're biggest fear currently is Japan, and to a lesser extent, the Confederates. Depending on how the new president will handle these to nations in the coming years, he may go the way of either Roosevelt, or Palmer, in American history.

The Dominion of Australia

Japan had hoped that the Treaty of Tokyo would seperate Australia from the British Empire. That wasn't the case. Instead, a massive population shift from East to West occurred, with millions moving to the more thriving western sea ports at Perth and Northampton. Japanese business interests began moving onto the island, but tensions between Japan and Australia led to an increase in naval spending, and a large presence of British soldiers on the Eastern coast of the island.

The Dominion of New Zealand

Much like Australia, New Zealand found itself bordered by an increasingly aggressive Japan to the north. But like Australia, it too kept a cool head. Great Britain continued to abide by the Treaty of Tokyo, but instead Australian troops poured into the smaller country, and British soldiers took up their positions in Australia. New Zealand is still a proud part of the British Empire in and out, and plans to keep it that way, in the wake of Japanese imperialism.


Colombia, an American ally since the turn of the century has finally thrown off the cloack of American imperialism, when the Colombian congress nullified the Treaty of San Clemente, following similar nullifications by Brazil and the Republic of Andes in 1928. Colombia has increased it's military presence, as it is surrounded by still American supported nations, like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ecuador.


Venezuela finds itself once again at odds with it's neighbor Colombia. Following a sweep of anti-San Clemente fever in South and Central America, Venezuela remained one of the most ardent supporters of the Treaty. This has also put it at odds with it's strong neighbor to the south, Brazil.


Suriname became a Brazillian protectorate in 1928, when the South American country nullified the treaty of San Clemente.


The lone wolf of South American nations, Ecuador has very little interest in it's neighbors, more over just itself. Still a member of the San Clemente group, it relies on the United States for many materials and supplies, more so in recent years then ever before. For awhile, their was a possibility of it joining the Republic of the Andes, but the Treaty of San Clemente put a fork in that plan, as Ecuador lost any need to do so.

The Republic of the Andes

The Chilean successor state (declared as such in 1924) grew in economic power in the 1920's, as the population of Peru finally assimilated into Chile, and gained equal representation as their conquorers. Originally a signer of the Treaty of San Clemente, the Congress of the Republic nullified the Treaty along with Brazil in 1928, as it became more and more evident that American businesses ran the Republic's economy. Fearing eventual economic relience, the Republic ended it's affiliation with the Treaty, and signed an alliance with Brazil, and Suriname.

Relations with the United States and other American nations still involved with the treaty have been deteriorating steadly the last decade, though relations with the other South American power, Brazil, have been getting better. Bolivia, still sour about losing it's coastline to Chile and Peru has become the immediate threat to the safety of Andean civillians.


Regarded as one of the major two powers in South America (the other being the Republic of the Andes) Brazil has proven to be a very powerful and capable nation in the after-math of the Great War. Internal building projects have increased the agricultural, and industrial output of the nation signifigantly, while friendly relationships with the Andean, Paraguayan, Uruguayan and Surinamese government have given Brazil a strong military backing, if nescessary.

Brazillian and Andean representatives met in Rio de Janeiro in 1928, to discuss the Treaty of San Clemente, as American economic rule in the Southern continent had grown to be to large for the Brazillian and Andean businesses to handle. The result was the nullification of the Treaty by both nations, followed soon by Suriname, Mexico, Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay. As of now, relations with non-Treaty signing nations in South America are fairly high, while relations with the United States are slowly falling.


A weakened state, still angry over the loss in the Great War, Argentina remains a strong supporter of the United States, mostly out of spite to Brazil. Argentina has attempted to rebuild, and retrain it's military, and as to wether or not it actually has been able to has yet to be seen.


Bolivia was among the nations going to nullify the Treaty of San Clemente in 1928, but a revolution in which General Juan Disazo seized power, ended any hopes of that. Relying on American support, Juan promised his people that Bolivia shall return to the sea, and began building up his military, striking relations with both the Republic of the Andes, and Brazil.


Rejecting the Treaty of San Clemente with it's neighbor Brazil, Paraguay is essentially a buffer state between Brazil and Bolivia.


Also nullified the Treaty of San Clemente. It soon became a closer ally with Brazil, for fear of Argentinian invasion.

MAP AS OF 1938
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