Six-Months War; Take 4

I'm a little disappointed that there has been a lull in updates recently, especially since I just joined. I understand that it must be super time consuming though, so I'm willing to wait as long as TLK needs for the update. That being said, I joined to play as Canada so I'm darn well going to play as Canada! So... here are some stories from Canada while we wait for the update! :)
(I've tried to avoid any possible conflicts with the upcoming update, but if there are any, the update takes precedence, of course).
Spoiler :
Rumbles in Canada

The Dominion of Canada has been one of the quieter corner of the world in recent years. While the recent loss of Quebec and the Maritime provinces was a large to blow to the country, it is viewed as a peaceful backwater by other nations, especially when compared with the civil wars of Greece, Russia and China, the numerous revolts against imperial powers, and the expansionist policies of certain empires.

While Canada may be of little concern to the rest of the world, inside the country, people are murmuring. The devastating loss by Britain in the Great War and the subsequent secession of Quebec along with the formation of the Dominion of Newfoundland have left many Canadians angered. With only a single founding province remaining, ties to the Canada of the 19th century are fading and along with it, ties to Britain. While Quebecois independence has stoked some anti-French sentiment, it is anti-British sentiment that is truly on the rise.

Politically, parliament is still dominated by the Liberal and Conservative parties, both seen as linked to the old British system. However, there are rumours that the growing Republican movement is trying to become more organized, raising the prospect of a new party (or parties) joining the fray. There is already considerable support for the movement on the street, particularly in the west, so this seems not unlikely. What that would mean for the movement and for Canada in general is hard to say. An even bigger questions, however, is whether or not Republicans can maintain their unity. While many Republicans simply want an independent, western centred Canada, there are sizable factions advocating for a more socialist Canada, while others push for more conservative policies and an American style Presidential system. For now, they are all unified in their calls for full Canadian independence. For how long, no one knows.

Printed in a small Vancouver based newspaper in 1925.

I'd love feedback. If this fits well and people like, I'll post more.
The Canadian Independence Movement is getting a huge boost this turn thanks to a couple rogue Japanese cruisers.
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