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SLNES I: Masters of Ethereal

OOC: I'll just designate this as my culture post. Expect may more fragments of books!

Spoiler Excerpts From Taranne's "History of the Horned People" :
All Sul is divided into many parts. Each valley is its own sovereign state complete with unique culture, language, and laws. All save the Sul Mino--

[Lost text describing the history of the Sul Minotaur. Their first migration from the plains-lands to the foothills of Sul and finally into the Sul Mountains themselves.]

Like their cousins across Ethereal the Sul Minotaur are imposing masses of muscle and fur, though their coats are thicker so they may better face the harsh mountain chill. Sul Minotaur, like all minotaur, take great pride in their horns. While the horns of a minotaur often grows out the sides of its head, the horns of the Sul Minotaur grow out in front of them. It is for this reason that a their first weapon is their horn. From a very young age they learn to charge perilously at an opponent. Often times Sul calves die or are maimed during childish games.

[Lost text describing more games played by Sul Minotaur calves and how these games come to benefit them as adults and warriors]

Life & Death: The Sul Minotaur's Eternal Struggle
However, to call the Sul Minotaur culture savage would be a great disservice to the Sul culture. Cruel would be a better word, though the Sul would call it Honorable. Death and dying are things to be embraced, according to the Sul. Regardless of what tribe the minotaur belong to they all agree that the only way to die is with a weapon in hand. On their deathbeds a minotaur always has its ax at hand, and upon the hour of death the dying minotaur will be stabbed in their heart by his next-of-kin (I myself saw one son carve out the heart of his father and submerge it in some primitive embalming fluid).

We High Men may find such ritualistic murder utterly appalling. It is true our dead are blessed, buried, and bemoaned by those they left behind, but the Sul do not shed tears over their lost kin. The death of a Sul is a time of great celebration. I myself have witness the corpse-feast of a formidable war-chieftainess. One would not think that the village was in mourning, for merriment overflowed as much as the pungent fermented-milk they served (it sounds disgusting, and it is, but it is quite potent). Children played at mock-battle, adults acted out stories of wars long lost (few Minotaur ever actually win their wars), and the deceased herself was propped up at the head of a large banquet table. The garish display was further made alien by the unsettling metal mask tied to her face--her 'Image'.

The 'Image' of a Sul Minotaur as depicted in a native fresco.
Note the upright horns--though the Sul predominately have horns that jut out in front of them, there is a certain physical attraction placed on Sul whose horns point upwards.

Image is the most central aspect of the Sul Minotaur culture. All strive to achieve what the dead war-chieftainess had: sufficient honor in battle accompanied by an honorable death in said battle. Few Sul actually are alive when their Image is earned, and those few who were are perhaps the most terrifyingly insane individuals in Ethereal. Most Sul settle for bearing the Image of others. It is a crucial step on their path to fatal glory to associate oneself with a mighty warrior of the past. Often times it is an ancestor--a great grandfather or mother (for the Sul women fight as fiercely as the men). Though do not mistake this for simple ancestor worship, an 'Image Bearer' may also claim the image of a warrior from a different tribe, even hostile ones. The choice on whose Image an Image Bearer bears is a matter of convenience. Ancestors are often chosen only because the metal death mask, the Image, is readily available. To acquire the Image of any other warrior would require a most perilous undertaking.

I myself was privy to such a q--
[Lost text describing such a journey. From notes gathered the Sul Warrior, whose name is unknown, traveled throughout all of the Sul region in search of the 'Image' belonging to Odynoros Might-Maker, one of the greater cultural heroes of the Sul. There is much debate as to whether or not Taranne had actually journeyed with this Sul Image Bearer. For those interested in the validity of Taranne's account see Harax's On Taranne: The Liar and Historian]
During my recent travels, I have noticed the presence of many shooting stars. It is a sight to behold, and I have never seen such a thing before. Shooting stars are mythical in this land. To think that now they occur on a nightly basis is but a dream to my mind. I am sure that distant peoples across Ethereal are observing the sky with great interest these days. It is probably causing religious fanaticism, war, good fortune, or even disaster. Those fragments of the sky, providing extra light in the night. Some nights it is like a flurry. I will be on my horse en route to the next Citadel, and the sky will suddenly begin to glimmer with the force of many lights.

On these nights, I feel genuinely afraid. I will be taking my horse quickly across the Maldia or perhaps up a winding path in the Sul. As the meteors streak across the open night sky, I feel as if many creatures are watching my every move. Even the mice and the owls seem to be staring. This is something I cannot shake on those nights. Despite my immense fear, it is often those nights which are the safest to travel. On those nights, I am never approached by strange folk nor do I feel threatened by bandits or criminals. My wand is completely without use on those meteor-filled nights. A situation free of danger should promote hope and peace in the soul. Yet all I can feel is an eerie gaze of watchful worlds.

I also hear things. I hear footsteps when no one is there. I can see water moving as if someone is swimming alongside in my river bath. Branches in the canopy move as if something is climbing the tree. And any spell I can conjure will not reveal these invisible foes. Who are they? What is their purpose? When I am traveling in the steppes, there are times I can see their silhouette, if enough dust is kicked up from the wind. It is nothing I have ever seen before, though I cannot make out every piece of the anatomy.

When I see those streaking rocks of fire in the sky, I know something will be watching me. It is my only hope that all my nights can be back to normal soon enough.

- Magalas, the Sage-Historian of Aniok
Lucius, for once, was at a loss, if only temporarily. The event similiar to this, he had forseen and prepared for. Yet he could not understand the reason why this particular world was not affected by the Great Awakening.

From somewhere deep inside the buried reaches in his mind, he could feel his old hunger for knowledge resurfacing, soon becaming a chorus of voices, demanding that Lucius uncover the mystery at once.

But something irritated Lucius immensely. There was something in the way that blocked his path.

This message, for example.

We know that you keep one of our citizens locked up in your Citadel. We demand the release of this citizen. We demand it. Your kidnapping of one of our own is a crime against us all.

If anything that he understood about diplomacy was real, and the same rules applied in this universe, it was about saving the face of the other party. So instead of doing that, he decided to write this letter:

Sent via paper airplane said:
Why my good sir! You must truly not understand anything about diplomacy, for with your lack of ability to communicate instantly with me and being forced to send smelly human messengers on horseback who probably won't be back to your city by the time that this paper airplane reaches you, you have completely forgotten about adding in creative threats that would make your short messages much more effective! Where are the deadly orbital lasers, atomic weapons, giant death robots, and chocolates (I bet you don't even know what that last one is!) that you dictators love to set loose on others? Why, there are a billion different things that you could have done to make your message more effective than just lay a silver seed on the ground. I mean, what is it going to do? Make my yard overgrow? Why, you could have said that, in case I do not return your civilian back to you, it would turn into a giant Seed Golem and kill me!

Just write out the threat in proper form on the back of this paper and fling it towards my direction out the window.

Cackling madly, Lucius folded the letter into a tiny little paper airplane and sent it outside his window of the citadel. His cackle, which was filled with pure maliciousness of a child, stopped immediately as he heard knocking on the doors.

"To open the door," Lucius said. "You first have to knock on the wall directly to the west of the position that you are standing in right now. And then you have to redirect the beam of light from the prism so that it shines directly on the receptacle on the upper right corner of the corridor. And then you have to journey two flights of stairs down to retreive the Golden Key, which will open up a cabinet of wood that can be found two flights up from here. From there, you must retrieve a stone tablet that reads "Put me inside the rectangular slot on the door." And then you have to..."

The door opened, revealing the potion master. There was no stone tablet on the rectangular slot of the door.

"...Turn the doorknob," Lucius finished. "Or you could just skip all the steps and turn the doorknob. Hi."

"Did you wish to see me?" the potion master said. "I heard that you had matter most urgen-"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes," Lucius said. "A man from your city planted a silver seed outside my citadel. Could you please tell me if you have any idea what that may be?" Lucius rose up from his seat, walked over to a closet, and entered it.

"I will be seeing you later. I need some time to reorganize my thoughts," Lucius said from within the closet. The potion master stood staring at the closet for a couple of seconds before walking over to the closet and opening it. There was nothing in there except for a dozen or so identical white suit and shirts.
A 'Voice of the Will' responds,

immaculate said:
Greetings to the brave knights who man the walls of Senda
From the machinists and miners of the people of Thuggee,

You have need of our iron-wares, our armor and swords for they are the most finely crafted the world has yet seen. Open your harbors to our barges that we might trade with you and bring you the trade goods your army requires.

We hardly see the benefit of trading with a horde of Goblin bandits who wish to ransack the Raimore and enslave innocent Dwarven villages. We will not contribute to Thuggee's war machine.

You speak of dwarves who in response to soldiers sent to protect them from the jaws of ravaging wyverns of the Drakefang keep, turn upon them and feed them to the same drooling maws. These innocents? Open your eyes and see the truth before you. You think yourselves noble and chivalrous, men of high standing upon your white chargers but we see a dying race who's pride is its own downfall.

Know that the strength of the Thuggee will not stand by the men of Senda but by your enemies the Ng'graa Akh'rrr, for they have shown themselves wiser and more humble than yourselves.

You have made your choices, and now you will live with them... when the pack comes for you... we will not hear your cries.
picture i liked of the gnolls:

OOC: Awesome pics and awesome diplo. Senda is a bit masochistic.


You mistake our traditions as pride, as you construct pointless machines of madness in your caves. So be it. We will tame the dogs of the Norclove as we tame horses and cows. The war machine of the Raimore does not frighten us.

A lone messenger approaches the formidable fortress Red Tear. Her thoughts troubled, her mood uneasy. Whatever she has been tasked with is a strange task indeed. Regardless of her own sentiments she cries out to the watchorcs of the fortress, her booming voice not at all uncommon to her kind. In her hand, should her shouts go unheard, a sealed message from the Soter herself. The message, both shouted and written go...

Missive Sent to Captain Gilgahar and Shouted In Front of the Fortress Redtear said:
Honor is a precarious thing. Not easy to attain, not easy to hold, we who claim ourselves truly honorable people put ourselves in the position for that claim to be tried. I have fought off many competitors since my arrive to this land.

Not but a few sennights ago I was challenged by a Chieftain of my people for honor--and honor I won that day. His family I slaughtered, but his people I spared. I would not wish unnecessary death and destruction upon those who follow honorable warriors such as the late Chieftain. To destroy an entire peoples in needless war would be to deny them, their offspring to attain honor. Yes, war itself is an honorable pursuit, Captain, but is war waged without wisdom anything less than folly? I will not deny you war if you so wish that your peoples fight for the glimmer of honor that may be gained through fighting me--but is it honorable for your people to look back on you and say 'This was the Captain, this was the leader'?

My Captain, I wish you no ill wishes, but I will carry hellfire and more should you wish it. I will bring down the might of the Five Tribes of the Sul Minotaur. I will call upon their very ancestors to scale your mighty walls and pierce the mighty breasts of you and your soldiers. But what use is that? Victory due to overwhelming numbers is no true victory at all. I believe victory is a thing to be won on equal terms. That way the true Worth of an individual determines their Honor.

I propose an honorable combat. A champion of my land against your very self, my Captain. Should you lose I would not wish you to die--my subjects tell me you are a most intelligent orckind, a most capable warrior, and a most honorable leader. If I were to have my way I would have one such as yourself at my side, but my way must first be brought into existence by this honorable combat.

Should my champion lose then their death would be but the first of many on both our sides.

~These are the very words of Merogia Soter, Uniter of the Five Tribes, Uniter of All Sul

A messenger from Fort Redtear returns a message to Pragaom. What news from the Orcs?

Letter from Captain Gilgahar of Redtear said:
Wizard Merogia,

Your message to my realm is not a surprise. My warriors had been telling me stories of your honor. Rumors move quickly through the Sul, as you probably know. I have been told of your strength, ferociousness, and mercy. These tales reach me with great interest, for I fear the world currently lives in a time of great cowardice. It has been many years since the Redtear swords have drawn blood from a formidable foe. For too long have we relied on attacking small settlements and going to war with stray Goblins. Our archives tell of massive battles throughout Sul. Great fires that spread throughout the Central Forests. An Orcish empire that once stretched from the Goldtier all the way to our current doors. This was a time of honor. The battles fought in that era were worthy.

Now, with this news from you, my dear Wizard, I believe that for the first time in many years I was able to smile. A challenge from a fellow warrior, and one who my warriors seem to respect. This is not something that has occurred in a long, long time. The challengers we have had in the last several months were hungry bandits, or worse, cheating mountain dogs. My sword-swingers do not enjoy wasting their blades on foes not worthy to be cut down by them.

You call yourself the uniter of Sul. This is quite a boast. The Sul has not seen unity for generations. Yet the way you conduct yourself gives me a feeling that you mean what you say. Perhaps the stories I have heard of your realm are true.

I am but an old Orc. I have walked the Southland for many years. I have seen glory as a young Orc, but no longer have I been able to experience it. As such an old creature, I wish to die with dignity. I wish to die a warrior's death. Should your chosen warrior be able to provide this to me, I would be most grateful. However, should your warrior be a waste of my strength and will, and fall easily to my blade - you will incur the wrath of my warriors. We will not rest until you are exiled from Sul. These mountains are no place to harbor the cowardly.

This is the gamble you make, Merogia Soter.

- Captain Gilgahar of Fort Redtear

A lone messenger returns to Fortress Redtear. She is less worried than her last visit. She cried the following

Missive Sent to Captain Gilgahar and Shouted In Front of the Fortress Redtear said:
In two seasons time, my Captain. A champion shall appear and your blades shall meet.

~These are the very words of Merogia Soter, Uniter of the Five Tribes, Uniter of All Sul
"John! I'm sorry, m'Lord, your Excellency, but WAKE UP! You haven't done anything since Meijiis popped up!"

John rolled in his bed and pushed his face into a pillow and covered his ears. The adviser, bless his heart, kept trying and shook him. "Do something!"

John rolled over, opened his eyes, and sighed, "Fine. Move two regiments of Horde Warriors to out southeastern border closest to the town our guys found. Send a messenger to the town and politely inform them that their town belongs to us now. If the town tries to claim the castle as protection, well, let them know I don't take survivors."

"Yes, Your Excellency! Anything else?"

"Meh, I'll think of something. If the town doesn't respond favorably, looks like it's a time for mass murder."
When the wizard now known as Ng'graa Akh'rrr had his citadel erected he went forth to live with the local gnolls for a while. He tried to blend in, to study, observe and to understand the society he was going to seize control over. This is a summery of the notes he took. So this is a small look into their culture before he started to change it.

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The language of the norclove gnolls is mainly based on a human language, but some words are probably borrowed from the goblins and dwarves of the Raimore Range.
The pronunciation and articulation on the other hand is very distinctive. The /r/ sound is always produced as a rolling uvular [R], and they often include guttural sounds at positions where they would not be required in other tongues.


Spoiler :
Only in names it seems, that the norclove gnolls kept their own words. A name always consists of two names, each consisting of two morphemes.
The first morpheme represents more or less the personal name like in other languages. The suffix of that name describes the persons position within his pack:
X'graa marks the alpha-male.
Xoowoo marks the alpha-female (note that it is the same suffix which is used for home place, an etymological explanation is, due to the semantic relation quite likely).
X'rhak marks the beta-male.
Xoolhow marks the beta-female.
X'arrhh marks the gamma-males.
Xoow marks the gamma-females.
X'grorrhh marks the delta-males.
Xooholo marks the delta-females.
X'ung marks the omega-males.
Xung marks the omega females.

The first morpheme of the second word represents the pack the gnoll belongs to, while the second morpheme actually just means pack.

Khar'arrhh Han'rrr : Khar gamma male of the Han pack.
Thaoowoo Ke'rrr: Tha alpha-female of the Ke pack.

Cubs do not have personal names before being accepted into adulthood. Nor are they part of the pecking order. That why they are just called by their pack and the suffix Xehll. Like Hanehll, which means cub of the Han pack.

The Suffixes above are also used for titles. In which case they are fixed to the pack or whatever else. Han'graa for example means leader of the Han. But it is also possible to produce something like Sword'graa which would be a master swordsman. Or War'ung, which would be a an omega-male of war, and thereby probably a looser or coward.


Spoiler :
At the moment the gnolls of the norclove steppes just very little religion influencing their life. There is no organized church, especially nothing centralized.
All there is some shamanic culture devoted to the spirits of the nature and the ancestors. In most packs the alpha female is filling the position of an spiritual leader. But beside some rites for fertility and hunting success there is little they do.
Some of them have actually magical abilities and are using that to summon minor spirits to communicate with.

Social structure (inter pack)

Spoiler :
The norclove gnolls are handling most of their business within their pack. Just in rare occasions the inter-pack structure is of importance. None the less this structure is actually quite organized and a big scale copy of the pack order. There is one alpha-pack (at the moment the Han), which is the highest in prestige and command. That one is followed by the beta-pack, the gamma and delta packs and on the bottom the omega packs.
The omega packs are nearly outcasts. They had lost their honor to one or another reason and are free to be picked on. While they still are seen as a part of the greater community they lost most or their rights.
Of course those position can and do shift, and especially in the middle ranks they do quite frequently. Entering the top two seems quite difficult and leaving the bottom one as well.

(Note to self:
a: start your own pack
b: build it up
c: kick down the Han pack from alpha to omega
d: establish your pack at alpha position)

Social structure (within packs)

Spoiler :
The pecking order is the same as I wrote down under Names. The alpha male is the leader of the pack, he is followed my the first female and so forth. Should be clear. The only thing worth noting is that again, where are omega positions which can be filled by those which fell into disgrace.
There are no longterm monogamous relationships and in general one can say that the higher once pack rank is the more partners he can choose from.
Cubs are raised in a joint effort by the delta members of a pack. While “higher education” and training is done by the gamma members and in rare occasions even betas or alphas.


Spoiler :
The gnollen cuisine hold more deliciouses than one could think. Of course they can devourer raw meat and they do. But mostly they eat meat which is marinaded in a rich paste of spices for days and then grilled on a really hot fire for a few minutes. The result is a outstanding steak with a sublime crust and a tender heart.
But you should not go visit the norclove if you are an vegetarian, since they no not serve anything else but variations of spices and meat. They have buffalo, rhino, gazelle, zebra, olifant, hare, chicken, ostrich, cow, snake, turtle and what else one might find in the steppes.
For the spices they are rich. But I need to have a longer examination until I can write down an list which can represent half of them.
But this is mainly what they might offer to foreign traders, spices and dried meat from all sorts of animals.


Spoiler :
Due to the lack of plantations, the gnolls of norclove do not produce or consume any alcohol. Instead they are drinking highly diluted snake poison to get high. The effect is depending on the snake which is used. The most common is the norclove spotted rattlesnake which produces and effect comparable with alcohol, while it is more likely that the consumer gets aggressive. Other snake poison often result in more hallucinogenic drinks.
Those drinks, in general called “Whroth”, are normally seasoned with bitter and or hot spices and stored in clay bottles to get the right taste.
Consumers which are not used to such sort of drinks should be very careful, because hitting the right dose is not that easy. That is probably why selling whroth is forbidden in most of the neighboring realms. On the other hand one could make a fortune selling it on the black market.


Spoiler :
Due to their fur the gnolls of the norclove steppes wear much less clothes if compared to other sentient being of the same area. Lower members of the lower packs might also be seen without any clothes, but in general the gnolls are covering at least their intimacies.
Leather is the material of choice in any case. On the one hand it is easily available for a people which largely relies on hunting and cattle farming. On the other hand it is enduring and traditional. Members of the fighter pack usually wear leather armors made out of thick buffalo leather, sometimes even with parts made out of olifant leather.
Metal is just used very little, mainly to bind different pieces of leather but also as jewelry. Higher ranking gnolls often wear a lot of piercings, mainly on their ears and breasts.
While the clothes and rings are of little interest for foreigners the norclovian leather is famous for being both enduring and smooth. Especially olifant leather is something which people from different areas normally can not produce themselves.

Domesticated Animals

Spoiler :
While a huge part of the gnollen food supply comes from hunting wild animals they do have domesticated animals which they farm. Most note worthy would be the norclovian humped cattle which wanders the steppes in huge herds accompanied by delta-packs of gnolls. Delta packs also sometimes farm huge versions of the guinea-fowl.
But the most important domesticated animal is the huge wolf of the plains which they use for riding. Every member of the top tier packs has his own wolf with which he is traveling the plains. They are used not just for transportation but also for hunting and battle. Interesting is, that if you see a gnoll traveling with his wolf he might not be riding all the time. Especially on long journey it happens that the rider is jumping of his mount while moving and then is running at the mounts side for a while. Which is no big wonder since a gnoll can run nearly at wolf speed for a short while. Like that both can share the labor and in battle they can fight individually and reunite again.
As it seems the gnolls also started to domesticate some of the gigantic olifants. It a rare sight but an impressive one. Higher than a hill they can carry more then ten caravans.

(Note to self: consider the possibilities of trained olifants in war)


Spoiler :
The music of the norclovian gnolls uses nothing but drums. But those in every size from small once hauled by hare leather to house high once hauled with olifant leather. The rhythms they play while gathering around their fires are fast and vile. Some people (like elves) might not even accept it as music.
Finely crafted drums are something some of the gamma packs specialize in. Especially those with a body carved out of ivory are famous beyond the steppe.


Spoiler :
There are two mayor craft of art in the norclove steppe. The first, and lesser is the art of painting stories onto leather. They use different sorts of earth for the different tones and rather simple figures to represent happening which they deem worthy to be preserved in memory. This seems, beside oral tradition, the only history they keep.
Their artistic value is rather low, and an outsider would rather be interested in buying a variety of earth tones than the actual paintings.
The second art is much more refined. Mostly done by gamma packs again this is the art of carving fine sculptures out if ivory. Some also produce nicely done piercings from this material. Their price is high and they should have some value on foreign markets.


Spoiler :
The gnolls live in quite simple houses. The range is from round mud huts to small hand digged caves underneath the planes. Those caves are sometimes connected underground with each other and can thereby grow to a system which is inhabitant by more than fifty people.
"Oh, yes, yes, yes," Lucius said. "A man from your city planted a silver seed outside my citadel. Could you please tell me if you have any idea what that may be?" Lucius rose up from his seat, walked over to a closet, and entered it.

"I will be seeing you later. I need some time to reorganize my thoughts," Lucius said from within the closet. The potion master stood staring at the closet for a couple of seconds before walking over to the closet and opening it. There was nothing in there except for a dozen or so identical white suit and shirts.

The potion master gave a report to Envoy Lucius:

I have carefully studied the small silver seed that was left outside of your Citadel. It is like nothing I have ever seen before. It is made from a very strange material and seems to have an infinite mass. It is truly remarkable. I have investigated the incident fully, and have discovered that the knights sent from Tysis never returned to my home city. They simply vanished while riding back, somewhere between Inavi and the Goldtier. There are no witnesses, but my colleagues in Tysis have been paying close attention the movements of the military there, and never reported the knights coming through the city gates. Something strange is afoot.
Sanomos looked silently at the town. Wooden walkbriges interlaced the canopy and small treehouses lines the branches. The humans walked like elves, lighty and gently. Their children play at a higher level lined with nets.

He turned to the envoy at the undergrowth and asked, "May I be brought up to your wonderful town?"

The human, tall over him, smiled, "You are welcome to Solace, where we found peace from the outside world. Generations passed here like a blink of an eye, and we live content under the leaves with the nearby elves."

He led the small halfling, commander of a group of Hurlers, to a clearing where transports hung several feet off the floor (to prevent serpent attacks). Soon, they found themselves in a large basket held on three sides and the center with vines. Slowly, the envoy pulled the small basket up to the levels. Sanomos looked in wonder as the town life flowed by. There were small groups of hunters teaching others to treat deer or comparing their catch. There are clusters of aged ones enjoying a small basket of spice. And elsewhere, an open flame burned above a bare branch, floating in a large, waterfilled flower.

"We seek peace, but peace escaped from us." spoke the envoy again. "When we find of the outside world, we will seek security of power instead of peace itself."

Sanomos looked at the tall man and noted that his face showed some signs of sadness and worry, "Your town will be preserved here" spoke the halfling, "I promise that. However you live your lives, only changes you accept will be allowed."

The man looked down at the small halfling, and smiled. "That is why we trust you so."
The Trade Goods of the Elves
By Altheran Aurellion

Spoiler :
We elves are not renowned as traders and merchants in the same manner as the dwarves or halflings or the jack of all trades men. This is a shame for my fellow merchants and I have much to share with the wider world. The wonders of the forests from the divine fruits of the Aurelia’Oramor to the supple leathers of forest deer and the finest wrought chainmail that can be found in any lands save the dwarves. I have decided to produce a catalogue of the goods of the elves as they will stand by the end of the summer of the first year of the Arrival of the Wizards to Ethereal.


Everyone loves a good, hearty meal and the forest has a veritable bounty to offer to those who have the skills and wisdom to keep and preserve it from year to year.

The Fruits of the Aurelia’Oramor

The fruits of the Aurelia’Oramor are not truly a foodstuff, for one could not consume them as a staple, but I have decided to include them here. How to describe these most wondrous and magical of fruits? Their most renowned property, amongst the elves, is their powers of healing. When properly prepared as an infusion using the freshest spring water, it can sustain and heal a body through grave ills and hurts, even, it is said, those of a magical nature. It cannot heal maladies of the mind nor can it maladies of the spirit and it is crucial that water is used in its preparation for alcohol spoils the delicate fruit and negates its power. The fruit can also be consumed leading to a variety of effects from a mere sense of euphoria and well-being to powerful visions of the past, present and future with the truth of magical scrying but power far beyond any such spell that has yet been devised. These fruits are a mystery and great treasure and out of the yearly crop of a few dozen up to a hundred or so such fruits as few as a dozen may be set aside for use as gifts or for merchants, such as myself, to sell.


Onwards to somewhat less magical bounties, the hunters and butchers of Lan’Elatair produce the finest venison in all the world. It is hunted with great skill and the deer are slain swiftly, with no anticipation of their fate that might spoil the meat, with either a single arrow to the neck or a word of magic. It is then borne swiftly to the butchers who take the carcasses and prepare the most fantastic meats. Steaks, roasts, sausages of endless variety and strips of smoked and salted venison, often flavoured with herbs or honey, are the most common products.


The forest does not just offer the magical Aurelia’Oramor for consumption, a host of other fruits can be found throughout the forest. To list all of the fruits available would take up an entire book but I will list some of the choicest fruits. The finest groves of the Elves are typically found around the shores of Luerelanor, with a few notable exceptions. The apple groves of Tallianin are particularly notable for, if the fruit of the Aurelia’Oramor is divine, then these fruits are regal and second only to them. Such sweet, succulent apples rich with flavour, even Elatair, our leader who has wandered in many places, cannot think of a place from which better apples can be had in the whole of the Nether Sphere. Pears are also a delight that can be found on the shores of Luerelanor as are the thickets of blackberries, raspberries, dewberries and strawberries, to name but a few. Further afield one can always find nuts, seeds, roots, berries and other such things which are edible.

Breads and other baked goods

I promise this shall be my last entry regarding the foods one can find in Lan’Elatair but I could not in good conscience write a section on food and not include chestnut bread. Chestnut bread, as far as I am aware, is unique to the elves of Lan’Elatair. It arose because bread is the staple food of all civilised nations and, as the elves lack wheat from which to make flour, we use chestnuts. Other nuts are used as well such as acorns and almonds, but chestnuts are the principal nut used. Normally chestnut bread is a leavened bread and it obviously has a rich, nutty flavour.


The dwarves are the most famous brewers of all the races but the elves produce a variety of fruit wines, fortified fruit wines, liqueurs, meads, perries and ciders. The art of cider-brewing was discovered independently by the elves of Lan’Elatair, probably before the halflings were even civilised. The elves make their fruit wines out of just about anything that can be fermented, from blackberries to dandelions, though a shortage of grapes prevents our vintners from making conventional grape wines. These wines are the most famous product of the elven breweries. Sadly I cannot spend any longer extolling the virtues of elven brews as there are many more things to get through before this list is done.

Spices and herbs

Spices and herbs are of vital importance to properly flavour a meal. We much prefer milder spices and herbs ourselves but we understand that more masochistic people prefer to burn their taste buds from their mouths with spice and can cater accordingly. The range of spices and herbs we can provide is too large to fit into this small notice but we would encourage all more discerning buyers to consider visiting our markets to see what we have on offer. Of course herbs and spices have medicinal and other uses as well and herbs and spices suitable for these applications can also easily be found.


I have decided to list the crafted items of my people next, then I intend to list some of the raw materials and then I should be done so bear with me. The elves produce a huge range of crafted objects from jewellery to armour and of course the fabled bows of the elves.


I thought I would list our most famous product first, our bows. We fashion many different bows to suit different archers and our bowyers would be more than happy to take special orders, for a price. We make two main styles of bow: the famous longbow and the less famous recurve bow. Longbows are the war bows of the elven people, fashioned from a single piece of yew or ash, though yew is the preferred material. These bows are fashioned with great skill and care and the entire process may take as long as eight years for a truly magnificent bow, but, when finished, no other bow of any people can match it for range, power, accuracy or durability. These bows are incredibly expensive but they are priceless in the hands of a proper longbowman. The recurve bows of the elves are no less deadly than the traditional longbows, for they can be used in even the densest forests and scrubland, due to their smaller size. These bows could also be used quite effectively from horseback, though, as we elves have no cavalry, I cannot say this for certain. These bows, though they are composite bows, can be fashioned at greater speed and less cost than a longbow, whilst still retaining good power and accuracy over shorter ranges, and thus would make an excellent weapon for the archers of other peoples. They also somewhat easier to draw than a traditional longbow, which might make these recurve bows easier for other races to use. I understand that, in order for other races to wield their longbows effectively, their archers must train until they become grotesquely muscular and deformed by the stresses drawing such powerful bows places upon the bodies of younger races.


The elven lands lack any notable veins of ore and we elves lack the inclination to rip apart the forests looking for them. So, you may rightly ask, how can the elves forge swords when they have no iron? Our reply is simple: not all iron is found beneath the ground. Elven swordsmiths long ago found star-iron in clearings in the forest and since then our swords have been forged from this iron. There is only a limited supply of this iron, so only a few hundred new blades may be forged each year, and every blade forged is carefully preserved and handed done from father to son. Why would one want to pay the high price required to secure one of these swords then? Once again it comes down to quality. A finely forged elven blade can often defeat a blade of similar quality due to both the quality of the star-iron and the long process and techniques employed in forging an elven sword. These techniques and processes are far beyond me, a humble merchant, to describe but the results of such loving labour are second to only the finest works of man or, of course, dwarven steel.


This is the last work of war I will describe but I feel I must describe elven chainmail; else the armourers would never forgive me. Worked from the same star-iron as an elven blade, elven chainmail is a wondrous thing. It can turn aside most any form of hacking weapon, whether it is a refined sword edge or a brutal pole-axe and can even defeat a good thrust from a spear most of the time. Elven mail comes down typically to the waist or, perhaps, mid thigh at the longest to allow freedom of movement. Again the price is high and large quantities cannot be supplied, but the quality of this mail is exceptional.


Our tanners and tailors can make anything with leather, from tough deerskin cuir bouilli breastplates to supple buckskin gloves. Clothes can be dyed, patterned and tailored to suit all tastes and sizes. Not only do we produce the finest leathers, but we also produce fine linen from various fibres in the forests and, from the linen, velvet. The velvet may not be of as finer quality as velvet made from silk plain but we have access to some of the best dyes in the whole of Ethereal and our velvet will be cheaper by a mile. All of these fabrics can be fashioned into any item you want, a cloak, gloves, scarf, tunic; you name it and an elven tailor will be able to make it.

Raw Materials

The elves do not exploit nature’s bounty but we often have surplus materials, which are more than we can use. These materials are given to merchants so that other peoples might use them and they do not go to waste.


Elven timber, can any other timber match it? Unlike other races who brutally hack at the forest until it finally surrenders some wood, the elves speak to the forest. We ask the forest and the forest provides. Thus we can find the finest timbers in the remotest corners of the forest and harvest them easily. Elves have been harvesting timber for hundreds of thousands of years and the experience and knowledge of elven woodsmen is beyond anything that the younger races might hope to obtain, within the next few thousand years. The elves have also perfected the art of properly drying and seasoning wood. Our timberyards are the largest in the world and from our stores we can produce timber of any age and type required. As always our prices may be higher than some but the quality of the wood received speaks for itself.


Dyes are the final thing I will mention here, as I have covered most of the major products, though there are countless local crafts and traditions to explore across our forest. Just as the elves are good with timbers, we are good with dyes. We know of pigments that other races do not and can produce any colour one can imagine through the use of overdyeing. This allows us to make fine linens, velvets and leathers in any colour a person could wish for, though we are also willing to sell our dyes directly to other peoples if they wish. Unfortunately we will not supply the plants to make up the dyes, as the plants used are closely-guarded secrets, for we assume people would only request dyes they are unable to make themselves.


Fish: Fish, and preservation of fish, is big business in the Silvercrest coast. Mostly, fishing involves going out to sea in small boats, and capturing huge swarms of small fish with nets. Salt, which is then gathered by drying sea water, is used to preserve the fish.

Also there are some divers in the Silvercrest coast that harvest clams and seaweed from the bottom of the ocean. Baked seaweed is, in fact, a delicacy around these parts. Large crabs 7 feet wide in size poses a serious danger to these divers, although they do taste good with butter (or so Lucius says).

Farm produce: Vegetables such as pumpkins, potatoes, grapes, or corn, and also spices such as ginger and garlic is grown in the Silvercrest coast.

Baked Goods: Wheat is also grown in the Silvercrest coast, which leads to flour which leads to bread. Also, Envoy Lucius himself has been spotted experimenting with something that he only calls "muffins."

Livestock: Cows, pigs, chickens, horses, goats, and even sheeps are all raised in the Silvercrest coast. Envoy Lucius also seems to be experimenting with aquaculture by creating a large tank of glass in which water is stored, and setting loose rather colorful fish within said large tank of glass. What purpose that these colorful fish hold is completely unknown, although some are certain that it must hold some significant meaning in the great scheme of things.

Beverage: Beer is made from the wheat grown in this area. Also found in these parts of the world is the famous alcoholic beverage made out of brewing algae found only in these area. Wine is also made by brewing grape.


Strange artworks are made by many of those that listen to Lucius's sermons during rare times in which he can be slightly understood , assuming that they are still normal people. The strange artworks are rather difficult to describe, although they do certainly resemble the stone statues of strange beings in Lucius's Masters' Temples within the city of Westfield.

The creator of these artefacts behave rather strangely as well, as compared to other, more normal denizens of the universe.


As Lucius said: I am trying to speak as incoherently as possible as not to be understood, for if I am understood, then my religion will become decipherable and questionable like all else, and I would rather not have that.

As such, the dogma of the religion is a mystery to most outsiders that visit the city (and probably a mystery to the fanatics too, although they certainly wouldn't realize that).

Envoy Lucius never have claimed to be the Head of the Church, but merely one of the more important members within it.
To the Gnolls who serve Ng'graa Akh'rrr
From the Voice of the Thuggee,

Will you open trade with us? We offer metal-wares in exchange for your leathers and meats.
A part of well armed Dwarves leading a long caravan of wagons march to the gates of Jolang and address the city:

To: Jolang
We Serve Lord Arthurdin, Bringer of Peace and Prosperity. Under his rule, all are equal, all are rich, and all may enjoy the fruits of honest work and Labor. The Citizens of Jolang may also Enjoy these riches, Samples of which we have brought for the city to enjoy.

At this, many large casks of Wines, Beers, and Meads are brought out and served to the assembled crowd of barbarians. Meanwhile, Foods and various pieces of worked metal and jewels are distributed, with the finest pieces given to those with more power.

These are but the beginning of many advantages the City of Jolang may Enjoy under the rule of Lord Arthurdin. Lord Arthurdin is not blind, however, to the fact that you are a Proud and Noble people, not to bought off by fine food and pretty baubles, and so presents to you a list of reasons why joining the Imperium of Peace and the Kingdom of Arthurdin is advantageous to your city.

  1. All citizens of the Kingdom are free to live life as happily as possible, in so far as thier reasons for happiness breaks no other laws (Murder and theft)
  2. All Citiznes of the Imperium are free to Worship what and who they wish, and live free from the fear of Religious persecution
  3. All Cities and Settlements within the Imperium of Peace are prosperous, providing and receiveing goods for and from the ENTIRE empire in a much more efficient manner
  4. The City of Jolang, with it's position on the cost, Will hold a Unique place in the Imperium as it will be the sole place to produce Aquatic Resources for the Empire, and so will bring in a Tidy profit
  5. What ever Government the city of Jolang has in place will stay in place, Ruling over the day to day lives of it's citizens
  6. Those Citizens of Jolang who wish to see the rest of the world will be given the opportunity by joining the Army of the Imperium.

As such, we hope you make the decision that will ultimately benefit Jolang and the Rest of the World.

The Alcohol and the food continue to flow as the citizens of Jolang talk amongst each other and with the dwarfish messengers, while the Rulers of the city converse amongst each other, coming to a decision...
The band of Dwarves bringing their gifts and great stories from the Goldtier arrive to Jolang and are confronted by Prince Harong Zahir. He appears nervous and invites you to a private meeting in his home. The Dwarves find it odd that there are no warriors within the city. It appears they have all left. Perhaps on a raid in the Maldia Plain...

As spoken by Prince Zahir said:
Greetings Dwarves from the eastern mountains. I... am... Prince Zahir of Jolang. I am currently the lord of this city, and protector of its people. Your gifts to our realm are much appreciated. I am meeting with you privately to inform you of a situation we are in. You see, my brother Prince Raheed has been mad with rage since our father was mauled by a renegade Centaur clan. The clan has since dispersed, but in his madness my brother has been launching massive attacks throughout the Maldia Plain, specifically targeting the settlements of the Centaurs. I fear for him, though as prince of Jolang I must begin to muster an army to fight his. No longer can Jolang afford to spend all of our money and food on this pointless long-distance raiding.

Look around our city. People are starving. Your gifts come at a good time for us, as does your presence here. Were you to come while my brother was present, you would all surely be dead. The people here who are not in his army are ready to fight for me. Yet we are ill-equipped. We need weapons, or perhaps even troops to assist us. Even with a small amount of troops, we can build defenses around the city. I have heard you serve a powerful Wizard. Perhaps he has some spell of great power that could allow us to defeat my brother?

I know it is dishonorable to betray my own blood. Yet it must be done. As for your list of reasons to join the 'Imperium of Peace' - I do not believe that is acceptable. From one ruler to another, I must tell you that my people do not like the idea of being part of another empire. However, we desperately need your help in this situation. I would promise you our integration in exchange for this help, but my people would never accept such a thing. I promise you an alliance between our peoples. Let my people gain trust in the Dwarves from Goldtier. Your axes are mighty and your ores are strong. Perhaps in time, our mindsets will grow together and we will see eye to eye on many issues.

The band of Dwarves can tell that this pensive, almost scholarly Barbarian is far different from the man his brother must be. He seems thoughtful and eager to help his people, and not eager to exact revenge. The Dwarves deliver this message back to Lord Arthurdin, who ponders what to do in his Citadel...

OOC: You can include this in next turn's orders, Thomas.
To: Gnolls of Flygan
Subject: Letter of Demands

You have shown disrespect to our Prophet. Our Prophet and his Clan union shall not forget this. Surrender yourself under His will, or face our wrath. Should you refuse, we will show no mercy, until every last one of you bows down to our Prophet. Should You surrender, we will show mercy and will let our Prophet to improve your life, just like he improved our lives, by teaching us how to wield our emotions just like we wield swords, spears, shields and crossbows.

*Message is sent several times by several abducted gnolls. Those "messengers" are badly beaten by goblins, but they are capable of walking.
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