I checked out your files and though I am on v44 (in fact I am on current SVN) I made it work with some tricks, more about this later. But in general I was able to produce new space maps easily which is great news, thank you!
Anyway there are 2 details I would ask you to change:
1. In my space maps there are 2 rows of polar ocean with ice between the earth part and the space part which are missing in the maps created with your world builder changes. These are important as a buffer so that cities that are built on the northern edge of the world can't have any space regions in their fat cross. Please keep those tiles in, you can consider them as belonging to the space part of the map.
2. You took my "SM - Snofru Standard10_V6" as reference for the large maps. This doesn't make a lot of sense as my "standard" maps have a quite unusual size of the "earth" part (124x56) and a very high space part. It is better to use the "large" space maps as a template as their "earth" part (108x72 tiles) fits perfectly with the large maps that are created with the "world" mapscript. They also have a somewhat condensed space area so they give a total height of 200 tiles, with the "standard" space maps as reference the maps become too big (208 tiles high).
While I don't want to force you to adapt your files to v44 I'd like to explain what I did to make things work anyway:
There are only a few changes that have been made to the space maps between 43 and 44:
- They have been renamed starting with "SM -" instead of "Space Map -"
- They are located in "PublicMaps" instead of "PrivateMaps"
- The 2nd line is "Version=C2C_2" instead of "Version=C2C_1"
- The names for 2 resources have been changed, BONUS_HELIUM3 to BONUS_HELIUM_3 and BONUS_QUANTONIUM_CRYSTAL to BONUS_QUANTONIUM_CRYSTALS.
So I overwrote my C2C copy (current SVN) with your files, then I renamed the "Space Map - Snofru Standard10_V6" to "SM - Snofru Standard10_V6" and copied it to "PrivateMaps". I then created a 124x56 map (you need to change C2C_World.py to be able to do so) and had the space map created from it in WorldBuilder with the help of your script. I changed the version# in this map to C2C_2, and could run it with the original C2C SVN version (with your files copied in it gives an error message and doesn't work).