Here is my map for you. Copy it into the PrivateMaps folder and have fun!
For the record: This is a duel sized space map with an "earth part" made with toffer90s "World" mapscript with the following settings:
I have manually removed a little bit of ice.
- duel size (60x40 which is larger than the typical duel size in the World mapscript)
- tropical
- medium sealevel
- 100% hills, 50% peaks
- continents
- +4 rivers
- 125% resources
thanks! above settings were niceOK, I produced a space map with the following settings:
- large size (108x72)
- temperate
- low sea level
- 100% hills, 100% peaks
- Continents
- +4 rivers
- 100% resources
It's an exe limitation, it wasn't design to really support maps that are taller than they are wide.For some reason the space cutoff is way lower than it should be while playing Large Map 6. Is there anything I could do to fix this?
A bit clunky, but not too hard, if you understand the method.can I ask for even more maps like from Snorfu: with cosmic space section, with different sizes and more randomness? the ones that are currently available I know almost too much and would like to try something new. Is there a possibility to be able to generate such maps myself, i.e. that the earth section is generated randomly, but the outer space is always the same? Im the most interested in large/normal size maps with 20 players and numerous independent islands (1-2 players per island).
Not really a lot of tediousness for Snofru maps specifically,'s a pity that it can't be automated somehow, there's a lot of tiresome, monotonous manual copy-paste procedures...
maybe some brainiac could write some script... I would be very grateful![]()
Well, it's a project very much still in the middle of making, so we now should rather focus on the CAVEMAN part, which itself is AMAZING.I completely agree with somebody613 about the observations regarding map comparisons and their editing, but I still can't get over that nobody has yet managed to write a algorithm for a map generator in which the terrestrial part is randomized and the space part is not. From the player's point of view, each edit of the files (because, for example, only the 6th map will turn out to be interesting for the player, so he has to make as many as six file changes, open, copy, paste, save, etc., several dozen minutes of clicking instead of real playing) may discourage exploring this brilliant mod, in which half of the name (caveman2COSMOS) concerns outer space, and we know that the playability of the space part is weak (only few players have experienced it fully).
Sorry, but this is wrong! My space maps also are arranged vertically meaning that the earth can be circumvented as usual and the space area is to the "north" of the planet. And yes, this means a tedious copying line by line of the randomly created world into the space map template.Not really a lot of tediousness for Snofru maps specifically, actually.
Unlike Pit's map, Snofru maps put Space to the right of the Earth portion, which means you simply need to cut one single long chunk of plots, which starts strictly AFTER the Earth part.
While this prevents the Earth part from being more "realistic" in the sense of circumventing the globe horizontally, it makes the whole "remove/replace the Space part" easy as 3.14, lol.
Pit, though, put his Space ABOVE the Earth portion, making the map itself better, but rendering any Space-(re)moving editing REALLY painfully tedious.
The plots in the map file are arranged in the pattern of (X=1,Y=1 / X=1,Y=2 / X=2,Y=1 / X=2,Y=2), meaning that you can easily cut off a chunk of (X=n...X=z), aka the RIGHT part of the map.
I was judging it on THIS map (below).Sorry, but this is wrong! My space maps also are arranged vertically meaning that the earth can be circumvented as usual and the space area is to the "north" of the planet. And yes, this means a tedious copying line by line of the randomly created world into the space map template.
Unfortunately I can't write a script for this, I am not a coder. I am sure it is possible for someone who has a little bit more than my less than basic knowledge.
Having automated the process a little bit (working with templates) it takes me about an hour to produce a space map (plus time for testing). I can create one for you, @AndrewPoland but unfortunately I have absolutely no time in the next 2 weeks, maybe it is better in the last days of the year.
If you provide me a map of your liking I can then include it in a space map. The map needs to have 108x72 tiles (that is "large" in the "World" mapscript) and be saved in worldbuilder (as a x.CivBeyondSwordWBSave file).